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Scottish dad fears ex-soldier son is murder victim after he goes missing during trip to Thailand


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"Amazing Thailand. I know few girls who have few boyfriends in different European countries. Each dummy sends a monthly salary thinking he is the only Prince??.

Yui loves girls but doesn't mind having a guy as long as he will send her 20k monthly to help her pay the rent and buy food.She invited me out after my lady friend introduced her to me.She will invite the guys to 3some in order to make him happy and ensure he will come back.to her as well as keep sending the dosh ??"

You must be a consultant neurosurgeon surely?

Your right, most of the good looking bar girls do have 3 or 4 guys sending them money, and they sell sex, same as a shoe shop girl will sell you a pair of shoes.. It is all business to them.. I know of a couple of girls that have boyfriends, one has just been here with her Aussie guy for 10 days, but she is happy to tell him she going out to have coffee with her friends, and comes to my place to sell me her body for an hour, and the Aussie guy she is with, is very rich but she will still do that, to make 1,000 B, and another one has a very nice young guy, she is engaged to be married to, and she does the same...

it is all about the money !!!! When they got their legs open they are probably thinking about the handbag they are going out to buy next,, haha , so long as you guys understand this is how it works with bar girls, then you can enjoy them, you open your wallet, they open their legs,,

Just enjoy and have fun with them, but marry one ? not likely.. Do you really want a wife that has been screwed by hundreds, or maybe thousands of guys ?

Some farangs are actually realistic..

I know a couple of farangs that sent BGs $$, just to ensure their LBFM would set a week or 2 aside, for just them, when they did visit..


The BGs getting screwed by a 1000 guys..

The better looking they are, it wouldn't take long..

Met a super fine BG...

Said, she did 10 guys in one night.. She was 20 years old.. Been working for a couple of years..

Hang out on Soi 6,

at just one bar for a couple of hours.. The fine looking BGs are doing 2 or 3 short times..


BGs that claim, they just started or

have only been working the bars for a couple of months..

I feel comfortable to say, they are all lying..

So, if you're looking to marry a BG, pick an ugly one, that speaks no English, has no tatoos and looks barely 18..

That's if you don't want to make a deposite, where 1000 guys have made theirs..

yeah, a good looking one that's been working for a few years,, I agree, she probably has had many thousands of guys..

I know one girl that had 7 guys in a night, but I could believe 10 ...

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@Nearlynam --- And you think they like skint young sexpats? Get a grip! 555

Strange question but when I had bg friends when I was a young single English teacher, we had a lot of fun and it wasn't all about money, as often I didn't have any. You might find it not what you want to hear but young women are sometimes sexually attracted to young men.

They certainly are not to men old enough to be their father, or grandfather in many cases. Please don't make a fool of yourself suggesting otherwise.

I'm sure you did have fun when you were young and had no money, especially teaching young Thai girls English,, there must have been a lot of 'hands on' education.. touch my nose, touch my hand, touch my elbow, touch my dick... hehe..... But see how much fun you have with sexy young girls when your over 50 and got no money ? You must have heard the saying "NO MONEY, NO HONEY" No girls want a poor old English teacher. or poor old anyone !!!

I might add, a "rich" old ugly one, has no trouble finding a woman.. I know one girl that told me she will go with any guy,

no matter how ugly, old or fat he is, what color his skin is, etc etc, if he's got the money to pay me.... said she never says NO ...

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This reads

Iike the case of the West Country farmer, who 10yrs + ago visited his ex B/G wife in order to see his child.

He then mysteriously vanished. Police and the British Embassy refused to help. So his family employed a British P.I. Who within days of arriving in Hue Hin discovered that Toby Charnaurd,the farmer had been murdered by his ex, and then cut up to be feed to the Tigers in a local nature reserve.

Let's hope this is not the case with this British man.

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This reads

Iike the case of the West Country farmer, who 10yrs + ago visited his ex B/G wife in order to see his child.

