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British expatriates fear for their future after UK vote


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I am a British ex-pat. I am not worried about the future.

Britain will be strong again, once the shackles of Europe have been broken.

Britain will be strong again

So will my todger after I drop a couple Viagra's

A couple Viagras?!

Good lord. You will be able to scratch glass with that thing.

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Switzerland and Norway are doing fine outside the EU...and for that matter, so are Canada, USA, Australia, and New Zealand.

Getting the Scotch and maybe the Irish out on their own will probably be a good thing too.

Lose Scotland and N. Ireland. Great Briton , Not so Great now.

85% of what makes the country "Great" resides in England ☺

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What will happen to all the European migrant workers in the UK?

As I understand the speeches, all will be returned.

The 750,000 polish plumbers first.

You understand wrong. Limiting and controlling future immigration does not equate to sending anyone home.

How about a link to those 750,000 plumbers in the UK ?

Or could it be that you are just talking garbage.

Well he is exaggerating the number to make a point, which I understood and didn't mind.

But I am hoping to get a factual answer to my question.

Well facts are pretty thin on the ground. I would suspect that those that are in gainful employment in the UK would have nothing to fear.

Big Issue sellers, Supermarket car wash attendants and those working in the Black Economy might not be so lucky.

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Switzerland and Norway are doing fine outside the EU...and for that matter, so are Canada, USA, Australia, and New Zealand.

Getting the Scotch and maybe the Irish out on their own will probably be a good thing too.

Norway, Canada and Australia are commodity plays. Switzerland is finance and cuckoo clocks, chemicals, cheese and Heidi. New Zealand is sheep and small. USA is big and has the reserve currency. As for breaking up the UK one can see the know-nothing mentality which underpins this, not to mention no idea where this leads other than a celebration of Little Englandism. At some time Nissan (pesky foreigners) will re-evaluate their European investment strategy when it comes to new model production lines and then the good people of Sunderland can repent at leisure. The provinces can look forward to an even more barren future and the young will pay the price for the older generation's surrender to racism and an almighty demonstration of cutting off one's nose to spite one's face.

OK l get it your bitter and twisted of the result and have no faith in the English younger generation.

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I am a British ex-pat. I am not worried about the future.

Britain will be strong again, once the shackles of Europe have been broken.

Bang on

I reckon in years to come Britain will become Great Britain again and all these party poopers will end up with jam on there faces - so to speak.

This wasn't decided on a flip of a coin and the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. 50% of TV members won't be here to know the forecasts by then and the rest will have Alzheimer's so who really cares !!!

Just saying ......

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I am a British ex-pat. I am not worried about the future.

Britain will be strong again, once the shackles of Europe have been broken.

Bang on

I reckon in years to come Britain will become Great Britain again and all these party poopers will end up with jam on there faces - so to speak.

This wasn't decided on a flip of a coin and the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. 50% of TV members won't be here to know the forecasts by then and the rest will have Alzheimer's so who really cares !!!

Just saying ......

Not too sure there will be a Britain in the future let alone Great. Great England?

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What will happen to all the European migrant workers in the UK?

As I understand the speeches, all will be returned.

The 750,000 polish plumbers first.

You understand wrong. Limiting and controlling future immigration does not equate to sending anyone home.

How about a link to those 750,000 plumbers in the UK ?

Or could it be that you are just talking garbage.

Limiting and controlling future immigration does not equate to sending anyone home.

Do you have a link for this statement?

The problem is that nobody seems to know what is to be actually changed.

This is a collection of all the discontented, from left traditional workers to the right extremes.



There is no united Brexit party.

Edited by tomacht8
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As I understand the speeches, all will be returned.

The 750,000 polish plumbers first.

You understand wrong. Limiting and controlling future immigration does not equate to sending anyone home.

How about a link to those 750,000 plumbers in the UK ?

Or could it be that you are just talking garbage.

Well he is exaggerating the number to make a point, which I understood and didn't mind.

But I am hoping to get a factual answer to my question.

