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Final Benghazi report: No 'smoking gun' pointing to Clinton


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House Benghazi Report Confirms ‘Spontaneous Video Protest’ Story Was Deliberate Political Disinformation

The Hell you say? whistling.gif


And legions of folks want to make her the next president of the USA???facepalm.gif

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Democrats’ Benghazi Report Mentions Donald Trump 23 Times For Some Reason

A 339-page report released by Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi mentions Donald Trump 23 times

Figure that one out will ya? blink.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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Makes you wonder, if the American Embassy here in Thailand warrants armed marine protection then why not an embassy in countries that have actual daily threats. whistling.gif

The US Embassy is in Tripoli.

Ambassador Stevens was visiting Benghazi at the time to review plans to establish a new cultural center and modernize a hospital.

The military rapid response team was 2,000 miles away.

In 2014 the terrorist that masterminded the attack was captured by US Special Forces.

Suspect Ahmed Abu Khattala stated that the assault was indeed in retaliation for the video Innocence of Muslims.

The distance between Tripoli and Benghazi by air is around 400 miles by air and around 620 miles by road.

I find it hard to believe that the US didn't have people stationed in Tripoli or Malta that couldn't have responded by air.

London is around 1,680 miles by air, where exactly was this response team based? Riyadh? Even at a distance of around 2,000 miles that would be a 4.5 hour flight, the attacks took place over a period of several hours.

Not even the Republican chairman of the committee thinks it was possible to get assistance there in time. But I'm sure you have the hard data to prove otherwise.

No, I don't have the hard data to prove otherwise, but I do know that stationing a "rapid" response team more than 2,000 miles away is joke. Isn't that a part of what this report should have been looking into?

At the time of the attack I was working in Libya. The company I worked for was owned by the Libyan government and a 43% interest was owned by the Americans.

There were three Americans seconded to the company and they had a plane on permanent standby in Malta. If anyone farted in their general direction, they were out like a shot.

How is that that the US oil companies could have these procedures in place but the best the US government could do was station a "rapid" response team 2,000 miles away?

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The facts I find most important are (1) there were numerous requests to beef up security which were ignored by the State Department, (2) the Administration and the political hacks in the White House and State Department seemed more worried about putting the correct political spin on the incident rather than coming clean with the facts, (3) Hillary and her State Department and Obama and his White House were trying to explain the incident away as a spontaneous incident which came about from the video while Hillary was texting her daughter that it was a terrorist attack from the beginning, and (4) Obama who was not present and Hillary who was present at the meeting held at the White House while the incident was in real time, in which senior leadership should have been giving direction were not showing any leadership or direction at all. No matter the political party one with which on is affiliated, one cannot walk away without acknowledging that handling of the security in Libya was a cluster<deleted> at the State Department and that the reaction after the incident began a show of ineptness and lack of leadership. However one wants to assign the faults, they did occur and it seems like Harry Truman's adage that "The buck stops here" doesn't apply anymore. The fact that Congressional Committees can't seem to ever get information for whatever the reason from the Executive Branch without a tug of war makes it evidently clear that the government is broken. Congress is supposed to have oversight of government operations and they can't very well do that when the Executive Branch continuously stonewalls information requests hoping the public will get bored with the whole thing. Government no matter the party in the White House should be open, not run in secret as it has been far too long.

Who can disagree with any of that but it appears that although many more people died on 9/11 the inquiry into that event didn't merit the same scrutiny. Also the invasion of Iraq (based on a big fat lie, not sure who said that now) costing again many more lives, destabilized the whole of the Middle East as predicted by Dick Cheney in 1994, costing trillions of dollars still ongoing was also deemed not worthy of any in depth scrutiny. What is that saying about a can of worms?

Yeap, this whole Benghazi episode is about one political party wasting millions of taxpayer dollars and resources trying to smear a political opponent. Disgraceful.