He then mysteriously vanished. Police and the British Embassy refused to help. So his family employed a British P.I. Who within days of arriving in Hue Hin discovered that Toby Charnaurd,the farmer had been murdered by his ex, and then cut up to be feed to the Tigers in a local nature reserve.

Let's hope this is not the case with this British man.

I have little hope they will find him alive, and less hope they will ever find a body, and no one seems very interested in even looking for him !!!

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Funny, this reminded me of a girl I met in BK in 2006, a waitress in a restaurant off nana somewhere. 'Apple' was her name. We duly hooked up and after a couple of nights together she took me to MBK .. then discovered it was to buy her a laptop. I resisted.

Hahaha of course it must have been an 'Apple' laptop she wanted,, your lucky her name wasn't Mercedes.... :D

My current one (keeper) is called 'Toy'

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This reads

Iike the case of the West Country farmer, who 10yrs + ago visited his ex B/G wife in order to see his child.

He then mysteriously vanished. Police and the British Embassy refused to help. So his family employed a British P.I. Who within days of arriving in Hue Hin discovered that Toby Charnaurd,the farmer had been murdered by his ex, and then cut up to be feed to the Tigers in a local nature reserve.

Let's hope this is not the case with this British man.

Wow, how time flies.

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Copied from a Pattaya forum...

"i've received confirmation sadly that Steve's body has been identified by his ex wife.

I know it's an open forum but can I request that everyone show a bit respect for his family and the board members that knew him.
A man who served his country with distinction all over the world."


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Copied from a Pattaya forum...

"i've received confirmation sadly that Steve's body has been identified by his ex wife.

I know it's an open forum but can I request that everyone show a bit respect for his family and the board members that knew him.

A man who served his country with distinction all over the world."


Condolences to the wife, daughter and family. RIP

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Well, this has been an interesting topic. Thanks for the enterainment! Quite a range of stances here from politically correct, defensive to abject prejudice. I understand the prejudice because I have my own, but then, I openly admit that I am 'bigoted' about certain subjects.

I come from a mixed marriage, by the way - British father/Asian mother. My parents are still together after 50+ years, but I would never recommend a mixed marriage - ever. While they rarely, if ever argue, this doesn't necessarily mean that she's in agreement or intends to be compliant. It just means she's going to pick the right moment to 'persuade' him. The more experienced of you will know what I mean. All four children in my family have, by degrees, witnessed her manipulation / attempts at manipulation. From inside experience, you have to be very sure of your values to resist it or to challenge it. Only 2/4 children had that amount of stamina or insight in our family so I try not to judge too harshly.

My father is a very simple, relatively easy-going guy. He has few diplomatic skills and tries hard to keep the peace. However, I have never believed that 'marriage' is about being 'nice' (I never believed in Father Christmas either - why would I? I'm Asian); so theirs is not what I call a "good marriage" despite their years together and despite what they say about each other.

Based on a straw poll of men who marry Asian women like my father and his friends; and based on the men who have approached me personally, as Asian female/not mixed, for a date, the majority seem to share one thing in common; they are highly insecure, usually about their looks and/or certain body parts. I'm fairly sure they share this in common with other European males, most notably those seeking Russian brides. The men who have openly asked me to have an "affair" with them (yes, the temerity of British men), are highly arrogant; and neither type is attractive, I can tell you!

To the 'righteous' farangs married to Asian women, just watch out for the time she puts you in a home in your sunset years as this is very un-Asian. This will be proof of whether she was there primarily for the money and security - even if there was once lust. Marrying money is not peculiarly Thai. Let's not kid ourselves. It's been around since time immemorial. Having lived abroad for 30 years now, I've observed the same practice amongst Chinese, Filipino and in the Middle East, Russian women. I also know quite a few British women in their 60's who are/were in it for the money or who targeted doctors or rich businessmen.