Well facts are pretty thin on the ground. I would suspect that those that are in gainful employment in the UK would have nothing to fear.

Big Issue sellers, Supermarket car wash attendants and those working in the Black Economy might not be so lucky.

Not only will they have nothing to fear, but all those central and eastern european people who are willing to work for low wages will also still be welcome to work in the UK. So for all those Britons who voted for Brexit and thought better paying jobs would open up for them.....fooled you!

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As I understand the speeches, all will be returned.

The 750,000 polish plumbers first.

You understand wrong. Limiting and controlling future immigration does not equate to sending anyone home.

How about a link to those 750,000 plumbers in the UK ?

Or could it be that you are just talking garbage.

Well he is exaggerating the number to make a point, which I understood and didn't mind.

But I am hoping to get a factual answer to my question.

Well facts are pretty thin on the ground. I would suspect that those that are in gainful employment in the UK would have nothing to fear.

Big Issue sellers, Supermarket car wash attendants and those working in the Black Economy might not be so lucky.

Not only will they have nothing to fear, but all those central and eastern european people who are willing to work for low wages will also still be welcome to work in the UK. So for all those Britons who voted for Brexit and thought better paying jobs would open up for them.....fooled you!

The simple introduction of work permits will negate the flow of those willing to work for peanuts as will tightening up the welfare state.

It is quite easy when you really sit down and think about it.

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Switzerland and Norway are doing fine outside the EU...and for that matter, so are Canada, USA, Australia, and New Zealand.

Getting the Scotch and maybe the Irish out on their own will probably be a good thing too.

Norway, Canada and Australia are commodity plays. Switzerland is finance and cuckoo clocks, chemicals, cheese and Heidi. New Zealand is sheep and small. USA is big and has the reserve currency. As for breaking up the UK one can see the know-nothing mentality which underpins this, not to mention no idea where this leads other than a celebration of Little Englandism. At some time Nissan (pesky foreigners) will re-evaluate their European investment strategy when it comes to new model production lines and then the good people of Sunderland can repent at leisure. The provinces can look forward to an even more barren future and the young will pay the price for the older generation's surrender to racism and an almighty demonstration of cutting off one's nose to spite one's face.

If I read that correctly, then the UK has basically nothing to offer to the world other than being a member of the Euro-Zone, and will be relegated to 3rd world status once article 50 has been applied?

The political class in the UK, both Labour and Conservatives, have been ignoring the electorate for many years. Every four years we have the elections, but really, both parties offered more of the same cr4p with slightly different nuances. Labour party is still in disarray and without leadership. The electorate maybe relatively stupid, but they are not that stupid, and it was looking as though the conservatives, with the two conceited schoolboy career politicians at the top, would be permanently in power. So more of the same cr4p without any hope of change going forward.

Blaire started off the "multi-culteralism" benefits nonsense. Probably most people in the UK are happy to accept a few foreigners into the neighbourhood, but they still want to be able to walk around and recognise they are in the UK and not in an islamic country, Poland or Nigeria. The politicians have ignored this and forced more immigrants down peoples' throats, with no end in sight to the millions eager to come and get housing and collect benefits.

The electorate does not want this. And anybody who says they do, is living in denial in some "hug a foreigner" dreamland. The politicians were taking the people down a road that the majority did not want to go.

This vote was the only and maybe even the last, possibility for the electorate to make a stand against the UK and European political elite.

It will be a short term pain for a long term gain, and will force the politicians to get off their bums and do some work, rather than follow the Euro-Dogma.

It was also quite clear that the London-centric favouritism, in particular the finance industry did not sit well with the poorer regions of the UK. I am personally not convinced that the majority of the finance industry in its current state is even beneficial to the country. A lot of it is pure rent-seeking, and concentrating the wealth of the nation into a couple of square miles.

