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Even though we voted for it, a Brexit won't happen in the end. Here's why


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Yeah, and all you experts have spent your lives learning about politics. A cobbler knows a lot about making shoes, he knows FA about politics. That's why we elect people. If you still don't get it - some people

We elect people, not specialists. The specialists are those that are hired separately at a cost of £ many millions a year.

I take it you are a cobbler.

Edited by SgtRock
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Money folk care about money, folk on the street care about what is happening on their street...

As for Branson, look at his early history....

and if all else fails tranny, you can apply to come to Australia and work for for me, but you'll be starting as a lackey & workin ur way up from there.

You can start with polishing the pipes On the Cessna ;)

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spend their lives learning about Sovereignty and other such issues. That's why we trust them. I wouldn't trust them to make a pair of sboes though. Just as I wouldn't trust the cobbler with my country's fate.

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Money folk care about money, folk on the street care about what is happening on their street...

As for Branson, look at his early history....

But whether it's Branson or anyone else in a similar position, he/they are the people who create jobs so that the people on the street have work, income, careers. Poorer people especially don't like wealth creators because they are usually very wealthy, but what they forget is that without them they wouldn't have work or income.

I've read his bio.

By the way, I see the Chinese are now buying up London because the value of the Pound has fallen, London already has very few native Brits in residence any more as a result of foreign property ownership, are you OK that the trend continues and even more property goes to foreigners because that's what's happening on a lot of streets and Brexit made that problem a whole lot worse.

So, what's wrong with the Chinese buying up London? Don't tell me you're a xenophone / rascist?

China is not part of the EU. How did they manage to get access to the single market to buy properties within the EU? Hmm.......

And if the Chinese smell a deal (ie buying up properties now), what does that tell you about their longer term sentiments about the property market in the UK?

Maybe the reason that China can buy properties in the UK is because the corrupt despotic overlords at the EU have no power to stop the UK from letting the . Nor does have any power over other nations as well. The question is not whether China has been buying UK property but will it be buying in the future and how much will it be paying. You might want to read this: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-eu-property-china-idUSKCN0Z02TZ

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Money folk care about money, folk on the street care about what is happening on their street...

As for Branson, look at his early history....

But whether it's Branson or anyone else in a similar position, he/they are the people who create jobs so that the people on the street have work, income, careers. Poorer people especially don't like wealth creators because they are usually very wealthy, but what they forget is that without them they wouldn't have work or income.

I've read his bio.

By the way, I see the Chinese are now buying up London because the value of the Pound has fallen, London already has very few native Brits in residence any more as a result of foreign property ownership, are you OK that the trend continues and even more property goes to foreigners because that's what's happening on a lot of streets and Brexit made that problem a whole lot worse.

So, what's wrong with the Chinese buying up London? Don't tell me you're a xenophone / rascist?

China is not part of the EU. How did they manage to get access to the single market to buy properties within the EU? Hmm.......

And if the Chinese smell a deal (ie buying up properties now), what does that tell you about their longer term sentiments about the property market in the UK?

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Money folk care about money, folk on the street care about what is happening on their street...

As for Branson, look at his early history....

But whether it's Branson or anyone else in a similar position, he/they are the people who create jobs so that the people on the street have work, income, careers. Poorer people especially don't like wealth creators because they are usually very wealthy, but what they forget is that without them they wouldn't have work or income.

I've read his bio.

By the way, I see the Chinese are now buying up London because the value of the Pound has fallen, London already has very few native Brits in residence any more as a result of foreign property ownership, are you OK that the trend continues and even more property goes to foreigners because that's what's happening on a lot of streets and Brexit made that problem a whole lot worse.

So, what's wrong with the Chinese buying up London? Don't tell me you're a xenophone / rascist?

China is not part of the EU. How did they manage to get access to the single market to buy properties within the EU? Hmm.......

And if the Chinese smell a deal (ie buying up properties now), what does that tell you about their longer term sentiments about the property market in the UK?

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Money folk care about money, folk on the street care about what is happening on their street...

As for Branson, look at his early history....

But whether it's Branson or anyone else in a similar position, he/they are the people who create jobs so that the people on the street have work, income, careers. Poorer people especially don't like wealth creators because they are usually very wealthy, but what they forget is that without them they wouldn't have work or income.

