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So what did the Brexit supporters gain?

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The GBP has plunged, trade agreements are up in the air, USA stock futures are down. Who benefited?

I spoke with a Brit friend today who did well on the market with the vote but as he said, commonly Brits believe all their problems stem from the immigrants. We all know that's not the case.

So who benefited?

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Watch this watchcharaters then comment, the EU is on the verge of collapes anyway, this will push it over

Nothing about immigration


Who benefited?

Xenophobes, racists, people wanting to buy GBP.

So are you saying that all the 52% of people who voted out are xenophobes and racist, it says a lot about you!

Who benefited?

Xenophobes, racists, people wanting to buy GBP.

So are you saying that all the 52% of people who voted out are xenophobes and racist, it says a lot about you!

He DID NOT say that!

But clearly, those who are xenophobes and racists will rejoice...... don´t you think?


Who benefited?

Xenophobes, racists, people wanting to buy GBP.

So are you saying that all the 52% of people who voted out are xenophobes and racist, it says a lot about you!


I think the point he was making is the tendency for those who have economic troubles to look for someone to blame. e.g. immigrants. In the southern part of the USA for a long time, blacks were blamed for many of the problems of uneducated and impoverished whites who had a sense of little hope for the future.

While that may not hold true for the Brixit vote, the theory holds true. Blame someone else.


No. It says a lot about the idiots who voted to wreck the UK economy.


Its called democrasy, just because you don't agree with the vote, well I'm afraid you're going to have to live with it, 17 million people can't be wrong surely? Maybe they're not mad but have different princibles to you.


Wrecking the UK economy just to stop a few immigrants is xenophobic madness.

People says Thais are xenophobic, nothing compared to this.


Congratulations to the "OUT" voters. You have cut yourself loose from the sinking EU ship. You are now free to rebuild your country as soon as you rid your country of the bleeding liberal politicians. There is good reason for optimism.


Who benefited?

Xenophobes, racists, people wanting to buy GBP.

So are you saying that all the 52% of people who voted out are xenophobes and racist, it says a lot about you!

He DID NOT say that!

Let's hope that his level of intelligence is not representative of the majority of the voters.


Congratulations to the "OUT" voters. You have cut yourself loose from the sinking EU ship. You are now free to rebuild your country as soon as you rid your country of the bleeding liberal politicians. There is good reason for optimism.

+1....................The working classes in the UK have spoken,no more of the gravy train called Brussels and being told what we can and cannot do in our own country.


I don't see what the big deal is really. We will still be trading with EU members. I doubt the UK will impose import tariffs on EU goods, or likewise the EU on UK exports, unless a trade war is wanted.

Already the pound is being devalued which makes UK goods very competitive.

At the end of the day, Britain just didn't fit despite a great deal of effort on both sides.

This not primarily about immigration, though open borders is a factor.

I expect the Scots will leave the UK, and again it looks like a fit that just can't be despite efforts on both sides.

No need for such gloom. The sky hasn't caved in.

By the way, I would have voted to remain, and want Scotland to remain. But I can see it's just not on. It's like bad marriages.


Who benefited?

Xenophobes, racists, people wanting to buy GBP.

So are you saying that all the 52% of people who voted out are xenophobes and racist, it says a lot about you!

I sincerely thought Cameron and company could control the voters with the fear factor initiative that they so brutally displayed but workers were tired of working for "DE MAN" and having no control over their livelihood and watching cheap labor immigrants and other EU members flock into the country and take their jobs and drive wages down while big business prospered. The billionaires, oligarths, the movers and the shakers have pushed workers to a edge of a precipice. All downsides have their limits. They refuse to share the wealth being created by all this global village crap so let them eat the fruits of that they have sown. Its time to give the little guy some credit he knows when he is being shafted.


Congratulations to the "OUT" voters. You have cut yourself loose from the sinking EU ship. You are now free to rebuild your country as soon as you rid your country of the bleeding liberal politicians. There is good reason for optimism.

Lets not forget the right wing zealots that control the liberal politicians.




The taxpayer has saved 8.5 billion pounds a year, imported goods will be 8% cheaper, our fishing fleet can fish where it likes, farmers can produce milk again, we can stop Syrians, Turkish, Polish and Greeks freely entering the UK, etc.


What country will be the next to leave? Denmark? And the next to join? Turkey? In the end, the EU will consist of Germany +eastern europe.




