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Calls for referendums in Scotland and Northern Ireland after Brexit vote


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Nice try; but no cigar!

Sweden joined the EU in 1995; the Euro was officially adopted as the EU currency in 1999.

The Euro didn't become legal tender until 1st January 2002. It was used in conjunction with a state's old currency while that currency became phased out. Germany being first, when the Deutschmark stopped being legal tender after 31 December 2001, Malta the last when the same happened to the Maltese Lira after 31st January 2008.

Like the UK and Denmark, Sweden did not to adopt the Euro in 1999; but, unlike the UK and Denmark, Sweden didn't permanently opt out, but made a commitment to adopt it once certain economic criteria were met.

Other states, e.g. Poland, which have joined since 2002 have yet to adopt the Euro, but have to once certain economic conditions are met.

Now, all new states seeking to join the EU have to meet these economic conditions and adopt the Euro as a non negotiable condition of membership.

Personally, I don't believe it will be as cut and dried as you suggest, however if it is an unassailable obstacle to entry to the EU, I am not too fussed.

It's certainly not as cut and dried as 7by7 makes out.

There is no precedent for a country within a union already an EU member to have to go through EU application negotiations. The EU may or may not be flexible in considering Scotland's application favourably.

In other words it is an unknown set of events and the EU is well known for making exceptions. It depends on the attitude of the existing members and could be allowed by the simple replacement of the UK by Scotland. It's a big 'maybe' but not impossible.

What is the mood in RoI, Khunken? I am conscious that Scotland has been dominating the headlines, but potentially massive changes are being talked about across the water. Is reunification feasible?

I live in Thailand but do keep in touch with events at home. The ROI is very strongly supportive of the EU and always has been supportive of reunification. NI has always resisted it (the latter) but there is more in common with the ROI than England nowadays.

Whether that is enough for a united Ireland is doubtful as years of divisiveness don't change overnight. It would take the NI leadership to support it and currently there's no sign of that but with the EU exit events taking some time to play out there is a small glimmer of light.

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The question is no longer simply "does Scotland want to be part of the EU" but "does Scotland want to be part of a lame-duck EU that doesn't have the rest of the UK in it, even if that means Scotland leaving the UK?" That's a very different question.

The Scottish politicians don't seem to realise that the goalposts have now moved, and have rushed into a combative position out of damaged pride. Political idiocy.

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The question is no longer simply "does Scotland want to be part of the EU" but "does Scotland want to be part of a lame-duck EU that doesn't have the rest of the UK in it, even if that means Scotland leaving the UK?" That's a very different question.

The Scottish politicians don't seem to realise that the goalposts have now moved, and have rushed into a combative position out of damaged pride. Political idiocy.

Well, the Swiss didn't. "Only a few lunatics would join the EU now" I believe was a quote from the Swiss Parliament as they abandoned their application for membership the other week.

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The LOSERS in this vote seem to be having some problems in understanding the basic concepts of democracy here. 1.4 More people voted for the UK to leave the EU. This wasn't just a few more but a decisive amount of people especially when during the count when the Remain side thought they had won it they were all saying that even if it came down to a single vote it would be a win. Now they want to move the goalposts to 75% of people having to have voted and over 60% to have been in favour. <deleted> talk about bad losers.

The Scottish people have already voted on whether they wished to remain part of the UK and they voted YES. They were then asked " should the UK remain or leave the UK " They were NOT asked whether Scotland should remain or stay. The people of the UK voted to leave so the people of Scotland have no other choice. The EU has already told her that Scotland has to leave the EU with the UK and when it is an independent nation it then has to go back to the EU and apply to join. That would of course entail meeting all the requirements of joining and they cannot ever do that as an independent nation.

Does this hate filled woman honestly think that if say the Scottish people had voted to leave and the rest had voted to stay that she would now be talking of Scotland having a huge mandate to leave the EU ?