Richard Nixon was crucified for his involvement in an office break in. by now I've lost count of how many scandals this woman Hillary Clinton has been involved in and yet the American people are willing to still accept and vote for her. What is wrong with this picture?blink.png

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The facts I find most important are (1) there were numerous requests to beef up security which were ignored by the State Department, (2) the Administration and the political hacks in the White House and State Department seemed more worried about putting the correct political spin on the incident rather than coming clean with the facts, (3) Hillary and her State Department and Obama and his White House were trying to explain the incident away as a spontaneous incident which came about from the video while Hillary was texting her daughter that it was a terrorist attack from the beginning, and (4) Obama who was not present and Hillary who was present at the meeting held at the White House while the incident was in real time, in which senior leadership should have been giving direction were not showing any leadership or direction at all. No matter the political party one with which on is affiliated, one cannot walk away without acknowledging that handling of the security in Libya was a cluster<deleted> at the State Department and that the reaction after the incident began a show of ineptness and lack of leadership. However one wants to assign the faults, they did occur and it seems like Harry Truman's adage that "The buck stops here" doesn't apply anymore. The fact that Congressional Committees can't seem to ever get information for whatever the reason from the Executive Branch without a tug of war makes it evidently clear that the government is broken. Congress is supposed to have oversight of government operations and they can't very well do that when the Executive Branch continuously stonewalls information requests hoping the public will get bored with the whole thing. Government no matter the party in the White House should be open, not run in secret as it has been far too long.

Who can disagree with any of that but it appears that although many more people died on 9/11 the inquiry into that event didn't merit the same scrutiny. Also the invasion of Iraq (based on a big fat lie, not sure who said that now) costing again many more lives, destabilized the whole of the Middle East as predicted by Dick Cheney in 1994, costing trillions of dollars still ongoing was also deemed not worthy of any in depth scrutiny. What is that saying about a can of worms?

Yeap, this whole Benghazi episode is about one political party wasting millions of taxpayer dollars and resources trying to smear a political opponent. Disgraceful.


Richard Nixon was crucified for his involvement in an office break in. by now I've lost count of how many scandals this woman Hillary Clinton has been involved in and yet the American people are willing to still accept and vote for her. What is wrong with this picture?blink.png

Maybe because what most people consider scandals and what the right wing echo chamber consider scandals are very different?

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So the Bengazzi attack happened at 3:00 in the afternoon and Hillary was not in bed sleeping, as Trump keeps saying.

Which begs the question, what the **** was she doing?

All these bad life & death decisions being made while Americans are under attack and where was the Secretary of State?

Where was the President?

They were either making the decisions their positions demand of them or they weren't.

If the President and Secretary of State were not involved with the bad decisions that led to the deaths of 4 Americans WHY NOT? WHO WAS?

Who was making decisions like should any rescuers where civilian clothes or uniforms so as not to offend locals? (Oh, never mind, just don't send anyone).

There does not need to be a "smoking gun". It was Hillary's job as Secretary of State, her main, #1 priority on that day.

If no help came over a 13 hour period there is only one person who could have over-ruled Secretary of State Clinton, and that is President Obama.

So which one of them will accept the responsibility? Somebody needs to take responsibility for those 13 hours of in action.

Harry Truman (Democrat) famously had a sign on his desk, "the Buck stops here". Those were the days...


Well then, write your Senator & Congressman and demand a 9th inquiry.

When funny things happen, like false flags, presidents are doing something unharmfull. Bush jr was in 'hiding' in a school during 9/11 and Obama was gone golfing.

Herodes washed his hands in innocense.

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Mother of Benghazi Victim: ‘Hillary Is a Liar,’ ‘I Would Like To See Hillary In Stripes’

"On Tuesday’s “Risk & Reward with Deirdre Bolton” on the Fox Business Network, Patricia Smith, whose son, Sean Smith, was killed in the Benghazi terrorist attack stated, “Hillary is a liar.” And “I would like to see Hillary in stripes.”

