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10 vs 1 - Pattaya tourists capture brutal gang attack in Thai holiday video


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They behave including passersby like convicts, so Thailand is not far from the location these people should be locked in. Lack of sympathy and indifference could characterize all South East's population. What they do to animals and to themselves tells the story plus police and their statements shows how corrupted is the system of justice and logic behind anything they say and do.

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What happened to the "Land Of Smiles" that I knew?

Is this the "Happyness" the Junta and the PM is boasting about?

This is the long term happiness that previous governments induced.

For heaven's sake don't blame this government because they could not reverse in a few months all the bad things that were caused or tolerated by the previous governments in many years

Edited by sweatalot
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They all want a piece, hey Eli1?

Whilst statistics can be (and often are) manipulated, the 2015 global peace index, has Thailand ranked at 37th worst, with Australia ranked at 154th, not far behind Iceland, as the worlds most peaceful country, at 162

But.... Examples of poop can be found in everyone's back yard... So for all you TVs out there... Watch your step

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'... five are under 18 and police are deciding whether to press charges.' So they are ignorant of what comprises an assault (never mind cowardice)? Charge them and have done with it; though no doubt the court could still turn such an event into a farce.

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Fighting between groups of male students from rival vocational schools is unfortunately a long-standing problem. Young people have died in these "rumbles" so this fella can consider himself lucky. Similar gang-banging is common in other countries as well, especially among youths. This has nothing do with, or impact on, foreigners living or visiting Thailand/Pattaya.

Except that, as was the subject of lengthy discussion in another thread, Thailand actively promotes itself as a nation which is uniquely blessed with Buddhist calm, serenity, compassion and good nature.

Indeed it labels itself "The Land of Smiles".

The concern shown by the authorities about this publicity, and other incidents, is precisely that it demonstrates the reality which you seek to use to defend it - it's just like everywhere else.

Well, it is ... and it is not.

Of course gang bashing exists in other countries, the whole issue here is in what proportion. My impression, after coming to Thailand for 30 years and actually living here for half of that time, is that it happens more in Thailand than in many other countries. As you very aptly point out, Enoon, the quick reaction of anger and denial by the autorities is proof in itself that they know how bad it is.

Some of the comments on this thread use the expression 'to fight like men' and oppose it to gang bashing. To me, considering that fighting is somehow a manly thing to do is pathetic, and shows how dreadfully uncivilized this world still is. The real difference is not between Neanderthal and Pithecanthropus but between men who see fighting as normal and those who try to overcome this low and demeaning urge which is an unfortunate part of our nature.

Less the fighting, per se, than it being in a disproportionate ratio, in this case, 10:!; not so long ago, 5 or 6:1 disabled man. They can't seriously see themselves as men ... though 'face' gets in the way of Thais seeing anything for what it is.

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Fighting between groups of male students from rival vocational schools is unfortunately a long-standing problem. Young people have died in these "rumbles" so this fella can consider himself lucky. Similar gang-banging is common in other countries as well, especially among youths. This has nothing do with, or impact on, foreigners living or visiting Thailand/Pattaya.

Except that, as was the subject of lengthy discussion in another thread, Thailand actively promotes itself as a nation which is uniquely blessed with Buddhist calm, serenity, compassion and good nature.

Indeed it labels itself "The Land of Smiles".

The concern shown by the authorities about this publicity, and other incidents, is precisely that it demonstrates the reality which you seek to use to defend it - it's just like everywhere else.

All countries have similar tourist marketing slogans and they too also have violence and crime. Thailand is not unique in this respect.

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" The video was bad for the image of Pattaya because it was filmed by foreigners and shared by them. "

I can see a special unit being set up to suppress videos like this and to deal with those who make such films and post them.

Another nail in Thailand's coffin as holiday destination.

It's pretty amazing how that coffin continues to expand every year to hold more and more tourists...20 million or so at last count ?

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I have only been a member of TV for a few months there is no way I would go to Pattaya in a million years now. My brother went there many times but he stopped a couple of years ago he told me that the atmosphere with foreigners was changing for the worse and now I see he was right. Thailand is not foreigner friendly from what I see

Your post might make a little more sense if the incident in question actually involved a foreigner...but of course it didn't. But as you say, you're a new member and I'm sure the quality of your posts will improve given enough time.

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Not surprising at all..... This is Thailand, and that type of behaviour is completely expected, land of smiles, smiling assassins that is. The violence levels are getting worse, with no concern for who is watching, particularly foreigners, as they have no respect for us, just our money...

