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Teacher caught on video assaulting female student - but many see nothing wrong in that


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sorry but I don't agree with all you mamby pamby types, that say there are better ways than a smack,, so what are they? because they are just not working.

Kids these days in countries where there is no hitting, many of them have no respect for their elders, their teachers, their parents or the police, or anyone...

Sure smacking around the head is not good, but a cane across the butt, never hurt anyone long term, and probably did a lot of good...

You don't see many come out of the army like that.. why ? because they have discipline...

you do realise we are talking about children and not adults......right

I thought this was about discipline, and discipline starts at a young age.. Hopefully with the parents.... or do you think children should be allowed to do what they like until they become adults. ? ... too late then..

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What was she thinking you took away teachers day of looking up her skirt from him. Hell he should have took off her trousers that would teach her a thing or two right? Just saying is all I have to walk looking at my feet when going up stairs in Thailand half the ladies wear no panties here.

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It is a prime example of the attitude in this country towards violence. It is seen as perfectly acceptable to dish it out for the most trivial of things.

How anyone can watch this "man" smacking her around the head like that and consider it justifiable and acceptable behaviour is just beyond words.

If she was my daughter I would want him removed from his post, no doubt about it.

I know there are cultural differences but this is not that, violence is wrong and does not belong in todays world and no culture that condones it is right.

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If that was my daughter the teacher would need to leave the country...because I'm coming to get you and when I do I cannot ensure your safety! Needless to say I will be bashing his head with seriously accrued interest!!!


Not only would you be condoning violence, and not helping to solve the problem, but try that one and you will be in the Bangkok Hilton or similar, immigration cells and then deported.

Take a printout of the law (reference in this thread) to the police, escalate it until they act, and also sue for damages. Only when enough people take this course of action will teachers stop the widespread abuse.

A friend has just done exactly that; local police taken to the school and a copy of the Thai law document handed out.

You don't fire with fire - that way everyone gets burned.

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IF that was MY daughter; that Teacher would have serious problems walking for the next few years; what a total moron ! ! !


sure, pay him back in buckets full... good idea, then he gets someone to kill you .. a great reply,, your the moron...

An apology and maybe some small remittance to the girl, and some discipline from the school for the teacher, but to beat the shit out of him so he can't walk for years..... absolutely brilliant !!! NOT...

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Only in Thailand: hitting children is ok at schools. blink.png

There is written law against that at schools. (Mission Impossible theme in the background). I would leave that printed law on their desks surreptitiously and voila! Hitting stopped, for a while.coffee1.gif

A few weeks later, it starts again. Like a dog chasing its tail.bah.gif

This is just wrong. In the United States many schools, especially charter schools which are exempt from many legal requirements for public schools, allow corporal punishment (beating, spanking, caning, flogging, whatever you want to call it). Many Americans support the practice, especially when applied to other people's children, and most especially when the children are "melanin-enriched" (i.e., dark skinned). Some charter schools make harsh discipline a selling feature. As for the written law against that, well, law is often applied the way the community wants, and Thai culture still views harsh punishment of inferiors as necessary.

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sorry but I don't agree with all you mamby pamby types, that say there are better ways than a smack,, so what are they? because they are just not working.

Kids these days in countries where there is no hitting, many of them have no respect for their elders, their teachers, their parents or the police, or anyone...

Sure smacking around the head is not good, but a cane across the butt, never hurt anyone long term, and probably did a lot of good...

You don't see many come out of the army like that.. why ? because they have discipline...

Cough cough bull cough <deleted>....

Good parenting breeds good disciple.... Violence begets violence

The teacher should be addressing this to the GIRLS parents, not taking the matter into his own hands and slapping the one girl, who stopped running away, around the head.... Knocking sense out of it, as IMHO, it makes sense to wear comfortable pants to a dance class... Just go down the road and have a wee perve at any Zumba, aerobic, exercise class done anywhere, and you'll not see many dresses in evidence

And army references... Isn't that the place that the government takes people to turn them into killers? Ah... I see your point... Disciplined killers ?

