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Text for visa letter

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I need a non imm B for one year w multi entry. Can I have the company inviting me write something to effect of "we need him/her to assist in machine selection/setup/training which may take up to a year; he/she will need to travel out of Thailand re parts sourcing, etc....

I don't want them saying they are going to hire me because they aren't. However, they will be responsible for any expenses so it's o.k. for them to say they will be financially responsible.

I'm from the US. Will I be able to repeat this yearly for as long as it takes to complete project? Thanks!

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I see your point. My mistake for not being more clear. This project will be paid for by the US company supplying the machine minus molds. Still, the Thai company will feed me (I hope). It's more like I'm on loan from the US company because the US company needs the products this equipment will later produce. But I'm also not a full time employee; it would be independant contractor status (1099).
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Whatever you call it, independend work doesnt exist in Thailand, you are farang, you work, need workpermit.

I would make very sure your USA company knows that whats going to happen is illegal and make them sort out the lazy Thais on this side. Remember you can end up in jail and get blamed for it, not your bosses in the USA...

Anyway, they can make up a letter as suggested, and you can get a double visum, 3 months repeated via Kolok.

Penang  will ask too many questions.

However to do it properly the Thai company should apply for a workpermit.If you pay the required tax, ie they should or your USA employer should, not a problem to get one. Tax and social security may add up to 2000 baht per month based on about 35000 baht required minimum income per month.

Its also more relaxing for the mind to know they cannot kick you out or lock you up in places which acc to some resemble the Spielberg movie 'the slave trade' or whatever it was...

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