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That ten million baht? Oh, I made it selling oranges, man tells cops


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Why not? It's about as believable as the wealth of some cops and army officers.

"That 968 million baht? Oh, I made that legitimately via my job as a cop," Pol Lt Gen Chakthip Chajinda tell the public

To be a cop in <delete> is of no deference than to be the mafia. Everyone is entitled by himself to collect additional income. As soon as a student becomes a junior cop, it is an embarrassment for him to make use of public transport. He must have his own executive transport even if he cannot afford it on his legal wages as a cop. Thus he needs this additional income for him to survive. That’s why in this country nobody will be able to stop this type of additional income. From the highest to the lowest ranked cops are all the same. It is his image that counts to be a cop and everyone must be afraid of him. When you are caught that you collect additional income, it is only because you pissed some higher ranked cop off by not sharing your additional income. So the high ranking cops will be able to live an flamboyant lifestile, made from "legitimately money doing his job as a cop"

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Why not? It's about as believable as the wealth of some cops and army officers.

"That 968 million baht? Oh, I made that legitimately via my job as a cop," Pol Lt Gen Chakthip Chajinda tell the public

To be a cop in <delete> is of no deference than to be the mafia. Everyone is entitled by himself to collect additional income. As soon as a student becomes a junior cop, it is an embarrassment for him to make use of public transport. He must have his own executive transport even if he cannot afford it on his legal wages as a cop. Thus he needs this additional income for him to survive. That’s why in this country nobody will be able to stop this type of additional income. From the highest to the lowest ranked cops are all the same. It is his image that counts to be a cop and everyone must be afraid of him. When you are caught that you collect additional income, it is only because you pissed some higher ranked cop off by not sharing your additional income. So the high ranking cops will be able to live an flamboyant lifestile, made from "legitimately money doing his job as a cop"

Being reactive, not proactive

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Remember the former minister of land and transport? He was found with over a billion baht in his living room. He said it was money from the pension fund, that he was safeguarding. Was he ever brought to trial? What ever happened? Did he spend a single day in prison?

This kind of stuff goes on every day here. The corruption is mind boggling. And is anything being done about it? The little man only seems to be interested in chasing very small fish. The protection of the rich, powerful, and elite continues.

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What job was the police doing exactly? finding a guy that has money? Where is the crime?

Bloody right A1Qaholic! "Innocent until proved guilty" immediately springs to mind and then I don't s'pose they produced a warrant?

Message to Royal Thai Police: Is denial of due process not considered a very serious violation of basic human rights here in Los gentlemen?

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And 28 baht of gold, so ~590.000,-- baht worth of gold laying around in the house. That's normal isn't it?

This is none of our business, is it?

Respectfully I would humbly suggest you examine Thai libel laws siamcrut before you pass a veiled barb.

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Yea like all cops in the western world are clean.. 2 old &lt;deleted&gt; in Australia were just found guilty of murding a drug mule, drug deal gone wrong...

Edited by mihalis
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Why not? It's about as believable as the wealth of some cops and army officers.

"That 968 million baht? Oh, I made that legitimately via my job as a cop," Pol Lt Gen Chakthip Chajinda tell the public

I guess it could be possible. Let's do the math shall we?

On March 23rd, 2016 - The Nation published an article entitled "Pay hike for police and military officers" If I may paraphrase The Nation reported "...police lieutenant generals will see their monthly salaries rise from "฿74,320 to between ฿75,560 to ฿76,800." So assuming the above mentioned Police Lieutenant General's annual salary was/is ฿921,600...that would mean; based on The Nation's figures - it would take 1,050 years, 4 months and 5 days for a Police Lieutenant General to earn ฿968,000,000. Remember though please, this figure doesn't take into consideration the pay rates for preceding years and the fact; the Royal Thai Police was only founded in 2476 (1933).

Aren't facts wonderful? Thank you.

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I believe the police suspect him of drug dealing while the orange orchard business is a front for the drug trafficking done on the side.

Anyhow, I am certain a good portion of the money involved will not be accounted for by either party while I am quite certain they will be new partners in crime as often is the case when the police intervene or stick their noses into peoples business matters in the disguise of performing honest police work.

Whether illegal or legal the police will want a piece of the action because when logic and sensibilities prevail it does not make any sense to shut down a lucrative, revenue generating business enterprise that they police can share in.