Of course she's a liar - we all know that but the fix is in. Read the rest here: http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/06/28/mother-of-benghazi-victim-hillary-is-a-liar-i-would-like-to-see-hillary-in-stripes/

Boon Mee

You are so desperate to pin the blame on HRC it is almost pitiful. An investigative committee made up of your own beloved Republicans could NOT FIND HRC responsible. It is a pity you were not on the committee..............but you were not and never will be. Basically by the rule of law the woman you hate so much is innocent of the crimes you accuse her of. After 100 witnesses and 75000 pages of documentation, she is innocent. Get over it, it is pathetic.

If as much time and effort had been put into investigating 9/11, Bush, Chenney, Silverstein et al would all be in a supermax now. 4 innocent people died in Benghazi due to human error. One Million innocents and 6500 sons and daughters of the USA died in Iraq due to blatant Republican lying and not a day or a dollar spent on an investigation. Despite your loyalties, in the quest for truth doesn't that make you think Bush, Chenney and Rumsfeld should each be doing life without parole for that? 15 year olds in the USA are sentenced to life without parole for things that in comparison are not even a misdemeanour. I sometimes think people's political allegiances in the USA are worse than religious allegiances. It has taken 25000 years but we have now pretty successfully screwed up humanity.

Edited by Andaman Al
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Not even the Republican chairman of the committee thinks it was possible to get assistance there in time. But I'm sure you have the hard data to prove otherwise.

Where did he say that?

Link? smile.png

BOOM! Game , Set and Match to ilostmypassword ;)clap2.gif

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Not even the Republican chairman of the committee thinks it was possible to get assistance there in time. But I'm sure you have the hard data to prove otherwise.

Where did he say that?

Link? smile.png

BOOM! Game , Set and Match to ilostmypassword wink.pngclap2.gif

And what do you think the chances are that Boon Mee will acknowledge this? I've caught him out before and he just moves on like it never happened.

But the weird and sad thing is that it took me all of 30 seconds to find this. Boon Mee and those like him have such sclerotic thought processes that they can't even conceive that what they believe might be wrong. He could have devoted the 30 seconds of time it took me and spared himself the embarrassment. If, in fact, he's capable of feeling embarrassed.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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Not even the Republican chairman of the committee thinks it was possible to get assistance there in time. But I'm sure you have the hard data to prove otherwise.

Where did he say that?

Link? smile.png

BOOM! Game , Set and Match to ilostmypassword wink.pngclap2.gif

And what do you think the chances are that Boon Mee will acknowledge this? I've caught him out before and he just moves on like it never happened.

But the weird and sad thing is that it took me all of 30 seconds to find this. Boon Mee and those like him have such sclerotic thought processes that they can't even conceive that what they believe might be wrong. He could have devoted the 30 seconds of time it took me and spared himself the embarrassment. If, in fact, he's capable of feeling embarrassed.

You have more chance of platting Fog ;)

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Not even the Republican chairman of the committee thinks it was possible to get assistance there in time. But I'm sure you have the hard data to prove otherwise.

Where did he say that?

Link? smile.png

I forgot to give a shout out to snopes.com for its invaluable assistance in finding that video. You might want to send them a thank you note for assisting in your education.

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Not even the Republican chairman of the committee thinks it was possible to get assistance there in time. But I'm sure you have the hard data to prove otherwise.

Where did he say that?

Link? smile.png

I forgot to give a shout out to snopes.com for its invaluable assistance in finding that video. You might want to send them a thank you note for assisting in your education.

Boon Mee thinks your video is a photoshop kind of thingy! You are a cad sir! Dispicable in fact , how low can you stoop in trying to say the investigation does not blame HRC..

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No smoking gun"? Read the 800 page report and then you will have enough information to make your own decision. Don't speculate or take anyone else word for it. After you read from the gathered evidence you will have a very clear view of how the three parts unfolded.

And I assume you have read all 800 pages???