As to the young versus the old. Maybe the old are a bit wiser and more wary? That is the way it has always been in the past. The young tend to be optimistic and overlook the dangers. Plus it was reported that the young fear the will lose job opportunities to work in Europe. This is not true, talent will always be marketable. The question is, why are there not sufficient attractive jobs in the UK to keep the best talent, and have it replaced by uneducated, needy, immigrants with their hands out?

The UK has survived mush worse than this and come out stronger.

It will do it again.

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Well he is exaggerating the number to make a point, which I understood and didn't mind.

But I am hoping to get a factual answer to my question.

Well facts are pretty thin on the ground. I would suspect that those that are in gainful employment in the UK would have nothing to fear.

Big Issue sellers, Supermarket car wash attendants and those working in the Black Economy might not be so lucky.

Not only will they have nothing to fear, but all those central and eastern european people who are willing to work for low wages will also still be welcome to work in the UK. So for all those Britons who voted for Brexit and thought better paying jobs would open up for them.....fooled you!

The simple introduction of work permits will negate the flow of those willing to work for peanuts as will tightening up the welfare state.

It is quite easy when you really sit down and think about it.

Can Norway issue work permits to control the hiring of workers? Does that comply with EU rules? It's really not so simple when you think about it.

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As I understand the speeches, all will be returned.

The 750,000 polish plumbers first.

You understand wrong. Limiting and controlling future immigration does not equate to sending anyone home.

How about a link to those 750,000 plumbers in the UK ?

Or could it be that you are just talking garbage.

Well he is exaggerating the number to make a point, which I understood and didn't mind.

But I am hoping to get a factual answer to my question.

Well facts are pretty thin on the ground. I would suspect that those that are in gainful employment in the UK would have nothing to fear.

Big Issue sellers, Supermarket car wash attendants and those working in the Black Economy might not be so lucky.

Not only will they have nothing to fear, but all those central and eastern european people who are willing to work for low wages will also still be welcome to work in the UK. So for all those Britons who voted for Brexit and thought better paying jobs would open up for them.....fooled you!

The simple introduction of work permits will negate the flow of those willing to work for peanuts as will tightening up the welfare state.

It is quite easy when you really sit down and think about it.

If you really think about it, it is not that simple.

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I am a British ex-pat. I am not worried about the future.

Britain will be strong again, once the shackles of Europe have been broken.

Bang on

I reckon in years to come Britain will become Great Britain again and all these party poopers will end up with jam on there faces - so to speak.

This wasn't decided on a flip of a coin and the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. 50% of TV members won't be here to know the forecasts by then and the rest will have Alzheimer's so who really cares !!!

Just saying ......

Not too sure there will be a Britain in the future let alone Great. Great England?

Or Poundland as I saw mentioned elsewhere.

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As I understand the speeches, all will be returned.

The 750,000 polish plumbers first.

You understand wrong. Limiting and controlling future immigration does not equate to sending anyone home.

How about a link to those 750,000 plumbers in the UK ?

Or could it be that you are just talking garbage.

Limiting and controlling future immigration does not equate to sending anyone home.

Do you have a link for this statement?

The problem is that nobody seems to know what is to be actually changed.

This is a collection of all the discontented, from left traditional workers to the right extremes.



There is no united Brexit party.

Let me spell it out for you.

NOTHING will change until the UK officially exits the EU. That includes migration and everything else that currently goes on today.

That process takes 2 years from invoking article 50.

So the powers that be have at least 2 years to extract their collective fingers and put in place what is to happen when the official exit takes place.

Whether the UK has the people capable of doing this is another matter altogether.

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I am a British ex-pat. I am not worried about the future.

Britain will be strong again, once the shackles of Europe have been broken.

Bang on

I reckon in years to come Britain will become Great Britain again and all these party poopers will end up with jam on there faces - so to speak.

This wasn't decided on a flip of a coin and the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. 50% of TV members won't be here to know the forecasts by then and the rest will have Alzheimer's so who really cares !!!

Just saying ......

Not too sure there will be a Britain in the future let alone Great. Great England?

Or Poundland as I saw mentioned elsewhere.

