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What's The Protocal In Ny At Immigration

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my fiancee's interview is Nov 29 assuming that she passes does anyone know the protocall at New York immigration. We have a flight scheduled to arrive at 0630 and need to plan for a connecting flight to Florida, but I think there is some more paperwork at the airport. Anyone have any experence with this check in to the US?

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i can only assist you ever-so-indirectly....

i dont know. i used to fly/live in la (use lax). now my parents are retired in mid atlantic area, i have flown thru jfk now 2x.

i prefer it -in/outbound. dept hapless security are no nonsense, do job and well enough (outbound).

inbound where are you flying thru or on tg direct flight ($$) ?? if you are flying via another city (us) you will go thru immigration there (anchorage ie). some immigration thugs in ak are a bit daunting, others havent a clue -truly. i have never been hassled but last trip got asked more questions than ever from immigration knuckleheads. usually its customs. that said, my circumstance is not a thai national/woman.

from there jfk customs was pretty ez and they (rightly so) seemed more interested with the chinese (had them frantic) as who knows what the bloody chines have in their bags!

not much but gives some glimpse into someone who has been thru jfk

dont know about the connection ...not too tight but tight might help you as they might just hassle her for the basic nonsense - hel_l, shes gotta catch the plane and everything is in order NEXT... (nyc is sort of that way, they have big criminals going thru there so if papers are in order...).

look at it this way, if its a comfortable connection and you miss it - so waht, get the next flight. i think time is more on your side for them to get you on the plane unless something is not in order and i would be VERY polite up until they are plain hassling you and youll miss your flight.

hope this helps

my fiancee's interview is Nov 29 assuming that she passes does anyone know the protocall at New York immigration. We have a flight scheduled to arrive at 0630 and need to plan for a connecting flight to Florida, but I think there is some more paperwork at the airport. Anyone have any experence with this check in to the US?
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