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I arrived to BKK’s new international airport on November 7 on ANA approximately 5:00 p.m.. I got my luggage, and exited without incident. As I would be staying in Thailand for several weeks, and more than 1 group of customers was coming to town, I was carrying loads of cash – approximately 150,000 TB. I selected the limousine service to take me to my hotel (Sukhumvit Area - Bangkok) because I wanted the extra security of a limo service over the tax stand luck of the draw. I paid the 900 Baht and the car came around and picked me up.

I was expecting all new Toyota’s, at least that was what I read on the Internet. Nope – an old piece of crap – AND we didn’t make it 5 – 8 Kilometers before the car broke down. The 900 Baht I paid included several tolls….but we never even made it to toll #1. The car was overheated, and the driver pulled over. (If you’re interested, my receipt says: “Mongkol and Kuljira Tranport Partnership, phone 038-734962, email [email protected]). Hmmmm, the major limo service at BKK new airport uses a yahoo account…they cannot afford a server???

The solution – my driver found a taxi off the street, and paid him 200TB to take me to the hotel (where’s my 700TB refund??????).

Here I am – 150,000 TB cash in my pocket, my suitcase in the front seat of an unfamiliar taxi, in surroundings I have never seen (I know no landmarks between the new airport and my hotel that I can hang my hat on), a driver who doesn’t speak a word of English, taking back-roads towards Sukhumvit (the thought of a toll road never occurred to this guy). Of course if the driver knew anything about how much cash I had in my pocket, I would have never lived to my final destination.

Overall impression from trip #1 post-coup to Bangkok to the new airport ?? Unfortunately, I cannot recommend any specific way to get to your destination – awful. OK – I’m whining. But you know those little bells that go off in your head that warn you when you are in danger? The bells were ringing, and there was nothing I could do about changing my situation. AND, it should never have happened -- if a customer pays 900 TB for a limo service, at least the company should provide a minimum quality of transport to ensure arrival. It was very disappointing.

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Sounds to me like you were conned by one of the hordes of taxi touts that are permitted to operate at Suvarnabhumi, and not an official AOT limousine. It's really a total disgrace that AOT permits these touts at the airport. Even more a disgrace that their own AOT people join them in touting their own taxis as to confuse the situation even more. I have very few complaints about the new airport, but the touts are one which were also one of my major complaints about the old airport.

If AOT won't do anything about this obvious problem, maybe a few of the travelers to Suvarnabhumi can. Maybe we can come up with some ideas about how to hassle the touts enough to discourage them to leave. For instance, if a passenger is just waiting around the airport for a flight and doesn't have anything better to do, he might be able to go down to the arrivals area and just walk around and wait for a tout to approach. When the tout does, I wonder if you called a tourist police on a tout for harassing you if they would spend the time to take you and the tout to their office and make an official complaint. Don't know if it would work, but if the tourist police will take a report and if enough people did this, it might be enough of a hassle for the touts as to discourage them. Or if hundreds of complaints a day to the tourist police are coming in about the touts, maybe someone would do something about the situation. Perhaps reassign the top AOT officials to cleaning their toilets as that seems to be about all they can handle if they can't do something as simple as ban the touts.

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150,000 TB

Of course if the driver knew anything about how much cash I had in my pocket, I would have never lived to my final destination.

Add another 3 or 4 more zero's..... Maybe where you come from people are all criminals, but 150k would not prompt evey taxi driver in BKK to slit your throat.

Are you the same guy who posted a thread on another site a few weeks back ? Coup Escaper by skin of his teeth

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I can't see what how much cash you were carrying had to do with the story but being ripped off in a taxi is unfortunate & annoying but why didn't you just refuse to use this car? If I pay 900 baht for a limo service i will demand a decent car.

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150,000 TB

Of course if the driver knew anything about how much cash I had in my pocket, I would have never lived to my final destination.

Add another 3 or 4 more zero's..... Maybe where you come from people are all criminals, but 150k would not prompt evey taxi driver in BKK to slit your throat.

