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My 7 year old Toyota Prerunner has decided that it's time (or mileage) for changing the Timing Belt... I am curious as to what it will cost both at Toyota and with an independent Tech...

Anyone had it done recently??

Pianoman in Kalasin


I do all my services at Toyota & the belts are usually done at 100,000 intervals where a light on the dash should appear

coming up to my 2 nd very soon if thats how it works

Total 100,000 service was 6000 i think on 2.5 lt so taking a wild guess i would say 3 - 4 000


I do all my services at Toyota & the belts are usually done at 100,000 intervals where a light on the dash should appear

coming up to my 2 nd very soon if thats how it works

Total 100,000 service was 6000 i think on 2.5 lt so taking a wild guess i would say 3 - 4 000

Never really gave the Timing Belt much thought, and I have had my truck serviced regularly as suggested in the manual but after the first 3 years I stopped using the Toyota Dealership as I found them grossly over charging for both parts and service (Parts twice what are available even in the dealerships own Parts Dept, and labor 3 to 4 times what independent techs charge).. But just this week, as the odometer turned 150,000 KM the light came on warning me that it was time,,,

The last timing belt that I had replaced was 14 years ago back in the US and was on my Mercedes so can not use that as a price guide, at least I hope not... I would be very pleasantly surprised to have it done for under 6,000 baht...



do not ignore the warning light and get the belt changed asap. no matter what it costs to do this it is heaps cheaper than having the thing snap.

i had to replace both cylinder heads (a 4 cyl. boxer engine) after the pistons bent the open valves and broke the valve guides in the process when the belt snapped while doing 100 km/h on the highway.


A tip when you have the belt changed Shane the water pump also.Save yourself labor when it does go.A belt last around 100,000

Miles.If you drive longer then your gambling.Most people toss the car and buy A new one if the belt breaks.To much money sinking it into an old car.


In the book it just recommends 150th. But if you speak to Toyota BKK they say 150th km or 7 years.

Just had mine done at Toyota the cost was 3,467 bt, labour vat and parts belt and tensioner wheel.

What other places charge Buddha only knows, but at Toyota you get a guarantee. So at least your set for the next 7 years.


In the book it just recommends 150th. But if you speak to Toyota BKK they say 150th km or 7 years.

Just had mine done at Toyota the cost was 3,467 bt, labour vat and parts belt and tensioner wheel.

What other places charge Buddha only knows, but at Toyota you get a guarantee. So at least your set for the next 7 years.

That helps to settle the Cheap side of my nature, so I will probably go to Toyota and ask for an Estimate and proceed from there... Of course I am sure that they will want to add on all of the "Required" services that I have had done at outside shops since my last visit to the Dealership... So some discussions may be involved prior to getting them to proceed...

Thanks to all for the Feed Back...



If you don't do the kms isn't there also a time factor for when timing belts (not chains) should be replaced ? Every 5 years ?


If you don't do the kms isn't there also a time factor for when timing belts (not chains) should be replaced ? Every 5 years ?

Just double checked the handbook, 150,000km, no mention of age, just mentions the 'belt' dash warning light. But suppose it would be good insurance to change it. My ride is near 9 years old at a 106,000km, perhaps l might change it..tongue.png

Like you having read the book bit on 150th I thought that's crazy, that would make my Spivo well over 12/3 years before it was changed at the present K/M I do. 7 years now and still less that 90th

Knowing that a belt would be well past it's sell by date by then, I phoned Toyota BKK head office spoke to their engineer/technician and he said that I was correct and they had missed off the 7 years bit. Conclusion never believe what you read in Thailand if it's been translated.

N/B it only takes Toyota less then 20 minutes to do the job from start to finish. I was in and out (pre booked) in under 30 Min: had to wait to pay. Bloody sight longer if I had waited for the free valet they do.

Edit for C/Mai there's your answer it's 7 years on a Toyota not Chain, rubber belt.


I asked in B-quik today, was having some oils changed, guy said about 6,000bht, well l just laugh.png ....

my australian citroen dealer charges me A$ 110 for a 'car protection kit' at every service. that's a cardboard floor cover and a shopping bag like plastic cover over my leather driver's seat. that's it! at current exchange rates that thb4400.

if your v8 would have two timing belts - it probably doesn't as it is still side valve wink.png , the replacement of the timing belts in australia would cost you around A$4500.

if they broke, one usually takes out the other as they originate on the same pulley, the replacement or repair of your 2 cylinder heads would cost you A$ 10000.

so, compared to that, anything you would pay here in thailand is a pittance.


