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"ISIL claims responsibility" for Orlando gay nightclub shooting that left 50 dead


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A few ideas yes & obviously this guy was already on the radar only the people that should have 'fixed' the problem failed to do it.

Time to toughen up a bit.

feel free to explain how they could have "fixed" this american citizen.

Arrested and deported together with his Taleban supporting father.

lol, international law not your strong point I see. deport an american born citizen!! lol

In the case of the law kicking a citizen out of their own country... it's called being "banished". Or being "exiled". It was popular in the past.

Maybe time to bring it back into popularity again.

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Why not, back to his home country where he can follow islam with his daddy & other Taleban buddies. He would have been much happier in a muslim country for sure, without any gay in sight..

Australia reviews visa of Islamic scholar who preached about death for homosexual acts
Farrokh Sekaleshfar, a senior Shi'ite Muslim scholar, is currently giving a series of lectures at an Islamic center in Sydney on the topic of spirituality. Sekaleshfar said in a lecture in Michigan in 2013 that in an Islamic society, the death penalty should be carried out for homosexuals who engaged in sodomy. "Out of compassion, let’s get rid of him now, because he’s contaminating society," he said, according to a recording available online.

because its not his home country. i suggest you take an introductory course in law pal. perhaps one in civics as well?

That's what I would have done if I have had the power - sent them to Afghanistan. Afghanistan is his and his Taleban loving father's true gay free home. They would surely have been more happier there?

Maybe muslims should take a few lessons what free speech and civil rights mean? Instead of following sharia wherever they live or go to..

Edited by FinChin67
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If true.......Payback's a bitch Obama!......But this is what you want!!.....Perpetual war serves you (the corporate schill) and your corporate buddies ....

Added bonus........you get to crack-down on the people at homesmile.png ..........

All these wars in the middle east are at the heart of this hatred towards america and it's 'allies'

You memory is short...remember who started these wars.

Don't forget who made traveling through an airport SO MUCH fun.

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Did you watch the video? Surely just all lies and the recording is a fake....

If you mean your original posted 2:32 video yes

If you mean there is a video in your link quoted here no

As I see none there.

But all that aside the original video you posted is what I was

replying to . It is obviously shredded & bits are shown

This type of reporting helps nothing IMO

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In the case of the law kicking a citizen out of their own country... it's called being "banished". Or being "exiled". It was popular in the past.

Maybe time to bring it back into popularity again.

i'd love to see america reduced to that extreme! after all their bragging about the perfection of their holy republic and its freedoms? banished for your religious beliefs and speech? lol

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Why not, back to his home country where he can follow islam with his daddy & other Taleban buddies. He would have been much happier in a muslim country for sure, without any gay in sight..

Australia reviews visa of Islamic scholar who preached about death for homosexual acts


Farrokh Sekaleshfar, a senior Shi'ite Muslim scholar, is currently giving a series of lectures at an Islamic center in Sydney on the topic of spirituality. Sekaleshfar said in a lecture in Michigan in 2013 that in an Islamic society, the death penalty should be carried out for homosexuals who engaged in sodomy. "Out of compassion, lets get rid of him now, because hes contaminating society," he said, according to a recording available online.

because its not his home country. i suggest you take an introductory course in law pal. perhaps one in civics as well?
That's what I would have done if I have had the power - sent them to Afghanistan. Afghanistan is his and his Taleban loving father's true gay free home. They would surely have been more happier there?

Maybe muslims should take a few lessons what free speech and civil rights mean? Instead of following sharia wherever they live or go to..

Afghanistan is NOT "gay free" I was thete for 6 years so ask anybody that was thete what "man on man Thursday " means. Russian POWs found out in short order as well. Face it, it's a religious "mob mentally " so many stories so little time. ..

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ISIS will claim responsibility for any attack to western countries and people, just because they want a violent response back. Violence creates more violence, and more ISIS violent followers.

To forgive and forget is the only response to stop with this madness. Leave the Islamic people and its countries alone!

Rinse and repeat.

Police commander & wife killed by soldier ‘chanting Allah Akbar’ in Paris hostage horror
A POLICEMAN and his wife have been killed and their three-year-old son was taken hostage in Paris by a man reportedly shouting “Allah Akbar”.

Thankfully this latest "Allahu Akbar" Islamist murderer has been gunned down and killed by a French police tactical squad.

They were not able to save the police commander and his wife, but they did rescue a little child. And they sent the Islamist to meet his 72 virgin pigs in hell.

