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DSI suspends search of Wat Dhammakaya after encountering resistance from followers


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I see a constant stream of posters on this forum advocating the use of force to arrest an unwilling suspect in the midst of his own barricades and innocent followers (innocent of criminal charges). This is not much different from Waco, Texas and I think we all remember how that one turned out.

I still have faith in the government (more than any preceding one) that the job will get done but it's a sensitive issue which doesn't need a "shoot first, ask questions later " mentality

The crime was realized long ago. This is not new news, or a new event. Criminals stole a large amount of money, and the government has been patient. What do you suggest?

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So does this mean he is not going to be charged?


The situation has entered into a different phase when the monks state that Dhammakaya will only surrender to an elected government. They now challenging the legitimacy of this junta government and therefore the charge is illegal. What's next? Anybody guess and holding their breathe who will blink first. The saffron revolution may have planted the first seed.

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So does this mean he is not going to be charged?


The situation has entered into a different phase when the monks state that Dhammakaya will only surrender to an elected government. They now challenging the legitimacy of this junta government and therefore the charge is illegal. What's next? Anybody guess and holding their breathe who will blink first. The saffron revolution may have planted the first seed.

OH! Now it gets interesting

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The last poster saying no one in Thailand will remember this case in 2 months is dead wrong. Wat Thammakai has many supporters, especially among he red shirts. an all out assault on the temple resulting in violence, injuries and death would play right into the hands of Tammachayo and Thaksin who would run crying crocodile tears to the world about the slaughter of peaceful Buddhist pilgrims.

The DSI and the government are doing it all right so far, showing the public they are giving the extremely rich abbot every opportunity to defend himself against the very serious charges, now he's played his final card, there is no justice under a junta. Nice try but unfortunately the money transfers tell a similar story regardless of who is in power.

This case is not going away..

I'd love to be wrong and this case stays in the limelight, who will say no to more slapstick Thai comedy? clap2.gifcheesy.gifwai2.gifthumbsup.gif

I'm all for the laughs Thailand is providing, great alternative to the usual Euro/American focused nonsense.coffee1.gif

You will be wrong and this nonsense pales against the buffoon with aspirations to the presidency in America who' tells it like it is' every day,making up lies with ludicrous claims and impossible actions.

I think the story is about a man who stole money and is now unwilling to face the result of his own actions, karma is a bitch! How Thai! sad.pngwai.gif

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My very personal opinion in general on such issues is that:

any demagogue against whom credible charges are made, and who needs to hide behind innocent (brainwashed) followers to escape from justice, should be relieved from his position NOW.

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Hmmm - imagine if that had happened at Nataree where a band of 'faithful followers' had blocked entry, formed a human shield and wouldn't let the authorities in.... hahahahaha

This is a joke, I mean out of all the things that should be rid from society, a religion scamming the people should be right up there.

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Is there any precedent for a monk in Thailand to be prosecuted? This temple has a huge following, so there's the potential for a popular uprising if he is punished.

The government has to do something, but has to tread carefully as force used against a monk is inadmissible here.

This usually involves:

1. casually bring in the accused for a chat

2. hold an investigation long enough for people to forget about it

3. let him off.

The Sangha is the 'spiritual wing' of the ruling elite, helping to keep the population under control. They are probably hoping that the bad publicity is enough to suppress this temple which has come to compete with the mainstream for adherents/donations. That is surely their only aim. No way there will be any prosecution.

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I see a constant stream of posters on this forum advocating the use of force to arrest an unwilling suspect in the midst of his own barricades and innocent followers (innocent of criminal charges). This is not much different from Waco, Texas and I think we all remember how that one turned out.

I still have faith in the government (more than any preceding one) that the job will get done but it's a sensitive issue which doesn't need a "shoot first, ask questions later " mentality

Did you ask the pensioners playing bridge who were stormed by 30 or so armed officials

and who were locked up and forces to pay bail

how that felt and turned out?

Or how a few students who went to HuaHin by train got treated?

So the question is: In your books its okay for some but not for others?

This is nothing more than a massive fail on a massive scale, that undermines any steps forward that this country sorely needs.

I believe you have helped to emphasize my point. When it's the Thai army versus 5-30 citizens taken by surprise, the expected level of casualties should be low. But when it's the Thai army versus another army of prepared defenders (e.g. The blockades are what we can see, who knows if there are hidden arms inside the compound?) the level of casualties can be expected to be high with fatalities not unusual.

This is not a question of "okay for some and not others" but more like "why use a hammer to drive in a screw"?

You didnt get my point, so not sure how you can claim i helped yours!

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