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Working In Thailand (other Than Tefl)


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Can anyone shed some light on whether it is at all possible to find work as farang in anything other than teaching or am I wasting my time looking?

It doesn't help that I have little expertise and have always previously worked in adminsitrative functions, I know and I accept that jobs that can be done by Thai nationals are generally done by Thai's.

I need to do something as looking at 4 walls all day is driving me crazy!

Many thanks

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Can anyone shed some light on whether it is at all possible to find work as farang in anything other than teaching or am I wasting my time looking?

It doesn't help that I have little expertise and have always previously worked in adminsitrative functions, I know and I accept that jobs that can be done by Thai nationals are generally done by Thai's.

I need to do something as looking at 4 walls all day is driving me crazy!

Many thanks

Do you need to work, or are you just trying to allieviate boredom?

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A bit of both really.

Working would ease financial pressures and also allow me to defer return to UK not to mention give the opportunity to meet new people.

Charity work would be a nice option to take but I am not in a position at the moment to do that - hopefully I will be in the future though!

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Sounds like you just want a short temporary job which isn't really likely in most lines of work here in Thailand. I.e. in the UK you can apply for various casual "Temping" jobs for a few weeks / months, here no such thing exists for foreigners, except in certain specialised areas.

You may be able to find some kind of online or working from home vocation, but then you wouldn't satisfy your desire to meet new people.

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A few things to consider here.

What visa do you have? Can it be converted to a work visa?

If you are married to a Thai and can or have converted to a dependents (marriage) visa then you are more easily employed here.

If you look through the Bangkok Post you'll see that most of the foreigner jobs are either engineer or hotel oriented and in both cases they usually want qualifications and experience.

There are always a few Boiler room jobs available, but you don't sound like you want a job that badly.

The other obvious option if you were looking longterm would be to start up or buy a business.

The first question you will be asked is 'do you have a degree?'.

Don't ask me why you need a degree to work in 7-11 but this is Thailand, and although that bit of paper is pretty easily attained it means a few years of dedication none the less.

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