Edited by Catoni
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Why not, back to his home country where he can follow islam with his daddy & other Taleban buddies. He would have been much happier in a muslim country for sure, without any gay in sight..

Australia reviews visa of Islamic scholar who preached about death for homosexual acts
Farrokh Sekaleshfar, a senior Shi'ite Muslim scholar, is currently giving a series of lectures at an Islamic center in Sydney on the topic of spirituality. Sekaleshfar said in a lecture in Michigan in 2013 that in an Islamic society, the death penalty should be carried out for homosexuals who engaged in sodomy. "Out of compassion, let’s get rid of him now, because he’s contaminating society," he said, according to a recording available online.

because its not his home country. i suggest you take an introductory course in law pal. perhaps one in civics as well?

That's what I would have done if I have had the power - sent them to Afghanistan. Afghanistan is his and his Taleban loving father's true gay free home. They would surely have been more happier there?

Maybe muslims should take a few lessons what free speech and civil rights mean? Instead of following sharia wherever they live or go to..

so much for the precious constitution and bill of rights that americans are always bragging about! lol

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In the case of the law kicking a citizen out of their own country... it's called being "banished". Or being "exiled". It was popular in the past.

Maybe time to bring it back into popularity again.

i'd love to see america reduced to that extreme! after all their bragging about the perfection of their holy republic and its freedoms? banished for your religious beliefs and speech? lol

If that religious belief and speech is about killing other people I have no problem kicking these out to their own paradise - which in this case is a muslim country. Hardly a harsh punishment for them to get back to their Taleban buddies.

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That's what I would have done if I have had the power - sent them to Afghanistan. Afghanistan is his and his Taleban loving father's true gay free home. They would surely have been more happier there?

Maybe muslims should take a few lessons what free speech and civil rights mean? Instead of following sharia wherever they live or go to..

because its not his home country. i suggest you take an introductory course in law pal. perhaps one in civics as well?

so much for the precious constitution and bill of rights that americans are always bragging about! lol

Anything is better than Sharia law. Muslims following sharia can live in a muslim country.

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In the case of the law kicking a citizen out of their own country... it's called being "banished". Or being "exiled". It was popular in the past.

Maybe time to bring it back into popularity again.

i'd love to see america reduced to that extreme! after all their bragging about the perfection of their holy republic and its freedoms? banished for your religious beliefs and speech? lol

If that religious belief and speech is about killing other people I have no problem kicking these out to their own paradise - which in this case is a muslim country. Hardly a harsh punishment for them to get back to their Taleban buddies.

lotsa radical christians and right wing groups rant about killing their enemies too! better deport them too! lol so much for that constitution!! lol

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David Wood's thoughts on the massacre.

In his teens, Wood attempted to kill his father with a hammer. He was committed to a psychiatric hospital by his mother where he was diagnosed with an anti-social personality disorder. Wood was later transferred to jail by the state of Virginia. While in jail Wood confessed to the attack and subsequently served a 10 year prison sentence for malicious wounding.


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In the case of the law kicking a citizen out of their own country... it's called being "banished". Or being "exiled". It was popular in the past.

Maybe time to bring it back into popularity again.

i'd love to see america reduced to that extreme! after all their bragging about the perfection of their holy republic and its freedoms? banished for your religious beliefs and speech? lol

More like being banished for taking it away from other around you. Want to talk crazy? Be our guest. Want to oppress others with violence because dome 15th century pedophile heard voices? Good by. Does Radical Islam even know why they hate us so much? Or is it jumping on the band wagon? The only Muslims as a group I ever met that weren't a bunch of hypocrites were the Afghan people in remote areas.
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Afghanistan is NOT "gay free" I was thete for 6 years so ask anybody that was thete what "man on man Thursday " means. Russian POWs found out in short order as well. Face it, it's a religious "mob mentally " so many stories so little time. ..

True. The Dancing boys and much more.

Afghanistan's Dancing Boys: Young boys forced to perform as girls by twisted sex abusers
The new import to EU...
Two Afghanistan migrant men force 14-year-old boy to perform sex acts on them at a swimming pool in Germany
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ISIS will claim responsibility for any attack to western countries and people, just because they want a violent response back. Violence creates more violence, and more ISIS violent followers.

To forgive and forget is the only response to stop with this madness. Leave the Islamic people and its countries alone!

Rinse and repeat.

