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Massive petition calls for EU referendum re-run


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Unable to return to vote in a democratic country, especially when elected leaders announced in advance that this consultation would be final.

However there are voices on the continent to demand a redefinition of the EU and of its operation. All stress the necessity of increasing democracy in a confederal meaning the price of a relative drop of nationnale sovereignty.

It would Britaniques for an opportunity to return for another referendum without thwart the democratic process.

The problem is that so far the nation that objected most vehemently to this democratization was Britain ...

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My opinion: No matter how massive the petition, the referendum result will be considered binding and no re-run possible. I cannot see any circumstances that the "leave' vote can be changed now.

There may be an argument that if a general election is called and one party says if elected they will not follow the "leave" vote and that party is elected then in theory there is a chance that new elected party could get away without following the referendum.....but I doubt that will occur....

Edited by zombie nights
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Here's a question that will make me real popular with our British cousins. Does anyone think a few percent may have voted differently had the vote been taken before the Euro hooligan brawls hit the news?

And if so, would that mean that the Russkies actually tipped the vote to the Exit side?

Just food for thought and discussion... Go ahead- I asked for it. I'm ready to be lambasted.

It would look like this . . .

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Frankly, given the immense consequences- both known and unintended, I'm surprised they didn't require a 2/3 majority to make such an historic change.


good point...but why did n't the remain vote win?...you cant keep asking for a rerun just because they dont like the verdict,It's what brussels did to referendum outcomes they did n't like,that's why brexit won people are fed up.Any result was always going to be devisive and would be the same if remain had won.

"good point...but why did n't the remain vote win?. "

is it possible that the remain vote won, not because the country as a whole wanted to leave, but because the campaign to stay was mismanaged, and influenced by momentary external factors.

in poles a two percent difference is with in the margin of error , in this instance there is no margin of error because there were actual votes to be counted. But if the leave faction had lost by only two percent, would they had accepted the result as a strong mandate to stay?

At best what this vote indicated is that the Country is divided on the issue

IMO as an outsider, you all need to be reasonable in such an important matter, conciser each others concerns and find amicable solutions, otherwise my friends , I am afraid, that regardless of the merits of your positions, you will all find your selves in a world of hurt.

I truly wish you all the best of luck

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Here's a question that will make me real popular with our British cousins. Does anyone think a few percent may have voted differently had the vote been taken before the Euro hooligan brawls hit the news?

And if so, would that mean that the Russkies actually tipped the vote to the Exit side?

Just food for thought and discussion... Go ahead- I asked for it. I'm ready to be lambasted.

I don't think the problems in France over the football affected the vote, during the ref, debates I don't recall it being mentioned at all.

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You would think that they were smart enough to make up their mind,,,But we are talking about the UK,,, they don't know what they are doing,

can't make up their mind,in one day out the next,,,Oh shit ,,running scared can't stand on our own two feet,,back in

Whinging undeceiving Poms,,,They will Never change,,,

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The foundation of democracy is that the losers accept that they have lost a popular vote, and cop it.

It's quite a precious attribute, few countries worldwide have achieved this, and if the UK were to lose it, that really would spell ruin for the country.

There's also no need for another vote; the referendum wasn't legally binding, and Parliament has the option to ignore it.

If they do and it is a possibility, then the pressure for a new General Election will be huge. If that then happens not only will the divide in the country become worse, but Farage will have a field-day and UKIP could get the block of MPs he wants. Now is the time for constructive reasoning not knee jerk panic.

There is constructive reasoning going on, as follows

1 ) Parliament ignores referendum result

2 ) General Election called

3 ) New government elected which has no need to abide by promises made by old government

4) New government therefore refuses to instigate Article 50.

5) UK therefore remains in the EU to the vast relief of self-serving, unelected, unaccountable, incompetent and extravagant bureaucrats plus crony capitalists worldwide.

The UK's image would be fatally tarnished, both in the eyes of the world and in its own estimation, but the anti-democrats in the EU could care less about that.

