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Americans condemn Orlando mass shooting while politicians argue over precautions


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Americans condemn Orlando mass shooting while politicians argue over precautions
Source: Xinhua

ORLANDO, the United States, June 13 (Xinhua) -- Volunteers queued for hours in heavy rain to donate blood at mobile stations in Orlando, Florida, where the deadliest U.S. mass shooting to date took place on Sunday, while politicians argued from the very wording of the incident to ways to prevent the recurrence of such tragedy.

At least 50 people were killed and 53 others wounded, including a police officer in the attack early Sunday.

The tragedy happened amid a series of events nationwide in celebration of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) Pride Month. In several other cities hosting events on Sunday, including block parties in Boston and a festival in Washington, police strengthened security. In Los Angeles, about 100,000 people marched in a planned Gay Pride parade in defiance of the bloodshed.

U.S. President Barack Obama denounced the Orlando shooting as an "act of terror and an act of hate," in a national address in Washington on Sunday afternoon. He said the country must spare no effort to determine whether the killer had any ties to extremist groups.

Full story: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-06/13/c_135433449.htm

-- Xinhuanet 2016-06-14

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Domestic terrorism.

I doubt anything will happen. Sandy Hook showed us that we can tolerate the mass murder of children. If that's bearable, then anything is - so long as we can make love to our AK-47s.

Edited by attrayant
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Everytime I hear a Republican say, "Let's pray for the victims", I throw up a little in my mouth. Disgraceful hypocrisy.

Instead of going after the easy availability of guns they turn it into minority hate.

Republicans...owned by the NRA.

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Where were the NRA members in defending these people?

RIP and condolences to families and friends and a speedy recovery to all those injured.

I may not support their views, but nevertheless, they are human just the same as you and I and did not deserve to die in an act of religious extremism.

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Everytime I hear a Republican say, "Let's pray for the victims", I throw up a little in my mouth. Disgraceful hypocrisy.

Instead of going after the easy availability of guns they turn it into minority hate.

Republicans...owned by the NRA.

Also the vast majority of republican politicians support discriminatory laws against GLBT citizens. So when they express sympathy for the mostly gay victims of this terrorist atrocity, that's similarly vomit inducing hypocrisy.

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When I read the media reports, and on the TV news stories, I have not seen too many

comments that this Killer was a Muslim or had Islam as his religion. only seen that

he was born in the USA with parents from Afghanistan, and I do not know why the

news reporters and the politicians are trying to be so politically correct. Call a

spade a spade. As I read a commenters statement, that it is like saying the WW11 was

a struggle against an unknown terrorist group. This killer was a hypocrite as well if

he was in this club a few times before he decided to kill all of those people.

It seems that the FBI and other groups failed America as well. How many sign does one

need to at least restrict people in the USA from buying a fire arm without delay.

The NRA is totally to blame for the gun laws not changing in America, and I do hope that

one day the people of that country wake up and get some changes made.

Well enough ranting, time for my nap.


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I'm all for creating a national database that is accessed by every gun dealer in the country. It should contain a compilation from every security organization in the states as well as Interpol.

It's not like we don't have the technology available to create such a database. The NRA isn't lobbying against this type of thing. They're lobbying against making stupid laws that don't help stop criminals from being criminals.

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The NRA isn't lobbying against this type of thing. They're lobbying against making stupid laws that don't help stop criminals from being criminals.

So a law is useless if a criminal won't obey it? Can you give me an example of laws that stop criminals from being criminals? Criminals are going to break whichever laws they please - that's what makes them criminals. Does that mean laws are useless and we ought not to have any?

So many people exceed the speed limit too - I guess we ought to get rid of that law. What about seatbelt laws - does everybody obey those? If not then I guess we can get rid of those, too.

Edited by attrayant
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The outpouring of public support of blood donations is pretty much the only silver lining related to this terrorist atrocity. Extremely heart warming. That's REAL support, not empty words or prayers.

Well said.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. It's at times like these you realise that there are still decent humans out there.. It's a lot harder to spot a decent politician these days.

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Domestic terrorism.

I doubt anything will happen. Sandy Hook showed us that we can tolerate the mass murder of children. If that's bearable, then anything is - so long as we can make love to our AK-47s.

I wonder if the politicians would start acting if someone suddenly started targeting the pollies and their families with these evil weapons of mass destruction?