Of course she wouldn't she is just talking out of her arse here and she knows it

The remain side lost and lost decisively so get over it and get on with it

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The LOSERS in this vote seem to be having some problems in understanding the basic concepts of democracy here. 1.4 More people voted for the UK to leave the EU. This wasn't just a few more but a decisive amount of people especially when during the count when the Remain side thought they had won it they were all saying that even if it came down to a single vote it would be a win. Now they want to move the goalposts to 75% of people having to have voted and over 60% to have been in favour. <deleted> talk about bad losers.

The Scottish people have already voted on whether they wished to remain part of the UK and they voted YES. They were then asked " should the UK remain or leave the UK " They were NOT asked whether Scotland should remain or stay. The people of the UK voted to leave so the people of Scotland have no other choice. The EU has already told her that Scotland has to leave the EU with the UK and when it is an independent nation it then has to go back to the EU and apply to join. That would of course entail meeting all the requirements of joining and they cannot ever do that as an independent nation.

Does this hate filled woman honestly think that if say the Scottish people had voted to leave and the rest had voted to stay that she would now be talking of Scotland having a huge mandate to leave the EU ?

Of course she wouldn't she is just talking out of her arse here and she knows it

The remain side lost and lost decisively so get over it and get on with it

The people of Scotland were conned into staying in the Union by being told exactly the same nonsense that you have spouted above.

In 2014, we were told that if we didn't remain in the UK, we would be denied access to Europe. Sadly we swallowed that BS, and despite a far greater majority in my country voting to remain in the EU than there was in your country who voted to leave, here we are 2 years later and being told that we will be pulled out against out wishes. We are not bad losers - we just don't want what you want.

As for calling her a hate filled woman - that is simply a schoolboy insult with neither thought nor reasoning behind it, however it insult your own intelligence more than it insults her, I am sure.

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I welcome this wholeheartedly - an independent England and Scotland and nothing more to whine about. Folk around the world think the English as some kind of leviathan desperately holding on to its treasures at all costs. That's the beauty of this union and democracy (now in any case); if you want out, ask for a referendum and let your people decide.

But is the Scots truly want out, give the English the vote, it was somewhere around 65-70% in favour last time. And NI going back to Eire would also be nice, though bearing in mind many of its people are staunchly pro-British and troubles would likely kick off in a big way if there ware an attempt at reunification.

But auto-accession to the EU is not how it works; it needs agreements from ALL members and an incentive to want to take newbies; how the books would look if they were on their own. What can Scotland offer? It doesn't make much and the oil, part of which is in English waters, is on its way out. There is also the Barnett Formula to consider and the subsequent loss of the whacking subsidy everyone gets north of the border.

As for Sturgeon; horrible old goat that will sink her people, though I wish them all the best. Just don't blame the English if it all goes wrong.

Scotland has the second highest GDP per capita after the SE of England, so if you think that Scotland doesn't make much, the rest of the country is in an even worse situation.

As for the oil in English waters - the Blair shenanigans at the fag end of his term would easily be overturned in an international court of arbitration. There was no justification for what was essentially a land (sea) grab.

I fail to understand the constant barrage of abuse that Sturgeon gets. Is it that she is a chippy female, or worse, a chippy Jock female who has the temerity to tell the MIGHTY English that, in all reality, your days of being important died with your grandfathers.

i just learned from an obvious "guru" that the lady is a "horrible old goat". a diction that reminds me of the ridiculous arguments some anti-EU hardliners used and still use.

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The LOSERS in this vote seem to be having some problems in understanding the basic concepts of democracy here. 1.4 More people voted for the UK to leave the EU. This wasn't just a few more but a decisive amount of people especially when during the count when the Remain side thought they had won it they were all saying that even if it came down to a single vote it would be a win. Now they want to move the goalposts to 75% of people having to have voted and over 60% to have been in favour. <deleted> talk about bad losers.

The Scottish people have already voted on whether they wished to remain part of the UK and they voted YES. They were then asked " should the UK remain or leave the UK " They were NOT asked whether Scotland should remain or stay. The people of the UK voted to leave so the people of Scotland have no other choice. The EU has already told her that Scotland has to leave the EU with the UK and when it is an independent nation it then has to go back to the EU and apply to join. That would of course entail meeting all the requirements of joining and they cannot ever do that as an independent nation.

