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Controversial comments continue despite pleas for calmer Brexit debate


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Controversial comments continue despite pleas for calmer Brexit debate
By Alasdair Sandford | With REUTERS


LONDON: -- Leading protagonists in the UK referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU have been reflecting on the impact of the MP Jo Cox’s murder, as campaigning resumed on Sunday.

The atrocity has prompted a huge amount of soul-searching over how politics – often personal and polarised – is conducted in Britain.

“I hope, because of the tragic death of Jo, we can have a less divisive political debate in our country and particularly in the last few days of this referendum we can have less baseless assertion and inflammatory rhetoric and more reasoned argument and facts,” Finance Minister George Osborne told ITV’s ‘Peston on Sunday’.

On the same programme, the leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) Nigel Farage – - rejected a suggestion that he had stoked up hatred in politics, saying he had instead been a victim of it.

He said the murder should not be allowed to influence the campaign, acknowledging that the head of steam that “Leave” had built up may be difficult to recapture.

“There was a big momentum developing right across the country – a tragic death, a pause. (It’s) Very difficult to know, or to see, in the next three or four days where either of the campaigns go, in terms of the public once again connecting with it. Difficult to tell,” Farage said.

Last week the UKIP leader unveiled a controversial anti-migrant poster that was widely condemned including by fellow “Leave” campaigners. On Sunday George Osborne said it had “echoes of literature used in the 1930s”, prompting accusations of hypocrisy from some quarters.

On the continent, where surveys have suggested a majority want the UK to stay in the EU, the campaign’s restart has been marked by demonstrations of support for British membership, in several European capitals.

As well as a relatively small number who turned out near the Eiffel Tower in Paris, hundreds also gathered in front of the Brandenberg Gate in Berlin to act out a call to “kiss the hate away”, in a plea for more tolerance and for Europe to stay together.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-20
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Controversial comments !! Most of the controversial comments i have seen come from Cameron and Osborne.

The two of them do not know how the be truthful.

Using Jo Coxs untimely death is something you expect from the gutter press, not a government minister.

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Britain should exit Europe, and England should give up its last colonies (Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales).

Are you going to include the Falklands in that after so many lives were given retaking them - see both sides can invoke the memories of dead soldiers to get their point across but unfortunately I do not have a nice picture to go with it.

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It will be the people who control the counting of the vote, who decide the outcome. Just more political theatre, whichever way it goes I expect trouble on the streets as the British People are feeling pi$$ed of with these scumbag crypto-fascist "Leaders"

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Controversial comments !! Most of the controversial comments i have seen come from Cameron and Osborne.

The two of them do not know how the be truthful.

Using Jo Coxs untimely death is something you expect from the gutter press, not a government minister.

Sadly this poor young lady's death was like manna from heaven for Cameron and Osborne. I think it was turning point for them and their disgusting fear factor campaign. Just anther example of how low politicians will stoop. A lot of fence sitters got off and decided for the government. Sadly I think this event has clinched the deal for the government besides citizens hate the unknown as their very future seems headed in that direction daily. If there is no rain there could be a large turnout which I think will help the Brexiters.

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Controversial comments !! Most of the controversial comments i have seen come from Cameron and Osborne.

The two of them do not know how the be truthful.

Using Jo Coxs untimely death is something you expect from the gutter press, not a government minister.

Absolutely agree. Our first move should be to get out of the EU. The second should be to get rid gauleiters Cameron and Osborne.

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She was a true friend to the Muslims of the world and had been researching attacks on Muslims in the UK. She did not seem to acknowledge the horror of Islam or care about the massive increase in attacks on Jews in the UK and Europe.

Must she have been all things to all men? That she had a particular focus for her campaigning doesn't mean that she was disinterested in other issues.

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The most unfortunate thing is the leave campaigners have been turning it into a immigration thing, when anyone with half a brain would realise this is a two way thing and if we were to stop EU citizens from working in the UK then other countries will expel UK citizens working in their countries.

Then we will have a lot of unemployed ex-expats (some of which may well be unemployable) vying for the jobs that we have, most of which will be in the care sector, how many of them will be willing to get up early in the morning to go and help some out of bed, get them dressed and feed them? because these are the sort of jobs been done by migrants.

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England is and has been a soverign nation for a thousand years or more.

Exit Now

But this referendum isn't about England, is it? The referendum is about the UK. So do you want to exit the UK? Well you are on strong ground there because the map of England in the year 1000 did not include Scotland, Ireland or even Wales. Dear me, what a dreadful level of understanding from BREXIT supporters here.

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Controversial comments !! Most of the controversial comments i have seen come from Cameron and Osborne.

The two of them do not know how the be truthful.

Using Jo Coxs untimely death is something you expect from the gutter press, not a government minister.

"Using Jo Coxs untimely death is something you expect from the gutter press"

You mean murder right?

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Controversial comments !! Most of the controversial comments i have seen come from Cameron and Osborne.

The two of them do not know how the be truthful.

Using Jo Coxs untimely death is something you expect from the gutter press, not a government minister.

"Using Jo Coxs untimely death is something you expect from the gutter press"

You mean murder right?

And there you have nailed it. Some will not call it for what it is and are determined to obfuscate the issue. Damage limitation to the BREXIT cause takes priority. Gutter politics indeed.

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