It's amazing how someone's perception changes when they become personally involved.

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Where were the NRA members in defending these people?

NRA are doing what they always do: paying politicians lots of money to stifle all reasonable debate, and doing all they can to get as many guns into as many peoples' hands as possible.

In the Senate, after the obligatory 1 minute of silence for the Orlando victims, Ryan successfully stifled any and all mention of 3 bills pending re; gun ownership. He grinned while he kept banging down the gavel to shut fellow senators up. Ryan knows about Roberts Rules of Order and is brown nosing with NRA - a bad combination. Any smidgen of respect I may have had for Ryan is flushed down the toilet. He's nearly as dangerous for Americans as Trump would be, if prez.

Excerpt from today's NPR article on gun politics in the USA:

>>> Data shows that tougher state gun laws are correlated with fewer gun deaths. Several studies have shown a link between firearm ownership rates and the risk of being a homicide victim. In a 2015 study, for example, researchers at Harvard University found that higher levels of firearm ownership were associated with higher levels of firearm assault, firearm robbery and firearm homicide.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Boomer's comment:

>>> 9 states have concealed carry with no permit required. 15 additional states have nearly as soggy/insane laws.
>>> Only 8 states ban assault weapons. All others allow them.
Even though California has the toughest gun laws, they're still not tough enough. I resided in California for a quarter century, and I personally know of several gun deaths (stemming from anger and stupidity) just in a the low-population rural area I resided. More guns = more harm and deaths from guns.
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If the country insists on having easy access to guns than it has to accept the fact it will have to eat a shit sandwich now and then.

Unfortunately DM, the country isn't a single entity and there's good folk caught up in the insanity.

Something has to change.

Surely the NRA and the gun pro nutters can see the present system is NOT WORKING.

Even, blind, deaf and dumb mute could see that.

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Shame on every liberal that is turning the real problem into a political agenda on American gun control.

This was not domestic terror....it was a case of radical Muslim beliefs, fueled by Isis.

Headlines reflect gun control as if this was a high school shooting. This man was raised as a radical. His father is borderline radical.... This man was assisted by his ex wife who knew whAt was going on. The man traveled to Saudi twice and may well have been recruited and trained by Isil.

Stop confusing issues. Talk gun control at another time.... France and Belgium are proof that radical Islamists can cause terror regardless of your issues with gun control in America. This is an international problem...not just a us problem.

Don't allow Obama and Clinton to fool you. They are not addressing the real issue of international terrorism.

Shame on you

Edited by slipperylobster
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Shame on every liberal that is turning the real problem into a political agenda on American gun control.

This was not domestic terror....it was a case of radical Muslim beliefs, fueled by Isis.

Headlines reflect gun control as if this was a high school shooting. This man was raised as a radical. His father is borderline radical.... This man was assisted by his ex wife who knew whAt was going on. The man traveled to Saudi twice and may well have been recruited and trained by Isil.

Stop confusing issues. Talk gun control at another time.... France and Belgium are proof that radical Islamists can cause terror regardless of your issues with gun control in America. This is an international problem...not just a us problem.

Don't allow Obama and Clinton to fool you. They are not addressing the real issue of international terrorism.

Shame on you

Nah. he was nothing more than a pathetic little insecure homosexual muslim boy.

Dunno why he was a shit dicker though as his ex wife is gorgeous.

Edited by Don Mega
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If the country insists on having easy access to guns than it has to accept the fact it will have to eat a shit sandwich now and then.

Brilliant. Are people eating shit in Paris. Same thing

Don't know to be honest. Can the french walk into a 7-11 and buy an assualt rifle ?

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Shame on every liberal that is turning the real problem into a political agenda on American gun control.

This was not domestic terror....it was a case of radical Muslim beliefs, fueled by Isis.

Headlines reflect gun control as if this was a high school shooting. This man was raised as a radical. His father is borderline radical.... This man was assisted by his ex wife who knew whAt was going on. The man traveled to Saudi twice and may well have been recruited and trained by Isil.

Stop confusing issues. Talk gun control at another time.... France and Belgium are proof that radical Islamists can cause terror regardless of your issues with gun control in America. This is an international problem...not just a us problem.

Don't allow Obama and Clinton to fool you. They are not addressing the real issue of international terrorism.