I've read his bio.

By the way, I see the Chinese are now buying up London because the value of the Pound has fallen, London already has very few native Brits in residence any more as a result of foreign property ownership, are you OK that the trend continues and even more property goes to foreigners because that's what's happening on a lot of streets and Brexit made that problem a whole lot worse.

So, what's wrong with the Chinese buying up London? Don't tell me you're a xenophone / rascist?

China is not part of the EU. How did they manage to get access to the single market to buy properties within the EU? Hmm.......

And if the Chinese smell a deal (ie buying up properties now), what does that tell you about their longer term sentiments about the property market in the UK?

"So, what's wrong with the Chinese buying up London? ".

Personally I have nothing against the Chinese, my wife is a Chinese/Thai hiso and I think they're great people.

But a gentlemen poster was complaining earlier about what's happening on the street in the UK, in London those streets used to house Brits, then Europeans, then various nationalities in different areas, then Russians and now Chinese. Friends tell me, and this confirmed by the media, that the price of property in London is now such that many wealthy foreigners can't afford to live there, many are now scouting and buying into the larger more desirable cities of the UK. As for the native Brits, well, they've been forced to rent in an increasing number of cases, especially the young as they are priced out of the market.

It seems to me that whilst we're making the UK attractive to foreign purchasers of everything in the country, especially the housing stock (not sold to wealth creators) , we don't care about the availability and affordability of housing for our own citizens. So it seems distinctly odd, if not totally bizarre, to complain about how the high cost of Eu membership and the negative effects of UK immigration whilst at the same time we're selling the country in parts to any foreigner who wants to buy it, a process that was just accelerated by the Brexit vote.

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My understanding is that a lot of people voted to leave based on xenophobia and racism. So the day after their "victory" they realized the Poles and the Muslims, etc. aren't going anywhere. Oops!

A lot actually voted leave because they thought it was just a protest vote. "Oh I didn't think my vote would count". We are talking of people raised on big brother. The idle generation are moaning now as they were too busy looking at their smart phones. Here's one for you. German President Joachim Gauck 26th June on ARD. "The elites are not the problem, the peoples are". A German friend describes him as a very nasty man.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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My understanding is that a lot of people voted to leave based on xenophobia and racism. So the day after their "victory" they realized the Poles and the Muslims, etc. aren't going anywhere. Oops!

A lot actually voted leave because they thought it was just a protest vote. "Oh I didn't think my vote would count". We are talking of people raised on big brother. The idle generation are moaning now as they were too busy looking at their smart phones. Here's one for you. German President Joachim Gauck 26th June on ARD. "The elites are not the problem, the peoples are". A German friend describes him as a very nasty man.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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spend their lives learning about Sovereignty and other such issues. That's why we trust them. I wouldn't trust them to make a pair of sboes though. Just as I wouldn't trust the cobbler with my country's fate.

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My understanding is that a lot of people voted to leave based on xenophobia and racism. So the day after their "victory" they realized the Poles and the Muslims, etc. aren't going anywhere. Oops


A lot actually voted leave because they thought it was just a protest vote. "Oh I didn't think my vote would count". We are talking of people raised on big brother. The idle generation are moaning now as they were too busy looking at their smart phones. Here's one for you. German President Joachim Gauck 26th June on ARD. "The elites are not the problem, the peoples are". A German friend describes him as a very nasty man.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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My understanding is that a lot of people voted to leave based on xenophobia and racism. So the day after their "victory" they realized the Poles and the Muslims, etc. aren't going anywhere. Oops!

What's "a lot"?

Do you guys not understand that this represents opinion, asking for numbers or clarification of what is, "a lot" is banal, what is your problem!

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And what happens if the British don't take any parliamentary action at all but just stop sending any money to Brussels and start ignoring EU regulations and laws?

Belgium invades, supported by Luxembourg.

Mind you France will ask for an armistice after the first week.


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Was reading an interesting stock market commentary from the U.S. the other day...

It suggested, in the wake of Brexit, that the English-speaking western countries form their own trade/employment etc zone, encompassing U.S., Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

Interesting idea, IMHO.

