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"ISIL claims responsibility" for Orlando gay nightclub shooting that left 50 dead


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Forget about guns already. They will find a way to kill infidels no matter what you do with gun ownership laws.

Here's current news that the next one might be something much more massive:

Isil plotting to use drones for nuclear attack on West
UK terror threat: Nato and EU say 'justified concerns' Isis planning chemical and nuclear attacks
Not only this, trains and cruise ships are under a valid threat. No guns needed.
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LGBTrump - Gays for Trump

"It is why I created LGBTrump, a Facebook community for LGBT folks supportive of Trump. The fact is that since Trump became the presumptive nominee, attention to this page has exploded. Likes jumped from 142 to over a 1,100 within days and it is still growing, rapidly. But, realistically, our slice of the LGBT community is still in the minority and we are viewed as heretics."

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LGBTrump - Gays for Trump
"It is why I created LGBTrump, a Facebook community for LGBT folks supportive of Trump. The fact is that since Trump became the presumptive nominee, attention to this page has exploded. Likes jumped from 142 to over a 1,100 within days and it is still growing, rapidly. But, realistically, our slice of the LGBT community is still in the minority and we are viewed as heretics."

Good luck. It will probably blocked before long.

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Orlando police are refusing to release the 911 call that Omar Mateen placed the night he killed 49 people at Pulse nightclub, raising questions about the details revealed in his call.
Alternet reports that the Orlando Police Department denied a Freedom of Information request made by the website’s Grayzone Project, which sought a transcript or audio recording of any calls made by the mass shooter that night.
“The records being requested are exempt from disclosure at this time. Section 119.071(2)©1., Florida Statutes, exempts from disclosure all active criminal investigative information,” read the police department’s response.
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LGBTrump - Gays for Trump
"It is why I created LGBTrump, a Facebook community for LGBT folks supportive of Trump. The fact is that since Trump became the presumptive nominee, attention to this page has exploded. Likes jumped from 142 to over a 1,100 within days and it is still growing, rapidly. But, realistically, our slice of the LGBT community is still in the minority and we are viewed as heretics."

He won't get any more of the gay vote than any other republican.

He pledges to pick anti-gay right wing supreme court justices.

It's true gay people in Muslim nations have a big problem with Muslims, but in the U.S. the primary oppressors of gay civil rights are cultural and religious CHRISTIANS, republicans, etc.

Just yesterday these disgusting hypocritical right wing republicans who gave a tiny bit of lip service to sympathy for the murdered in Orlando, killed a bill in Congress protecting gay people against discrimination.

Gay voters aren't that stupid.

This is just the vile monster being his usual demagogue self ... find a few gays who go for it, and it's a trend. Fake garbage. As fake as suggesting Latinos or blacks are going to go for that (deleted).

As far as Islamist terrorists, ISIS, etc. pretty much ALL Americans are potential targets of their attacks.

The attack in Orlando, as clearly stated in the FBI press conference is BOTH Islamist inspired terrorism AND a homophobic hate crime.

Simple minded people can't understand that it does NOT need to be ONE thing.

Simple minded people can't understand that even if the terrorist had a gay side (which BTW, is not yet fully confirmed as there's not even one report of even one man who ever had sex with him) it can STILL be a homophobic hate crime.

Of course, to be clear, a person can have gay tendencies without ever acting upon them.

Maybe we'll learn more about that later as the FBI is in no rush as the main culprit is dead. His (second) wife might possibly face the death penalty as she might have helped him, and it's important they get the facts correct to build a case against her, if merited.

Edited by Scott
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What are you on about?

It IS an active criminal investigation!

Yes, it says so in the post.

The statute doesn’t stop police from selectively releasing information that it chooses to, which in this case is limited to information about Mateen’s alleged ties to terrorist organizations.

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What are you on about?

It IS an active criminal investigation!

Yes, it says so in the post.

The statute doesn’t stop police from selectively releasing information that it chooses to, which in this case is limited to information about Mateen’s alleged ties to terrorist organizations.