Shame on you

Nah. he was nothing more than a little insecure homosexual muslim boy.
Exactly what extremists look for. Wake up people. Gay or not, read the news. An insecure person would be the first to fall for a recruitment campaign by radicals overseas. You might be surprised how many Isil and Abu sayaf are insecure as well. Edited by slipperylobster
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Shame on every liberal that is turning the real problem into a political agenda on American gun control.

This was not domestic terror....it was a case of radical Muslim beliefs, fueled by Isis.

Headlines reflect gun control as if this was a high school shooting. This man was raised as a radical. His father is borderline radical.... This man was assisted by his ex wife who knew whAt was going on. The man traveled to Saudi twice and may well have been recruited and trained by Isil.

Stop confusing issues. Talk gun control at another time.... France and Belgium are proof that radical Islamists can cause terror regardless of your issues with gun control in America. This is an international problem...not just a us problem.

Don't allow Obama and Clinton to fool you. They are not addressing the real issue of international terrorism.

Shame on you

You're wrong, and we don't agree. You're bending over backwards trying to divorce mass murder incidents with gun laws. It ain't working except with the choir. More availability of guns = more harm done by guns. No one is saying there won't be gun violence if gun laws are less insane. We're saying there will be less gun violence.

It's also a commentary on what a primitive thinking species we still are - quick to being offended (sometimes by the stupidest, smallest things), quick to anger, quick to blame, swiftly vindictive.

How many years has our species supposedly had superior intelligence (over other species), ....3,500? 25,000....300,000?

If the evolution of life were put on a 12 hour clock, humans' supposedly higher intelligence would account for about 1/300th of a second. As a species, we've developed some nifty gadgets, but morally, we're no further developed than scorpions or skinks.

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Samantha Bee is on point (caution: strong language): https://youtu.be/t88X1pYQu-I

Some of the platitudes and other remarks issued by politicians were particularly disgusting. Mass shootings have become so normal that former presidential candidate Marco Rubio says that states are simple 'taking turns' now:

This could have happened anywhere. Today was Florida's turn.
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Shame on every liberal that is turning the real problem into a political agenda on American gun control.

This was not domestic terror....it was a case of radical Muslim beliefs, fueled by Isis.

Headlines reflect gun control as if this was a high school shooting. This man was raised as a radical. His father is borderline radical.... This man was assisted by his ex wife who knew whAt was going on. The man traveled to Saudi twice and may well have been recruited and trained by Isil.

Stop confusing issues. Talk gun control at another time.... France and Belgium are proof that radical Islamists can cause terror regardless of your issues with gun control in America. This is an international problem...not just a us problem.

Don't allow Obama and Clinton to fool you. They are not addressing the real issue of international terrorism.

Shame on you

You're wrong, and we don't agree. You're bending over backwards trying to divorce mass murder incidents with gun laws. It ain't working except with the choir. More availability of guns = more harm done by guns. No one is saying there won't be gun violence if gun laws are less insane. We're saying there will be less gun violence.

It's also a commentary on what a primitive thinking species we still are - quick to being offended (sometimes by the stupidest, smallest things), quick to anger, quick to blame, swiftly vindictive.

How many years has our species supposedly had superior intelligence (over other species), ....3,500? 25,000....300,000?

If the evolution of life were put on a 12 hour clock, humans' supposedly higher intelligence would account for about 1/300th of a second. As a species, we've developed some nifty gadgets, but morally, we're no further developed than scorpions or skinks.

You are so far off the mark that I question your sincerity.

Liberals are making this a fight for their agenda...and subtracting from the actual issue...which is Islamic radical violence across Europe and in the USA. It is not supposed to be about your political need to rewrite the constitution with / bill of rights. You and your ilk just want to deflect from the fact that you and your lovely democrats have emboldened radical recruitment on the weaker elements of the international Muslim community. Including the man in question. Democrats have made things worse by their deflection.

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You are so far off the mark that I question your sincerity.

Liberals are making this a fight for their agenda...and subtracting from the actual issue...which is Islamic radical violence across Europe and in the USA. It is not supposed to be about your political need to rewrite the constitution with / bill of rights. You and your ilk just want to deflect from the fact that you and your lovely democrats have emboldened radical recruitment on the weaker elements of the international Muslim community. Including the man in question. Democrats have made things worse by their deflection.