Does this hate filled woman honestly think that if say the Scottish people had voted to leave and the rest had voted to stay that she would now be talking of Scotland having a huge mandate to leave the EU ?

Of course she wouldn't she is just talking out of her arse here and she knows it

The remain side lost and lost decisively so get over it and get on with it

The people of Scotland were conned into staying in the Union by being told exactly the same nonsense that you have spouted above.

In 2014, we were told that if we didn't remain in the UK, we would be denied access to Europe. Sadly we swallowed that BS, and despite a far greater majority in my country voting to remain in the EU than there was in your country who voted to leave, here we are 2 years later and being told that we will be pulled out against out wishes. We are not bad losers - we just don't want what you want.

As for calling her a hate filled woman - that is simply a schoolboy insult with neither thought nor reasoning behind it, however it insult your own intelligence more than it insults her, I am sure.

Never thought I'd say this but, right now Nicola Sturgeon is looking like the only credible leader in the UK.

I hope the Scots get what they want.

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The LOSERS in this vote seem to be having some problems in understanding the basic concepts of democracy here. 1.4 More people voted for the UK to leave the EU. This wasn't just a few more but a decisive amount of people especially when during the count when the Remain side thought they had won it they were all saying that even if it came down to a single vote it would be a win. Now they want to move the goalposts to 75% of people having to have voted and over 60% to have been in favour. <deleted> talk about bad losers.

The Scottish people have already voted on whether they wished to remain part of the UK and they voted YES. They were then asked " should the UK remain or leave the UK " They were NOT asked whether Scotland should remain or stay. The people of the UK voted to leave so the people of Scotland have no other choice. The EU has already told her that Scotland has to leave the EU with the UK and when it is an independent nation it then has to go back to the EU and apply to join. That would of course entail meeting all the requirements of joining and they cannot ever do that as an independent nation.

Does this hate filled woman honestly think that if say the Scottish people had voted to leave and the rest had voted to stay that she would now be talking of Scotland having a huge mandate to leave the EU ?

Of course she wouldn't she is just talking out of her arse here and she knows it

The remain side lost and lost decisively so get over it and get on with it

The people of Scotland were conned into staying in the Union by being told exactly the same nonsense that you have spouted above.

In 2014, we were told that if we didn't remain in the UK, we would be denied access to Europe. Sadly we swallowed that BS, and despite a far greater majority in my country voting to remain in the EU than there was in your country who voted to leave, here we are 2 years later and being told that we will be pulled out against out wishes. We are not bad losers - we just don't want what you want.

As for calling her a hate filled woman - that is simply a schoolboy insult with neither thought nor reasoning behind it, however it insult your own intelligence more than it insults her, I am sure.

what intelligence? huh.png

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ISIS and their ilk (the real 'winners' here) will be well pleased to see their strategic plan to scare a frightened slight majority of ageing xenophobes and reactionary air-heads into further dividing our societies and fracturing of our economic unions is a resounding success. Exactly what they want.

As an added 'bonus' they've also managed to deny the next generation of youth (who voted to remain) any hope of overcoming their elders frightened xenophobic prison for years to come, thus 'gifting' the youth a spiral backwards to an isolated, entrenched, weakened and fearful society. Again, exactly what ISIS and their ilk want.

It is sadly ironic that some of our own leaders are actually assisting ISIS by stoking division within, thus gift-wrapping/delivering them their strategy of weakened unions and divided peoples (with promises of many more fractures, divisions and weakening to follow).

So well done leavers. "WINNING"... (lemmings)

That's the problem, the youths mostly didn't bother voting.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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I cant be bothered to read through all the rhetoric, but long and short is that Sturgeon and Wee Eck DO NOT have an overall majority......................

Edited to add

Any referendum requires the assent of Westminster. I call that Game,Set and Match. Not that most of England wouldn't actually like to cut them free and watch them sink in their own .........................

