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Fighting With Other Farang?

Delray Tweed

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If I remember correctly, the Gent/Tornado caught a Thai burgler redhanded in the act of robbing his house and beat the sh*ite out of him using SAS-itsu and then got in trouble with the police for using too much force! :o

That happend at my local pub.

Someone got kicked out for being underage so he tries to go in from the second floor which the owner lives, the owner ripped him a new ###### and he got sued and lost the whole pub for bashing a burgular.

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If I remember correctly, the Gent/Tornado caught a Thai burgler redhanded in the act of robbing his house and beat the sh*ite out of him using SAS-itsu and then got in trouble with the police for using too much force! :o

That happend at my local pub.

Someone got kicked out for being underage so he tries to go in from the second floor which the owner lives, the owner ripped him a new ###### and he got sued and lost the whole pub for bashing a burgular.

That is considered excessive force

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A few years back, myself and a friend were leaving a night establishment in Bangkok when we were suddenly jumped from behind by two Thai guys. Fortunately we're both quite tough guys and can handle ourselves so we wrestled them to the ground and pinned them down, but were careful not to give them a good thrashing as a crowd of Thais had gathered. The next thing we knew the police had arrived and bundled us into a pickup truck for a trip to the police station.

Ah heck, where am i going with this, the point is all those people saying 'don't think about it, don't worry about it, it hasn't happened to me in umpteen years, i'm not a child anymore', most people never do think about it until it happens to them and then it's too late to be asking questions, sometimes it's kill or be killed.

As Nam Kao says, when the adrenalin kicks in it's easy to get carried away and think 'surely i'm allowed to keep on beating his head with my fist, after all it's self defence, he started it', well often it isn't and you need a cool head to stop before the point of no return. If you've already prepared for this eventuality then you have a higher chance of making the correct decisions when it occurs.

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I agree with much of what you say, but boxing is not superior to martial arts except for the fact that you learn how to throw and take a real punch. As you say, full contact matches are important.

As far as Tai Chi being a "joke", I agree that most practitioners don't even know how to use it for self defence, but I have seen true masters - the old guys from China - easily take on experts in hard arts like Karate, block their punch, put them in a hold and the guy couldn't move a muscle.

Seen boxers get pummeled by the martial arts... power of full force kick certainly outmatches a thrown punch.

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A few years back, myself and a friend were leaving a night establishment in Bangkok when we were suddenly jumped from behind by two Thai guys. Fortunately we're both quite tough guys and can handle ourselves so we wrestled them to the ground and pinned them down, but were careful not to give them a good thrashing as a crowd of Thais had gathered. The next thing we knew the police had arrived and bundled us into a pickup truck for a trip to the police station.

Ah heck, where am i going with this, the point is all those people saying 'don't think about it, don't worry about it, it hasn't happened to me in umpteen years, i'm not a child anymore', most people never do think about it until it happens to them and then it's too late to be asking questions, sometimes it's kill or be killed.

As Nam Kao says, when the adrenalin kicks in it's easy to get carried away and think 'surely i'm allowed to keep on beating his head with my fist, after all it's self defence, he started it', well often it isn't and you need a cool head to stop before the point of no return. If you've already prepared for this eventuality then you have a higher chance of making the correct decisions when it occurs.

Did you get a chance to say "don't push me!" at any point?


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It is interesting that the poster is asking about laws with respect to fighting and not about any of the other Thai laws that are more likely to apply to people not looking for a fight although it is phrased as self defence.

Bottomline is if you have to defend yourself the law doesn't really matter as most of us will pay the cost and choose survival.

Some posters here seem to manage to avoid this but I have not managed to elevate my level of Budhism that high yet.

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In Thailand, for farang vs. farang expect drunken staggering and inept drunken boxing one on one. If it involves a Thai, then do not expect it to end until they have won; if pushed hard enough into a fight, then ganging up, weapons, or an attack a few days later are all 'fair game'. All the more reason not to bother. And in some cases, a nerdy looking wimp might have a weapon, a bunch of friends, or they might be way tougher and stronger than you think.

I would second this wholeheartedly..........especially as I am the nerdy looking wimp!

Actually on a serious note one of the things I like about Thailand is that is a great leveller when it comes to Farangs, being "big and tuff" is only of use in limited circumstances (which in my experiance are usually out runnable :D ). It's the smarts that count - I often find that folk who are "big and tuff" (or think they are) do not even consider that someone who is "the nerdy looking wimp" may have developed ways of going through life which doesn't involve constantly being beaten up by those who are "big and tuff". :D

"Knowing people" also works very well - but my first defence when trouble kicks off (a very rare event) is to hide behind the nearest BG cos' I know if she gets hit then Mr farang is in a world of sh#t far greater than I could start..........even if I have might put in a few baht later to provide a bit of encouragement. In any event some folk know I am a Jai Dee man (good for a few quid :D ) and worth looking after..............