Not always, but it does not involve rocket science to figure out or understand as to why so many illegal enterprises continue operating while the police know full well what is going on and going down in their separate jurisdictions.

Most of them do not continue to be long time police officers based on noble and honorable conduct rather they continue to be police officers because of the lucrative money making opportunities that exist all around them.

It is just business in their minds and a means to generate revenues for the police officers who they believe are way under paid for the scope of work they have to do....which is often very unsavory......so where is the pay off they are thinking....where is the due compensation for cleaning up all the troubles and problems in society.

Besides who is going to question them and confront them...as they are the law and do as they please with believed impunity while they apparently do not fear the laws.


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I believe the police suspect him of drug dealing while the orange orchard business is a front for the drug trafficking done on the side.

Anyhow, I am certain a good portion of the money involved will not be accounted for by either party while I am quite certain they will be new partners in crime as often is the case when the police intervene or stick their noses into peoples business matters in the disguise of performing honest police work.

Whether illegal or legal the police will want a piece of the action because when logic and sensibilities prevail it does not make any sense to shut down a lucrative, revenue generating business enterprise that they police can share in.

Not always, but it does not involve rocket science to figure out or understand as to why so many illegal enterprises continue operating while the police know full well what is going on and going down in their separate jurisdictions.

Most of them do not continue to be long time police officers based on noble and honorable conduct rather they continue to be police officers because of the lucrative money making opportunities that exist all around them.

It is just business in their minds and a means to generate revenues for the police officers who they believe are way under paid for the scope of work they have to do....which is often very unsavory......so where is the pay off they are thinking....where is the due compensation for cleaning up all the troubles and problems in society.

Besides who is going to question them and confront them...as they are the law and do as they please with believed impunity while they apparently do not fear the laws.


What leads you to believe that the BIB weren't already well aware of this enterprise? The OP begins "Soldiers and police......."

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Some years ago, in the South of Thailand, police found 6f PVC pipes- all stuffed with money, in the process of being moved by some suspicious looking Thais.

So the police confiscated the lot. When only 4 pipes made it to the evidence room, some copper said (presumably with a straight face) that the 2 missing pipes of money had been given to their informant as a reward.

Seriously, that was in the papers.

Now I've got another headache... this is all too much at this hour of the morning.


Yeah,...I remember that story...

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I believe the police suspect him of drug dealing while the orange orchard business is a front for the drug trafficking done on the side.

Anyhow, I am certain a good portion of the money involved will not be accounted for by either party while I am quite certain they will be new partners in crime as often is the case when the police intervene or stick their noses into peoples business matters in the disguise of performing honest police work.

Whether illegal or legal the police will want a piece of the action because when logic and sensibilities prevail it does not make any sense to shut down a lucrative, revenue generating business enterprise that they police can share in.

Not always, but it does not involve rocket science to figure out or understand as to why so many illegal enterprises continue operating while the police know full well what is going on and going down in their separate jurisdictions.

Most of them do not continue to be long time police officers based on noble and honorable conduct rather they continue to be police officers because of the lucrative money making opportunities that exist all around them.

It is just business in their minds and a means to generate revenues for the police officers who they believe are way under paid for the scope of work they have to do....which is often very unsavory......so where is the pay off they are thinking....where is the due compensation for cleaning up all the troubles and problems in society.

Besides who is going to question them and confront them...as they are the law and do as they please with believed impunity while they apparently do not fear the laws.


What leads you to believe that the BIB weren't already well aware of this enterprise? The OP begins "Soldiers and police......."

That is part of the point.

They ( as in some of the police ) were aware of it while other police members or other person in positions of authority in various police agencies and or government entities have intervened to learn this was a on going business affair occurring under the jurisdiction of local police who knew what was going on but did not put a stop to it because it was a revenue earner for them.

Now...it will change hands...so to speak while others will share in the revenues.

Maybe not,...maybe not.... but I would surmise the business will lay low for awhile and then resume and carry on ..but maybe one person will do some prison time while someone else continues generating revenues with the "newly appointed but anonymous board members" receiving a portion of the revenues.

In most cases the business will resurface as it does not make sense for the officers to actually close down the business and lose a good source of revenue.

But, having said that, sometimes they do for various reasons as it is in their best interests to do so...but generally they would rather the business continue and the money continue to flow into their hands.


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