Edited by RabC
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The EU have spoken and it would appear that a Scottish entry to the EU is a long way off

The European Commission said on Saturday Scotland was part of the United Kingdom and declined to "speculate further" after First Minister Nicola Sturgeon called for talks with the European Union to keep Scotland in the bloc.

"Scotland is part of the UK," a Commission spokeswoman told Reuters. "Constitutional arrangements apply. We will not speculate further."


Now she says Holyrood will veto Brexit.


Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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I cant be bothered to read through all the rhetoric, but long and short is that Sturgeon and Wee Eck DO NOT have an overall majority......................

Edited to add

Any referendum requires the assent of Westminster. I call that Game,Set and Match. Not that most of England would actually like to cut them free and watch them sink in their own .........................

The SNP have a share of the vote that Cameron would readily give a day's interest from his tax dodging father's tax dodging Panama trust fund for.

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The EU have spoken and it would appear that a Scottish entry to the EU is a long way off

The European Commission said on Saturday Scotland was part of the United Kingdom and declined to "speculate further" after First Minister Nicola Sturgeon called for talks with the European Union to keep Scotland in the bloc.

"Scotland is part of the UK," a Commission spokeswoman told Reuters. "Constitutional arrangements apply. We will not speculate further."


Now she says Holyrood will veto Brexit.


Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

No, she said Holyrood would veto Brexit IF they were asked to consent, but she also said that she did not expect that consent to be sought.

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I cant be bothered to read through all the rhetoric, but long and short is that Sturgeon and Wee Eck DO NOT have an overall majority......................

Edited to add

Any referendum requires the assent of Westminster. I call that Game,Set and Match. Not that most of England would actually like to cut them free and watch them sink in their own .........................

The SNP have a share of the vote that Cameron would readily give a day's interest from his tax dodging father's tax dodging Panama trust fund for.

Sorry don't you speak English?

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The question is no longer simply "does Scotland want to be part of the EU" but "does Scotland want to be part of a lame-duck EU that doesn't have the rest of the UK in it, even if that means Scotland leaving the UK?" That's a very different question.

The Scottish politicians don't seem to realise that the goalposts have now moved, and have rushed into a combative position out of damaged pride. Political idiocy.

Well, the Swiss didn't. "Only a few lunatics would join the EU now" I believe was a quote from the Swiss Parliament as they abandoned their application for membership the other week.

But the Swiss did agree to play be EU rules including those on immigration.

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I cant be bothered to read through all the rhetoric, but long and short is that Sturgeon and Wee Eck DO NOT have an overall majority......................

Edited to add

Any referendum requires the assent of Westminster. I call that Game,Set and Match. Not that most of England would actually like to cut them free and watch them sink in their own .........................

The SNP have a share of the vote that Cameron would readily give a day's interest from his tax dodging father's tax dodging Panama trust fund for.

Sorry don't you speak English?

I do - I write it as well, although I went to school when Thatcher was upsetting the EIS so much that the teachers were on strike every second day. Did I make a mistake somewhere?

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I've read all the posts including the normal witless flames from English imbeciles. Unfortunately, we Scots have our fair share of imbeciles too, the shame of it is hard to bear.

I campaigned heavily during the Independence referendum while acknowledging from the get-go that the independence cause would be beaten the first time. I knew it was too big a leap for too many people. My worry was that the defeat inflicted upon us would be a mortal wound, lets say, 65 - 35.

I hoped for 58 - 42 at worst, in reality it was 55.3 - 44.7, a far better result than I expected. The last referendum was fought mainly on two fronts. Currency and EU membership. Oil was a distant third, even if it were third?

The No campaign beat us to a pulp with "there's no guarantee you will get EU membership quickly, back of the queue for you."

David Cameron could have asked the EU for a ruling on the matter, but declined, as was his right. Enough sand was thrown in the electorates faces on the EU issue as to render defeat inevitable. The only realistic chance we had of coming back to the table was this EU referendum. William Hague and others made it clear that an OUT vote would bring about the end of the UK. They are correct.