And fully understand what has been written???

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No smoking gun"? Read the 800 page report and then you will have enough information to make your own decision. Don't speculate or take anyone else word for it. After you read from the gathered evidence you will have a very clear view of how the three parts unfolded.

And I assume you have read all 800 pages???

And fully understand what has been written???

He read the Patriot Act as well wink.png

I will settle for the word of those in the know that read/compiled it that say HRC is not guilty - as if she was it would be on every news channel now and Trump would be holding a love in for all his Republican mates (quiet party I think ;) )

Edited by Andaman Al
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Mother of Benghazi Victim: ‘Hillary Is a Liar,’ ‘I Would Like To See Hillary In Stripes’

"On Tuesday’s “Risk & Reward with Deirdre Bolton” on the Fox Business Network, Patricia Smith, whose son, Sean Smith, was killed in the Benghazi terrorist attack stated, “Hillary is a liar.” And “I would like to see Hillary in stripes.”

Of course she's a liar - we all know that but the fix is in. Read the rest here: http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/06/28/mother-of-benghazi-victim-hillary-is-a-liar-i-would-like-to-see-hillary-in-stripes/

Boon Mee

You are so desperate to pin the blame on HRC it is almost pitiful. An investigative committee made up of your own beloved Republicans could NOT FIND HRC responsible.

As Sec of State, HRC was responsible.

13 hours.

Who was making the decisions then if not the Sec of State?

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Mother of Benghazi Victim: ‘Hillary Is a Liar,’ ‘I Would Like To See Hillary In Stripes’

"On Tuesday’s “Risk & Reward with Deirdre Bolton” on the Fox Business Network, Patricia Smith, whose son, Sean Smith, was killed in the Benghazi terrorist attack stated, “Hillary is a liar.” And “I would like to see Hillary in stripes.”

Of course she's a liar - we all know that but the fix is in. Read the rest here: http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/06/28/mother-of-benghazi-victim-hillary-is-a-liar-i-would-like-to-see-hillary-in-stripes/

Boon Mee

You are so desperate to pin the blame on HRC it is almost pitiful. An investigative committee made up of your own beloved Republicans could NOT FIND HRC responsible.

As Sec of State, HRC was responsible.

13 hours.

Who was making the decisions then if not the Sec of State?

Okay. I agree. Now please hold the same standard to the Bush administration that apparently (because we never had a full investigation), ignored security warnings about 9/11 and over a completely manufactured pack of lies ( PROVEN FACT) sent 6500 USA service men and women to their deaths. Call for their immediate arrest and long term imprisonment and I will agree to HRC answering for herself in court. ???? !!!!

Oh! That does not fit in with the philosophy of screw the entire world with the exception of any US Republican, who can be guilty of mass murder, indeed Genocide, Politicians guilty of sexual misconduct despite promoting religious fidelity (including homosexuality god forbid) etc etc etc ..............etc etc etc......AND they all eat shrimps!!!

Carry on, live in your own private world and when you vote Trump in, make sure the wall from Mexico continues around the entire coastal border of the USA. You AND the rest of the world will then be happy. wink.png

Edited by Andaman Al
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Mother of Benghazi Victim: ‘Hillary Is a Liar,’ ‘I Would Like To See Hillary In Stripes’

"On Tuesday’s “Risk & Reward with Deirdre Bolton” on the Fox Business Network, Patricia Smith, whose son, Sean Smith, was killed in the Benghazi terrorist attack stated, “Hillary is a liar.” And “I would like to see Hillary in stripes.”

Of course she's a liar - we all know that but the fix is in. Read the rest here: http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/06/28/mother-of-benghazi-victim-hillary-is-a-liar-i-would-like-to-see-hillary-in-stripes/

Boon Mee

You are so desperate to pin the blame on HRC it is almost pitiful. An investigative committee made up of your own beloved Republicans could NOT FIND HRC responsible.

As Sec of State, HRC was responsible.