That's a bit brash but like the humour lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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The Eu want to make an example out of Britain, to stop any further departures from the EU,

All this whining about ooo the EU wants to make an example of you because....

There is no "making an example of" -- unless of course you are expecting to be treated specially. Invoke article 50, if negotiations are not amicable wait 2 years and guess what - you are in exactly the same position as most other countries outside the EU are in... just a trading partner... under WTO rules.

Why should Britain get some sort of special deal? That sort of thing takes time and takes give and take and is nothing that is owed to anyone....

Whinging bout the EU while your in, and now whining about the EU after deciding to leave... only common thing here is whining....

You'll find that the only whingers are the lefties and those self-interested people who voted remain. They didn't whinge about the EU before the vote and the only reason they're whinging now is that they lost. So your post is complete BS.

I'm an expat, and even though I'll suffer on the exchange rate, I'm very pleased with the result. I whinged about the EU before, now have no reason to, we're finally getting shut of it. Huge socialist, corrupt, greedy, power-hungry edifice. You just watch us thrive.

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Switzerland and Norway are doing fine outside the EU...and for that matter, so are Canada, USA, Australia, and New Zealand.

Getting the Scotch and maybe the Irish out on their own will probably be a good thing too.

Lose Scotland and N. Ireland. Great Briton , Not so Great now.


There'll always be an England.

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You understand wrong. Limiting and controlling future immigration does not equate to sending anyone home.

How about a link to those 750,000 plumbers in the UK ?

Or could it be that you are just talking garbage.

Limiting and controlling future immigration does not equate to sending anyone home.

Do you have a link for this statement?

The problem is that nobody seems to know what is to be actually changed.

This is a collection of all the discontented, from left traditional workers to the right extremes.



There is no united Brexit party.

Let me spell it out for you.

NOTHING will change until the UK officially exits the EU. That includes migration and everything else that currently goes on today.

That process takes 2 years from invoking article 50.

So the powers that be have at least 2 years to extract their collective fingers and put in place what is to happen when the official exit takes place.

Whether the UK has the people capable of doing this is another matter altogether.

If they ever actually invoke article 50.


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Well he is exaggerating the number to make a point, which I understood and didn't mind.

But I am hoping to get a factual answer to my question.

Well facts are pretty thin on the ground. I would suspect that those that are in gainful employment in the UK would have nothing to fear.

Big Issue sellers, Supermarket car wash attendants and those working in the Black Economy might not be so lucky.

Not only will they have nothing to fear, but all those central and eastern european people who are willing to work for low wages will also still be welcome to work in the UK. So for all those Britons who voted for Brexit and thought better paying jobs would open up for them.....fooled you!

The simple introduction of work permits will negate the flow of those willing to work for peanuts as will tightening up the welfare state.

It is quite easy when you really sit down and think about it.

Can Norway issue work permits to control the hiring of workers? Does that comply with EU rules? It's really not so simple when you think about it.

Do YOU understand the concept of exiting the EU.

EU rules will no longer apply if the UK does not want to retain them.

Norway is a red herring.

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Switzerland and Norway are doing fine outside the EU...and for that matter, so are Canada, USA, Australia, and New Zealand.

Getting the Scotch and maybe the Irish out on their own will probably be a good thing too.

Norway, Canada and Australia are commodity plays. Switzerland is finance and cuckoo clocks, chemicals, cheese and Heidi. New Zealand is sheep and small. USA is big and has the reserve currency. As for breaking up the UK one can see the know-nothing mentality which underpins this, not to mention no idea where this leads other than a celebration of Little Englandism. At some time Nissan (pesky foreigners) will re-evaluate their European investment strategy when it comes to new model production lines and then the good people of Sunderland can repent at leisure. The provinces can look forward to an even more barren future and the young will pay the price for the older generation's surrender to racism and an almighty demonstration of cutting off one's nose to spite one's face.

If I read that correctly, then the UK has basically nothing to offer to the world other than being a member of the Euro-Zone, and will be relegated to 3rd world status once article 50 has been applied?