I know there's a large coterie of Rule Britannia/God Save the Queen/Orangemen/Facsists on the loose in Scotland. They are now howling at the English moon as you have abandoned them. Those, and there are a couple, who have sufficient brain cells to fathom out the impact of Thursday know it was a game changer. Those who witter on about the 2014 result are deluding themselves - ostrich in the sand stuff.

The deal sold to the Scottish electorate was simple - in the UK, in the EU. That deal is now off the table. As Nicola Sturgeon said today -

"The UK that Scotland voted to remain a part of in 2014 no longer exists."

She is correct.

Over the next few months, as the EU inevitably puts the boot into the UK, determined to scare off any other countries from going down the same path - the Scots will watch and wince. We still have serious issues to consider, such as the currency, so it won't be plain sailing - but the EU battering ram used against us in the last election has shattered.

The referendum will be along shortly.

A note to those idiots using phrases like "build Hadrians Wall higher, etc." You couldn't build it high enough just now. The sense of repulsion that most Scots feel about the English and Welsh decision cannot be easily explained,

The next time I hear an Englishman in Thailand complain about xenophobia, I'll laugh in their face. Look at what you have become - an embarrassment to your once great nation. You are no better than the weasels that you despise, the retards that kick grandmothers unconscious because they hate farangs. England will never recover it's place in the world after this - you'll always be the weird uncle at the wedding.

You were warned - but you still chose parochialism, self mutilation, and to destroy one thousand years of progressive politics.

Shame on you.

Rule Britannia crazy.gif

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Brexit needn't have been so damaging. But. And it's a BIG BUT! The handling of a Leave win immediately following the vote will (I believe already has) determine the severity of the damage, which to my mind it's blatantly obvious the damage will now be extremely severe.

It's clear the UK has no government now and it's unlikely to have one in the months to come. Reports that Cameron said "Why should I do all the hard sht?" pretty much sum it up.

In the event of a vote to leave, there should have been a plan clearly explained to the World on Friday from 9am (it's too late now) of what will happen next with the outline of that plan presented to show how they intend Brexit to do as little damage to the UK and Europe as possible, both economically (a reasonable trade agreement) and socially (leave to remain for those settled in the UK).

This would have gone a long way to stabilise the situation. But they had nothing. Cameron didn't even have a speech prepared. Boris Johnson looked like the proverbial rabbit in the headlights. The Labour Party is in meltdown. It could not be worse in my opinion.

Because of this I believe the right thing to do is abandon Brexit. Never thought I'd say that, but there we are. It's clear the UK simply doesn't have the leadership (in any quarter apart from Nicola Sturgeon) to make this happen at all, let alone smoothly.

What a mess.

Edited by MJP
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Brexit needn't have been so damaging. But. And it's a BIG BUT! The handling of a Leave win immediately following the vote will (I believe already has) determine the severity of the damage, which to my mind it's blatantly obvious the damage will now be extremely severe.

It's clear the UK has no government now and it's unlikely to have one in the months to come. Reports that Cameron said "Why should I do all the hard sht?" pretty much sum it up.

In the event of a vote to leave, there should have been a plan clearly explained to the World on Friday from 9am (it's too late now) of what will happen next with the outline of that plan presented to show how they intend Brexit to do as little damage to the UK and Europe as possible, both economically (a reasonable trade agreement) and socially (leave to remain for those settled in the UK).

This would have gone a long way to stabilise the situation. But they had nothing. Cameron didn't even have a speech prepared. Boris Johnson looked like the proverbial rabbit in the headlights. The Labour Party is in meltdown. It could not be worse in my opinion.

Because of this I believe the right thing to do is abandon Brexit. Never thought I'd say that, but there we are. It's clear the UK simply doesn't have the leadership (in any quarter apart from Nicola Sturgeon) to make this happen at all, let alone smoothly.

What a mess.

You make some good points there - it is almost as if nobody, even the leaders of Brexit thought it would happen.