Did you vote to leave but are hoping we stay in so you have something to moan about? Britain is out, right or wrong live with it.

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The foundation of democracy is that the losers accept that they have lost a popular vote, and cop it.

It's quite a precious attribute, few countries worldwide have achieved this, and if the UK were to lose it, that really would spell ruin for the country.

There's also no need for another vote; the referendum wasn't legally binding, and Parliament has the option to ignore it.

If they do and it is a possibility, then the pressure for a new General Election will be huge. If that then happens not only will the divide in the country become worse, but Farage will have a field-day and UKIP could get the block of MPs he wants. Now is the time for constructive reasoning not knee jerk panic.

There is constructive reasoning going on, as follows

1 ) Parliament ignores referendum result

2 ) General Election called

3 ) New government elected which has no need to abide by promises made by old government

4) New government therefore refuses to instigate Article 50.

5) UK therefore remains in the EU to the vast relief of self-serving, unelected, unaccountable, incompetent and extravagant bureaucrats plus crony capitalists worldwide.

The UK's image would be fatally tarnished, both in the eyes of the world and in its own estimation, but the anti-democrats in the EU could care less about that.

Did you vote to leave but are hoping we stay in so you have something to moan about? Britain is out, right or wrong live with it.

Not at all. I support Brexit, even though it will probably damage me financially, in terms of some business there.

I'm just warning that the powerful anti-democracy forces aren't finished yet.

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The foundation of democracy is that the losers accept that they have lost a popular vote, and cop it.

It's quite a precious attribute, few countries worldwide have achieved this, and if the UK were to lose it, that really would spell ruin for the country.

There's also no need for another vote; the referendum wasn't legally binding, and Parliament has the option to ignore it.

If they do and it is a possibility, then the pressure for a new General Election will be huge. If that then happens not only will the divide in the country become worse, but Farage will have a field-day and UKIP could get the block of MPs he wants. Now is the time for constructive reasoning not knee jerk panic.

There is constructive reasoning going on, as follows

1 ) Parliament ignores referendum result

2 ) General Election called

3 ) New government elected which has no need to abide by promises made by old government

4) New government therefore refuses to instigate Article 50.

5) UK therefore remains in the EU to the vast relief of self-serving, unelected, unaccountable, incompetent and extravagant bureaucrats plus crony capitalists worldwide.

The UK's image would be fatally tarnished, both in the eyes of the world and in its own estimation, but the anti-democrats in the EU could care less about that.

Did you vote to leave but are hoping we stay in so you have something to moan about? Britain is out, right or wrong live with it.

I'm just warning that the powerful anti-democracy forces aren't finished yet.

Absolutely.....expect many more dirty tricks.....they are just getting started.

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Shabby and unacceptable. Not accepting the results of a vote is characteristic of third-world countries.

Reminds me of when George Best sat on the ball & cried when sent off!

He'd have done it again last night if still alive :)

Edited by evadgib
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Rent a mob liberals and lefties who only accept democratic results when they are in their favour - I don't hear then moaning about the scandal of a muslim mayor in London elected on a small turn out by a narrow margin. The vote remain campaign first arrogant and now whinging. Disgusting.

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The foundation of democracy is that the losers accept that they have lost a popular vote, and cop it.

It's quite a precious attribute, few countries worldwide have achieved this, and if the UK were to lose it, that really would spell ruin for the country.

There's also no need for another vote; the referendum wasn't legally binding, and Parliament has the option to ignore it.

If they do and it is a possibility, then the pressure for a new General Election will be huge. If that then happens not only will the divide in the country become worse, but Farage will have a field-day and UKIP could get the block of MPs he wants. Now is the time for constructive reasoning not knee jerk panic.

There is constructive reasoning going on, as follows

1 ) Parliament ignores referendum result

2 ) General Election called

3 ) New government elected which has no need to abide by promises made by old government

4) New government therefore refuses to instigate Article 50.

5) UK therefore remains in the EU to the vast relief of self-serving, unelected, unaccountable, incompetent and extravagant bureaucrats plus crony capitalists worldwide.