The political class in the UK, both Labour and Conservatives, have been ignoring the electorate for many years. Every four years we have the elections, but really, both parties offered more of the same cr4p with slightly different nuances. Labour party is still in disarray and without leadership. The electorate maybe relatively stupid, but they are not that stupid, and it was looking as though the conservatives, with the two conceited schoolboy career politicians at the top, would be permanently in power. So more of the same cr4p without any hope of change going forward.

Blaire started off the "multi-culteralism" benefits nonsense. Probably most people in the UK are happy to accept a few foreigners into the neighbourhood, but they still want to be able to walk around and recognise they are in the UK and not in an islamic country, Poland or Nigeria. The politicians have ignored this and forced more immigrants down peoples' throats, with no end in sight to the millions eager to come and get housing and collect benefits.

The electorate does not want this. And anybody who says they do, is living in denial in some "hug a foreigner" dreamland. The politicians were taking the people down a road that the majority did not want to go.

This vote was the only and maybe even the last, possibility for the electorate to make a stand against the UK and European political elite.

It will be a short term pain for a long term gain, and will force the politicians to get off their bums and do some work, rather than follow the Euro-Dogma.

It was also quite clear that the London-centric favouritism, in particular the finance industry did not sit well with the poorer regions of the UK. I am personally not convinced that the majority of the finance industry in its current state is even beneficial to the country. A lot of it is pure rent-seeking, and concentrating the wealth of the nation into a couple of square miles.

As to the young versus the old. Maybe the old are a bit wiser and more wary? That is the way it has always been in the past. The young tend to be optimistic and overlook the dangers. Plus it was reported that the young fear the will lose job opportunities to work in Europe. This is not true, talent will always be marketable. The question is, why are there not sufficient attractive jobs in the UK to keep the best talent, and have it replaced by uneducated, needy, immigrants with their hands out?

The UK has survived mush worse than this and come out stronger.

It will do it again.

You do understand that the immigration problem was Great Britain's fault to start with. We had an empire and gave passports to the people we conquered. A quite suprising amount of "foreigners" are entitled to a British passport, even Donald Trump.

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The Eu want to make an example out of Britain, to stop any further departures from the EU,

All this whining about ooo the EU wants to make an example of you because....

There is no "making an example of" -- unless of course you are expecting to be treated specially. Invoke article 50, if negotiations are not amicable wait 2 years and guess what - you are in exactly the same position as most other countries outside the EU are in... just a trading partner... under WTO rules.

Why should Britain get some sort of special deal? That sort of thing takes time and takes give and take and is nothing that is owed to anyone....

Whinging bout the EU while your in, and now whining about the EU after deciding to leave... only common thing here is whining....

You'll find that the only whingers are the lefties and those self-interested people who voted remain. They didn't whinge about the EU before the vote and the only reason they're whinging now is that they lost. So your post is complete BS.

I'm an expat, and even though I'll suffer on the exchange rate, I'm very pleased with the result. I whinged about the EU before, now have no reason to, we're finally getting shut of it. Huge socialist, corrupt, greedy, power-hungry edifice. You just watch us thrive.

Well then -- those that want to leave -- should just invoke article 50 and leave .... don't whinge about not having a special relationship with Europe... It is very simple - and completely in your hands to leave and be completely independent of Europe... no agreement with Europe needed.

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The Eu want to make an example out of Britain, to stop any further departures from the EU,

All this whining about ooo the EU wants to make an example of you because....

There is no "making an example of" -- unless of course you are expecting to be treated specially. Invoke article 50, if negotiations are not amicable wait 2 years and guess what - you are in exactly the same position as most other countries outside the EU are in... just a trading partner... under WTO rules.

Why should Britain get some sort of special deal? That sort of thing takes time and takes give and take and is nothing that is owed to anyone....

Whinging bout the EU while your in, and now whining about the EU after deciding to leave... only common thing here is whining....