Police commander & wife killed by soldier chanting Allah Akbar in Paris hostage horror

A POLICEMAN and his wife have been killed and their three-year-old son was taken hostage in Paris by a man reportedly shouting Allah Akbar.


Thankfully this latest "Allahu Akbar" Islamist murderer has been gunned down and killed by a French police tactical squad.

They were not able to save the police commander and his wife, but they did rescue a little child. And they sent the Islamist to meet his 72 virgin pigs in hell.


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In the case of the law kicking a citizen out of their own country... it's called being "banished". Or being "exiled". It was popular in the past.

Maybe time to bring it back into popularity again.

i'd love to see america reduced to that extreme! after all their bragging about the perfection of their holy republic and its freedoms? banished for your religious beliefs and speech? lol

More like being banished for taking it away from other around you. Want to talk crazy? Be our guest. Want to oppress others with violence because dome 15th century pedophile heard voices? Good by. Does Radical Islam even know why they hate us so much? Or is it jumping on the band wagon? The only Muslims as a group I ever met that weren't a bunch of hypocrites were the Afghan people in remote areas.

I'd love to see america reduced to banishing folks that talk crazy. setting up investigative tribunals to decide who was crazy. creating a special police force to root them out! lol.so much for that constitution they used to brag about so much! lol

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Afghanistan is NOT "gay free" I was thete for 6 years so ask anybody that was thete what "man on man Thursday " means. Russian POWs found out in short order as well. Face it, it's a religious "mob mentally " so many stories so little time. ..

True. The Dancing boys and much more.

Afghanistan's Dancing Boys: Young boys forced to perform as girls by twisted sex abusers


The new import to EU...

Two Afghanistan migrant men force 14-year-old boy to perform sex acts on them at a swimming pool in Germany



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ISIS will claim responsibility for any attack to western countries and people, just because they want a violent response back. Violence creates more violence, and more ISIS violent followers.

To forgive and forget is the only response to stop with this madness. Leave the Islamic people and its countries alone!

Rinse and repeat.

Police commander & wife killed by soldier chanting Allah Akbar in Paris hostage horror

A POLICEMAN and his wife have been killed and their three-year-old son was taken hostage in Paris by a man reportedly shouting Allah Akbar.


Thankfully this latest "Allahu Akbar" Islamist murderer has been gunned down and killed by a French police tactical squad.

They were not able to save the police commander and his wife, but they did rescue a little child. And they sent the Islamist to meet his 72 virgin pigs in hell.


Chop chop...

Philippine officials confirm Canadian hostage was beheaded
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Freedom of speech and all that?

Gays Must Die Says Speaker At Orlando Mosque - WFTV 9 Orlando Report

Don't know this guy in video from Adam but..........If someone is to make such a claim that "He" said

Gays must die then show the full statement...Not a 1 liner that could be cut from anywhere.

This type of sensationalism smacks of Controlled Mass Media

IF the Statement claimed was made then why not include it in the video?

Instead of a single line saying death is the sentance we know?

If you mean your original posted 2:32 video yes

If you mean there is a video in your link quoted here no

As I see none there.

But all that aside the original video you posted is what I was

replying to . It is obviously shredded & bits are shown

This type of reporting helps nothing IMO

There is more information on the content and context to be found here:

Orlando played host to anti-gay Muslim speaker, just weeks ago


Seems like he does not deny the content, but says it was aired in the context of academic-legal-theological debate. Claims it was not a call for taking the law into one's hands, or that it conforms with his own views. How convincing one finds his position is a matter of conviction and opinion, I guess.

As this is out on the media, may effect his travel plans:

Australia reviews visa of Islamic scholar who preached about death for homosexual acts


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Chop chop...

Philippine officials confirm Canadian hostage was beheaded

quite common behaviour with kidnappers

The muslim group Abu Sayyaf likes to chop. So does Saudis. Been to chop chop square where they execute?

Sick public beheadings & female beatings which aren't ISIS - but UK's FRIENDS Saudi Arabia
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Chop chop...

Philippine officials confirm Canadian hostage was beheaded

quite common behaviour with kidnappers

The muslim group Abu Sayyaf likes to chop. So does Saudis. Been to chop chop square where they execute?

Sick public beheadings & female beatings which aren't ISIS - but UK's FRIENDS Saudi Arabia

america likes to hang and shoot and electrocute. dead's dead i guess!!

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Chop chop...

