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Student,19, seeks justice after employer claims she stole 10 million baht in gold


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Student,19, seeks justice after employer claims she stole 10 million baht in gold


NAKHON PHANOM: -- A nineteen year old student from Nakorn Panom has made a complaint to crime suppression police that she has been the victim of a Bangkok woman who said she and her parents stole from her. She said the claim is a malicious lie.

Police are now to investigate claims that the student's former employer tried to lure her into working in Hong Kong and this was connected to human trafficking in some way, reported Thairath.

The Bangkok woman, a condo owner who claimed to be a "Khun Ying" (lady) and husband of a top policeman, employed the student and her parents last year.

The student, named only as "Ae" went to join her parents in Bangkok in May 2015 to earn some extra money before going to university. Her mother was a maid and her dad looked after cars for the 'lady' named only as "Kai". Ae was to look after the cats.

Ae said that after she was employed for two weeks Kai started pestering her about going to work in Hong Kong. She said that she could earn a lot of money there and that she had already arranged this for many others. Ae said she was not interested but Kai would not take no for an answer and kept bothering her about it.

She said her parents would not let her go anyway because she must complete her studies. Finally the family decided to leave without telling Kai as they couldn't put up with the pestering regarding the job in Hong Kong any longer.

After they left Kai reported to police in the Prachcheun area of Bangkok that they had stolen 40 baht weight of gold bars and other gold and diamond jewelry and necklaces worth more than 10 million baht. She said that she had CCTV evidence of the family leaving but Ae says that this only shows them leaving not stealing.

The family said they just left without telling anyone - they never stole anything.

In November last year Ae was arrested as she applied for a job at a department store. She was denied bail and held at a juvenile facility for girls for two months. The timeframe for pressing charges ran out and she was released but a warrant for the arrest of her parents still stands.

As the case is still not officially resolved she has been unable to take up a position offered to her at a Sakon Nakorn university.

Yesterday Ae went to the crime suppression division in Bangkok to seek justice claiming that she and her parents have been the victims of a malicious claim for prosecution from their former employer.

Crime suppression police are set to investigate and will look into claims that the job offer in Hong Kong may concern human trafficking. They said that the claim that the employer made regarding being a 'lady' and husband of a policeman has no bearing on the case. They are leaving the investigation of the alleged theft in the hands of the Prachacheun police.

Source: Thairath

-- 2016-06-22

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....."Crime supression police statement that the claim of the employer being a hiso lady and her husband a policeman will have no influence whatsoever on the case is indeed very reassuring....justice will certainly prevail.

Edited by saakura
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jesus. poor girl. what is the going rate for cat sitting?

I don't know she might not be so poor-------the response on here is hardly what Fox would call "fair & balanced"....... their ex employer is married to a policeman there for she must be lying about the theft.

They all ran away from a job that the parents had held for some time...because.......they say--the daughter was being harassed about going to HK, it wasn't easier just to send the daughter away---it was easier for the whole family to disappear in the night. (they must have been owed some wages) and then have the money to stay off the grid, & when the Daughter got arrested.....no one came forward with this tale. Just let the daughter stay in jail.

If I was a Thai Visa Sherlock ----- I would lean towards it was probably taken--- but it was probably ill gotten gains----leaves them (Policeman & wife) between a rock & a hard place.......... but I find do it hard to believe that the family all leave a job and their accommodation & money owed like this & disappear instead of just saying no---not going to HK.

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jesus. poor girl. what is the going rate for cat sitting?

I don't know she might not be so poor-------the response on here is hardly what Fox would call "fair & balanced"....... their ex employer is married to a policeman there for she must be lying about the theft.

They all ran away from a job that the parents had held for some time...because.......they say--the daughter was being harassed about going to HK, it wasn't easier just to send the daughter away---it was easier for the whole family to disappear in the night. (they must have been owed some wages) and then have the money to stay off the grid, & when the Daughter got arrested.....no one came forward with this tale. Just let the daughter stay in jail.

