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Orlando shooter’s father: “I condemn what he did”


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So many here scrambling to blame ANYTHING but radical Islam. Which is what the shooter claimed. And what ISIS themselves claim. But no, it must be a gun control issue. Or a personality disorder. Irreligious people trying to find a non-religious explanation for religious violence...

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So many here scrambling to blame ANYTHING but radical Islam. Which is what the shooter claimed. And what ISIS themselves claim. But no, it must be a gun control issue. Or a personality disorder. Irreligious people trying to find a non-religious explanation for religious violence...

My guess is you havent been following the latest developments on CNN.

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I can understand why the Father of this shooter is quick to condemn his

son's actions. The father and family still live in the USA, and their son just murdered

49 US citizens, and wounding so many more. I can bet that not all of the victims relatives will be that quick to forgive and forget what happened. Will the father be a target?

The way things tend to happen, I am wondering where the next event will happen.


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So many here scrambling to blame ANYTHING but radical Islam. Which is what the shooter claimed. And what ISIS themselves claim. But no, it must be a gun control issue. Or a personality disorder. Irreligious people trying to find a non-religious explanation for religious violence...

My guess is you havent been following the latest developments on CNN.

He might not be watching CNN only, as they spin the story on a crazy gay gone mad, when in reality it was radical islamic terrorism, period. Whether he was gay or not does not matter to the victims, shouting alla akbar and pledging allegiance to ISIS are just not newsworthy on this issue. The Clinton News Network (CNN) is complacent in the Obama/Clinton spin on this, as well as the spin put on Benghazi, emails, Clinton foundation and on and on.

The National Inquirer is more credible than CNN. And CNN has yet to mention the old man's Taliban link.

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People with Personal Disorder exists everywhere.

Only in the USA they can take out their problems : guns.

The NRA is the biggest problem outside Trump.

US children playing with guns of the family kill more people

a year than all terrorists.

Think about.

You are addressing a completely different issue.

The real problem is radical islam..and the recruitment of people to do their dirty work.

gun laws have nothing to do with it. They have gun laws all over the world ..right?

Yet these things happen in Europe as well.

Where is the evidence of recruitment. A claim to aspire to radicalism and use that as a deranged reason is not evidence. The profile of this individual indicates a very confused state in which various factors led to the event. It is more likely the fascination of Islamic extremism appealed to his pshyciatric abberation but in the absence of any recruitment. Jumping on the bandwagon of anti Islamic propoganda indicates an identical social weakness.

How long before a gay Christian bombs a Mosque in retakiation? Would that individual now be socially considered a hero?

Beware of anarchy in the so called defence of " Democracy" !

You answered your own question in the second sentence. Aspired because he idolized fellow Muslims who do these things and influence radicalism in Muslims world wide. Where have you been? That is recruitment. Same as if you flew there to Isis hq and signed up at the recruitment office. Do not be blind to the active forces radicalizing and influencing their Muslim communities in the west. His dad is the only proof you need...

You sound like Obama and Hillary trying to ignore the issues and terminology that allow these things to escalate.

Edited by slipperylobster
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For the families of the victims, it will hardly be of cosequen e whether to blame ISIS or the guys gay issues.

Sounds like it was a lethal cocktail of all of the above.

Also, I'd speculate the father is a clever b******

Should'nt judge on someones appearance, but just look at him..not to hard to spot a rotten apple.

I'd say, the father played a very prominent role in the kid turning out the way he did.

Years of guilt and shame and a nutter religious views will do it.

He's saying what he has to now but i bet my left one, inside he is saying

" the west and its perverted tolerance for homosexuality is what infected my son"

Its just another example why some religious nutters will never allow themselves to assimilate in our countries.

The bottom line is this:

These kinds of people took a pledge when they came America, to enjoy the tolerance, freedoms and handouts.

Clearly they have lied and have no intentions of honouring their part of the clause.

IMO, the American people will soon be demanding "find them and remove them, NOW"

Its inevitable these homeland threats will end up being an election issue.

I guess a more than a few Americans will be asking themselves who has the cajoolies to carry out the tough measures.


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It has now been revealed that he was married before,and was the same way with his previous wife.When his family were asked about the wedding,they said that it was a Muslim ceremony and it was very personal.They would give no details.He also has a son that,apparently he was very good with.More to this yet,i feel.

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