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London bans 'unrealistic body images' from transport system


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I don't think I'll visit London if I have to look at obese people with bad teeth 'in person' and on the bus/tube ads.

Awesome.....dont worry your little self...you won't be missed

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Did I just read "unrealistic body images"?

I wonder, seriously, how he fathered his two teenage girls; the Missus wearing a full-body burqa with little holes all over the fidel tarpaulin? The pictures are taking with the full consent of the photographed person, by professionals to the gaiety of the viewer and the mayor can look in the opposite direction - oh, there they sell infidel sausages!

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Did I just read "unrealistic body images"?

I wonder, seriously, how he fathered his two teenage girls; the Missus wearing a full-body burqa with little holes all over the fidel tarpaulin? The pictures are taking with the full consent of the photographed person, by professionals to the gaiety of the viewer and the mayor can look in the opposite direction - oh, there they sell infidel sausages!

Totally missing the point. This is just banal, irrelevant drivel.

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Sharia law next.....

Stoning for those who post cute girls on the subway posters....

Stand by. This is going to get worse.

How about women being segregated to the back of the crowd when the mayor is giving a speech.

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Ah Yes ,London,Sharia law in coming to you then the UK.Censorship of the movies are next ,also your printed material.No wonder all my UK friends that can are leaving.

Slowly slowly ,catch the Monkey ! How slow depends on the public , so no need to take any drastic actions yet . Anyway the politics of Thailand affects my life more nowadays !!!!

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It definitely is a case of low understanding by the public...

To them...everything is fine. To anyone with a lick of sense, it sounds like political correctness, allowing Sharia Law (values) into a Western society.

Tell your mayor to shove it.

Concessions like this are what makes it easier for Muslim people to live there. They should be adjusting to your values...not you adjusting to theirs. Even if this was not a case of "religious values"....who needs a mayor to tell them what photos are bad for your people? Can't you folks just decide for yourselves. facepalm.gif

Sometimes I just wince, and let the chips fall as they may...

Edited by slipperylobster
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It definitely is a case of low understanding by the public...

To them...everything is fine. To anyone with a lick of sense, it sounds like political correctness, allowing Sharia Law (values) into a Western society.

Tell your mayor to shove it.

Concessions like this are what makes it easier for Muslim people to live there. They should be adjusting to your values...not you adjusting to theirs. Even if this was not a case of "religious values"....who needs a mayor to tell them what photos are bad for your people? Can't you folks just decide for yourselves. facepalm.gif

Sometimes I just wince, and let the chips fall as they may...

If you think this has anything to do with Islam, you're the one with a lack of understanding.

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What many here have appeared to miss is the many studies done on the relationship between advertising featuring models that weigh significantly less then the average and eating disorders in teenagers and other women. This has nothing to do with Sharia law, but simply an attempt to stop putting unrealistic images of women (who often have eating disorders themselves ) in front of the public. This is not an isolated effort but part of a ongoing effort by many groups in many countries.



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This highlights an issue that Khan is going to face throughout his stint as mayor - that a bone-headed section of the public will be unable to see past his background, and interpret everything he does through the prism of 'sharia is coming!' hysteria.

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This highlights an issue that Khan is going to face throughout his stint as mayor - that a bone-headed section of the public will be unable to see past his background, and interpret everything he does through the prism of 'sharia is coming!' hysteria.

Sharia has already come to the UK and the Islamic kangaroo courts are finally coming under formal scrutiny. It's part of the islamification of Europe. The problem is the lack of hysteria about the influence of the death worshipin cult that is Islam. It is a blight on the lives of everyone it touches.
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Did I just read "unrealistic body images"?

I wonder, seriously, how he fathered his two teenage girls; the Missus wearing a full-body burqa with little holes all over the fidel tarpaulin? The pictures are taking with the full consent of the photographed person, by professionals to the gaiety of the viewer and the mayor can look in the opposite direction - oh, there they sell infidel sausages!

Totally missing the point. This is just banal, irrelevant drivel.

Not it entirely to the point. Muslims specialise in body shaming girls. He should be campaignin against the burka not bikinis in adverts
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Sharia law next.....

Stoning for those who post cute girls on the subway posters....

Stand by. This is going to get worse.

