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Hello, could you tell me what is the best method to learn Thai.... Generaly I learn language very quicly.... At that point I speak 5.... but nothing like Thai....

Thailand tips sells a package for $47 including a course that they claim you learn the language in 21 days.... what do you know about this organization.... they have also a forum..... are they honest or just another internet rip/off...

REgards, Francois


From my own experience, I found that the best way to learn Thai is to

a. learn to write first - it is not as difficult as it first looks. If you practice writing the letters for about 30 minutes a day, you will pick it up quickly.

b. then you can start making words, followed by sentences.

c. Once you can write and read, you will understand the pronunciation (there are rules). Then it will be a matter of working on vocabulary, grammar, and listening to the way the Thai speak. So if you think you really want to learn Thai, make sure the school you select will teach you in the order above.

Thai tips? never heard of it, but beware of any promises like learning a language in 21 days. How much of the language will you learn in 21 days? If you don't study you will learn nothing. If you want a demanding program, try the YWCA's Nisa language school. Here are some links to otheer sources of language instruction:



You might consider a private tutor to start, but many have their own method and will not vary, so you need to ask if they will teach you to write and read first, unless you just want to be able to speak and understand. .

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