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Massive British referendum petition hijacked


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A derogatory post has been removed.

Let's keep the insults to the normal "whinging pom" level we Brits all know and love.

Whinging Pom doesn't refer to all British, as I am reliable assures by Aussie friends, only the English.

Australians 'overtake Britons in the whingeing stakes' as poll shows we are happier and more satisfied


Australians: whingers and worriers



agreed, 100%

however, i feel the smh article was implying the reason for this is that the poms simply don't know how miserable their life's are (not my opinion, just reading the article).

but perhaps michael pascoe is right. the events of the last few days do at least show a distinct lack of foresight, and a bit of bad luck loosing in the em to iceland.

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New election, the #1 issue:

'activate article 50'

OR: 'reject article 50, renegotiate with EU'

Meanwhile, sober second thoughts are mounting:

'Sun columnist and prominent Brexit cheerleader Kelvin MacKenzie has said he now feels

buyers remorse over the vote to leave the EU and is fearful of what lies ahead.'


I wouldn't take too much notice of a Sun columnist if I was you.

Edited by vogie
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More than a million Poms needs to be repatriated back to Blighty....Poms will need visas, work permits, import duties to be imposed, banks to be penalized so that banks in the City of London financial center move to Continental Europe. Yeah !

Where from?

Don't think they're called Poms in Europe me ol' cobber...........................thumbsup.gif

Rosbifs(roast beef) in France.

lslandmonkeys in Germany.(you can thank the football hooligans for that!)

Don't know about the rest of Europe.

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I think a small detail called the Royals is holding the Brits back from a true mature democracy. Give them a few more thousand years and check back.

What has the monarchy got to do with it? They have no aspirations on politics. That the Queen still meets with the PM is merely a formality, she doesn't (and can't) lay down any rules. What is undemocratic? UK democracy is as mature as it gets. Brits were given a voice (what other EU has), no votes were bought and the decision will stand. All this petition lark is just bluster by naturally disappointed people. But it will be accepted without violent mobs taking to the streets etc. Nice troll attempt, btw.

i distinctly recall a democratically elected government in australia having been ousted by the governor general in the 70's, the representative of the british queen. not implying this has anything to do the the brexit outcome but it clearly shows that your royalty's influence goes way past democracy.

All true, but the following election was a landslide victory for the party that were against the ousted government.

So obviously the people agreed with the "British Queen".

lf they had disagreed with the decision, then they would have voted the "ousted govt" back into power.

lt was in our constitution for a Governor-General to sack a government if it was necessary.

The country was beginning to descend to chaos.

A hostile Senate ensured that the govt had no money to function.

Difficult to see what the alternative would be.

So the govt was trying to borrow money from shady gun-dealing Saudi "businessmen".

A lot of the blame can be laid at the Senate's door.

l was in Canberra at that time, 1975 & l know what uncertainty was there.

l personally met Gough & Margaret & found them to be caring people & worried for the average Aussie battler.

ln my opinion, although a nice bloke, Gough was out of his depth dealing with big business.

l still think that its a necessary check that the G-G has the power to dismiss a govt, but he/she must use that power wisely.

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More than a million Poms needs to be repatriated back to Blighty....Poms will need visas, work permits, import duties to be imposed, banks to be penalized so that banks in the City of London financial center move to Continental Europe. Yeah !

Where from?

Don't think they're called Poms in Europe me ol' cobber...........................thumbsup.gif

Rosbifs(roast beef) in France.

lslandmonkeys in Germany.(you can thank the football hooligans for that!)

Don't know about the rest of Europe.

Teabags in Sweden

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  • 2 weeks later...

Received this morning:

Dear Basil B,
The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “EU Referendum Rules triggering a 2nd EU Referendum”.
Government responded:
The European Union Referendum Act received Royal Assent in December 2015, receiving overwhelming support from Parliament. The Act did not set a threshold for the result or for minimum turnout.
The EU Referendum Act received Royal Assent in December 2015. The Act was scrutinised and debated in Parliament during its passage and agreed by both the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The Act set out the terms under which the referendum would take place, including provisions for setting the date, franchise and the question that would appear on the ballot paper. The Act did not set a threshold for the result or for minimum turnout.
As the Prime Minister made clear in his statement to the House of Commons on 27 June, the referendum was one of the biggest democratic exercises in British history with over 33 million people having their say. The Prime Minister and Government have been clear that this was a once in a generation vote and, as the Prime Minister has said, the decision must be respected. We must now prepare for the process to exit the EU and the Government is committed to ensuring the best possible outcome for the British people in the negotiations.
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Click this link to view the response online:
This petition has over 100,000 signatures. The Petitions Committee will consider it for a debate. They can also gather further evidence and press the government for action.
The Committee is made up of 11 MPs, from political parties in government and in opposition. It is entirely independent of the Government. Find out more about the Committee: https://petition.parliament.uk/help#petitions-committee
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament
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