While I don't agree with this strategy irrespective of nationality, during a period when I couldn't afford meat, I did find myself asking if they were the more practical ones and maybe I would have been better off being monied not just meaningful rolleyes.gif Then my moral compass reminded me how socially repugnant I found older white men with gorgeous Chinese girls and wives when I lived in China. Eyes open...you are paying for that privelege, guys. That's a choice. Some men are prepared to gamble, but need to be reminded that the "house" always wins!

A bit "off topic" but a interesting read.

A good write up. But if an older guy is happy with a gorgeous Chinese girl, and the girl is happy with the security he provides then they both win, so where is the problem,, and I must say Chinese girls are more thinking of their parents, grand parents and elders than any other race that I know of,, so there is a good chance they will look after you in your old age, but the Thai girls that marry for money, I'm not at all sure they would ??

Please correct me if I'm wrong...

I know I was really off-topic guys (I'll go away now...). I think the main point I was trying to make is that just because your wife stays with you, it doesn't mean she loves you - in any marriage/of any flavour. It just means she has nowhere better to go (usually because she has no alternative income), has children to bring up, is fearful of being independent or thinks the 'trade-off' is worth it.

My second point was a view of my parents' marriage: They married when she was 17 and they're still together in their 80s which some would say counts for something. Such a marriage would be described by a behaviourist as a "Barbie Doll marriage". This is a choice - just not mine. I wouldn't be happy in that kind of marriage.

Edited by Seraphina
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Copied from a Pattaya forum...

"i've received confirmation sadly that Steve's body has been identified by his ex wife.

I know it's an open forum but can I request that everyone show a bit respect for his family and the board members that knew him.

A man who served his country with distinction all over the world."


Can you please provide the link?

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Yup there's another one for sure.... R.I.P where ever you are....11yrs here for me now and I hate this country, my plans to return home are coming soon....it's a bitter and brutal country once you look deeper into the people who live here.....bye bye Lieland

This place is dangerous if you dobt wise up fast. But I'd consider anyplace but my assorted prior western homelands if and when I depart. They're expensive, their population are pissed off, or have their heads up rheir arse. And guys still get <deleted> over, just by uglier women than here.
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Copied from a Pattaya forum...

"i've received confirmation sadly that Steve's body has been identified by his ex wife.

I know it's an open forum but can I request that everyone show a bit respect for his family and the board members that knew him.

A man who served his country with distinction all over the world."


Can you please provide the link?


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After getting though 17 pages of rubbish I still have not found out if the guy is alive or not ?

Of course you not found out, because he, or his body have not been found yet !!!! how thick are you to not work that out for yourself ???

The irony of being thick ^^^^^^

I will explain to you very slowly...... My comment was tongue in cheek . 17 pages of absolute <deleted> and we are no closer to finding him .

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Yup there's another one for sure.... R.I.P where ever you are....11yrs here for me now and I hate this country, my plans to return home are coming soon....it's a bitter and brutal country once you look deeper into the people who live here.....bye bye Lieland

Staying away from expat forums would be a good start if you hate the country.

I've lived here 3 times as long as you and personally love the country and the people - good riddance.

I'm with Sawan on this one! One feels abitmiffed is stuck here for financial reasons or he would be gone years ago.

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Pattaya tattood darkskin bargirl as a wife. Excellent decision ?... Love kills.

Nothing wrong with dark skin but tattoos and Pattaya says it all, how sad. I hope justice prevails.

Loads of Thai women have tattoos, from superstars to university students, to those rebelling against a conservative society to women who are fans of rock/metal bands or who just like tattoos. Perhaps the Pattaya thing is the greater indicator. To be honest though, I'm not here to judge anyone's appearance, I'm more concerned about where he is and the child involved.

i'm talking the COMBINATION of the 4: tattoo+bargirl+pattaya+dark skin. Recipe for disaster... 50% of these girls have no ethics and are psychopatic and emotionally dead.

Hmmm - sounds a bit racist to me...... what would your magic percentage be if she were a tattooed bargirl in Pattaya with white skin then?