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What a lot of posters are not realizing is that this teacher (sic) walked up to the girl in a very arrogant manner and lashed out. It indicated to me that this was not an impulsive gesture, but rather standard procedure for this cretin - he likes and is used to dealing with matters by using violence -- and THAT is the problem with this whole disgusting episode. IT IS NOT that he used a bit of forceful discipline and therefore should be excused. Anyone who thinks that is equally a cretin. Proper disciplinary procedures would have involved a controlled system of punishment, not some f-wit lashing out at a young and defenceless kid to prove what a real man he is.

Once again, this was not an accepted disciplinary punishment. It was a heroic Thai male playing the tough guy bully -- because he can get away with it -- and smashing a young kid around the head. This was an assault and he should go to jail.

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Now we know why Thais like fighting they grow up being hit and think it's all so normal when in fact it's not.Thais seem to have the nack to be bad liars,why would this girl say she was in the wrong? Scared the only word I can think of.

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In NO circumstances is it okay for a teacher to hit a student around the head area.

If she was one of my friends or girl friends kin I would break his legs.Promise 100 %

So many violent people on here,, all are hipocrites, condeming violence, then promising more violence back. Yeap, that sure will solve the problem !!!

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sorry but I don't agree with all you mamby pamby types, that say there are better ways than a smack,, so what are they? because they are just not working.

Kids these days in countries where there is no hitting, many of them have no respect for their elders, their teachers, their parents or the police, or anyone...

Sure smacking around the head is not good, but a cane across the butt, never hurt anyone long term, and probably did a lot of good...

You don't see many come out of the army like that.. why ? because they have discipline...

you do realise we are talking about children and not adults......right

I thought this was about discipline, and discipline starts at a young age.. Hopefully with the parents.... or do you think children should be allowed to do what they like until they become adults. ? ... too late then..

ah right, so you mean instead of children going into school they should go into the army, from what age would you suggest 6 ?

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Hitting a kid in the head is wrong, shouldn't be allowed plain and simple. Hitting them on any other part of the body no....with the exception being an open hand, if they get the strap or cane once in an open hand that is enough to send a message they are in the wrong!

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This is all just a storm in a tea cup. Who cares? Education in Thailand is comparable to education in western countries in the 1960s. That's just the way it is. Thai standards are different from western standards. I sometimes visit my wife's brother in prison. Wardens often hold hands with prisoners, place a had on a prisoner when they are talking to them etc. All things you would never see in a western prison. Physical expression, for better or worse, is part of Thai culture.

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sorry but I don't agree with all you mamby pamby types, that say there are better ways than a smack,, so what are they? because they are just not working.

Kids these days in countries where there is no hitting, many of them have no respect for their elders, their teachers, their parents or the police, or anyone...

Sure smacking around the head is not good, but a cane across the butt, never hurt anyone long term, and probably did a lot of good...

You don't see many come out of the army like that.. why ? because they have discipline...

you do realise we are talking about children and not adults......right

I thought this was about discipline, and discipline starts at a young age.. Hopefully with the parents.... or do you think children should be allowed to do what they like until they become adults. ? ... too late then..

ah right, so you mean instead of children going into school they should go into the army, from what age would you suggest 6 ?

Don't be a dork,, I mean what I say, not what you think I say... They do need discipline all their lives, not just when they are army age, about 18

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.we used to get a wack with a cane on the buttocks or hand, never done me any harm,thumbsup.gif

Yep. I had the cane, a ruler and even a board rubber thrown at me.

Was never struck on the head or witnessed a friend being assaulted like that girl was tho.

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Only in Thailand: hitting children is ok at schools. blink.png

There is written law against that at schools. (Mission Impossible theme in the background). I would leave that printed law on their desks surreptitiously and voila! Hitting stopped, for a while.coffee1.gif

A few weeks later, it starts again. Like a dog chasing its tail.bah.gif

Frankly, the idea that a teacher could no longer use physical punishment, as in a smack, in order to chastise has just proved another example of PC gone bonkers. And I do emphasise 'smack', not punch.