The taxpayer has saved 8.5 billion pounds a year, imported goods will be 8% cheaper, our fishing fleet can fish where it likes, farmers can produce milk again, we can stop Syrians, Turkish, Polish and Greeks freely entering the UK, etc.

It's an absolute no brainer, good riddance EU. People of the UK congratulations with your victory and decision to make Britain great again!




The taxpayer has saved 8.5 billion pounds a year, imported goods will be 8% cheaper, our fishing fleet can fish where it likes, farmers can produce milk again, we can stop Syrians, Turkish, Polish and Greeks freely entering the UK, etc.

And that is just for starters. I guess the EU carpet baggers will rain fire and brimstone down on the UK voters as they pack up their money satchels and look for greener pastures to pillage. Kind of reminds me of the pirates of old with their cutlasses and braces of pistols jumping onto a prize treasure galleon only this time when they hit the deck they received a musket broadside. The rich "pirates" in this case will find another location no doubt to raise "The Jolly Roger" Its called globalism for the rich. No hard feelings just business.


Yes US stock futures were down. I was surprised that it was not double of what Faux News was showing. The market has been going up on hot air and hot money flowing in and of course that greedy "borrow up to 50% from us" margin money from your friendly (till something goes wrong) broker. The "real" stock market has long disappeared and replaced by the Dow Casino. Place your bets the wheel is spinning. You just better hope that people do not sense a "Black Swan" event in all of this and start selling enmass. Then the margin calls (from your now not so friendly broker) will start coming and the 90% of investors playing with the house's money will have to pony up some of their actual cash as their source of borrowing has called in their marker. World stock market are teetering houses of cards that are waiting for a North wind to come along. Don't be caught like the 3 little pigs with the big bad wolf outside the door of their straw house. PS from the sounds of your article your British and you did not transfer any funds over for a rainy day thinking that the bureaucrats would carry the day.


A great advert for democracy. Cameron has publicly stated he will stand down as the PM before October

He will not have to stand down. As he has already fallen, flat on his face.


End of muslims flooding into Britain and no longer dictated to by EC.

What a disgusting use of words and comment!


On paper I lost money today. I am British but if the nation goes downhill so be it. Not too sure what the leave camp is celebrating. Hope Boris takes charge, will at least be amusing.


Is it possible that Boris could be Prime minister of the UK and vice president of the US? Not sure if he has ditched his US passport. He got a bit upset with a tax bill from the IRS.


A great advert for democracy. Cameron has publicly stated he will stand down as the PM before October

Well "Dodgy" Dave has stated NOW that he will not step down. Newsflash!! Dodgy Dave will step down in October. Don't forget that parliament must put its stamp of approval on the outcome and politicians the liars that they are might just flex their muscles and say "We have decided to stay in the EU the unwashed masses are bonkers" Politicians are like a phalanx of soldiers holding spears pointed at you much like the scene from The Game Of Thrones and they slowly take a step forward forcing you into an every shrinking circle till you submit. I imagine "Super" Dave is running all the scenarios possible past his "spin" doctors to arrive at exactly the right wording of the capitulation speech he is giving. He is fighting a rear guard action hoping to carry the day sometime in the future. Its called politics.I just love all the flowery comments coming out on the news. "We were well prepared for this event" "We have counter measures in place" "We have the situation well in hand" "We have contingency plans in place" "The sky is not falling (my favorite)" "Give it a week or two and everything will return to normal" and on it goes government drivel at its finest.


No. It says a lot about the idiots who voted to wreck the UK economy.


Its called democrasy, just because you don't agree with the vote, well I'm afraid you're going to have to live with it, 17 million people can't be wrong surely? Maybe they're not mad but have different princibles to you.

but 16 million people are???


Firstly this should never have gone to a referendum. To allow ill-informed individuals to vote on such a complicated matter was always going to be a mistake. With very little economic reasons to leave it was always going to come down to emotion and the scare mongering of the Leave campaign meant that Bridget and Geoff in Sunderland thought the UK was going to be overrun by immigrants and voted accordingly. Cameron has royally <deleted!> this up and has rightly resigned. His fear of Nigel Farage and the racists in his own party forced the UK into this and now the whole of the UK is paying the price for his conceit. Also expect the Scottish nationalist to insist on another referendum as Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay and will now insist on independence. And I hope this time they get it.
It’s done now and as usual life will go on but why this even got to this stage will be questioned for generations to come and the consequences felt throughout the whole of the UK for many, many years.

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