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I think the reason there is so much frivolity on this thread is because it isn't anything new to residents or long-term tourists to Thailand unfortunately! sad.png

This is a familiar story that has been played out again and again all over Thailand and these forums,I honestly feel genuinely sorry for the victim and even more so for his beautiful,cute little daughter as no little girl ever wants to grow up without her Daddy around.
R.I.P. Steve even if they've not found your body it will only be a matter of time,the bargirl should be in prison already but we all know that's not how it works in the Land of Scams.
She will get off scot free and keep the house,car and all cash in the joint bank accounts,a shameful situation why the Hell don't all Western governments unite to fight these wilful murders of its citizens?Send in the Special Forces to sort out all these mafia scum in Scamland once and for all including the BiB!

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Link doesn't work and can't register for the forum,is this the sexpat Masons or something? sad.png

Post of the day!

The link sure doesn't work! I'm not actually convinced that he has been found (skeptic?). There's nothing in the news that I can find. There has been a body found but that was over a month ago and the Dutch guy who's been arrested for murder, which is current, is nothing to do with this case.

I surely don't want the guy to turn up deceased, but I think this is a 'recovery' mission. I'm a little surprised to hear someone on this forum saying the Foreign Office hadn't been informed about this poor chap's disappearance as they would normally be the ones to get involved...rather than the Embassy...or am I wrong there?

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I think the reason there is so much frivolity on this thread is because it isn't anything new to residents or long-term tourists to Thailand unfortunately! sad.png

This is a familiar story that has been played out again and again all over Thailand and these forums,I honestly feel genuinely sorry for the victim and even more so for his beautiful,cute little daughter as no little girl ever wants to grow up without her Daddy around.

R.I.P. Steve even if they've not found your body it will only be a matter of time,the bargirl should be in prison already but we all know that's not how it works in the Land of Scams.

She will get off scot free and keep the house,car and all cash in the joint bank accounts,a shameful situation why the Hell don't all Western governments unite to fight these wilful murders of its citizens?Send in the Special Forces to sort out all these mafia scum in Scamland once and for all including the BiB!

I thought they were already divorced...? If so, she's killed the goose that laid the golden egg. Wasn't there a mention of a 'bitter divorce' last year?

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I think the reason there is so much frivolity on this thread is because it isn't anything new to residents or long-term tourists to Thailand unfortunately! sad.png

This is a familiar story that has been played out again and again all over Thailand and these forums,I honestly feel genuinely sorry for the victim and even more so for his beautiful,cute little daughter as no little girl ever wants to grow up without her Daddy around.

R.I.P. Steve even if they've not found your body it will only be a matter of time,the bargirl should be in prison already but we all know that's not how it works in the Land of Scams.

She will get off scot free and keep the house,car and all cash in the joint bank accounts,a shameful situation why the Hell don't all Western governments unite to fight these wilful murders of its citizens?Send in the Special Forces to sort out all these mafia scum in Scamland once and for all including the BiB!

Why should she be in jail?

From the details known she had nothing to do with it.

I hope out of respect to his family this topic gets shutdown.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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So a Guy with 20 odd post knows that the body has been found----that they have taken the wife to confirm its him.......gives us a link to a sex forum which is the only place you can get this hot news from ---*BY Joining it*

I am sure there membership numbers have moved up quite a lot----is it on the market ??

Do you mind if I join the sceptics also on this one...........................coffee1.gif

Edited by oxo1947
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"I thought they were already divorced...? If so, she's killed the goose that laid the golden egg. Wasn't there a mention of a 'bitter divorce' last year?"

The house has to be in her name anyway as foreigners can't own land in Thailand,the car and joint bank account are just the icing on the cake for her,it will have been emptied of every single satang long ago!

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So a Guy with 20 odd post knows that the body has been found----that they have taken the wife to confirm its him.......gives us a link to a sex forum which is the only place you can get this hot news from ---*BY Joining it*

I am sure there membership numbers have moved up quite a lot----is it on the market ??

Do you mind if I join the sceptics also on this one...........................coffee1.gif

The link maybe blocked by Thai visa?

The topic on the other forum is still running.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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