You'll find that the only whingers are the lefties and those self-interested people who voted remain. They didn't whinge about the EU before the vote and the only reason they're whinging now is that they lost. So your post is complete BS.

I'm an expat, and even though I'll suffer on the exchange rate, I'm very pleased with the result. I whinged about the EU before, now have no reason to, we're finally getting shut of it. Huge socialist, corrupt, greedy, power-hungry edifice. You just watch us thrive.

I'll second that my friend !!

Even Victor Meldrew voted to leave and he's no longer moaning !!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Not only will they have nothing to fear, but all those central and eastern european people who are willing to work for low wages will also still be welcome to work in the UK. So for all those Britons who voted for Brexit and thought better paying jobs would open up for them.....fooled you!

The simple introduction of work permits will negate the flow of those willing to work for peanuts as will tightening up the welfare state.

It is quite easy when you really sit down and think about it.

Can Norway issue work permits to control the hiring of workers? Does that comply with EU rules? It's really not so simple when you think about it.

Do YOU understand the concept of exiting the EU.

EU rules will no longer apply if the UK does not want to retain them.

Norway is a red herring.

Do you understand that Norway is not a member of the EU? Yet to be allowed to trade freely, it acceded to the EU demands. So, sure, the UK can refuse. And maybe they'll succeed. But maybe not. ANd lots of Britons who voted for Brexit, thought it meant a big exodus of foreigners. Clearly, they were deceived.

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As I understand the speeches, all will be returned.

The 750,000 polish plumbers first.

You understand wrong. Limiting and controlling future immigration does not equate to sending anyone home.

How about a link to those 750,000 plumbers in the UK ?

Or could it be that you are just talking garbage.

Limiting and controlling future immigration does not equate to sending anyone home.

Do you have a link for this statement?

The problem is that nobody seems to know what is to be actually changed.

This is a collection of all the discontented, from left traditional workers to the right extremes.



There is no united Brexit party.

Let me spell it out for you.

NOTHING will change until the UK officially exits the EU. That includes migration and everything else that currently goes on today.

That process takes 2 years from invoking article 50.

So the powers that be have at least 2 years to extract their collective fingers and put in place what is to happen when the official exit takes place.

Whether the UK has the people capable of doing this is another matter altogether.

This has long been clear to me, neverless your last post is accurate.

Nobody knows what will happen next.

The collection of malcontents therefore have no plan how to move on.

That 2-3 years of uncertainty will have no economic effects, I doubt it.

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Not only will they have nothing to fear, but all those central and eastern european people who are willing to work for low wages will also still be welcome to work in the UK. So for all those Britons who voted for Brexit and thought better paying jobs would open up for them.....fooled you!

The simple introduction of work permits will negate the flow of those willing to work for peanuts as will tightening up the welfare state.

It is quite easy when you really sit down and think about it.

Can Norway issue work permits to control the hiring of workers? Does that comply with EU rules? It's really not so simple when you think about it.

Do YOU understand the concept of exiting the EU.

EU rules will no longer apply if the UK does not want to retain them.

Norway is a red herring.

Do you understand that Norway is not a member of the EU? Yet to be allowed to trade freely, it acceded to the EU demands. So, sure, the UK can refuse. And maybe they'll succeed. But maybe not. ANd lots of Britons who voted for Brexit, thought it meant a big exodus of foreigners. Clearly, they were deceived.

I am not Norwegian so I do not really care what what Norway's relationship with the EU is. It is a red herring.

Exit negotiations will determine the future UK / EU relationship, not whatever Norway is currently doing or complying with.

I wish you and all the others would desist from this free trade BS. When you are paying for it, it is not free trade. Nothing in life is free.

Who are these lots of Britons that thought their would be a mass exodus of foreigners. Do you have a link to that ? I would guess that the only people who thought this would be the very small band of Racists, that unfortunately infest the UK.

Politicians trying to deceive people. Nothing new there, it has been ongoing since 75 as far as the EU goes.

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