Are you the same guy who posted a thread on another site a few weeks back ? Coup Escaper by skin of his teeth

Nope - this was my virgin post. I know, I should have a little more faith in humanity. The murder rate in Thailand though is 35 per 100,000 population - a very high number by world standards. I would assume that quite a few murders are over a lot less than 150,000 TB cash. Anyway, thanks for the advice.

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150,000 TB

Of course if the driver knew anything about how much cash I had in my pocket, I would have never lived to my final destination.

Add another 3 or 4 more zero's..... Maybe where you come from people are all criminals, but 150k would not prompt evey taxi driver in BKK to slit your throat.

Are you the same guy who posted a thread on another site a few weeks back ? Coup Escaper by skin of his teeth

Nope - this was my virgin post. I know, I should have a little more faith in humanity. The murder rate in Thailand though is 35 per 100,000 population - a very high number by world standards. I would assume that quite a few murders are over a lot less than 150,000 TB cash. Anyway, thanks for the advice.

Carry about double that in every month and just get a B200 taxi in every time.. Have done for over 5-years. Never a problem.

Also, at the money changer I use, regulaly see Thai and Chinese arriving with over $50K to change into, or out of Baht..

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never had any problem in BKK with Taxi's and never felt unsafe so i also am unsure about the carrying 150k i carry more regularly.

As for the limo, you should have got the AOT one, most of them are the new model Camry which is a nice car.

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The AOT 1100baht Limo's I saw are Nissans. One of those new models that looks like a suppository. The present discounted (800 baht) AOT limo is a Isuzu SUV, pickup/station wagon type vehicle (which rides like a pickup from the back seat). Maybe they have Camry's but if so I didn't see them or maybe they are in the higher price bracket.

But all the AOT limos are new so it should be a few more months before they start breaking down.

>>As for the limo, you should have got the AOT one, most of them are the new model Camry which is a nice car.

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I was expecting all new Toyota’s, at least that was what I read on the Internet. Nope – an old piece of crap – AND we didn’t make it 5 – 8 Kilometers before the car broke down. The 900 Baht I paid included several tolls….but we never even made it to toll #1. The car was overheated, and the driver pulled over. (If you’re interested, my receipt says: “Mongkol and Kuljira Tranport Partnership, phone 038-734962, email [email protected]). Hmmmm, the major limo service at BKK new airport uses a yahoo account…they cannot afford a server???

The solution – my driver found a taxi off the street, and paid him 200TB to take me to the hotel (where’s my 700TB refund??????).

Sorry to hear of your problems with the limo. I have been trying to find other cheaper limo alternatives, but there are no suggestions so far. However, the day I used Prabhirarb Transport Co (tel: 0-2535 7567-8) I paid THB800 plus tolls to Sathorn, and they provided a very new Mercedes van, and the driver certainly new the best way of fighting through the Friday rush hour. I have used this service many times and they are reliable, and their vehicles usually good.

Have you tried asking for a refund of your THB700? If they don't cough up give their details to AOT.

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AOT Limos service at desks on right as you Exit B & C doors, is run by two companies for AOT with all new vehicles and its only 700 baht to central Bangkok 900 baht to outer edges so why bother looking to save 100 baht. Any problem and you go to the AOT desk to complain. Have nothing to do with any other unofficial Limo service at the airport, or use approved metered Taxi from level 1.

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I don't carry that much cash on me in any country and I think anyone who does is foolish. If you don't trust ATMs at least get traveller's checks. One robbery, not only relieves you of the equivelant of thousands of check cashing fees, but puts other travellers at risk as tales of muggers relieving them of hundreds of thousands of THB spreads.

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I can't see what how much cash you were carrying had to do with the story but being ripped off in a taxi is unfortunate & annoying but why didn't you just refuse to use this car? If I pay 900 baht for a limo service i will demand a decent car.

ya buddy you got buffalo'd good :D:o

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AOT Limos service at desks on right as you Exit B & C doors, is run by two companies for AOT with all new vehicles and its only 700 baht to central Bangkok 900 baht to outer edges so why bother looking to save 100 baht. Any problem and you go to the AOT desk to complain. Have nothing to do with any other unofficial Limo service at the airport, or use approved metered Taxi from level 1.