Because automobiles manufactured by English speaking people will be easier to use? Will run faster? Use less fuel? What rational economic basis is there for this?

Cheaper possibly. UK is very competitive. The exchange rate is low. UK free from EU trading regulations. Needs more validation I agree.

Do you actually think a non-Eu Britain will be able to trade with Eu countries without "EU trading regulations"?? Dream on.

The issue is not about EU trading regulations regarding products. Of course all rules must be met as they are now, eg, a size 1 egg must be such and such a size.

Yes, UK does not need a trade deal to go on trading with EU.

But I was talking about UK trading with Non EU countries, that was the subject.

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My understanding is that a lot of people voted to leave based on xenophobia and racism. So the day after their "victory" they realized the Poles and the Muslims, etc. aren't going anywhere. Oops!

What's "a lot"?

Do you guys not understand that this represents opinion, asking for numbers or clarification of what is, "a lot" is banal, what is your problem!

A lot = many, much.

Most English speakers would understand what is meant by the time they are 6 say.

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My understanding is that a lot of people voted to leave based on xenophobia and racism. So the day after their "victory" they realized the Poles and the Muslims, etc. aren't going anywhere. Oops!

As a non Brit you understand...........rolleyes.gif

However a Brit, you seem still not to understand. tongue.png

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My understanding is that a lot of people voted to leave based on xenophobia and racism. So the day after their "victory" they realized the Poles and the Muslims, etc. aren't going anywhere. Oops!

As a non Brit you understand...........rolleyes.gif

However a Brit, you seem still not to understand. tongue.png

People voted for a few reasons reasons, but nobody can quote figures because there are none: a protest vote against establishment: a vote against immigration, wanted to leave EU because don't want political integration, just want an independent country.

It seems there was a big vote from ordinary working class people whose main fear was immigration.

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My understanding is that a lot of people voted to leave based on xenophobia and racism. So the day after their "victory" they realized the Poles and the Muslims, etc. aren't going anywhere. Oops!

As a non Brit you understand...........rolleyes.gif

However a Brit, you seem still not to understand. tongue.png

People voted for a few reasons reasons, but nobody can quote figures because there are none: a protest vote against establishment: a vote against immigration, wanted to leave EU because don't want political integration, just want an independent country.

It seems there was a big vote from ordinary working class people whose main fear was immigration.

Exactly that, and now many are regretting their decision.

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I voted out. Nothing to do with race or colour. Its to do with the new 'federation' being unelected, non accountable, and dictatorial. What right does the EU to tell sovereign nations what to do and then threaten them of they don't comply. Democratic? Absolutely no way. I don't think for one moment this is the end, more will leave pretty quickly. Funny how Germany has already jumped on for a trade agreement as has the USA , India , with Australia looking for options.....and only one week later! Shouldn't be called Brexit anymore maybe Fixit would be better.

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I voted out. Nothing to do with race or colour. Its to do with the new 'federation' being unelected, non accountable, and dictatorial. What right does the EU to tell sovereign nations what to do and then threaten them of they don't comply. Democratic?

So you didn't vote in the European Parliament election(2014) ?

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I voted out. Nothing to do with race or colour. Its to do with the new 'federation' being unelected, non accountable, and dictatorial. What right does the EU to tell sovereign nations what to do and then threaten them of they don't comply. Democratic?

So you didn't vote in the European Parliament election(2014) ?

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I voted out. Nothing to do with race or colour. Its to do with the new 'federation' being unelected, non accountable, and dictatorial. What right does the EU to tell sovereign nations what to do and then threaten them of they don't comply. Democratic?

So you didn't vote in the European Parliament election(2014) ?

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Exactly that, and now many are regretting their decision.

I imagine rather a lot. Already on tv, there has been reports of regret filled voters who say they didn't know it would have this effect. But nobody knows how many, and it has to be remembered that all elections have their share of idiotic votes.

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I voted out. Nothing to do with race or colour. Its to do with the new 'federation' being unelected, non accountable, and dictatorial. What right does the EU to tell sovereign nations what to do and then threaten them of they don't comply. Democratic?

So you didn't vote in the European Parliament election(2014) ?

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