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NRSA suggests EC step up measures against dissenters


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NRSA suggests EC step up measures against dissenters

Thammarat Thadaphrom


BANGKOK, 18 June 2016 (NNT) – The National Reform Steering Assembly (NRSA) says the Election Commission (EC) must enforce the referendum law against politically-motivated dissent.

Wanchai Sornsiri, the spokesperson of the NRSA’s political reform committee, has suggested that the electoral body keep a close watch on the current political situation and movements that could trigger dissent in the community, adding wrongdoers such as those attempting to circulate distorted information among the public should be prosecuted under the Public Referendum Act.

However, he also suggested that the EC not pay much attention to the anti-corruption center set up by the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD), given the fact that the center is politically motivated.

He went on to say that the electoral agency should form an ad hoc committee to monitor all situations across Thailand and should not allow any movements to obstruct the referendum process.

-- NNT 2016-06-19 footer_n.gif

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A political party has the right to reject the charter if they give their reasons. i.e. the selection of Senates instead of voting is one good case, but why the hell does a country this size need 250 sentates. That is a waste of the tax payers money.

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I wonder if the smiling insidious oppressors will be so cheerful when they are placed tied to chairs with a heart picture over their organ , and blindfolded .?

High treason carries the death sentence .

It's likely though maybe years away .....they will fall.

And the people now calling on every measure that prevents freedoms and prosecutes will meet their just fates

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"step up measures against dissenters".

dissent; verb, To differ in sentiment or opinion.

To disagree with the methods, goals, etc, of a political party or government; take an opposing view.

If these pelicans REALLY just want the correct information regarding the referendum without distorted information then have a Q&A every week on the tube manned with INDEPENDANT/NON-BIAS experts/lawyers then the miss information will be very little.

The problem is the junta has made it a crime to have more than 5 people talking about politics and or to discussion the referendum, so how in the wide wide world of sports can any one ask and be given CORRECT answers regarding the referendum on the threat of gaol???

BTW, we want 230 million baht for volunteer's to go out and tell the public about the draft/referendum.

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I wonder if there is another name for a military junta that chases down and rounds up those that have different opinions and thoughts, those that don't conform and follow strict directions of the military on how to live thier lives and what to think and say.

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I wonder if there is another name for a military junta that chases down and rounds up those that have different opinions and thoughts, those that don't conform and follow strict directions of the military on how to live thier lives and what to think and say.

Oh sir, sir I know the answer.

Just wait please I'll remember, it's just on the tip of my next suspension. cheesy.gif

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I suppose, that after this length of time in Thailand, I should already be prepared for those occasions when a Thai flashes a brilliant but completely insincere smile.

Like this muppet.

Hers's a couple of hints. A genuine smile will always generate lines in facial skin, that start at the corners of the mouth and radiate up and back towards the tops of the ears. An insincere smile will involve only the mouth. Also, a genuine smile involves the muscles around the eyes which alters the look of the eyes.

This guy looks like he's weighing up whether or not to do a Hannibal on the audience. His smile is pasted on and his eyes look like they belong to a lizard. Another one with a big problem in this regard is Wissanu.


Edited by Winniedapu
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I wonder if there is another name for a military junta that chases down and rounds up those that have different opinions and thoughts, those that don't conform and follow strict directions of the military on how to live thier lives and what to think and say.

Oh sir, sir I know the answer.

Just wait please I'll remember, it's just on the tip of my next suspension. cheesy.gif

Don't worry, that problem is already being dealt with. Less than 12 months.


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The Election Commission is responsible for enforcing the Referendum Act?

That seems unusual.

Perhaps this is a feature of previous Thai governments, but many of the entities in the current government don't seem to know what their jobs are.

The NRSA is supposed to formulate big picture, long term reforms. Instead, even though this recent election law is not a component of long term reform, and applies only to the current referendum, there is still some mouthpiece from NRSA who feels compelled to grandstand about something he should just leave be.

But this is not the most curious example; it is a daily feature.

Recently, several entities have launched special initiatives to improve road safety. Oddly enough, the Police seem to be missing in that effort, except for the annual tradition of Songkran tent sitting. Instead, we have the Disease Control officials announcing their initiative; I guess riding without a helmet is viral.

Anyway, the smell of the greasepaint, the roar of the crowd - it's just irresistible!

Edited by phoenixdoglover
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Certainly one thing is certain , it ain't the land of the free , not anymore , not much difference between China and Thailand in philosophy these days , makes you sick just reading some of the B/S, one day it will come to an end , now that could prove entertaining.......................................coffee1.gif .

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I suppose, that after this length of time in Thailand, I should already be prepared for those occasions when a Thai flashes a brilliant but completely insincere smile.

Like this muppet.

Hers's a couple of hints. A genuine smile will always generate lines in facial skin, that start at the corners of the mouth and radiate up and back towards the tops of the ears. An insincere smile will involve only the mouth. Also, a genuine smile involves the muscles around the eyes which alters the look of the eyes.

This guy looks like he's weighing up whether or not to do a Hannibal on the audience. His smile is pasted on and his eyes look like they belong to a lizard. Another one with a big problem in this regard is Wissanu.


Did you learn this while you were working for the CIA?

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I suppose, that after this length of time in Thailand, I should already be prepared for those occasions when a Thai flashes a brilliant but completely insincere smile.

Like this muppet.

Hers's a couple of hints. A genuine smile will always generate lines in facial skin, that start at the corners of the mouth and radiate up and back towards the tops of the ears. An insincere smile will involve only the mouth. Also, a genuine smile involves the muscles around the eyes which alters the look of the eyes.

This guy looks like he's weighing up whether or not to do a Hannibal on the audience. His smile is pasted on and his eyes look like they belong to a lizard. Another one with a big problem in this regard is Wissanu.


Did you learn this while you were working for the CIA?

ASIO. Now please be quiet. If I want something from you, I'll call you.


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The Election Commission is responsible for enforcing the Referendum Act?

That seems unusual.

Perhaps this is a feature of previous Thai governments, but many of the entities in the current government don't seem to know what their jobs are.

The NRSA is supposed to formulate big picture, long term reforms. Instead, even though this recent election law is not a component of long term reform, and applies only to the current referendum, there is still some mouthpiece from NRSA who feels compelled to grandstand about something he should just leave be.

But this is not the most curious example; it is a daily feature.

Recently, several entities have launched special initiatives to improve road safety. Oddly enough, the Police seem to be missing in that effort, except for the annual tradition of Songkran tent sitting. Instead, we have the Disease Control officials announcing their initiative; I guess riding without a helmet is viral.

Anyway, the smell of the greasepaint, the roar of the crowd - it's just irresistible!

Maybe not daily but certainly repeatedly.

Deputy Prime Minister Wisanu in May 2016 saied that some activities in the leadup to the referendum might not be considered as an offence in accordance with the referendum act but they might be deemed a violation of the orders of the National Council of Peace and Order.

Further complicating things, Wisanu also held that whether the statements made by Mr Suthep Thuagsuban, chairman of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee Foundation for the draft charter and United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship chairman Jatuporn Promphan against the draft and the referendum constitute a violation of the referendum act or not would be determined by the police, public prosecutors or the court.

So maybe the NRSA should also suggest that the NCPO, the police, public prosecutors and the court all do their job as well. With all these competing agencies, how can the EC function beyond delivering the referendum?

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