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Obama slams renewed Trump call for Muslim ban after Orlando shooting


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Thank you for saving me from explaining what I meant when I wrote Obama has lost all credibility on this issue.

For most of the right-wing nutters, Obama lost all credibility when he was born with black skin. That is why he was declared the worst president even before his inauguration by so many in the right wing media. That is why the Republican leadership decided to work against any legislation proposed by Obama, leading to the Republicans repudiating even their own legislation once Obama approved of that legislation. Just look at the course of discourse over "Obamacare" formerly "Romneycare", the Republican and Insurance industry designed plan to force all citizens into buying private insurance, in order to run interference against any talk of a competing, and more rational, national insurance plan.

Can you provide any links to your declaration that Obama "was declared the worst president even before his inauguration by so many in the right wing media. "?

It is a rhetorical question, I know you can't because it didn't happen.

On the other hand...

The real racists, the ones who judge someone on the basis of the color of their skin, would be the millions (perhaps tens of millions) who voted for Obama simply because he was black... "Ooo, how cool would that be? To tell my grand kids that I voted for the first black president?!".

Republican leadership opposed Obama on Obamacare. The Democrats had total control of both houses of Congress and didn't need one vote from Republicans to pass Obamacare...and they acted like it. Thing is, many Democrats didn't like it either and after Louisiana and Nebraska were successfully bribed with special treatment, the vote still had to be held in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve.

Back to terrorism...Obama has no credibility when it comes to Islamic Terrorism.

"But he killed bin Laden!"

No, sitting in the back of the room watching Seal Team 6 doesn't give Obama credibility. Although it helps Hillary, she is the one with a seat at the table, not sitting off to the side still wearing his jacket because he just got there..


...or wasn't there at all...



So Obama's #1 anti-terror achievement was faked. Credibility lost.

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Can you provide any links to your declaration that Obama "was declared the worst president even before his inauguration by so many in the right wing media. "?

It is a rhetorical question, I know you can't because it didn't happen.

On the other hand...

The real racists, the ones who judge someone on the basis of the color of their skin, would be the millions (perhaps tens of millions) who voted for Obama simply because he was black... "Ooo, how cool would that be? To tell my grand kids that I voted for the first black president?!".

Republican leadership opposed Obama on Obamacare. The Democrats had total control of both houses of Congress and didn't need one vote from Republicans to pass Obamacare...and they acted like it. Thing is, many Democrats didn't like it either and after Louisiana and Nebraska were successfully bribed with special treatment, the vote still had to be held in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve.

Back to terrorism...Obama has no credibility when it comes to Islamic Terrorism.

"But he killed bin Laden!"

No, sitting in the back of the room watching Seal Team 6 doesn't give Obama credibility. Although it helps Hillary, she is the one with a seat at the table, not sitting off to the side still wearing his jacket because he just got there..


...or wasn't there at all...



So Obama's #1 anti-terror achievement was faked. Credibility lost.

So you're one of those crazies who believes in these asinine conspiracy theories against President Obama? This is classic Trump supporter type stuff. Why do you keep insisting that you're not a Trump supporter? I realize it's embarrassing to do so (for good reason), but you are what you are.

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All civilised countries should be making a stand against the islamists by following Trump's policy and keeping them out.

Do you think "Trump's policy" ( a joke) is a civilised one ???


Oh God! Another bleeding heart leftie.whistling.gifgigglem.gif

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Why do you keep insisting that you're not a Trump supporter? I realize it's embarrassing to do so (for good reason), but you are what you are.

Because I am not a Trump supporter. However, I think it border-line criminal the way the media lies and distorts most things regarding Trump while practically giving Hillary a free pass on her crimes. To them, words spoken during a campaign are more important than deeds done while holding high office in our gov't. It started with the "ban all Muslims" and "all Mexicans are rapists and murderers" slander.Trump never said such thing but many people believe he did because of the media.

BTW - without using Google, how many of you know who said, "I can see Russia from my house!"?

This election comes down between the Clown and the Criminal. The media (being the liberals they are) portray it as an election between a Racist/Fascist and the Historic First Woman Candidate.

Trump is an azzhole for sure, but that doesn't make him Mussolini or Hitler, or a "vile monster". For me, the main reason I can't vote for him is because of the dangerous signals he sends Putin with his irresponsible NATO comments. Candidates can make all the promises they want but they still need Congress' help to carry them out. Not so with Trump's comments letting Putin know that if he becomes president, NATO will not seriously get in his way because the alliance is weak. Maybe President Trump would take a harder stance against Putin, but only after Putin invades someplace again and ruins millions of more lives. Sort of like the signals Saddam allegedly received from an American diplomat before invading Kuwait.

Sending signals is important, just like Obama endorsing Hillary and calling her the most qualified candidate ever...even though his own Justice Dept has two on-going FBI investigations involving her. What kind of signal do you think that sends the FBI? Sounds like a "stand down" signal.

So who am I voting for? Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party.

Anyone interested in who they should support most based on the candidates' position on various issues (and not based on what they read about the candidates) should take this thorough test:

Answer the following questions to see which 2016 Presidential candidate you side with.


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