As an SNP supporter I am probably biased, but I agree that she is playing the game far better than anyone else, although her hand is much easier - she has huge support in Scotland in general, and in this situation in particular. It will be interesting to see if Theresa May breaks cover any time soon - she seems relatively untainted in all of this.

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Brexit needn't have been so damaging. But. And it's a BIG BUT! The handling of a Leave win immediately following the vote will (I believe already has) determine the severity of the damage, which to my mind it's blatantly obvious the damage will now be extremely severe.

It's clear the UK has no government now and it's unlikely to have one in the months to come. Reports that Cameron said "Why should I do all the hard sht?" pretty much sum it up.

In the event of a vote to leave, there should have been a plan clearly explained to the World on Friday from 9am (it's too late now) of what will happen next with the outline of that plan presented to show how they intend Brexit to do as little damage to the UK and Europe as possible, both economically (a reasonable trade agreement) and socially (leave to remain for those settled in the UK).

This would have gone a long way to stabilise the situation. But they had nothing. Cameron didn't even have a speech prepared. Boris Johnson looked like the proverbial rabbit in the headlights. The Labour Party is in meltdown. It could not be worse in my opinion.

Because of this I believe the right thing to do is abandon Brexit. Never thought I'd say that, but there we are. It's clear the UK simply doesn't have the leadership (in any quarter apart from Nicola Sturgeon) to make this happen at all, let alone smoothly.

What a mess.

You make some good points there - it is almost as if nobody, even the leaders of Brexit thought it would happen.

As an SNP supporter I am probably biased, but I agree that she is playing the game far better than anyone else, although her hand is much easier - she has huge support in Scotland in general, and in this situation in particular. It will be interesting to see if Theresa May breaks cover any time soon - she seems relatively untainted in all of this.

My choice would be dragging Frank Field over from Labour and team him up with David Davis.

Who knows? But my opinion of Nicola Sturgeon has gone from -50 to +100.

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This is a disaster for the English nation of epic proportions - it is the "Peace in our Time," embarrassment of the Baby Boom generation.

Millions of modern day Neville Chamberlains walked into voting booths on Thursday, led by the ultimate Alan Partridge politician ( Farage ) and the Court Jester ( Johnson ).

I don't think many of you Thai based expats understand the level of palpable shock in the UK today - even Brexit supporters are traumatized.

And for what? Farage has already admitted that the £350 million figure was a lie - and Dan Hannan has already admitted that the EU will demand free movement of people as a condition of a trade deal.

How effin thick were you to not know that?

Oh - and if we want a trade deal, we're going to be forced to make a multi-billion annual donation to the EU structural fund, without a penny coming back.

You've gone and done it now.

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When Scotland realises they would be forced to take the Euro, there would be the same result as last time..45% and proud. But this time i think Scotland should wait until the smoke clears and we see whats on offer.

Don't be so sure of that - the euro is now a better bet than sterling.

I cannot believe how many pop-up "experts," can't get it through their heads this is a war-time proportioned structural shock to the British economy.

And we haven't recovered from the 2008 financial crisis yet.

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This is a disaster for the English nation of epic proportions - it is the "Peace in our Time," embarrassment of the Baby Boom generation.

Millions of modern day Neville Chamberlains walked into voting booths on Thursday, led by the ultimate Alan Partridge politician ( Farage ) and the Court Jester ( Johnson ).

I don't think many of you Thai based expats understand the level of palpable shock in the UK today - even Brexit supporters are traumatized.

And for what? Farage has already admitted that the £350 million figure was a lie - and Dan Hannan has already admitted that the EU will demand free movement of people as a condition of a trade deal.

How effin thick were you to not know that?

Oh - and if we want a trade deal, we're going to be forced to make a multi-billion annual donation to the EU structural fund, without a penny coming back.

You've gone and done it now.

How's Chicken Little?
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This is a disaster for the English nation of epic proportions - it is the "Peace in our Time," embarrassment of the Baby Boom generation.

Millions of modern day Neville Chamberlains walked into voting booths on Thursday, led by the ultimate Alan Partridge politician ( Farage ) and the Court Jester ( Johnson ).