Philippine officials confirm Canadian hostage was beheaded

quite common behaviour with kidnappers

The muslim group Abu Sayyaf likes to chop. So does Saudis. Been to chop chop square where they execute?

Sick public beheadings & female beatings which aren't ISIS - but UK's FRIENDS Saudi Arabia

america likes to hang and shoot and electrocute. dead's dead i guess!!

They execute women who have been raped? Gays? (I guess "yes" is now an answer to this as they have muslim killers like in Orlando) Protesting teenagers? I did not know americans are doing that...

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They execute women who have been raped? Gays? (I guess "yes" is now an answer to this as they have muslim killers like in Orlando) Protesting teenagers? I did not know americans are doing that...

neither did I. who told you this?

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I do remember. It was the European folk who started this war. I believe the year was 1095.

Nope..... . it was the Muslims that started the war.......not the Europeans.

.... from the time Mohammad conquered Arabia.. and then invaded the rest of the middle east and North Africa and then moved into Spain etc... They almost made it to the gates of Vienna at one point in history... They want the planet for "Allah"

Mohammad and his army were fighters from the very start... slaughtering other Arabs that continued to worship in pagan religions or in Christianity if they refused to convert.

The Crusades were just Christianity's attempt to free the Holy Land from the Muslim invaders that took it following the Siege of Jerusalem in 637 A.D. (or C.E. if you prefer that way)

The Muslims followed up the capture of Jerusalem the attack and capture of Antioch... and with attacking Caesarea.... but Caesarea did not fall until 640 A.D. They also invaded Egypt in 639.... and from there they spread across north Africa, and eventually invaded Spain...

The Muslim army conquered Persia, and from there invaded Afghanistan in 667 A.D.... the Afghans putting up great resistance.. but eventually they fell to Islam around the year 1000..

The Muslim invasion of India which took place from the 12th to the 16th century... led to one of the most horrifying mass slaughters in recorded history... millions and millions of Hindus and Buddhists slaughtered.. and in some areas... when Indians realized they could not win.... mass suicide of Hindu and Buddhist families to avoid being taken and either murdered or being taken for slavery...

Buddhism was effectively wiped out from India for hundreds of years.... temples destroyed...

The great Buddhist monastery and famous University at Nalanda in the ancient Kingdom of Magadha in northern India were looted destroyed and monks murdered by the Muslim leader Muhammad-i-Bakht-yar about the year 1200.

The great historian, Will Durant (1885 - 1981) said: "The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex of order and freedom, culture and peace, can at any moment be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within."

Koenraad Elst , the german historian writes in "Negation in India":

"The Muslim conquests, down to the 16th century, were for the Hindus a pure struggle of life and death. Entire cities were burnt down and the populations massacred, with hundreds of thousands killed in every campaign, and similar numbers deported as slaves. Every new invader made (often literally) his hills of Hindus skulls. Thus, the conquest of Afghanistan in the year 1000 was followed by the annihilation of the Hindu population; the region is still called the Hindu Kush, i.e. Hindu slaughter. The Bahmani sultans (1347-1480) in central India made it a rule to kill 100,000 captives in a single day, and many more on other occasions. The conquest of the Vijayanagar empire in 1564 left the capital plus large areas of Karnataka depopulated. And so on."


This...... is Islam.....

here we go.

one more thread is going towards a muslim bashing one. Many massacres were done by christians in USA from Columbine to many, yet we never bash Christianity?

this post though is coming from someone totally brainwashed with hate that can see only one side.

so, what about all these bloody christians, judaists, hindus? slavery, burning people in the name of religion, holocaust, atomic bombs, world wars and supporting muslim jihadists which eventually make f ing jihadis rise which led to this event.

what about ignorant people supporting the right(coming from wild wild west times) to bear arms?

these are all by Christians mostly so please go bash them too!

it is a sad and tragic event, yes but look what where we are going now in this thread:?

- Send them to Arabia! (Like all muslim is arab)

- Wall them!

- Camp them!

- Castrate them!

- Kill them!

Like <deleted> nazis sorry, no difference.

Tell me... did I make any factual errors in my post on the history of Muslim conquest? Or do you just wish to mud sling ? ?

Please point out my errors.

You talk about hate ? ? Here is hate..... Islamists hate gays, lesbians etc....

PEW Research polls show Muslims... Islam.... hate gays and lesbians and transgender etc..

