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US Supreme Court ruling means illegal immigrants with US born children will be deported


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One of the people I work with in Thailand took time off from work to go to America to get her kid citizenship. It was a 2-3 month trip. She's wealthy so it was easy for her. Thaksin's son Panthongthae was born in the US. I wonder if he renounced his citizenship? You won't get citizenship in Thailand that way. If I remember correctly it used to be that luk-kreungs even if they had only Thai citizenship couldn't take government civil servant jobs in Thailand because they weren't pure Thai blood. Maybe that's still the same.

No, you don't remember correctly.

Luk-kreungs have worked as civil servants in Thailand ever since farangs started playing a part in its history.

Some of them have risen quite high. Probably the most well known recently would be Meechai Viravaidya. Thai father, and Scottish mother. He has been a Senator twice and served as Deputy Minister of Industry under the Prem Government.

I have an American neighbour whose luk-kreung daughter is a freshman diplomat at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She is currently at London University on a government scholarship working on a second masters degree.

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Actually Obama has deported huge numbers of illegals. However, the deportation policy and overall immigration policy is like everything else the US government does- inconsistent. In a case where mother and father are illegals and have children in the US- the children are American citizens. If the mother and father are then deported the minor children remain and if there is no legal family members in the US- the children go into the State welfare system. After several court hearings in which the parents are required and because they cannot come back to the US for the 'hearing'- the court takes away the rights of the parents and awards the children to the State. They then become available for adoption and live with foster families. Does anyone think illegals don't love their children? These case are heartbreaking and are a result of an American government and its Congress that simply do not work. All of them are gutless, uncaring and simply want to take care of themselves .

The US needs a completely new Immigration policy that controls borders, brings in needed foreign labor and protects immigrant families. The current policy is unfair; poorly administered and arbitrary. The so called 'greatest country in the World' is not very great at all.

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One of the people I work with in Thailand took time off from work to go to America to get her kid citizenship. It was a 2-3 month trip. She's wealthy so it was easy for her. Thaksin's son Panthongthae was born in the US. I wonder if he renounced his citizenship? You won't get citizenship in Thailand that way. If I remember correctly it used to be that luk-kreungs even if they had only Thai citizenship couldn't take government civil servant jobs in Thailand because they weren't pure Thai blood. Maybe that's still the same.

I believe for developed nations, only US and Canada will give you citizenship by birth. Nothing to complain about that in Thailand.

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While it seems wrong and illogical to allow illegal immigrants (ie people who have either entered illegally or are staying illegally) to remain in the country - perhaps the US should consider that these people show extraordinary resourcefulness and dedication. Admirable attributes for citizens. Give them citizenship. Perhaps extra point for people who entered illegally instead of just overstaying a visa and maybe a minimum time period - 5 years, 10 years of successfully staying in the country illegally. Extra points as well for serving in the US military. Just a different perspective.

We could turn this into a profit making entity, place a moritorium of one year - prove your are a law abiding person with a steady job, paying taxes every year, let them file the proper paperwork, charge them all $1500 each for US Citizenship. Thats a huge chunk of money - but only give them a year to do it, or face deportation. If only 10 Million take advantage of this program, thats 15 Billion $$.

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One of the people I work with in Thailand took time off from work to go to America to get her kid citizenship. It was a 2-3 month trip. She's wealthy so it was easy for her. Thaksin's son Panthongthae was born in the US. I wonder if he renounced his citizenship? You won't get citizenship in Thailand that way. If I remember correctly it used to be that luk-kreungs even if they had only Thai citizenship couldn't take government civil servant jobs in Thailand because they weren't pure Thai blood. Maybe that's still the same.

I believe for developed nations, only US and Canada will give you citizenship by birth. Nothing to complain about that in Thailand.

In the US birth right citizenship, like so much of the Constitution, is an effect of slavery. It was established in the anti-slavery 14th amendment to assure the freed slaves of citizenship. Prior to the Civil War, the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott decision has held that blacks were not and could not become US citizens.

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I think for the US to have less illegals, there are a list of things they can do:

Stop citizenship by birth - probably one of the most effective ways to curb illegals

Limit the number of times a student can get an education visa at community college - this is loop hole for those who want to stay legally and work illegally in the US. Many times, they end up being an illegal when their passport expires. (Perhaps this account for a very small percentage compare to those that cross into the country illegally / tourist visa)

Building a wall is stupid, people will just knock a hole in the wall. Just like how drug mules always have creative ways to smuggle drugs into the country.