It's not a black & white scenario. Liberals want to stamp out Muslim extremists as anyone else. That's why Bin Laden was killed (and thankfully, Pakis weren't informed ahead of time). Bad shit happens. Dozens of US marines were bombed in Beirut during Reagan's time in office. 9-11 happened on Bush's watch. Liberals aren't blaming those Republican presidents for those incidents.

Everyone wants to wipe out the bad guys. However, the Orlando killings were at least as much a gun-control issue as a Muslim-terrorist issue.

It can be both. It doesn't have to be one or the other. Indeed, it was also a gay-bashing and self-loathing (by the gunman) issue.

I'll say it again: Less guns = less troubles with guns. Just as important, in my view, is the almost holy status that many Americans hold for guns. They've been brought up seeing hundreds of TV/movies glorifying guns. Americans are to gun worship as N.Koreans are to Kim family worship. I've influenced at least 2 dozen American kids (yes, I've had steady g.f.s with ready-made broods of kids). As far as I know, none of those kids, now grown-up, are gun heads. I encourage them to be environmentalists and to deal with disputes with dialogue/discussions. With a couple of exceptions, all the kids I've influenced are confident, healthy, employed citizens - now raising their own families. None are pot-bellied paranoids hiding behind steel doors dressed in sweat-stained t-shirts, hoping a prowler will come by, so they can blow his head off.

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Shame on every liberal that is turning the real problem into a political agenda on American gun control.

This was not domestic terror....it was a case of radical Muslim beliefs, fueled by Isis.

Headlines reflect gun control as if this was a high school shooting. This man was raised as a radical. His father is borderline radical.... This man was assisted by his ex wife who knew whAt was going on. The man traveled to Saudi twice and may well have been recruited and trained by Isil.

Stop confusing issues. Talk gun control at another time.... France and Belgium are proof that radical Islamists can cause terror regardless of your issues with gun control in America. This is an international problem...not just a us problem.

Don't allow Obama and Clinton to fool you. They are not addressing the real issue of international terrorism.

Shame on you

Sorry slip, but I'm going to have to call BS on this one. This little tiny insignificant man was an American, born and bred. It's about as internal as it can get. Apparently he was radicalised but even then I'm not so sure about that until I see the links.

As I said before, he's just a twerp that had tried to fit in anyway he could with just about any group of people. Slowly one by one they picked him off as clearly he wasn't suitable for association with other humans. Women rejected him, men rejected him so he took himself down to a domestic gun store and used his domestically earnt money to buy some domestically sold firearms and some domestically sold ammunition and at the said time he produced his domestically administered fire arms licence (which apparently are given away in packets of corn flakes) and he then got in his domestically produced vehicle and took him self down to a local domestically run night club to serve out some vegence on civilians who had rejected him. As it was going on, he called his alliance to ISIL.

I'm wondering if they had ever even heard of this freak before.

Let's face it, this was a domestic problem.

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If the country insists on having easy access to guns than it has to accept the fact it will have to eat a shit sandwich now and then.

Brilliant. Are people eating shit in Paris. Same thing

Don't know to be honest. Can the french walk into a 7-11 and buy an assualt rifle ?

7-11 convenience stores sell firearms??


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Not all liberals are trying to turn this into a gun control issue. Some, like our favorite young students at the Univ of Missouri, made it about race. Well, they didn't make Orlando about race, they just skipped by the Orlando topic all together and spoke about race. Then the campus police tried to evict a married gay couple who didn't approve of the hijacking... insane.

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Shame on every liberal that is turning the real problem into a political agenda on American gun control.

This was not domestic terror....it was a case of radical Muslim beliefs, fueled by Isis.

Headlines reflect gun control as if this was a high school shooting. This man was raised as a radical. His father is borderline radical.... This man was assisted by his ex wife who knew whAt was going on. The man traveled to Saudi twice and may well have been recruited and trained by Isil.

Stop confusing issues. Talk gun control at another time.... France and Belgium are proof that radical Islamists can cause terror regardless of your issues with gun control in America. This is an international problem...not just a us problem.

Don't allow Obama and Clinton to fool you. They are not addressing the real issue of international terrorism.

Shame on you

Sorry slip, but I'm going to have to call BS on this one. This little tiny insignificant man was an American, born and bred. It's about as internal as it can get.

He was born American but he sure wasn't raised to be one by his Taliban-supporting father.

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