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Police Officer Robbed of Gun and Cell Phone, Inside the Police Station

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Police Officer Robbed of Gun and Cell Phone, Inside the Police Station


PATTAYA -- At around midday on June 15 it was noticed by Pol Lt Col Winai Horien that his .357 handgun and Samsung cell phone were missing from his desk at the Nongprue Police Station, Pattaya.

He later stated that he had gone for lunch at around 11am and when he returned to his office the items were missing. After checking with his fellow officers the identity of the likely thief was revealed and a team was sent out to catch him.

Twenty-two year old Witool Malikul, from Payao, was then traced to a car park behind the police station and arrested, still in possession of the items.

Full Story: http://pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/225442/police-officer-robbed-gun-cell-phone-inside-police-station/

-- Pattaya One 2016-06-15


How these clowns ever put a police force together is beyond me!

Leaving the gun on the desk and going for lunch.


In civilized countries this could earn him a relocation to the file dusting department after a disciplinary action.


How these clowns ever put a police force together is beyond me!

Leaving the gun on the desk and going for lunch.


In civilized countries this could earn him a relocation to the file dusting department after a disciplinary action.

And believe me when I'm telling you that it was loaded. The cops I know always carry loaded guns. Holy shit"> facepalm.gif


"In his defence he said that if he had managed to get away he would have sold the cell phone for cash and only used the gun for his own protection and not to commit further crimes with"


With a defence like that , who needs a lawyer ?


A good lawyer will get him off easy... it was entrapment.

I mean no way would a intelligent policeman leave a loaded gun lying around on his desk with all those criminals around ...would they??? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


A senior policeman goes for lunch leaving a gun in an open deskwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

First rule of anyone who has a firearm is lock it up when not in use.

The RTP are a joke, more and more cases come to light of their absolute stupidity.

He will get moved to an inactive post, when he should be sacked for gross stupidity.


And another thing, the Kwaistone cops have decreed that punters cannot go upstairs in soi 6 bars on Tuesdays and Wednesdays! It's OK on all other days. What have they got against these days? The officers owning the Beach hotel at the bottom of the soi have seen occupancy soar just recently. We are told it is something to do with the raid in Bangkok but I cannot make any connection or find any logic in this fiasco of a force.

As Regyai mentioned before. that "Gun" is not a .357 it is a Toy!
It is just a CO2 gun, on a very short distance you maybe able to kill a hamster or a small bird but nothing more.
This is again very, very poor reporting from Pattaya One.
Also someone should explain to the reporter what's the difference between a robbery and a theft.
It just sound so much better:
Police Officer Robbed of Gun and Cell Phone, Inside the Police Station
instead of:
Toy Gun and Cheap Mobile phone stolen from Office Desk, inside the Police Station
Main thing is it generates as much clicks as possible and everyone is a winner.

..another 'false and misleading' headline to this article!

Hardly a 'robbery'...there was no force, no fear...simply a case of stolen property...(maybe fear of a transfer somewhere coming up).

Sorry to deflate the big 'sensation balloon'.

Robbery is the crime of taking or attempting to take anything of value by force or threat of force or by putting the victim in fear.

As Regyai mentioned before. that "Gun" is not a .357 it is a Toy!
It is just a CO2 gun, on a very short distance you maybe able to kill a hamster or a small bird but nothing more.
This is again very, very poor reporting from Pattaya One.
Also someone should explain to the reporter what's the difference between a robbery and a theft.
It just sound so much better:
Police Officer Robbed of Gun and Cell Phone, Inside the Police Station
instead of:
Toy Gun and Cheap Mobile phone stolen from Office Desk, inside the Police Station
Main thing is it generates as much clicks as possible and everyone is a winner.

Obviously Pattaya One hugely underestimates its readers. They think that their readers are a bunch of nit-wit-<deleted> and of course their reporting is accordingly.


And another thing, the Kwaistone cops have decreed that punters cannot go upstairs in soi 6 bars on Tuesdays and Wednesdays! It's OK on all other days. What have they got against these days? The officers owning the Beach hotel at the bottom of the soi have seen occupancy soar just recently. We are told it is something to do with the raid in Bangkok but I cannot make any connection or find any logic in this fiasco of a force.

Probably the two days they have scheduled for checks in that area. So yeah, everybody wins.


Who the f uses revolvers anymore.

People that only need 5 or 6 rounds at the most, to solve the problem! thumbsup.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif


You couldnt make this up,i mean i cant really think of any thing funnier.What did he say to his mates on his return from lunch?"Ermm i say boys,err you havent seen my gun and phone,by any chance have you?"Its absolutely ludicrous.This is the end to end all ends.A copper leaves a gun(was it loaded?)and a phone on his desk.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Has anybody told him that people are prone to steal things in this country.he's <deleted> lucky that it wasnt a nutter that stole it and blasted a few of them to paradise,just for fun. Anyway,im sure there are a few tv op's that have a posts a lot more funnier than mine,so i'll leave the way for them.

Just so bloody funny.

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