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While it seems wrong and illogical to allow illegal immigrants (ie people who have either entered illegally or are staying illegally) to remain in the country - perhaps the US should consider that these people show extraordinary resourcefulness and dedication. Admirable attributes for citizens. Give them citizenship. Perhaps extra point for people who entered illegally instead of just overstaying a visa and maybe a minimum time period - 5 years, 10 years of successfully staying in the country illegally. Extra points as well for serving in the US military. Just a different perspective.

We could turn this into a profit making entity, place a moritorium of one year - prove your are a law abiding person with a steady job, paying taxes every year, let them file the proper paperwork, charge them all $1500 each for US Citizenship. Thats a huge chunk of money - but only give them a year to do it, or face deportation. If only 10 Million take advantage of this program, thats 15 Billion $$.

A particularly ugly suggestion to exploit the lowest rung of society. These people already overwhelmingly work, pay taxes, and obey the law. All economic studies of the undocumented aliens show that they are net contributors economically. Many or most of them pay the payroll tax supporting Social Security even though they cannot get benefits.

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I think for the US to have less illegals, there are a list of things they can do:

Stop citizenship by birth - probably one of the most effective ways to curb illegals

Limit the number of times a student can get an education visa at community college - this is loop hole for those who want to stay legally and work illegally in the US. Many times, they end up being an illegal when their passport expires. (Perhaps this account for a very small percentage compare to those that cross into the country illegally / tourist visa)

Building a wall is stupid, people will just knock a hole in the wall. Just like how drug mules always have creative ways to smuggle drugs into the country.

Time to wake up and face reality. Birth right citizenship is in the Constitution, which in the currently polarized climate cannot be amended. The last amendment to be ratified was in 1992 and took 202 years to achieve ratification, which requires 2/3 of the Senate and House, and 3/4 of the states.

The right wingers are unable to identify what problem they are trying to solve. They just happen to hate Hispanic immigrants. Fine, just keep it up and watch the country turn decisively to the Democrat Party since Latinos are the fastest growing segment of society. Starts with the President and the new Democrat Senate in January followed swiftly by a liberal majority Court for the next generation.

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Department of Homeland Security is on record that the maximum of mass deportations it could conduct annually under present resources is 400,000.

With 11 million the raw number, either everyone endures 20 or more years of ongoing mass deportations or the US cranks up a deportation police state as has been presented in the thread above.

Nothing like this has ever been done because it is beyond severe and drastic. Scotus has done nothing to authorise or encourage any such actions to include in its stalemated non-decision of today.

The far right and the wild radical Donald Trump driving the Republican party nationally would reduce the Constitution and its Bill of Rights to an honorary document at best, if not just shred it outright.

The wingnuts are taking a victory lap over kicking the can down the road.

I wouldn't waste a lot of effort writing logically. Logic and the GOP don't mix well. They know they were elected by low-info, gun toting, racist wingnuts and that's who will keep getting them elected...for now. The moment they start veering off into logical, realistic answers to the nation's problem, that's when they'll get primaried out by another more crazy wingnut.

It isn't always going to be like this, but it is what it is for now.

Come November there will be big changes in the way we're governed. The Supreme Court will have a progressive majority and the devastation the right wing has wreaked on America is going to end.

Oh, there will be some howling over there in Wingnuttia when that happens. Som nom na.

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“I think it is heartbreaking for the millions of illegal immigrants who made their lives here,

If these people who broke the law and entered the US unlawfully would comply with the immigration laws and become a US citizen, this bullshit wouldn't be an issue.

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Department of Homeland Security is on record that the maximum of mass deportations it could conduct annually under present resources is 400,000.

Not to mention that every single one of the eleven million is entitled to due process.

As even Bill O'Reilly frequently points out.

Going to have to hire an awful lot of public defenders.


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That's must have been a shock to Obama to learn that despite his relentless efforts to flood the US

with illegal immigrants and pay for them out of the tax payer dime, the supreme court sees that

differently, that will go down well in his up coming memoirs book, probebly titled ; "yes we can, but we didn't"....

I'd would have said "Thought I Could, But I Couldn't".

I predict another dreadful autobiography: "Wet Dreams of My Terms", or some such.