But then again I did get laid out by a left hook from a Thai BG once. :o (and no, I wasn't beating her at the time!).

My advice to OP is to walk / run away, Mr Farang will still be a d#ckhead the next day, beating him won't change this. Who wins? / what happens? depends on who is the most sober and speaks Thai and knows folk.

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Ok....I'll be the first to say it......I'M A WUSS!!!!

If the meek shall inherit the earth, I'll be a land baron.

I’m such a coward that I sometimes won’t order something if I can’t pronounce it.

My wife and I had a serious argument last night. But it ended when she came crawling to me on her hands and knees.

"She said, 'Come out from under that bed, you coward!'"

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What are the laws on self defense in Thailand? At what point am I allowed to use physical force? What happens at police station after two farangs fight?

I trained in judo. How does the law react to choke holds and arm locks? Is a choke considered deadly force?

Your first question is interesting and there were many good replies. Interesting reading really, thanks for all. The laws are always bend in Thailand, so them don't matter really.

If you trained judo, do you think choke can be considered deadly?

I wonder who were your teacher. In which country and by which teacher is it allowed to use your judo on the streets or home?

It has been proven again for all martial artists, it's better to keep quiet. If they want to know they will join in.

,,,Love them all :o

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Here is what happens:

The Farangs end up at the Police Station.

The one with a connection or speaks Thai has the advantage.

The Police will ask the guilty to pay 10,000 to avoid a long Court case, reports to Immigration, etc.

Tell the Police you prefer to hire a lawyer and go to trial.

You will then be asked to just apologise and pay about 1,000 for paperwork.


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If there are 2 guys squared off, and 1 trained in a style that not 100% full contact, (thats most

scam for the dollar martial arts styles, tai chimp, tae con your dough, Kung <deleted>-mechopyourwallet,

etc etc) and a guy that trains full contact my $$$ is on the full contact guy.

Why? he lives in war... the others live in utopia with lightened wallets and rose colored goggles

most likely a liberal


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Nam Kao is right, all you guys should listen to him. Get yourself trained in a discipline that encourages full contact. You wont regret it when the shit hits the fan.

I will definately listen to what you say. I mean you took on a whole army by yourself :o

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If I remember correctly, the Gent/Tornado caught a Thai burgler redhanded in the act of robbing his house and beat the sh*ite out of him using SAS-itsu and then got in trouble with the police for using too much force! :o

That happend at my local pub.

Someone got kicked out for being underage so he tries to go in from the second floor which the owner lives, the owner ripped him a new ###### and he got sued and lost the whole pub for bashing a burgular.

my dad thumped a burglar over the back with an oar after he had been robbed for I think it was the 3rd time in a year; and had an assault charge pressed against him; apparently it was excessive to stop the burglar excaping using the oar, even though that was the only way to prvent the guy from swanning off with watch and valuables.

Assault charge was dropped by the beak once he heard about my dad's rowing and yacht sailing stuff.

But excessive force is not to be messed with. That's what people say when they get their face kicked in by Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push ups. The earth moves up and down around him.

Michael Buffer doesn't get ready to rumble, unless Chuck Norris says it is time.


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Let's see . . .

Option a: Spend 30 hours per week learing a martial art for the possibility that I might get shitfaced in some gutter-pub and end up in a fight with some brawny, martial arts trained, masculine hot-head

Option b: Spend an extra 30 hours a week with my family and enjoy one another's company and learn to understand and try to bridge the generation gap - possibly play monopoly or badminton or kick the ball around a bit.

:o What to do!!!!

Of course it is possible that one can get into a fight, there is always a possibility - - - there is also a possibility that Fiji will invade Thailand and declare that every male has to wear a skirt and have an afro. Possible? Yes. Unlikely? Yes. Avoidable? Of course.

The problem with being all sinew and Strongbow is that you are more likely to end up in a fight simply because you are a fighter . . . . uuuuuuuuh, which means you are less likely to back down when a potentially ugly situation arises and the reason you want to learn martial arts is not what they were meant for.

I'd rather sit down and have a beer with Donz than listen to steroid induced pimply-backed, testosterone-pumped wannabees go on about how they can break someone's neck eighteen different ways with their thumb..