How about women being segregated to the back of the crowd when the mayor is giving a speech.

Is that true? Somehow I suspect not.

According to this report and photo it is. A picture is worth a thousand words. You can see it for yourself.


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What many here have appeared to miss is the many studies done on the relationship between advertising featuring models that weigh significantly less then the average and eating disorders in teenagers and other women. This has nothing to do with Sharia law, but simply an attempt to stop putting unrealistic images of women (who often have eating disorders themselves ) in front of the public. This is not an isolated effort but part of a ongoing effort by many groups in many countries.



Its pathetic - eating disordered have nothing to do with images - they are a creation of ego and vanity. Yes the people are to be pitied but their treatment should be forced community work in areas of drought and hunger - Shame them into curing themselves. What is wrong with unrealistic images? Images of ideal beauty have always existed..........as ideals. The current censorship fad is not just islamic puritanism but the dregs of marxism dressed up as liberalism which still permeates our culture. This PC nonsense leads to subjugation not freedom. If any women is so weak minded that she is somehow shamed by images of girls more prettier than her then she is weak minded to the point of being mentally ill already. Part of the 'safe space no platform generation' who are lost to reality and demand us all to conform to their distorted world view. So in london we now have images of women in western swimwear banned on Public Transport but we have quotes from the Koran emblazoned on London buses! That is sick sh!t! Using London buses to celebrate Ramadan!

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What many here have appeared to miss is the many studies done on the relationship between advertising featuring models that weigh significantly less then the average and eating disorders in teenagers and other women. This has nothing to do with Sharia law, but simply an attempt to stop putting unrealistic images of women (who often have eating disorders themselves ) in front of the public. This is not an isolated effort but part of a ongoing effort by many groups in many countries.



Its pathetic - eating disordered have nothing to do with images - they are a creation of ego and vanity. Yes the people are to be pitied but their treatment should be forced community work in areas of drought and hunger - Shame them into curing themselves. What is wrong with unrealistic images? Images of ideal beauty have always existed..........as ideals. The current censorship fad is not just islamic puritanism but the dregs of marxism dressed up as liberalism which still permeates our culture. This PC nonsense leads to subjugation not freedom. If any women is so weak minded that she is somehow shamed by images of girls more prettier than her then she is weak minded to the point of being mentally ill already. Part of the 'safe space no platform generation' who are lost to reality and demand us all to conform to their distorted world view. So in london we now have images of women in western swimwear banned on Public Transport but we have quotes from the Koran emblazoned on London buses! That is sick sh!t! Using London buses to celebrate Ramadan!
You're totally wrong. Of course advertising is effective.
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What many here have appeared to miss is the many studies done on the relationship between advertising featuring models that weigh significantly less then the average and eating disorders in teenagers and other women. This has nothing to do with Sharia law, but simply an attempt to stop putting unrealistic images of women (who often have eating disorders themselves ) in front of the public. This is not an isolated effort but part of a ongoing effort by many groups in many countries.



Its pathetic - eating disordered have nothing to do with images - they are a creation of ego and vanity. Yes the people are to be pitied but their treatment should be forced community work in areas of drought and hunger - Shame them into curing themselves. What is wrong with unrealistic images? Images of ideal beauty have always existed..........as ideals. The current censorship fad is not just islamic puritanism but the dregs of marxism dressed up as liberalism which still permeates our culture. This PC nonsense leads to subjugation not freedom. If any women is so weak minded that she is somehow shamed by images of girls more prettier than her then she is weak minded to the point of being mentally ill already. Part of the 'safe space no platform generation' who are lost to reality and demand us all to conform to their distorted world view. So in london we now have images of women in western swimwear banned on Public Transport but we have quotes from the Koran emblazoned on London buses! That is sick sh!t! Using London buses to celebrate Ramadan!

Agree. Overweight people will now see themselves as "normal"...and people with healthy, attractive bodies as rare.

Nothing to aspire to.

How can this help?

There are underlying concessions being made...it is quite obvious.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Sharia law next.....

Stoning for those who post cute girls on the subway posters....

Stand by. This is going to get worse.

How about women being segregated to the back of the crowd when the mayor is giving a speech.

Is that true? Somehow I suspect not.