If I was a Thai Visa Sherlock ----- I would lean towards it was probably taken--- but it was probably ill gotten gains----leaves them (Policeman & wife) between a rock & a hard place.......... but I find do it hard to believe that the family all leave a job and their accommodation & money owed like this & disappear instead of just saying no---not going to HK.

You just arrived here, right? People at this level in Thailand has no influence on their lives, but lots of respect for those that they think have power. They would never dare confronting the "khun ying". I know people who have spent years in prison in Thailand simply because they lacked access to proper legal council.

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The fact that the "lady's" husband is alleged to be a police officer is highly pertinent to the case and should be investigated immediately.

Actually, that's not the way I read it:

"The Bangkok woman, a condo owner who claimed to be a "Khun Ying" (lady) and husband of a top policeman, employed the student and her parents last year."
"They said that the claim that the employer made regarding being a 'lady' and husband of a policeman has no bearing on the case."
Reads a bit like a baseball game, pitchers & receivers everywhere...............................rolleyes.gif
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You just arrived here, right? People at this level in Thailand has no influence on their lives, but lots of respect for those that they think have power. They would never dare confronting the "khun ying". I know people who have spent years in prison in Thailand simply because they lacked access to proper legal council.

Yes your right zakk9......I just arrived here---25 years ago....& I know there are countless people world wide imprisoned because they lacked access to legal council----I am talking about the western countries. This family is complaining to the police ---Through the daughter---taking action on social media, wanting the police to take action etc........doesn't quite fit in with your story of the peasants tugging their forelock & going down on one knee as the master passes. If they were that spell bound & afraid the Daughter would be in Hong Kong now---if in fact she was ever pressured to go there.

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i think this girl is very brave, somebody with knowledge and expertise is advising her, the young lady is putting herself forward to clear hers and her parents name.

That's quite possibly so macksview---& as I surmised , it was probably ill gotten so if they did take ----who cares.

But this high ranking policeman has connections----you have to renew your ID card, you have to do several others things (he was a driver --License etc) you saw how quickly they could zero in on the daughter once she applied for a job--- so how does this family have the money to stay off the grid & not work.

. Again---as I surmised , I think it was probably ill gotten so if they did take ----who cares............coffee1.gif

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i think this girl is very brave, somebody with knowledge and expertise is advising her, the young lady is putting herself forward to clear hers and her parents name.

That's quite possibly so macksview---& as I surmised , it was probably ill gotten so if they did take ----who cares.

But this high ranking policeman has connections----you have to renew your ID card, you have to do several others things (he was a driver --License etc) you saw how quickly they could zero in on the daughter once she applied for a job--- so how does this family have the money to stay off the grid & not work.

. Again---as I surmised , I think it was probably ill gotten so if they did take ----who cares............coffee1.gif

I tend to agree with you on both points, they took It, and the "Who cares"

Let the policeman and his wife explain why they had so much laying around.

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Who in there right mind would leave 10mill of gold out anyway?...........I would bet that of the girl agreed to go to HK the accusations would cease. This case really needs to be looked into. From the HK side as well.

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i dont know but maybe the parents who ran away with the daughter seems suspicious and not coming forward to collect their daughter makes them even more.

but to some poor ppl in thailand there is a sense of helplessness when it comes to dealing with elites or rich ppl in power. Maybe thats why they choose to disappear instead of just sending the daughter away cos it might be a loss of face for the khun ying and they dont want anything bad to befall on themselves.

of cos i m not saying they r all innocent. I hope RTP can investigate honestly and truthfully as all sides on this story deserve nothing less

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The chance of a HiSo lady leaving 40 baht in gold plus her diamond jewelry laying around for the hired help to steal is slim to none; and, slim has already left town.

