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Now that Britain has voted to leave the EU, what comes next?


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Words cannot express my Fear and Loathing of what has happened ... <snip pages of useless drivel> ... Be very afraid...

Yes, this is the attitude of the "progressives" everywhere. We know what's best for you. We are nobler and wiser than you. So just shut up and do what you're told. If you disagree with us you are backward and stupid. You, the Great Unwashed, don't know what's good for you. Do you watch Fox News/read the Daily Mail? Leave everything to us. If you blockheads weren't so dim and brainwashed, you'd agree with us, The Anointed.

Well, the self-styled Anointed just got a mighty kick in the balls. And I hope it hurt.

And just because you won and gave us "a mighty kick in the balls" doesn't make you any less stupid or any better educated as you will discover ?

Hello Grouse. Glad to see your still alive?,I thought you'd be swinging on the gallows in All Saints Square,Rotherham. Never mind,I think your 2nd option was to throw away your British passport and take up German citizenship. Go for it man,go for it.

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Well, I can tell you I am about extremely right wing when it comes to economy and trade (libertarian) and I don't find human rights or rights, trade etc. to be a left-wing thing or even a status-quo thing. I think the US constitutional writers would be very surprised to hear that rights were a left-wing thing. Facists and Communists typically are those that have problems with rights.

If extreme right wing means looking after your own people first and improving their lives and controlling who gets in to a country..then i guess i am extreme right wing

The UK has been full of bleeding heart liberal poltitians for far too long and British citizens are treated like second class citizens in their own country and majority is now saying enough is enough...in its history the UK has stood on its own many times..

It sounds like you are more of a facist (authoritarian) with xenophobia mixed in. Right-wing for me is freedom, hence individual rights to live your life as you wish which includes the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail. Taking away the freedom to fail also limits the freedom to succeed. People succeed or fail based on their own merits -- without much government intervention -- with the exception of making sure the markets are free for corruption (corruption is a leech on free people - it takes away the ability of the people to succeed or fail based on their own merit).

Yet you think it would be OK for the UK to remain in this corrupt,undemocratic so called Union?

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It's about Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the UK, not all 52 commonwealth countries.

Which the article makes quite clear.

You do realize my home town (Toronto) is probably made up of slightly more than 50% of the population being foreign born.... It has made Toronto a much more interesting and diverse city, but if UK has turned it's back on foreigners (those that look foreign).... there are a lot of them in my home city (for most of my adult life).

If they have Canadian citizenship they would be included, some may wish to travel to one of the other 3 countries tho it would hardly be to improve living conditions or financial reasons as we have similer economies, living standards, so proberbaly not a big deal.

Citizenship requirements were 3 years of residence which I think only recently changed to 4.... so yes, most would be Canadian citizens or could be in a few months after submitting the paperwork.... On top of that we have those evil french speaking people of almost 25% of the population.... too much risk I would say tongue.png

I was just thinking what with all the foriegn born people in the UK Australia would never play ball, ohh well I liked the idea sad.png

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Well, I can tell you I am about extremely right wing when it comes to economy and trade (libertarian) and I don't find human rights or rights, trade etc. to be a left-wing thing or even a status-quo thing. I think the US constitutional writers would be very surprised to hear that rights were a left-wing thing. Facists and Communists typically are those that have problems with rights.

If extreme right wing means looking after your own people first and improving their lives and controlling who gets in to a country..then i guess i am extreme right wing

The UK has been full of bleeding heart liberal poltitians for far too long and British citizens are treated like second class citizens in their own country and majority is now saying enough is enough...in its history the UK has stood on its own many times..

It sounds like you are more of a facist (authoritarian) with xenophobia mixed in. Right-wing for me is freedom, hence individual rights to live your life as you wish which includes the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail. Taking away the freedom to fail also limits the freedom to succeed. People succeed or fail based on their own merits -- without much government intervention -- with the exception of making sure the markets are free for corruption (corruption is a leech on free people - it takes away the ability of the people to succeed or fail based on their own merit).

Yet you think it would be OK for the UK to remain in this corrupt,undemocratic so called Union?

Well, if every country is a socialist "paradise" and the UK models itself to be a Libertarian stronghold.... makes the competition to be the best business environment in a community of 500 million a cakewalk....

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Nicola Sturgeon says MSPs at Holyrood could veto Brexit


Oh yes, I also forgot the evil Scottish descendants -- Canada has more of those than there are probably Scots in Scotland tongue.png.

Don't think my mom would be too pleased about letting too many more Brits into Canada, she warned me about getting mixed up with English girls when I was working in England.... said we already had too much bad blood in our family line ohmy.png (I think it was her grandmom or maybe grandmom that was English).