The Labour Party in Lancashire and other places has been practising gender segregation for years at meetings. So has their affiliate The SWP been separating men and women on demos for years. The left are desperate for votes and will continue to court the muslim vote until genuine liberals, democrats, and the LBGT and womens communities start to wake up to ideology that underpins islam.

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Thin is an unrealistic body image for British ladies.

The evidence is overwhelming.

Most of the 'British ladies' I met out and about in London were of Arab descent.

I guess they would describe themselves as 'Persian'.

Super slim, great figures and very attractive, always lots of cleavage on display.

(Queensway, Kensington, Hyde Park area of London)

Guess you guys haven't been home in a while.

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Thin is an unrealistic body image for British ladies.

The evidence is overwhelming.

Most of the 'British ladies' I met out and about in London were of Arab descent.

I guess they would describe themselves as 'Persian'.

Super slim, great figures and very attractive, always lots of cleavage on display.

(Queensway, Kensington, Hyde Park area of London)

Guess you guys haven't been home in a while.

Guess you haven't if you come out with tripe like this.

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Thin is an unrealistic body image for British ladies.

The evidence is overwhelming.

Most of the 'British ladies' I met out and about in London were of Arab descent.

I guess they would describe themselves as 'Persian'.

Super slim, great figures and very attractive, always lots of cleavage on display.

(Queensway, Kensington, Hyde Park area of London)

Guess you guys haven't been home in a while.

Sure they are on holiday enjoying the freedom denied to them in their home countries. They appreciate the freedom more than many UK nationals who are letting their freedom to be taken from them. Political Correctness is the death Knell of Freedom. As for image-British Women, infected by feminism gave up years ago trying to be attractive favouring the drudge look.

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If people think the State inflicting their 'good' on the whole is healthy (or defensible) then they'll love the intersection where religion and the State share intermediate goals- imposing political/religious standards on the majority to debase the glue that binds.

If people think this is paternal aid for body dysmorphic syndrome then they'll deserve the tyranny that's behind such wooden horses.

If someone thinks the new Muslim mayor acted on this because of fat people's self perception they are foolish.

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Thin is an unrealistic body image for British ladies.

The evidence is overwhelming.

Most of the 'British ladies' I met out and about in London were of Arab descent.

I guess they would describe themselves as 'Persian'.

Super slim, great figures and very attractive, always lots of cleavage on display.

(Queensway, Kensington, Hyde Park area of London)

Guess you guys haven't been home in a while.

I used to work in Queensway, and I can confirm that the place is crawling with hot Arabic women.

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Thin is an unrealistic body image for British ladies.

The evidence is overwhelming.

Most of the 'British ladies' I met out and about in London were of Arab descent.

I guess they would describe themselves as 'Persian'.

Super slim, great figures and very attractive, always lots of cleavage on display.

(Queensway, Kensington, Hyde Park area of London)

Guess you guys haven't been home in a while.

I used to work in Queensway, and I can confirm that the place is crawling with hot Arabic women.
Yes they are hot,its those all covering black sacks they wear,and bags over their heads. You would be bloody hot covered in all that Edited by i claudius
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Thin is an unrealistic body image for British ladies.

The evidence is overwhelming.

Most of the 'British ladies' I met out and about in London were of Arab descent.

I guess they would describe themselves as 'Persian'.

Super slim, great figures and very attractive, always lots of cleavage on display.

(Queensway, Kensington, Hyde Park area of London)

Guess you guys haven't been home in a while.

I used to work in Queensway, and I can confirm that the place is crawling with hot Arabic women.
Yes they are hot,its those all covering black sacks they wear,and bags over their heads. You would be bloody hot covered in all that

You know not all Arabic women wear that stuff, right?

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Sharia law next.....

Stoning for those who post cute girls on the subway posters....

Stand by. This is going to get worse.

How about women being segregated to the back of the crowd when the mayor is giving a speech.

Is that true? Somehow I suspect not.

The Labour Party in Lancashire and other places has been practising gender segregation for years at meetings. So has their affiliate The SWP been separating men and women on demos for years. The left are desperate for votes and will continue to court the muslim vote until genuine liberals, democrats, and the LBGT and womens communities start to wake up to ideology that underpins islam.

One wonders what nutty websites make this stuff up.

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