The UK's image would be fatally tarnished, both in the eyes of the world and in its own estimation, but the anti-democrats in the EU could care less about that.

Did you vote to leave but are hoping we stay in so you have something to moan about? Britain is out, right or wrong live with it.

Not at all. I support Brexit, even though it will probably damage me financially, in terms of some business there.

I'm just warning that the powerful anti-democracy forces aren't finished yet.

Don't think you are right. Britain will have to leave. Who are the powerful anti-democracy forces?

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Don't think you are right. Britain will have to leave. Who are the powerful anti-democracy forces?

The list is too long. Labour MP David Lammy has already called for Parliament to ignore the referendum. A majority of MPs, around 70% of them, are Remainians. Then there are the Brussels bureaucrats who would love a cowed Britain to be herded back into its pen. Barack Obama, apparently, Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande, the World Bank, the OECD, Big Green. The BBC, its print arm the Guardian, and most of the "progressive" media.

Not to mention many young British people who couldn't be bothered to vote (only 36% of 18-24s voted) and are now complaining because they didn't get what they wanted.

I truly hope you're right. But I don't think this is over.

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Don't think you are right. Britain will have to leave. Who are the powerful anti-democracy forces?

The list is too long. Labour MP David Lammy has already called for Parliament to ignore the referendum. A majority of MPs, around 70% of them, are Remainians. Then there are the Brussels bureaucrats who would love a cowed Britain to be herded back into its pen. Barack Obama, apparently, Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande, the World Bank, the OECD, Big Green. The BBC, its print arm the Guardian, and most of the "progressive" media.

Not to mention many young British people who couldn't be bothered to vote (only 36% of 18-24s voted) and are now complaining because they didn't get what they wanted.

I truly hope you're right. But I don't think this is over.

The referendum happened, called by one of the elite, opposed by one of the elite. As far as I am concerned it is over and done with.

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Yes, 48% of the British public disagree. Boris will calm the waters when he takes power.

Good to hear it.

Many of the catastrophists, led by the traitors at the BBC, have failed to report that the FTSE has bounced back strongly in just two days after the vote. Even the pound is only 5% down on where it was one week ago against the USD.

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I always thought a majority vote expressed the will of the people and trying to change how they have chosen is wrong.

Interesting that in some quarters the elderly are being blamed for the result that doesn't suit some.

Bearing in mind that they were probably the ones who voted for 'in' 40 years ago they may have been right in their choice based on their experience since voting 'in'!

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Don't think you are right. Britain will have to leave. Who are the powerful anti-democracy forces?

The list is too long. Labour MP David Lammy has already called for Parliament to ignore the referendum. A majority of MPs, around 70% of them, are Remainians. Then there are the Brussels bureaucrats who would love a cowed Britain to be herded back into its pen. Barack Obama, apparently, Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande, the World Bank, the OECD, Big Green. The BBC, its print arm the Guardian, and most of the "progressive" media.

Not to mention many young British people who couldn't be bothered to vote (only 36% of 18-24s voted) and are now complaining because they didn't get what they wanted.

I truly hope you're right. But I don't think this is over.

I agree with what you say forces are readying themselve , but the good news is the ones I belive were ready to pounce, are now in a bitter in house fight (labour). I personally don't think the Tories will call a general election untill they have to 2020 I belive. So that will counter the new government bit. Labour have effectively shot themselves in the foot or should I say Corbyn has by sacking a much respected MP Hillary Benn. I belive the leave vote will be honoured the new PM. Edited by jeab1980
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The elite power brokers...the 1% money bags...were shocked by the results of the Brexit referendum...

They started immediately to do what they do best...demonize the opposition...start calling for a new referendum and protesting...

It is not over yet...they will stop at nothing to get back their power from the people...

The people have spoken in GB...now let the people begin to take back their countries around the world...

This was just the first volley of a war between the common people and the elite...

It could get ugly...wars have been started over less...

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I always thought a majority vote expressed the will of the people and trying to change how they have chosen is wrong.