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Nicola Sturgeon says MSPs at Holyrood could veto Brexit


Look beyond the headline - the BBC hates the SNP as much as it hates Brexit.

"The issue you are talking about is would there have to be a legislative consent motion or motions for the legislation that extricates the UK from the European Union? Looking at it from a logical perspective, I find it hard to believe that there wouldn't be that requirement - I suspect that the UK government will take a very different view on that and we'll have to see where that discussion ends up."

She is saying that she thinks that the Scottish Government should be able to consent or otherwise, but she also ackowledges that the UK government will probably not agree to that. She also states that, as the elected leader of the Scottish Government, she would do what she thinks would be best for Scotland, i.e. veto Brexit. So basically, a politician who vows to do what is best for their electorate.

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Nicola Sturgeon says MSPs at Holyrood could veto Brexit


And already been shot down in flames

Although Nicola Sturgeon is suggesting the Scottish parliament could stop the UK withdrawing from the EU (see 12.10pm), Prof Adam Tomkins, now a Scottish Tory MSP and also a leading expert on UK constitutional law, has tweeted immediately to say this is not so.
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Nicola Sturgeon says MSPs at Holyrood could veto Brexit


And already been shot down in flames

Although Nicola Sturgeon is suggesting the Scottish parliament could stop the UK withdrawing from the EU (see 12.10pm), Prof Adam Tomkins, now a Scottish Tory MSP and also a leading expert on UK constitutional law, has tweeted immediately to say this is not so.

Holyrood may have a veto over Brexit as a result of a little-known power that can be exercised by the UK’s devolved administrations.

Legal advice from Sir David Edward, a former judge at the European court of justice, suggests MSPs’ consent is required to extinguish the application of EU law in Scotland.
It would entail amending the Scotland Act, which binds Holyrood to act in a manner compatible with EU law, he told the Lords European Union committee earlier this year.

Maybe not a veto on withdrawal exactly, but potentially one on changing the laws that bind Scottish laws to the EU.... could be an interesting constitutional quandary.... UK withdraws from EU but Scotland is still bound by the laws of the EU :o

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And already been shot down in flames

Although Nicola Sturgeon is suggesting the Scottish parliament could stop the UK withdrawing from the EU (see 12.10pm), Prof Adam Tomkins, now a Scottish Tory MSP and also a leading expert on UK constitutional law, has tweeted immediately to say this is not so.

Holyrood may have a veto over Brexit as a result of a little-known power that can be exercised by the UK’s devolved administrations.

Legal advice from Sir David Edward, a former judge at the European court of justice, suggests MSPs’ consent is required to extinguish the application of EU law in Scotland.
It would entail amending the Scotland Act, which binds Holyrood to act in a manner compatible with EU law, he told the Lords European Union committee earlier this year.

Maybe not a veto on withdrawal exactly, but potentially one on changing the laws that bind Scottish laws to the EU.... could be an interesting constitutional quandary.... UK withdraws from EU but Scotland is still bound by the laws of the EU ohmy.png

That is probably correct, but it refers to EU Law, not withdrawal from the EU. Which is what Sturgeon was hoping.

The UK as a whole will still be bound by EU Law until Parliament repeals it.

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I see hard times in the future for my British friends living in Thailand.

The exchange rate for thier money has not been good for a while now,

and this will only make it worse.

Its bad news for British expats generally,particularily the 300,000 or so who have retired in Spain and may no longer be able to enjoy things like reciprocal health agreements.

And in Thailand what happens to those that were on the borderline of the 40k and 65k monetary requirements for extensions of visas.

Many could well be under the threshold now and could well have to back their bags and go back to what kind of future in the UK.sad.png

If you have not got enough money 'behind you' then you should not be living in another country.......period!!!!

There are a zillion foriegn folk living in the UK with no money..Your thoughts...?

My thought? Utter nonsense. Proof?

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Nicola Sturgeon says MSPs at Holyrood could veto Brexit


And already been shot down in flames

Although Nicola Sturgeon is suggesting the Scottish parliament could stop the UK withdrawing from the EU (see 12.10pm), Prof Adam Tomkins, now a Scottish Tory MSP and also a leading expert on UK constitutional law, has tweeted immediately to say this is not so.

I hope Scotland breaks away and stays within the EU. England has gone. No argument.

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Victory !!!

I agree. But the handling of Brexit is far worse than Brexit itself.

So far I think they're deliberately screwing it up to scupper it.

The BBC and MSM is awash with the most intense scaremongering I've ever witnessed.