I suppose his writing has improved a bit with all the Executive Orders, campaign speeches, memos and his extensive use of a "pen and a phone" (probably mostly phone). Naaaaaah!

Edited by MaxYakov
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That's must have been a shock to Obama to learn that despite his relentless efforts to flood the US

with illegal immigrants and pay for them out of the tax payer dime, the supreme court sees that

differently, that will go down well in his up coming memoirs book, probebly titled ; "yes we can, but we didn't"....

Why would it be a shock? The Republican opposition have blocked many of his initiatives because of Republican control of congress. What is the flood to which you refer? Immigrants with children born in the US are already there. What difference does the Supreme Court see? One half the Supreme Court--the Republican half--sees it differently.

It seems you only see your opinion in whatever is said or done.

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This will help elect Hillary Clinton, because bottom line most Americans are not going to like all the horror stories of families being broken apart.

But that said, moving forward, how about an effort to amend the constitution so that being born on American soil doesn't automatically grant citizenship? Why couldn't that pass?

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This will help elect Hillary Clinton, because bottom line most Americans are not going to like all the horror stories of families being broken apart.

But that said, moving forward, how about an effort to amend the constitution so that being born on American soil doesn't automatically grant citizenship? Why couldn't that pass?

It wouldn't pass because 34 senators OR 155 congressmen could prevent it from passing OR 13 states could prevent it from being ratified. There are more than enough blue elements in each category to make it a dead letter.

You might enjoy reading the US Constitution sometime. A world of surprises therein.

Edited by CaptHaddock
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OK, if you say so.

I think the vast majority of people would support it though.

But I know, doesn't make any difference.

The vast majority support gun control, but the NRA has the power to block it, every time.

I see no basis for supposing that a vast majority of Americans would support such a move. So far, Trump has got about 13 million votes. That's probably about 10% of the electorate. There is no evidence that there will be any significant Democrat defection to Trump even among the white working-class males who are his chief supporters. By contrast 77% of Republican women dislike him. Trump benefited from a focused message for a small group while his Republican opponents divided the opposition. The November election won't be like that.

For the political parties, as opposed to the voters themselves, opposing birth right citizenship is like kissing off the largest growing segment of voters, the Latinos. The Dems aren't going to throw away their long-term advantage.

Here's a 2015 poll that shows 60% of Americans oppose amending the Constitution to end birth right citizenship.


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That's must have been a shock to Obama to learn that despite his relentless efforts to flood the US

with illegal immigrants and pay for them out of the tax payer dime, the supreme court sees that

differently, that will go down well in his up coming memoirs book, probebly titled ; "yes we can, but we didn't"....

I see some bad information here.

Sorry but Obama is deporting more mexicans than any president.

Federal law says Illegals are entitled to emergency medical care, that's it.

They don't vote.

So why is it you think Obama is flooding the US with illegals?

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OK, if you say so.

I think the vast majority of people would support it though.

But I know, doesn't make any difference.

The vast majority support gun control, but the NRA has the power to block it, every time.

I see no basis for supposing that a vast majority of Americans would support such a move. So far, Trump has got about 13 million votes. That's probably about 10% of the electorate. There is no evidence that there will be any significant Democrat defection to Trump even among the white working-class males who are his chief supporters. By contrast 77% of Republican women dislike him. Trump benefited from a focused message for a small group while his Republican opponents divided the opposition. The November election won't be like that.

For the political parties, as opposed to the voters themselves, opposing birth right citizenship is like kissing off the largest growing segment of voters, the Latinos. The Dems aren't going to throw away their long-term advantage.

Here's a 2015 poll that shows 60% of Americans oppose amending the Constitution to end birth right citizenship.


I don't equate support for ending birthright citizenship with supporting the vile monster. However, it's true I assumed the support would be stronger for it. It's one thing deporting tens of millions of people and it's another thing changing things for the future. But thanks for the info about that poll. Now I suppose I get why there hasn't been an an attempt to amend the constitution about that.

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Let us not over react here...the chances of these illegal immigrants being shipped back to their home countries is extremely slim...

Depends upon who wins the US Presidency...If Clinton wins...nothing at all will be done...nothing will change...more illegals pouring into the country and placed on assistance while the county is going broke and Clinton raising more taxes...