13 hours.

Who was making the decisions then if not the Sec of State?

And that's all you got after 2 years of investigations. For an incident in which 4 people died?

How Long Would the House GOP Have Investigated Iraq if It Cared About Iraq as Much as Benghazi?

So, calculating proportionally and assuming that those lives cut short in Iraq are worth as much attention as the lives cut short in Benghazi, House Republicans would have launched 6,750 investigations of the Iraq war to have been conducted over the course of 4,500 years.


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As Sec of State, HRC was responsible.

13 hours.

Who was making the decisions then if not the Sec of State?

Okay. I agree. Now please hold the same standard to the Bush administration that apparently (because we never had a full investigation), ignored security warnings about 9/11 and over a completely manufactured pack of lies ( PROVEN FACT) sent 6500 USA service men and women to their deaths. Call for their immediate arrest and long term imprisonment and I will agree to HRC answering for herself in court. ???? !!!!

Oh! That does not fit in with the philosophy of screw the entire world with the exception of any US Republican, who can be guilty of mass murder, indeed Genocide, Politicians guilty of sexual misconduct despite promoting religious fidelity (including homosexuality god forbid) etc etc etc ..............etc etc etc......AND they all eat shrimps!!!

Carry on, live in your own private world and when you vote Trump in, make sure the wall from Mexico continues around the entire coastal border of the USA. You AND the rest of the world will then be happy. wink.png

Security warnings were not ignored prior to 9/11. That's what you get from getting your facts from Michael Moore. Read the PDB fron Aug 6, 2001 for yourself. They were conducting approx 70 full field FBI investigations into bin Laden-related threats...

Read it, don't be intimidated, it is shorter than a lot of posts around here...


In any case, you are saying Bush was allowed to get away with similar things so we should go ahead and elect Hillary?

"Well, Bush was a criminal and he was president so we should elect the criminal Hillary too otherwise it wouldn't be fair!"

Geez, you guys are nuts.

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This all started because Obama and Hillary lied about a YouTube video to influence the last presidential election. It has been proven beyond a doubt that Hillary knew almost immediately that Benghazi was a terrorist attack and had nothing to do with the video. Hillary lied to the American people and she lied to the families of the dead Americans. There IS a smoking gun and it proves her guilt.

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It's only when I saw the movie about these events that I realized what Benghazi really was: a full scale military-style attack by islamist-led militias on US para-military facilities.

I wonder why journos never mention the estimated number of attackers that died in the attack. That alone would put things into perspective.

Approximatively 100 attackers were killed!

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This all started because Obama and Hillary lied about a YouTube video to influence the last presidential election. It has been proven beyond a doubt that Hillary knew almost immediately that Benghazi was a terrorist attack and had nothing to do with the video. Hillary lied to the American people and she lied to the families of the dead Americans. There IS a smoking gun and it proves her guilt.

And this is going to be the next president. Bad luck America.

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This all started because Obama and Hillary lied about a YouTube video to influence the last presidential election. It has been proven beyond a doubt that Hillary knew almost immediately that Benghazi was a terrorist attack and had nothing to do with the video. Hillary lied to the American people and she lied to the families of the dead Americans. There IS a smoking gun and it proves her guilt.

Ah, the congressional committee that was after Hillary for years, went after her with all they got to try and get rid of her and could not prove a thing and reached the conclusion 'there is no smoking gun'. But it's ok, we have our friend here who has watched youtube so knows better.

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This all started because Obama and Hillary lied about a YouTube video to influence the last presidential election. It has been proven beyond a doubt that Hillary knew almost immediately that Benghazi was a terrorist attack and had nothing to do with the video. Hillary lied to the American people and she lied to the families of the dead Americans. There IS a smoking gun and it proves her guilt.

wow! you mean a politician lied? are you sure? kennedy, johnson,, nixon, ford, carter, reagan, bush , clinton and bush never did. I'm shocked.

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