I think you're pushing a cover up / conspiracy theory without any evidence.

In any case, there is a credible eye witness of a black woman who was playing dead and overheard one of the 911 calls which she reported (paraphrasing) the terrorist said he was doing this as retaliation for the USA bombing his country and also pledged his allegiance to ISIS.

There is evidence going back years of his sympathies to Islamist terrorists, including of course multiple FBI investigations on him.

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This is what I wanted to say to everyone who was being too negative about Muslims but of course I lost my temper and used some bad words, so my apology for that. This is why Bernie Sanders is a politician and I'm not, he is much better with words:

"We know that one hateful person committed the atrocity in Orlando, not an entire people or an entire religion. More than any other people on Earth, it is the Muslim people who have been hurt by ISIS by the hundreds of thousands". - Bernie Sanders


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This is what I wanted to say to everyone who was being too negative about Muslims but of course I lost my temper and used some bad words, so my apology for that. This is why Bernie Sanders is a politician and I'm not, he is much better with words:

"We know that one hateful person committed the atrocity in Orlando, not an entire people or an entire religion. More than any other people on Earth, it is the Muslim people who have been hurt by ISIS by the hundreds of thousands". - Bernie Sanders

Yes, a muslim, who followed islam, committed this atrocity in Orlando.

Paris, Brussels, Taharrus Gamea in most of the European cities, Orlando and the next one is when?

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Hi there Dave.

Perhaps, so.

But this was a combination of an Islamist terrorist inspired atrocity and a homophobic hate crime (with possible complications of INTERNALIZED homophobia).

So please don't run from the DEEP problem of virulent anti-gay sentiments in the ENTIRE Muslim world.

It's a big problem with other religions too, but I think it's very clear, that for wanting to kill gays just for being gay, the Muslim world takes the cake.

Don't let the right wing demagogues own that issue, the middle and the left needs to also get on board and LOUDLY CONDEMN Muslim religious and cultural HOMOPHOBIA.

Bernie Sanders is leftist American ... I would hope for more from him on this issue but he's not delivering and I don't think he's capable of being brave enough to deliver.

He's afraid of offending Muslims and American "progressives" who seem to bizarrely love oppressive Islamic majority regimes (heroic "brown" people, yeah right, sure thing) that oppress women and gay people and want to kill Jews and destroy Israel too. That's total B.S. It's time to call them out.

The hypocrisy is too real, the RIGHT is catching on, and on this, they're LITERALLY right.

If the American far left is EVER going to have any real credibility on this issue, they're going to have to be HONEST and confront it and if it offends the significant percentages of Muslims that are anti-gay and pro oppression in other ways ... TOO BAD.

The left isn't afraid of aggressively confronting and offending SIMILAR anti-gay Christians and they shouldn't be.

See the hypocrisy?


Edited by Jingthing
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Muslims don't respect most of the civil rights that Americans have fought for. Look how they treat women. Geez. If there is a crowd gathered for a purpose they have to stand at the rear. Of course their heads have to be covered, some with Burkas. There's much more. Talk about neanderthals.

I have NO idea why the liberals want to let these people pour in without being vetted when they know all of these things about their culture, and the Muslims have proven no interest in assimilating.

Look what's happening to London.

What a shame. What's up with these liberals?

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This is what I wanted to say to everyone who was being too negative about Muslims but of course I lost my temper and used some bad words, so my apology for that. This is why Bernie Sanders is a politician and I'm not, he is much better with words:

"We know that one hateful person committed the atrocity in Orlando, not an entire people or an entire religion. More than any other people on Earth, it is the Muslim people who have been hurt by ISIS by the hundreds of thousands". - Bernie Sanders


Great image. Says nothing. DAESH is not the problem, they are the symptom. I'm not disputing your underlying point, I just do not know. I do know this graph is erroneous. The narrow view that our problem is ISIS is so incomplete.
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This is what I wanted to say to everyone who was being too negative about Muslims but of course I lost my temper and used some bad words, so my apology for that. This is why Bernie Sanders is a politician and I'm not, he is much better with words:

"We know that one hateful person committed the atrocity in Orlando, not an entire people or an entire religion. More than any other people on Earth, it is the Muslim people who have been hurt by ISIS by the hundreds of thousands". - Bernie Sanders

Yes, a muslim, who followed islam, committed this atrocity in Orlando.