I asked in B-quik today, was having some oils changed, guy said about 6,000bht, well l just laugh.png ....

my australian citroen dealer charges me A$ 110 for a 'car protection kit' at every service. that's a cardboard floor cover and a shopping bag like plastic cover over my leather driver's seat. that's it! at current exchange rates that thb4400.

if your v8 would have two timing belts - it probably doesn't as it is still side valve wink.png , the replacement of the timing belts in australia would cost you around A$4500.

if they broke, one usually takes out the other as they originate on the same pulley, the replacement or repair of your 2 cylinder heads would cost you A$ 10000.

so, compared to that, anything you would pay here in thailand is a pittance.

But I ain't in Aus, I am in LOS..........rolleyes.gif

i - sort off - know you are, but... does that really make a difference? the point of my contribution was that here in thailand you are getting something for peanuts that you would pay diamonds for somewhere else.

i am sorry if my limited english language skills did not manage to portrait this correctly.


Since I started this thread, I thought that I should post my findings and conclusion... Toyota dealership quoted between 6,000 & 8,000 baht depending on what they find once they are into the engine, but said that it could be completed in 2 to 3 hours....

I am taking the truck into a very Trusted Independent shop here in Kalasin this morning to have it completed... They quoted 1,800 baht, completing in 2 hours, and includes both the Belt & Tension-er plus resetting the computer to show next "Dash Warning" at 250,000 km...

Thanks all for the information and input...



Since I started this thread, I thought that I should post my findings and conclusion... Toyota dealership quoted between 6,000 & 8,000 baht depending on what they find once they are into the engine, but said that it could be completed in 2 to 3 hours....

I am taking the truck into a very Trusted Independent shop here in Kalasin this morning to have it completed... They quoted 1,800 baht, completing in 2 hours, and includes both the Belt & Tension-er plus resetting the computer to show next "Dash Warning" at 250,000 km...

Thanks all for the information and input...


Make sure it is a "genuine" Toyota part...

Continental belt will be just fine


Since I started this thread, I thought that I should post my findings and conclusion... Toyota dealership quoted between 6,000 & 8,000 baht depending on what they find once they are into the engine, but said that it could be completed in 2 to 3 hours....

I am taking the truck into a very Trusted Independent shop here in Kalasin this morning to have it completed... They quoted 1,800 baht, completing in 2 hours, and includes both the Belt & Tension-er plus resetting the computer to show next "Dash Warning" at 250,000 km...

Thanks all for the information and input...


Your Toyota dealership is taking the Pee. Depending on what they find??? there's nothing to find once they take the belt cover off it's just the belt and tensioner. Then there's the 2/3 hours. As I said it takes 20 minutes from start to finish.

If you or anyone has a problem with any Toyota service station complain to head office that's what I do, you'll be surprised what goodies you'll get from the local peeps once you have a moan.

Last time I had a go via the internet about having to wait to long for a service due to the service peeps buggering about on their phones playing games, the local garage came round and gave me a Toyota mobile Phone charger + lots of other little bit's. They also sacked half their staff service now is second to none.

Toyota Head office in BKK phone No: is 02386 1000 and they do speak good English.


Since I started this thread, I thought that I should post my findings and conclusion... Toyota dealership quoted between 6,000 & 8,000 baht depending on what they find once they are into the engine, but said that it could be completed in 2 to 3 hours....

I am taking the truck into a very Trusted Independent shop here in Kalasin this morning to have it completed... They quoted 1,800 baht, completing in 2 hours, and includes both the Belt & Tension-er plus resetting the computer to show next "Dash Warning" at 250,000 km...

Thanks all for the information and input...


Your Toyota dealership is taking the Pee. Depending on what they find??? there's nothing to find once they take the belt cover off it's just the belt and tensioner. Then there's the 2/3 hours. As I said it takes 20 minutes from start to finish.

If you or anyone has a problem with any Toyota service station complain to head office that's what I do, you'll be surprised what goodies you'll get from the local peeps once you have a moan.

Last time I had a go via the internet about having to wait to long for a service due to the service peeps buggering about on their phones playing games, the local garage came round and gave me a Toyota mobile Phone charger + lots of other little bit's. They also sacked half their staff service now is second to none.

Toyota Head office in BKK phone No: is 02386 1000 and they do speak good English.

His House is now under 24 Hr Police Protection...gigglem.gif


I have seen that before and after watching Toyota do it this is a long winded way round. They suggest that you remove the fan not necessary.

What Toyota do is remove the belt cover turn the engine to line up top timing mark, put a pin in the tensioner wheel, remove the belt, remove tensioner wheel replace both, they check the timing on the lower wheel by turning on the camera light on their phone and take a snap just to make sure that it hasn't moved replace cover, 20 minutes done. Now look at the performance this video tells you to do, and all to save peanuts.


Ive never found getting half the Staff sacked as something to boast about,but then i speak Thai and dont blame them for not understanding a rambling Alien.biggrin.png

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