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Only in Thailand: hitting children is ok at schools. blink.png

There is written law against that at schools. (Mission Impossible theme in the background). I would leave that printed law on their desks surreptitiously and voila! Hitting stopped, for a while.coffee1.gif

A few weeks later, it starts again. Like a dog chasing its tail.bah.gif

Frankly, the idea that a teacher could no longer use physical punishment, as in a smack, in order to chastise has just proved another example of PC gone bonkers. And I do emphasise 'smack', not punch.

Apples and oranges.

The other punishment not mentioned here is emotional abuse. These teachers really know how to make a student 1 cm tall.coffee1.gif

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

I agree entirely. Step out of line you get walloped, behave and you don't. Unlike today in the west where, because of the absence of corporal punishment, kids more or less do as they like, including beating up their teachers. Reading the comments from the lefties on here, it's hardly surprising that the youth of today doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. On this occasion I think that the Thais have got it right.

That ok Mr Thai-bashing policeman?

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Amazing how excited this gets people excited. The problem started with long pants. These girls should just conform.There is absolutely not place for those who don't in Thailand. No place. When they realize this their lives will be better. The teacher should be fired for insulting the nation. Shame on both the girls and teacher for harming the nation's image.

What a confusing post............Their lives will be better...ha???...........so after their lives are better,we sack the teacher...ha??

I'm not sure of your stance on this matter?.........I think i need a teacher to explain to mefacepalm.gif

On second thoughts....maybe you're saying the teacher was right because the student wasn't conforming but he still needs to be sacked

for damaging thailand's imagewub.png

Um, I think you need to look up the word "sarcasm" in the dictionary.

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This is all just a storm in a tea cup. Who cares? Education in Thailand is comparable to education in western countries in the 1960s. That's just the way it is. Thai standards are different from western standards. I sometimes visit my wife's brother in prison. Wardens often hold hands with prisoners, place a had on a prisoner when they are talking to them etc. All things you would never see in a western prison. Physical expression, for better or worse, is part of Thai culture.

Personally, I care when I see a teacher assault a student.

It's wrong.

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

Yes I remember them unpampered days only to well. We had the big brown belt rule at home and the odd kick in the posterior. It was an experience and I like to think it made me into a better person. Now children goad their parents and teachers to see how far they can push them. I was wrong to hit this girl about the head and face for sure. Sadly we have given our kids an inch and they are now taking a mile and more. They are in the "we know it all" generation till one day they wake up and realize they really don't but its to late by then. Ask me I woke up in time to make something of my life. There are a lot who will not. All this IT stuff has turned teens into fat button pushers lacking the wisdom and knowledge of how to roll up their sleeves and tackle a real job.

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Sickening in many ways.

Firstly shows he cannot control himself or manage situations, someone who vindictively chases a child to hit them should be thrown out of the teaching profession.

Secondly, why have people leapt to his defence ? He might have won the Nobel prize in the past, what he did here is indefensible.

Thirdly, the girl admits she did wrong and pleads for the clip to be taken down, "because of the trouble it causes". She is petrified of further revenge stunts from this low life and/or his colleagues. Suddenly she is bottom of the class in her marks, oh what a surprise.

Rant over, you get the gist.

He's obviously a school mafia type, I'm sure the girl was heavily coerced to plead people to remove the video.

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Now we know why Thais like fighting they grow up being hit and think it's all so normal when in fact it's not.Thais seem to have the nack to be bad liars,why would this girl say she was in the wrong? Scared the only word I can think of.

Remember in the Thais world it is the me,me,me,first attitude and when they have ANY authority they they are compelled to show their power over others .They will not talk to a student or find out a reasonable approach. They first must yell to show that the other person is under them then comes the hitting as they their ignorance overcomes what little since that they may have had..This is why LOS will always be a second rate country in the eyes of the rest of the world.

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