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Victory !!!

I agree. But the handling of Brexit is far worse than Brexit itself.

So far I think they're deliberately screwing it up to scupper it.

The BBC and MSM is awash with the most intense scaremongering I've ever witnessed.

Every time the MSM is against something I assume it to be good, and vice versa, More and more people seem to have started to see through the MSM and their attempts at manipulating public opinion. But the fun thing is now even the politicians are showing their true colors for all to see, just check the tweets etc from major European leaders and politicians lol. They start seeing the emperor naked.

the EU was built for the benefits of the elites ultra rich, banks or huge multinationals,the huge list of EU regulations made the multinationals happier because it insured a monopoly on the market so no small-mid size business will be able to compete, just imagine that the British MEPs failed to Block 84% of EU Laws of all time, this isn't a democracy, EU lawmakers managed to outvote UK politicians.

Greenland was the first country to leave the EU on 1985 nothing catastrophic happened to them, UK can negotiate a new prosperous trade treaties with the US, Canada, Brazil, India, China and all high growth economies just like what Switzerland is doing, China is selling to the EU and it has no trade treaty whatsoever, Nothing like being told how to run your finances or industry by a bunch of unelected elites in Brussels, Its like living in a house full of room mates. Some are well off but the others trash the place, allow uninvited strangers to move in and then hit you up for more cash when they f*%$#k up for the 100th time. Time to move.

Edited by marcofunny
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The comments about EU trade with China have taken me by suprise. A google search resulted in reams of waffle - and consequently, boredom.

Is it true that the EU hasn't applied tariffs against China, or insisted that EU rules apply - except in the odd 'dumping' case?

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Victory !!!

I agree. But the handling of Brexit is far worse than Brexit itself.

So far I think they're deliberately screwing it up to scupper it.

The BBC and MSM is awash with the most intense scaremongering I've ever witnessed.

Every time the MSM is against something I assume it to be good, and vice versa, More and more people seem to have started to see through the MSM and their attempts at manipulating public opinion. But the fun thing is now even the politicians are showing their true colors for all to see, just check the tweets etc from major European leaders and politicians lol. They start seeing the emperor naked.

the EU was built for the benefits of the elites ultra rich, banks or huge multinationals,the huge list of EU regulations made the multinationals happier because it insured a monopoly on the market so no small-mid size business will be able to compete, just imagine that the British MEPs failed to Block 84% of EU Laws of all time, this isn't a democracy, EU lawmakers managed to outvote UK politicians.

Greenland was the first country to leave the EU on 1985 nothing catastrophic happened to them, UK can negotiate a new prosperous trade treaties with the US, Canada, Brazil, India, China and all high growth economies just like what Switzerland is doing, China is selling to the EU and it has no trade treaty whatsoever, Nothing like being told how to run your finances or industry by a bunch of unelected elites in Brussels, Its like living in a house full of room mates. Some are well off but the others trash the place, allow uninvited strangers to move in and then hit you up for more cash when they f*%$#k up for the 100th time. Time to move.

Apparently you believe that the further away a country is from the UK, the more opportunity there is. Sensible people know that proximity is hugely important in trade. Let me see know, what's the closest market to the UK....I give up. Too difficult a question.

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Apparently you believe that the further away a country is from the UK, the more opportunity there is. Sensible people know that proximity is hugely important in trade. Let me see know, what's the closest market to the UK....I give up. Too difficult a question.

from http://atlas.media.mit.edu/en/profile/country/che/

The top export destinations of Switzerland are Germany ($50.1B), the United States ($28.4B), Hong Kong ($23.2B), India ($21.3B) and China ($17.1B). The top import origins are Germany ($58.8B), the United Kingdom ($33.6B), Italy ($22.5B), the United States ($21.5B) and France ($16.6B).

Economic Complexity Rankings (2014) here

1 - Japan

2 - Switzerland

3 - Germany (this is a clear indication that the EU was meant to benefit Germany only)


6 - South Korea


11 - United Kingdom ??


13 - France ???


22 - Italy ???

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Apparently you believe that the further away a country is from the UK, the more opportunity there is. Sensible people know that proximity is hugely important in trade. Let me see know, what's the closest market to the UK....I give up. Too difficult a question.

from http://atlas.media.mit.edu/en/profile/country/che/

The top export destinations of Switzerland are Germany ($50.1B), the United States ($28.4B), Hong Kong ($23.2B), India ($21.3B) and China ($17.1B). The top import origins are Germany ($58.8B), the United Kingdom ($33.6B), Italy ($22.5B), the United States ($21.5B) and France ($16.6B).