Paris, Brussels, Taharrus Gamea in most of the European cities, Orlando and the next one is when?

Every day, all the time, every atrocity- the narrative can only successfully be sustained by insisting the event is divorced from every single moment before it, unrelated to every single similar event. Always a fluke, always a rationale, a motivation, a premise, inducing factors, a victim, etc. When one stands back it's clear there is a wildly out if control global pandemic of ideological hatred and warring upon others (Muslims included)!

Whatever the imagined consequences, the failure to define these acts for the interconnected events they are will be the ruin of everyone- LGBT, Christian pops in ME, governments, allies, etc. this will continue. It will worsen. Liberties will be infringed. Travel and vocation will be impacted. Economies will be injured. Fear will increase. ...all of this because of fear of addressing the root cause.

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This is what I wanted to say to everyone who was being too negative about Muslims but of course I lost my temper and used some bad words, so my apology for that. This is why Bernie Sanders is a politician and I'm not, he is much better with words:

"We know that one hateful person committed the atrocity in Orlando, not an entire people or an entire religion. More than any other people on Earth, it is the Muslim people who have been hurt by ISIS by the hundreds of thousands". - Bernie Sanders

Yes, a muslim, who followed islam, committed this atrocity in Orlando.

Paris, Brussels, Taharrus Gamea in most of the European cities, Orlando and the next one is when?

You make me laugh. Again you are at the front lines to put in your few words of anti-Muslim rhetoric but when asked why you just ignore it.


Edited by CharlieH
"troll" remark removed.
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Hi there Dave.

Perhaps, so.

But this was a combination of an Islamist terrorist inspired atrocity and a homophobic hate crime (with possible complications of INTERNALIZED homophobia).

So please don't run from the DEEP problem of virulent anti-gay sentiments in the ENTIRE Muslim world.

It's a big problem with other religions too, but I think it's very clear, that for wanting to kill gays just for being gay, the Muslim world takes the cake.

Don't let the right wing demagogues own that issue, the middle and the left needs to also get on board and LOUDLY CONDEMN Muslim religious and cultural HOMOPHOBIA.

Bernie Sanders is leftist American ... I would hope for more from him on this issue but he's not delivering and I don't think he's capable of being brave enough to deliver.

He's afraid of offending Muslims and American "progressives" who seem to bizarrely love oppressive Islamic majority regimes (heroic "brown" people, yeah right, sure thing) that oppress women and gay people and want to kill Jews and destroy Israel too. That's total B.S. It's time to call them out.

The hypocrisy is too real, the RIGHT is catching on, and on this, they're LITERALLY right.

If the American far left is EVER going to have any real credibility on this issue, they're going to have to be HONEST and confront it and if it offends the significant percentages of Muslims that are anti-gay and pro oppression in other ways ... TOO BAD.

The left isn't afraid of aggressively confronting and offending SIMILAR anti-gay Christians and they shouldn't be.

See the hypocrisy?


Turned out the guy had nothing to do with IS and was just a gay man with a very troubled mind. It's all over the alternative media, just not on CNN, Fox, BBC, etc

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So, there you have it people. Even when you provide certain people with absolute proof that only a handful of Muslims are terrorists they don't give up trying to convince us all that we should fear ALL Muslims.

They are part of the divide and conquer brigade....the fear and hate inciters. Please don't believe them but look it up yourself on alternative media, it's all there.