Are you sure about these prices. The AOT website states about 1200 baht to Sathorn, which is central Bangkok.

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I go with the taxi since years and never had a real problem and the taxi does not know how much cash you have in your pocket. I few times I had a lot money with me (20K euro), comming with backpack and old ugly jean and T-Shirt like always, how can someone know if I have money or not?

If I have to travel a lot with more money I put it in my shoes and just say 3000 Baht in my wallet so someone can happily rob me but don't get the hugh amount. That might work with Euros but with Baht you need really big shoes to hide a million.....

hint: don't take sandals

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I go with the taxi since years and never had a real problem and the taxi does not know how much cash you have in your pocket. I few times I had a lot money with me (20K euro), comming with backpack and old ugly jean and T-Shirt like always, how can someone know if I have money or not?

If I have to travel a lot with more money I put it in my shoes and just say 3000 Baht in my wallet so someone can happily rob me but don't get the hugh amount. That might work with Euros but with Baht you need really big shoes to hide a million.....

hint: don't take sandals

Yeah, nobody ever loses their shoes when being robbed :o

No wonder new cautionary tales get written everyday. :D

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Well, there's several possibilities;

Some people may not be that stupid, but are simply trying to impress others by claiming to have this kind of loose cash.

They may have lived sheltered lives and haven't heard of bank transfers or other more secure means of moving money around.

They may be up to no good, and are smuggling the cash in, not wanting it traced.

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:omaimeesatang but carrying 150k? :D:D

Translation for those who don’t know even that little Tai:

maimeesatang = I have no money (literelly: no have money)

I wonder, Guardian: seeing that nick, seeing that this was his first post, and considering the content of his post – what is the probability that he might be a troll? Well, if he is (and I think he is), at least he is getting fed nicely.



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:omaimeesatang but carrying 150k? :D:D

Translation for those who don’t know even that little Tai:

maimeesatang = I have no money (literelly: no have money)

I wonder, Guardian: seeing that nick, seeing that this was his first post, and considering the content of his post – what is the probability that he might be a troll? Well, if he is (and I think he is), at least he is getting fed nicely.



My handle is maimeesatang, but I'm not trolling. I just had a bad experience at the airport, and felt like posting it. Actually, I learned a few things from the responses, which is good. Thanks for the advice.

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Well, there's several possibilities;

Some people may not be that stupid, but are simply trying to impress others by claiming to have this kind of loose cash.

They may have lived sheltered lives and haven't heard of bank transfers or other more secure means of moving money around.

They may be up to no good, and are smuggling the cash in, not wanting it traced.

If you are referring to me, it is quite simple. My schedule does not give the luxury of time with bank transfers. Once was enough to miss a factory payment in Thailand because of a 48-hour bank transfer delay to ward me away from doing it again.

I am cautious, do not attract attention to myself or cash I am carrying and do not go to foolish lengths of having money in one's shoes.. :D

On the latter point, I can hardly think of doing something that would look less suspicious (apart from trilby hat and trenchcoat with the collar turned up in the arrivals hall!! :o:D

Edited by bkkandrew
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Well, there's several possibilities;

Some people may not be that stupid, but are simply trying to impress others by claiming to have this kind of loose cash.

They may have lived sheltered lives and haven't heard of bank transfers or other more secure means of moving money around.

They may be up to no good, and are smuggling the cash in, not wanting it traced.

If you are referring to me, it is quite simple. My schedule does not give the luxury of time with bank transfers. Once was enough to miss a factory payment in Thailand because of a 48-hour bank transfer delay to ward me away from doing it again.

I am cautious, do not attract attention to myself or cash I am carrying and do not go to foolish lengths of having money in one's shoes.. :D

On the latter point, I can hardly think of doing something that would look less suspicious (apart from trilby hat and trenchcoat with the collar turned up in the arrivals hall!! :o:D

money in the shoes has the big advantage: if you wait long for airplaines and spend time with drinking, you may loose things but usually not your shoes. So the money is secured against own mistakes.

Only disadvantage after a 24 hour journey with military-like shoes in tropic temperature, you should put the money for some hours in the open air before you use it....

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