At least seven countries execute gays and lesbians Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan, Mauritania, Sudan, and northern Nigeria.
ALL MUSLIM COUNTRIES ! ! Some of them doing the killings in public. And at least one... Iran.... killing them by slow hanging... not a fast drop.
There is your hate....... there is death... .

Of 335 terrorist attacks in 2015... listed up to December, 2015, ...310 of them were carried out by either an Islamic terrorist group or a lone wolf Muslim terrorist. That's more than 92%

The Crusades were a defensive war and to recover the Holy Land that had been conquered by advancing Islamic armies.

You have at least 70 million Hindus and Buddhists slaughtered on the India sub-continent.

In the Bangladeshi "War of Independence" in 1971 Muslims slaughtered at least 300,000 innocent civilians and possibly as many as 3,000,000. We will never know for sure..... but 300,000 minimum.

So you can keep on crying about "Islamophobia" and "Christian atrocities" all you wish... But they pale in comparison to the slaughter record achieved by Islam.

The world wars were not fought over religion. They were fought over political power and territory grabbing and started by dictators.

The Islamists love death..... and they even sing about how they love death as much as we love life... : Islamists remind me of mass killers like the Communists and Nazis..


man basically, you need to read more about history and politics and then comment.

your post smells ignorance and hate, nothing else therefore it is partial.

if you are blind to see the killings, massacres, wars, slavery etc done by christians and other religions apart from islam, that is your problem.

for example, if you see crusaders as defensive:) so that is why they came all the way from Europe and plundered cities and killed people including thousands of orthodox christians in Constantinople. raped and murdered.

plus, you put imaginary numbers for the Muslim conquest of India. in 16th century, they estimate around 100 million people living in India and a lot less when it is 13th or 14th century when muslim arrived there.

so how come 70 million buddhist and hindu is killed? it makes the whole population in India those times. dont be funny and be factual. speak if you know only. even world population in 14th century was 400 - 500 million!

a clear example on how you distort the facts so they can fit your hate speeches and muslim bashing.



killings and massacres done by christians directly and indirectly is a lot more. atrocities are a lot more alleged too all around the history.

not all muslim countries execute LGBT individuals as well. just read more bro. you really sound ignorance and if one is ignorant, he/she believes bs a lot more.

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My point is that the militia aspect is redundant, given that the US has what is probably the worlds strongest standing army

(this comment might indicate that I know the difference between the two)

Actually it shows you do not understand the difference at all.

Especially given what the "standing army" as you call it has become.

Really? OK... Admittedly I do not know what has become of your "standing army", which is your full time professional army.... But I'm sure you would , as a nation , still want it to "appear" to be the worlds best.

Your militia is any part time or reservists soldiers capable of being called upon in emergencies. (Or...a body of citizen soldiers of legal age to serve in the military), including national guards etc

Other kooky militia groups, which should not be ignored (as radicals should never be ignored) are bodies of armed citizens or paramilitary groups, regarding themselves as defenders of rights against perceived government interference with said right.... But these aren't the ones we are referring to herein

Now... Why was the term " militia" used by the founding fathers?

Perhaps because at that time there was not a real standing army, and the revolution was fought by militia groups?

Now.... again, I care not if every citizen with the strength to pull a trigger, has a gun.... I simply think it absurd to cling to the second amendment as proof of right, because I fail to see, given its wording and origin, that it's still applicable in this century.

That said... Having clarified my understanding of this term, which is not an American term (Hell, your constitution even harks back to the English Magna Carta), if I have erred, please educate me with a few more words than " nope... Wrong" because that doesn't really help anyone.... Savvy?

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They execute women who have been raped? Gays? (I guess "yes" is now an answer to this as they have muslim killers like in Orlando) Protesting teenagers? I did not know americans are doing that...

neither did I. who told you this?
You were comparing to Saudis who do that or not...?

The muslim group Abu Sayyaf likes to chop. So does Saudis. Been to chop chop square where they execute?

Sick public beheadings & female beatings which aren't ISIS - but UK's FRIENDS Saudi Arabia


america likes to hang and shoot and electrocute. dead's dead i guess!!

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You were comparing to Saudis who do that or not...?

The muslim group Abu Sayyaf likes to chop. So does Saudis. Been to chop chop square where they execute?

Sick public beheadings & female beatings which aren't ISIS - but UK's FRIENDS Saudi Arabia


america likes to hang and shoot and electrocute. dead's dead i guess!!

i was comparing america to the saudis. they both execute their citizens. disgusting people really

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