Economic Complexity Rankings (2014) here

1 - Japan

2 - Switzerland

3 - Germany (this is a clear indication that the EU was meant to benefit Germany only)


6 - South Korea


11 - United Kingdom ??


13 - France ???


22 - Italy ???

First off, Switzerland is a special case for all sorts of reason. It's a small nation - about 8 million residents 23 percent of whom are not citizens - specializing in high techA full 22% of it's exports are gold (as are 26 percent of its imports.) I imagine that accounts for the huge trade figures with Hong Kong- it being a gateway for China - and also the Arab nations, China and India. If you throw in luxury goods like jewelry and watches, it's a total of 30%. And if you throw in medicines and other health-related products, the total rises to over 50%. No other major nation has figures that look anything like this. Also, the figures fail to take into account population of its trading partners. The United states has over 300 million people - about 2/3 the population of the EU. So naturally the gross figure will look larger.

And it really doesn't bear on the question of why an English speaking economic union makes any kind of sense. The USA should shift some of its commerce from Mexico to Australia? Why?

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First off, Switzerland is a special case for all sorts of reason. It's a small nation - about 8 million residents 23 percent of whom are not citizens - specializing in high techA full 22% of it's exports are gold (as are 26 percent of its imports.) I imagine that accounts for the huge trade figures with Hong Kong- it being a gateway for China - and also the Arab nations, China and India. If you throw in luxury goods like jewelry and watches, it's a total of 30%. And if you throw in medicines and other health-related products, the total rises to over 50%. No other major nation has figures that look anything like this. Also, the figures fail to take into account population of its trading partners. The United states has over 300 million people - about 2/3 the population of the EU. So naturally the gross figure will look larger.

And it really doesn't bear on the question of why an English speaking economic union makes any kind of sense. The USA should shift some of its commerce from Mexico to Australia? Why?


Nestle is the second Swiss company by revenue and it s a food conglomerate, Glencore is a commodity trading, Roche is pharmaceutical, so why cant' British firms compete in the these domains ?? take a look at the growth rate of most EU countries and their shockingly high unemployment rates, a successful divorce is better than a failed marriage.

Edited by marcofunny
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First off, Switzerland is a special case for all sorts of reason. It's a small nation - about 8 million residents 23 percent of whom are not citizens - specializing in high techA full 22% of it's exports are gold (as are 26 percent of its imports.) I imagine that accounts for the huge trade figures with Hong Kong- it being a gateway for China - and also the Arab nations, China and India. If you throw in luxury goods like jewelry and watches, it's a total of 30%. And if you throw in medicines and other health-related products, the total rises to over 50%. No other major nation has figures that look anything like this. Also, the figures fail to take into account population of its trading partners. The United states has over 300 million people - about 2/3 the population of the EU. So naturally the gross figure will look larger.

And it really doesn't bear on the question of why an English speaking economic union makes any kind of sense. The USA should shift some of its commerce from Mexico to Australia? Why?


Nestle is the second Swiss company by revenue and it s a food conglomerate, Glencore is a commodity trading, Roche is pharmaceutical, so why cant' British firms compete in the these domains ?? take a look at the growth rate of most EU countries and their shockingly high unemployment rates, a successful divorce is better than a failed marriage.

What's to stop the UK from competing already? I think in foods it already does and in financial services too. The question is why would being an English speaking nation give the UK an edge over Switzerland?.

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First off, Switzerland is a special case for all sorts of reason. It's a small nation - about 8 million residents 23 percent of whom are not citizens - specializing in high techA full 22% of it's exports are gold (as are 26 percent of its imports.) I imagine that accounts for the huge trade figures with Hong Kong- it being a gateway for China - and also the Arab nations, China and India. If you throw in luxury goods like jewelry and watches, it's a total of 30%. And if you throw in medicines and other health-related products, the total rises to over 50%. No other major nation has figures that look anything like this. Also, the figures fail to take into account population of its trading partners. The United states has over 300 million people - about 2/3 the population of the EU. So naturally the gross figure will look larger.

And it really doesn't bear on the question of why an English speaking economic union makes any kind of sense. The USA should shift some of its commerce from Mexico to Australia? Why?


Nestle is the second Swiss company by revenue and it s a food conglomerate, Glencore is a commodity trading, Roche is pharmaceutical, so why cant' British firms compete in the these domains ?? take a look at the growth rate of most EU countries and their shockingly high unemployment rates, a successful divorce is better than a failed marriage.

I think in some of these areas, the UK already does compete. But you're missing the point. Why should one English speaking country prefer the products from another English speaking country rather than the best product for the money?

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