(Ok, just kidding about the beer with Donz!)

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Let's see . . .

Option b: Spend an extra 30 hours a week with my family and enjoy one another's company and learn to understand and try to bridge the generation gap - possibly play monopoly or badminton or kick the ball around a bit.

That wont help you one little bit when you get attacked from behind one night, and some deviant mofo is slamming your face into the hard concrete with no regard for your welfare, or that extra 30hrs a week that you're wanting to spend with your family in the future, will it?

There's no helping some people, me and Nam give our hard earned advice from years of experience in the trenches. You think it's always avoidable? Think again. Maybe you can get away with it if you're some jelly spined, apologetic, poor excuse for a man, but even then it might catch up with you one day. There are many out there who target and prey upon the weak. Just having the air of a man who can handle himself discourages a lot of those sort of attentions.

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cdnvic you cannot discount anyone or anything in a streetfight, a streetfight is complete chaos.

I did Shukokai, trained in a pro boxing gym and muay thai, i didnt really start learning to

streetfight until i intentionally went to bars and intentionally got in fights just to learn. Its

way different on the street than in any dojo, ring etc. Things happen fast and there are

NO rules, No referee, no time limit, and your only goal should be is to live thru it.

I was 100% striker til i trained with a Grecco guy from uzbekistan and was quite amazed by

grapplers, if this guy got his hands on me i was going down, not sure about judo but i would

not just write them off as a win. After training with this guy in the back of my mind i am now

always looking for a choke front or rear. The good news for strikers is they can pick this

up quickly and i would sugest they get some training on the ground.

The downside to the grappling styles is if there are 2 or more attackers you are history.

This is how most fights go down these days unforunately, in Thai or USA (gangs). The

striker too is at a big disadvantage with multiple opponents but he can stay on his feet

and most often has the ability to run when the rats (friends) come out of the woodwork.

The other downside of groundfighting is it seems in every ground fight i won i would get more

damaged than a strike fight i lost, going full force on the pavement will cut you up and

leave you like a bruised apple that was rolled down steep hill.

take care



Are we talking PS2 or the new PS3?

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Words of wisdom from Rambo.. something I'm sure Chuck Norris would agree with.. at the end of the day there is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.

Steven Seagal could beat Chuck Norris in a fight if he lost 50 kilos first! :o

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Words of wisdom from Rambo.. something I'm sure Chuck Norris would agree with.. at the end of the day there is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.

Steven Seagal could beat Chuck Norris in a fight if he lost 50 kilos first! :o

Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal has no chance.

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Let's see . . .

Option b: Spend an extra 30 hours a week with my family and enjoy one another's company and learn to understand and try to bridge the generation gap - possibly play monopoly or badminton or kick the ball around a bit.

That wont help you one little bit when you get attacked from behind one night, and some deviant mofo is slamming your face into the hard concrete with no regard for your welfare, or that extra 30hrs a week that you're wanting to spend with your family in the future, will it?

There's no helping some people, me and Nam give our hard earned advice from years of experience in the trenches. You think it's always avoidable? Think again. Maybe you can get away with it if you're some jelly spined, apologetic, poor excuse for a man, but even then it might catch up with you one day. There are many out there who target and prey upon the weak. Just having the air of a man who can handle himself discourages a lot of those sort of attentions.

If I wanted to give it some large on this thread I'd probably get myself a new persona, avatar signiature and all, I would call myself John Rambo for full effect and get all Rambo'd up on y'all, but I see someone already beat me to it, yesterday. :o

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What are the laws on self defense in Thailand? At what point am I allowed to use physical force? What happens at police station after two farangs fight?

I trained in judo. How does the law react to choke holds and arm locks? Is a choke considered deadly force?

Possibly the strangest introductory post I have seen in a very long time.

Quick answer - you will be taken to the cop shop where you will either spend some time with a few tattooed quys called Somchai who like white boys or have to pay costs for the guy you, presumably, beat to a pulp with your honed fighting skills, and there are the police fees.

Possibly you will be allowed to notify your embassy and then be chucked out for breaking the law. (No-one gives a flying one if you do judo, suzuki or oregami)

With all the testosterone flying around here I am surprised that the Caucasian-Invasion has not succeeded in wiping out the Thai armed forces with one fell swoop of their deadly roundhouse kicks!!!

As for my legend of the day . . . it would have to go to Noel in regaling us with his battle-story in bludgeoning a marauding septuagenarian hun with his own water-gun . . . 2h4f961.gif



Loved it, thanks.

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