So none is still around and we all know what a shifty character none is

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Wow... had to read this story twice to make sure I read it right! Hope that the crime suppression unit does a proper investigation and apprehends the "true" criminals because it seems that as long as there is corruption within the police ranks criminal activity will continue to thrive to the point where Thailand is no longer the Land of Smiles. My only legal advice to this young lady is to file a complaint for slander because it is clear that these "accusations" appear to be false on their face because she didn't want to "work" in Hong Kong and then sue the hell out of these people for the damage that this has caused this young lady and her family.

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And just what is a Thai Police doing with 10 million in gold just laying around the house????????

Maybe the copper had accumulated it from Massage parlours and was just about to 'buy' himself a higher position in the police force.

If he gets a promotion soon we will know where the gold really went........................ Right????

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Wow... had to read this story twice to make sure I read it right! Hope that the crime suppression unit does a proper investigation and apprehends the "true" criminals because it seems that as long as there is corruption within the police ranks criminal activity will continue to thrive to the point where Thailand is no longer the Land of Smiles. My only legal advice to this young lady is to file a complaint for slander because it is clear that these "accusations" appear to be false on their face because she didn't want to "work" in Hong Kong and then sue the hell out of these people for the damage that this has caused this young lady and her family.

Yes.... Right........ Obtain a good lawyer, share the settlement with him and go the 'slander' 'defamation of character' route

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jesus. poor girl. what is the going rate for cat sitting?

I don't know she might not be so poor-------the response on here is hardly what Fox would call "fair & balanced"....... their ex employer is married to a policeman there for she must be lying about the theft.

They all ran away from a job that the parents had held for some time...because.......they say--the daughter was being harassed about going to HK, it wasn't easier just to send the daughter away---it was easier for the whole family to disappear in the night. (they must have been owed some wages) and then have the money to stay off the grid, & when the Daughter got arrested.....no one came forward with this tale. Just let the daughter stay in jail.

If I was a Thai Visa Sherlock ----- I would lean towards it was probably taken--- but it was probably ill gotten gains----leaves them (Policeman & wife) between a rock & a hard place.......... but I find do it hard to believe that the family all leave a job and their accommodation & money owed like this & disappear instead of just saying no---not going to HK.

First point, you are a thaivisa Sherlock, this post reeks of armchair detective.

Second point, Thais just leave jobs that they are unhappy in to avoid confrontation.

Third point - if they truly feared the women's influence and the potential well-being of their daughter they could not have remained behind without risk.

Fourth point, this is all pointless speculationon your end seemingly without any understanding of how the Thai caste system works.

Fifth point, you have no idea on which date they absconded, nor how recently they had been paid, nor wether or not wages were being withheld to influence their decision.

Perhaps another question you might ask yourself is if they had the gold, why did she get caught looking for a job?

Or yet again, would a young woman have the gall to present herself to crime suppression if She were guilty?

And if she were dodgy, rather than focused on her education, why would she refuse the Hong Kong job offer in the first place. It seems neither she or her parents were willing to sell themselves off.

Personally if I were working for a very influential employer who had nefarious designs on my daughter, I would walk away too.

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got the lot this one, multimillion baht robbery, human trafficking, khun ying, copper of some influence, 19 year old locked up with her future on hold and cat sitting.

Sounds like a perfect script for a new thai soap.

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Let grasp facts known to us. University student tried to work part time for a police officer's family, where her parents worked. (nothing unusual) All was OK until persistent police family proposition to get her job in H.K. (it doesn't sound right after first refusal) She repeatedly refused. (now human trafficking sounds more real) Police family had 10 millions in gold and jewelry lying around. (it is unlikely, since all knows especially Thais that robberies are epidemic there). Parents live and doing it live daughter there. (why they didn't take daughter with them? why they did it so abruptly?) Daughter lost time, probably money too and all her life is in jeopardy. Is there any Thai lawyer to take care of the plentiful and clear this mess? (assuming he shall be paid from court proceeds against defenders sued for damages).

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