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I have only been a member of TV for a few months there is no way I would go to Pattaya in a million years now. My brother went there many times but he stopped a couple of years ago he told me that the atmosphere with foreigners was changing for the worse and now I see he was right. Thailand is not foreigner friendly from what I see

Your post might make a little more sense if the incident in question actually involved a foreigner...but of course it didn't. But as you say, you're a new member and I'm sure the quality of your posts will improve given enough time.
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You can't equate Pattaya with Thailand in general, Pattaya is in a class of its own. I have lived in Chiang Mai for a year and in Isaan for 10 years and in all that time i haven't seen any violence at all. I used to go for long holidays in the distant past to Koh Samui, every year 10 years running and the only violence i saw there was farang on farang, i feel safe here.

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I chose Chiang mai for same reasons pattaya to me seems very violent. My brother went there every year for about 10 years he stopped because he didn't like the tense atmosphere there. A good friend of mine lived there for years but has now moved to the provinces for the same reason. I read on tv and it doesn't look good to me

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No one stops to help sad.png

As usual. All Thais know that these little scumbags carry knives and self made guns so they are pretty reluctant to get involved.

In a country without any law, middle and upper class scumbags know that they can do what they want because they will get away with it anyway. Only the poor get punished in TH.

It all comes down to law and order. If cops actually did their job in surveying the streets and acting when things like this happened it would go down by 80% overnight. But as we all know the BiB do f-all besides enriching themselves and their kin

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Am I reading right... You are against the foreigners who took the video. Tough luck, so they should. What has happened to Thailand, this so called gentle land of smiles. Of course the world should be told about Thailand ... If I had children I definitely wouldn't allow them to take a holiday here. Its reputation was ruined long ago..

What has happened? Nothing really, except it's been outed for what it is now that every one can be a reporter. These gangs have been there as long as the schools.
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Am I reading right... You are against the foreigners who took the video. Tough luck, so they should. What has happened to Thailand, this so called gentle land of smiles. Of course the world should be told about Thailand ... If I had children I definitely wouldn't allow them to take a holiday here. Its reputation was ruined long ago..

My Khon Thai Jai Dee post was of course meant to be sarcastic. Of all the countries I've lived in in Asia, 8 to date, I've never heard the populace constantly telling everyone how they and all of their fellow citizens have good hearts bah.gif. When I was a 20something I actually believed all that BS. My 20's are a very long way behind me and after 6 years in TL, I baled out 16 years ago and visit once or twice a year because I need meds and tea bags etc - certainly not because anyone is Jai Dee rolleyes.gif.

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Students? A 29yo turned himself in........student? My ass, unless he's got the brain of a buffalo (most probably) and got stuck in 9th grade for 12 years.

And the police is not sure whether to press charges against the under-aged criminals.......THAT will damage not only the image of Pattaya but the it will uphold the image of Pattaya as well.

Edited by joepattaya1961
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And no one went to his aid.sad.png

If you had gone to his aid it would have been 10 to 2, still not good odds,the people taking the footage came here for a holiday not to experience a Thai ICU. As the saying goes,''One shouldn't interfere with another's kama''.

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" The video was bad for the image of Pattaya because it was filmed by foreigners and shared by them. "

I can see a special unit being set up to suppress videos like this and to deal with those who make such films and post them.

Another nail in Thailand's coffin as holiday destination.
It's pretty amazing how that coffin continues to expand every year to hold more and more tourists...20 million or so at last count ?

What I find amazing is how many bloody nails that coffin can hold.... Soon it will be solid steel.

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Fighting between groups of male students from rival vocational schools is unfortunately a long-standing problem. Young people have died in these "rumbles" so this fella can consider himself lucky. Similar gang-banging is common in other countries as well, especially among youths. This has nothing do with, or impact on, foreigners living or visiting Thailand/Pattaya.

long standing indeed. My first encounter with this cultural habit In 1994 occurred when I was working in Nonthadburi. I just happened to exit the office to stand on a balcony on the 3rd floor to get some fresh air to find myself watching 5 or 6 students, in school uniform, attacking a student in the back of a taxi with long sticks. I did not see the start of the fray but the taxi driver got out of the cab and did a runner. The students smashed the rear and road side windows but the attack was brutal, thrusting the sticks with great force into the passenger. Someone must have alerted the police so when the sirens sounded the students took off. Passerby's did nothing to help the victim. Just stood and watched. Fights between rival student schools is fairly common place here I'm told in Thailand.

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