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This is what I wanted to say to everyone who was being too negative about Muslims but of course I lost my temper and used some bad words, so my apology for that. This is why Bernie Sanders is a politician and I'm not, he is much better with words:

"We know that one hateful person committed the atrocity in Orlando, not an entire people or an entire religion. More than any other people on Earth, it is the Muslim people who have been hurt by ISIS by the hundreds of thousands". - Bernie Sanders

Yes, a muslim, who followed islam, committed this atrocity in Orlando.

Paris, Brussels, Taharrus Gamea in most of the European cities, Orlando and the next one is when?

You make me laugh. Again you are at the front lines to put in your few words of anti-Muslim rhetoric ut when asked why you just ignore it.

That can only mean one thing; troll

Run out of arguments? The fact is that a muslim, who followed islam, committed this atrocity in Orlando.

If islam is a religion of peace they are working very very hard proving otherwise (Paris, Brussels etc. etc...).

When do you think muslims stops these terrorist attacks?


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LGBTrump - Gays for Trump
"It is why I created LGBTrump, a Facebook community for LGBT folks supportive of Trump. The fact is that since Trump became the presumptive nominee, attention to this page has exploded. Likes jumped from 142 to over a 1,100 within days and it is still growing, rapidly. But, realistically, our slice of the LGBT community is still in the minority and we are viewed as heretics."

Good luck. It will probably blocked before long.

I rest my case.


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LGBTrump - Gays for Trump

"It is why I created LGBTrump, a Facebook community for LGBT folks supportive of Trump. The fact is that since Trump became the presumptive nominee, attention to this page has exploded. Likes jumped from 142 to over a 1,100 within days and it is still growing, rapidly. But, realistically, our slice of the LGBT community is still in the minority and we are viewed as heretics."

Good luck. It will probably blocked before long.

I rest my case.


That was quick!!

Rachel said it came without any warning. She posted a link to a video news clip showing the imam in Florida advocating death to gays.
Rachel says she has been censored before. This is what caused her first suspension — a photo of Rachel with gay Trump supporter Milo Yiannopoulos.
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LGBTrump - Gays for Trump
"It is why I created LGBTrump, a Facebook community for LGBT folks supportive of Trump. The fact is that since Trump became the presumptive nominee, attention to this page has exploded. Likes jumped from 142 to over a 1,100 within days and it is still growing, rapidly. But, realistically, our slice of the LGBT community is still in the minority and we are viewed as heretics."

Good luck. It will probably blocked before long.

I rest my case.


Could it be because of "She posted a link to a video news clip showing the imam in Florida advocating death to gays."

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Australia Boots Iranian Cleric Who Says Gays Must Die

In the wake of the Orlando massacre, Sheikh Farrokh Bahram Sekaleshfar’s incitement to murder is seen as too much for Canberra.

Sekaleshfar is on record saying that “death is the sentence” for homosexuals and that executing them is an act of “compassion,” since earthly punishment will gain them leniency in the afterlife. He has spoken on the subject at least twice in the U.S., once in 2013 at the University of Michigan, and again in April at the Husseini Islamic Center north of Orlando.

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Hi there Dave.

Perhaps, so.

But this was a combination of an Islamist terrorist inspired atrocity and a homophobic hate crime (with possible complications of INTERNALIZED homophobia).

So please don't run from the DEEP problem of virulent anti-gay sentiments in the ENTIRE Muslim world.

It's a big problem with other religions too, but I think it's very clear, that for wanting to kill gays just for being gay, the Muslim world takes the cake.

Don't let the right wing demagogues own that issue, the middle and the left needs to also get on board and LOUDLY CONDEMN Muslim religious and cultural HOMOPHOBIA.

Bernie Sanders is leftist American ... I would hope for more from him on this issue but he's not delivering and I don't think he's capable of being brave enough to deliver.

He's afraid of offending Muslims and American "progressives" who seem to bizarrely love oppressive Islamic majority regimes (heroic "brown" people, yeah right, sure thing) that oppress women and gay people and want to kill Jews and destroy Israel too. That's total B.S. It's time to call them out.

The hypocrisy is too real, the RIGHT is catching on, and on this, they're LITERALLY right.