If Trump wins...then he will build a fence...and send any new illegals found crossing the boarder back immediately...those illegals who have established a track record of good citizenship and working...will be given a penalty and a path to citizenship...IMHO

This US Supreme Court ruling shows how biased and dysfunctional the Supreme Court has become...

Obama tried to usurp Congress and acting as a dictator...determine the fate of illegals without changing the laws that presently address this situation...his actions were illegal and unconstitutional...

The Supreme Court voted along party lines...rather than defend the law and Constitution...

The average American citizen is fed up with leadership putting partisan politics above the laws, Constitution, and the good for American and American people...

Trump may ride this ground-swell of patriotism into the White House...

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Let us not over react here...the chances of these illegal immigrants being shipped back to their home countries is extremely slim...

Depends upon who wins the US Presidency...If Clinton wins...nothing at all will be done...nothing will change...more illegals pouring into the country and placed on assistance while the county is going broke and Clinton raising more taxes...

If Trump wins...then he will build a fence...and send any new illegals found crossing the boarder back immediately...those illegals who have established a track record of good citizenship and working...will be given a penalty and a path to citizenship...IMHO

This US Supreme Court ruling shows how biased and dysfunctional the Supreme Court has become...

Obama tried to usurp Congress and acting as a dictator...determine the fate of illegals without changing the laws that presently address this situation...his actions were illegal and unconstitutional...

The Supreme Court voted along party lines...rather than defend the law and Constitution...

The average American citizen is fed up with leadership putting partisan politics above the laws, Constitution, and the good for American and American people...

Trump may ride this ground-swell of patriotism into the White House...

We have a different definition of patriotism. Mine doesn't involve writing the President of the United States is a dictator. No one writes something like that except a wingnut.

Ground-swello of patriotism? thumbsup.gif

Good luck

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Let us not over react here...the chances of these illegal immigrants being shipped back to their home countries is extremely slim...

Depends upon who wins the US Presidency...If Clinton wins...nothing at all will be done...nothing will change...more illegals pouring into the country and placed on assistance while the county is going broke and Clinton raising more taxes...

If Trump wins...then he will build a fence...and send any new illegals found crossing the boarder back immediately...those illegals who have established a track record of good citizenship and working...will be given a penalty and a path to citizenship...IMHO

This US Supreme Court ruling shows how biased and dysfunctional the Supreme Court has become...

Obama tried to usurp Congress and acting as a dictator...determine the fate of illegals without changing the laws that presently address this situation...his actions were illegal and unconstitutional...

The Supreme Court voted along party lines...rather than defend the law and Constitution...

The average American citizen is fed up with leadership putting partisan politics above the laws, Constitution, and the good for American and American people...

Trump may ride this ground-swell of patriotism into the White House...

We have a different definition of patriotism. Mine doesn't involve writing the President of the United States is a dictator. No one writes something like that except a wingnut.

Ground-swello of patriotism? thumbsup.gif

Good luck

It has come to my attention over many posts...that anyone who does not agree with your bleeding-heart progressive liberal pinko ideology is coined a wingnut...right wingnut to be exact...I will gladly embrace your flaming posts...if it keeps me at odds with your way of life and thinking...

And yes...Obama is arguable the First Dictator of the United States...usurping Congress and doing just whatever promotes his agenda...the Supreme Court has sent him home with his butt handed to him on more than one occasion...

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The far right and the wild radical Donald Trump driving the Republican party nationally would reduce the Constitution and its Bill of Rights to an honorary document at best, if not just shred it outright.

That would imply there's something left to shred after Obama.

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There are two factors in this equation, both illegal. It is funny how we concentrate on one but not the Other. What we gave them but not on what they gave us.

They came here illegally, but we also profited from them illegally.

If one should not profit from an illegal act, then the other should not also.

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There are two factors in this equation, both illegal. It is funny how we concentrate on one but not the Other. What we gave them but not on what they gave us.

They came here illegally, but we also profited from them illegally.

If one should not profit from an illegal act, then the other should not also.

Are you in the states?

How did we profit from them illegally? Mexican food? Sadly, most of the Mexican food places that get raided frequently should be raided for their food quality, not the immigration status of their workers. They create gang and drug problems out the arseeee and they are drain on resources when they show up and have babies in the hospitals with no ensurencito . . . Grnated they do a lot of good construction work and etc., but now employers are stringent with I9 requirements so the scoundrels needing to go back are not doing legitimate work either.

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