I don't think many of you Thai based expats understand the level of palpable shock in the UK today - even Brexit supporters are traumatized.

And for what? Farage has already admitted that the £350 million figure was a lie - and Dan Hannan has already admitted that the EU will demand free movement of people as a condition of a trade deal.

How effin thick were you to not know that?

Oh - and if we want a trade deal, we're going to be forced to make a multi-billion annual donation to the EU structural fund, without a penny coming back.

You've gone and done it now.

It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic - and yet TV is still inundated with the sort of chest beating brouhaha that you would expect at a football match.

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This is a disaster for the English nation of epic proportions - it is the "Peace in our Time," embarrassment of the Baby Boom generation.

Millions of modern day Neville Chamberlains walked into voting booths on Thursday, led by the ultimate Alan Partridge politician ( Farage ) and the Court Jester ( Johnson ).

I don't think many of you Thai based expats understand the level of palpable shock in the UK today - even Brexit supporters are traumatized.

And for what? Farage has already admitted that the £350 million figure was a lie - and Dan Hannan has already admitted that the EU will demand free movement of people as a condition of a trade deal.

How effin thick were you to not know that?

Oh - and if we want a trade deal, we're going to be forced to make a multi-billion annual donation to the EU structural fund, without a penny coming back.

You've gone and done it now.

It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic - and yet TV is still inundated with the sort of chest beating brouhaha that you would expect at a football match.

Just imagine if there's a sort of global margin call on UK debt. Yikes!

Hindsight being 20/20, I was naive to think a leave win would be correctly handled.

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When Scotland realises they would be forced to take the Euro, there would be the same result as last time..

Forced? They could go with a stand-alone Scottish pound or they might indeed go with the Euro.

Remember if Scotland walks away from the GBP that means they also walk away from the GBP debt mountain and start from a balance sheet of zero ...not to be sniffed at!

Edited by HappyDazed
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When Scotland realises they would be forced to take the Euro, there would be the same result as last time..45% and proud. But this time i think Scotland should wait until the smoke clears and we see whats on offer.

Don't be so sure of that - the euro is now a better bet than sterling.

I cannot believe how many pop-up "experts," can't get it through their heads this is a war-time proportioned structural shock to the British economy.

And we haven't recovered from the 2008 financial crisis yet.

The 2008 crash was posted at about 7-8% crash, so how bad have the experts predicted this coming crash to be?

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When Scotland realises they would be forced to take the Euro, there would be the same result as last time..45% and proud. But this time i think Scotland should wait until the smoke clears and we see whats on offer.

Don't be so sure of that - the euro is now a better bet than sterling.

I cannot believe how many pop-up "experts," can't get it through their heads this is a war-time proportioned structural shock to the British economy.

And we haven't recovered from the 2008 financial crisis yet.

The 2008 crash was posted at about 7-8% crash, so how bad have the experts predicted this coming crash to be?

Alastair Darling is presently making a number two against the cloth.

The way Brexit's been handled in the immediate aftermath is what's done/doing the damage. I'd say it's going to be ghastly. I predict parity with the Dollar. Whether that's the US Dollar, the Canadian Dollar . . . or the Zimbabwe Dollar I can't say. But parity is coming.

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When Scotland realises they would be forced to take the Euro, there would be the same result as last time..45% and proud. But this time i think Scotland should wait until the smoke clears and we see whats on offer.

Don't be so sure of that - the euro is now a better bet than sterling.

I cannot believe how many pop-up "experts," can't get it through their heads this is a war-time proportioned structural shock to the British economy.

And we haven't recovered from the 2008 financial crisis yet.

The 2008 crash was posted at about 7-8% crash, so how bad have the experts predicted this coming crash to be?

Damian McBride who was adviser to Gordon Brown when he was prime minister said the following :-

" “We were close enough in 2008 (if the bank bailout hadn't worked),” he said. “and what's coming is on 20 times that scale”.blink.png

people can of course just scoff at this warning but he would have informationon about economic matters that us plebs would never have a clue about


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