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Far-right leaders hail Brexit


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Far-right leaders hail Brexit


Far right leaders across Europe have hailed the result of the Brexit vote and suggested it should be the last nail in the coffin of the European Union.

France’s National Front leader Marine Le Pen said her country too now needs to hold its own referendum over EU membership.

“For all the patriots, for all those who love freedom, this day is one of joy,” explained Marine Le Pen. “It is not Europe which has died, it’s the European Union which is shaking and it is a rebirth of nations, and they need to build between them a new European project, that of cooperation.”

Marine Le Pen has made it perfectly clear that she thinks the European Union has been a “complete disaster”, sentiments shared by Geert Wilders:

“A fantastic and a really historical day,” said the Dutch far-right Freedom Party leader. “The British people defeated the political elite in both Brussels and in London. United Kingdom is a sovereign nation again. I’m very jealous and I’m trying to achieve the same in the Netherlands next year.”

In Italy, the right-leaning Northern League leader Matteo Salvini said he believed the Brexit result would have a domino effect across EU members.

It will be the Dutch peoples turn, then the Swedes turn, then next year it will be the French,” explained Matteo Salvini. “The League offers Italians the hope not to be the last ones to notice that the house is burning.”

Italy’s second most popular party, the opposition 5-Star Movement described the Brexit vote as a lesson in democracy and also promised to pursue its own proposal for an Italian referendum on the euro.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-25

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Will they ever stop with calling people who are patriots , nationalists ,....the far right ?

People who don't want "immigrants" overrunning their country , nor outsiders ruling their country are not far-right..... they are just right.

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The UK is unique. We have always done what we want and not been controlled or cowed by others. This will continue. We have spirit, National pride and the ability to cope with adversity - all things that European countries don't have. We will survive, and prosper, never doubt that.

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It's not just the so-called 'far right' that are hailing this needed exit from the EU. Check out this partial list of really stupid regulations Blighty doesn't have to abide by any more:

Why Brexit? Maybe the Brits were fed up with pencil-necked Belgian bureaucrats imposing onerous regulations on every aspect of of their lives. It’s almost as if they were in competition with the mindless crap being dished on us by Washington bureaucrats. Here are just a few.

1. Ban on curvy bananas and crooked cucumbers
2. Ban on incandescent lightbulbs
3. Ban on vacuum cleaners over 1600 watts
4. Drinking water does not prevent dehydration. This one is special. EU bureaucrats decreed that there is no evidence that water prevents dehydration and therefore water bottlers were prohibited from making such frivolous claims in their advertising or labeling.
5. ‘Diabetics’ banned from driving
6. It is illegal to eat your pet horse
7. Jams, jellies and marmalade guidelines
8. Olive oil in restaurants


Talk about the nanny State gone overboard or what? facepalm.gif

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Maybe you should read a little about Le Pen and her beliefs and then decide if her endorsements fit with your views. If so then fair enough but for most people she is a poisonous right wing nut job.

I want to check up on her do you spell her name T-R-U-M-P ?? Spelling was never my best subject but then I guess we are all subjects, subjected (slaves) of de system.

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They are called far right because that is what they are.

Last year a court in Paris ruled it was free speech for a political opponent to call Marine LePen a "fascist."

Fascism is a particular ideology and belief system that has a specific world view, so it is not whatever someone likes it to be for their own purposes. Fascism for instance views the nation-state as the "march of God through history" and that there must be no international or regional organisations.

Putin and the rest of the global right are tickled pink about Brexit and its possible implications for the EU. Putin, LePen and the rest of 'em hope (in vain) Nato will be impacted too to the benefit of the European and American far out right.

Given Trump's views toward EU and Nato we begin to see that the march of European history has now arrived in America.

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Maybe you should read a little about Le Pen and her beliefs and then decide if her endorsements fit with your views. If so then fair enough but for most people she is a poisonous right wing nut job.

Good luck Marine and don't be phased by these left-wing headcases. They haven't heard yet that communism is dead and buried.

Good luck the UK on a new chapter of our history, don't be put off by all the sour grapes, lefties are well known for rabble rousing. Lets make the country great again without the millstone of Europe hampering us at every turn.

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The UK is unique. We have always done what we want and not been controlled or cowed by others. This will continue. We have spirit, National pride and the ability to cope with adversity - all things that European countries don't have. We will survive, and prosper, never doubt that.

Well two parts out of four are leaving UK.

How does one call the union of England and Wales?

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They are called far right because that is what they are.

Last year a court in Paris ruled it was free speech for a political opponent to call Marine LePen a "fascist."

Fascism is a particular ideology and belief system that has a specific world view, so it is not whatever someone likes it to be for their own purposes. Fascism for instance views the nation-state as the "march of God through history" and that there must be no international or regional organisations.

Putin and the rest of the global right are tickled pink about Brexit and its possible implications for the EU. Putin, LePen and the rest of 'em hope (in vain) Nato will be impacted too to the benefit of the European and American far out right.

Given Trump's views toward EU and Nato we begin to see that the march of European history has now arrived in America.

D'you know, if I hadn't had a clue about the EU but had wanted to vote anyway, I'd only have needed to see who on here supported the "Remain" side and voted the opposite to them.

I'd have also been given a clue by who in the UK was for the "Stay" vote:

Most of the Labour party

All the Greens

All the Liberal Democrats.

The trades unions

The Scots

No brainer really.

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