Interesting that in some quarters the elderly are being blamed for the result that doesn't suit some.

Bearing in mind that they were probably the ones who voted for 'in' 40 years ago they may have been right in their choice based on their experience since voting 'in'!

I never voted "in" 40+ years ago. I can't recall being given a vote. dry.png

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What country expect a dictatorship will have a re-vote it seems their is democracy in the UK

The UN should take action at once and other countries should boycott the UK because it a Dictatorship by the Elite

I say all of us should boycott the UK

The Elites better listen to the Peoples Votes

Or the People will turn to the Streets and the Elites will run to the United States

That includes little harry and the rest of the Royals

Did you ingest something really powerful last night?

At least I am not crying a vote or worry about my electric bill now that I will lose 20 per cent on my Pension

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The elite power brokers...the 1% money bags...were shocked by the results of the Brexit referendum...

They started immediately to do what they do best...demonize the opposition...start calling for a new referendum and protesting...

It is not over yet...they will stop at nothing to get back their power from the people...

The people have spoken in GB...now let the people begin to take back their countries around the world...

This was just the first volley of a war between the common people and the elite...

It could get ugly...wars have been started over less...

Are we rebuilding the Empire?

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I'll send them links to the posts in this thread from the a-holes who admitted to adding "fraudulent signatures". laugh.png

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There are 2 sides of the same coin

  • a political one. This means in this Brexit case the government should respect the will of the voter majority. Of course, the Brexit enthusiasts will demand follow the vote result.
  • a legal side. As already excellently explaind here in this thread the vote has no binding for the parliament. Referring to @ impulse, if you start a referendum about about paying no taxes - and the majority would agree - then think about the value of such a referendum and the binding for the parliament.

In this Brexit case it has been obvious the majority of (a lot of obviously uninformed) voters made their decision with their heart and NOT with their brain. The demand for a new refendum confirms this. It confirms too, that such an important decision with major implications should be made by the parliament. Believe it or not, in general they have a better and deeper information than the normal voter with his beer-pub-knowledge.

This Referendum was hardly called with no notice. It cannot have come as a surprise to virtually any sentient being in the UK. It is the culmination of a long fought consistent campaign by a significant number of UK political figures which has gone on for many years. The Tory party made a manifesto commitment to call a referendum after attempting to get agreement on a reform package. That manifesto commitment may well have played a significant part in their general election victory last year. That Cameron failed dismally to achieve any meaningful reforms in subsequent negotiations is perhaps reflected in the result.

There has been a protracted campaign by both in and out sides, and until very recently ( the short "Purdah period " prior to the vote), the in side had the advantage of effectively being the government, with the benefits in terms of access to the media and establishment support which comes with that.

Nor is the question a purely party political one. Jeremy Corbyn has historically been in favour of leaving the EU, only in the last few weeks has he seemed to be converted to the cause, albeit without much visible enthusiasm. The late Tony Benn, certainly no patsy of the right wing, was for many years a vociferous opponent of the EU. I have virtually nothing in common with Benn politically, but I could not fault his very simple arguement, that the EU imposed a system of government on the UK (and the rest of the union for that matter) which could not be rejected by the electorate. This is an arguement which has been made for decades.For these reasons I cannot agree that "a lot of obviously uninformed voters made their decision with their heart and NOT with their brain." Rather they clearly did not agree with you. Describing there decisions as based on "beer-pub-knowledge" displays an arrogance which would surely qualify you for a senior post in the Brussels beurocracy!

There was a referendum, authorised by Parliament. After a hard fought campaign there was a decision, by a small but clear majority of those who voted that the UK should leave the EU. For better or worse, that decision must be respected.

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The petition has 2,700,000 signatures and the number is increasing.


This would be the face saving way for Britain to get out of this mess. First vote was the angry, drunken vote. Now, when even non-politically tuned Brits are realising what the brexit really means, its time to have second, the sober vote.


The "I didn't know what I was doing" excuse. I'm thinking that "do overs" aren't going to be allowed. Edited by MadDog2020
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