If the American far left is EVER going to have any real credibility on this issue, they're going to have to be HONEST and confront it and if it offends the significant percentages of Muslims that are anti-gay and pro oppression in other ways ... TOO BAD.

The left isn't afraid of aggressively confronting and offending SIMILAR anti-gay Christians and they shouldn't be.

See the hypocrisy?


Turned out the guy had nothing to do with IS and was just a gay man with a very troubled mind. It's all over the alternative media, just not on CNN, Fox, BBC, etc

Do you have a link?

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This is what I wanted to say to everyone who was being too negative about Muslims but of course I lost my temper and used some bad words, so my apology for that. This is why Bernie Sanders is a politician and I'm not, he is much better with words:

"We know that one hateful person committed the atrocity in Orlando, not an entire people or an entire religion. More than any other people on Earth, it is the Muslim people who have been hurt by ISIS by the hundreds of thousands". - Bernie Sanders


ISIS is not the only Islamic terrorism outfit in existence. Actual membership in terrorist organizations is usually minimal in relation to popular support.

Muslims have inflict countless horrors on other Muslims, in the name of Islam. This was way before ISIS.

Not among those blaming all Muslims, but making it into a "tiny minority" argument, rather than facing that these issues crop up in many a Muslim country is beyond naive.

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Hi there Dave.

Perhaps, so.

But this was a combination of an Islamist terrorist inspired atrocity and a homophobic hate crime (with possible complications of INTERNALIZED homophobia).

So please don't run from the DEEP problem of virulent anti-gay sentiments in the ENTIRE Muslim world.

It's a big problem with other religions too, but I think it's very clear, that for wanting to kill gays just for being gay, the Muslim world takes the cake.

Don't let the right wing demagogues own that issue, the middle and the left needs to also get on board and LOUDLY CONDEMN Muslim religious and cultural HOMOPHOBIA.

Bernie Sanders is leftist American ... I would hope for more from him on this issue but he's not delivering and I don't think he's capable of being brave enough to deliver.

He's afraid of offending Muslims and American "progressives" who seem to bizarrely love oppressive Islamic majority regimes (heroic "brown" people, yeah right, sure thing) that oppress women and gay people and want to kill Jews and destroy Israel too. That's total B.S. It's time to call them out.

The hypocrisy is too real, the RIGHT is catching on, and on this, they're LITERALLY right.

If the American far left is EVER going to have any real credibility on this issue, they're going to have to be HONEST and confront it and if it offends the significant percentages of Muslims that are anti-gay and pro oppression in other ways ... TOO BAD.

The left isn't afraid of aggressively confronting and offending SIMILAR anti-gay Christians and they shouldn't be.

See the hypocrisy?


Turned out the guy had nothing to do with IS and was just a gay man with a very troubled mind. It's all over the alternative media, just not on CNN, Fox, BBC, etc

Do you have a link?

Google it. I read it on lots of sites. Anti- media being one of them. Oh wait a minute. It wasnt on cnn fox or bbc so then it cant be true..


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Here is a gay dude who knows what he is talking about and puts the blame for Orlando in the right place while giving great solutions. He speaks to the crowd for almost 40 minutes but it goes by fast. He is that good...

Edited by mopar71
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Here is a gay dude who knows what he is talking about and puts the blame for Orlando in the right place while giving great solutions. He speaks to the crowd for almost 40 minutes but it goes by fast. He is that good...


Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” former Department of Homeland Security official Philip Haney insisted terrorism in Orlando, FL and San Bernardino, CA might have been prevented had the his former agency not deleted a list he compiled linking some Muslims with terrorism.
Haney told host Sean Hannity he was able to link a mosque where San Bernardino shooters Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik worshiped to a network that tied the mosque where Orlando shooter Omar Mateen worshiped, but under the leadership of President Barack Obama, that database was deleted.
“Farook would have been put on the no-fly list and not allowed to travel, or his pending fiancé would have been denied a visa because of his affiliation with an organization with plausible ties to terrorism,” he said.
Edited by FinChin67
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