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Nicola Sturgeon gets ‘sympathetic’ reception in Brussels over Brexit


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The UK will not allow another Scottish referendum at this point. It is wholly inappropriate and not in anyones interests, including Scotland. First, the UK as a whole (which by the way comprises of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) need to knuckle down and get on with the job of planning the exit strategy and trade deals required that are in the best interests of all nations within the UK.

If someday down the road after this Scotland wants a referendum then I can see it being more likely.

That is both arrogant and stupid.

We the English majority know whats best for you and this is not in your interest. What you are really saying is it is not in "our" interest and we will decide for you stupid Scots because you don't know what is best for you.

We think that you (even though your polling separate right now) are better off going through TWO potentially painful economic restructuring projects instead of just ONE painful restructuring project. That is completely moronic. If Scotland is going to leave, then it is in everyones interest to only go through a pain full restructuring ONCE.

What you are actually saying - is yes, we the English completely deceived you and the original decision was based on a deception of what the situation is in the end. And yes, you may want to leave but we the master race have decided it is not in your interest and although we say we will allow you to decide democratically instead of fraudulently... that day will never come because it is not in our interest.

If I were a Scot I would basically tell the UK -- you do not have our interests at heart -- and even if I thought the right decision was to stay I would vote go ...

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I'm a lifetime independence supporter, I am not an SNP member and I never will be.

Nicola Sturgeon made an ass of it last week. She couldn't wait to get in front of the cameras and blurt out her "Independence referendum likely," line. She overplayed her hand, mistimed it, and now she's embarrassing herself.

She's looking like the Spitting Image puppet, David Owen/David Steel, for those of you that remember. Juncker may as well run his hand through her hair and say "there, there, dearie - we know it was a big Tory boy that did it and ran away - you just go to bed now."

What she should have done was waited till at least Saturday and allowed the internal warfare of both the Tory party and Labour Party free reign to start. Then said -

"Scotland voted in the UK - in the EU. Part of the argument of the LEAVE campaign was to return sovereignty to Parliament. The SNP will never support any Brexit legislation, and we call upon MP's of other parties to stand with us and block this non-binding vote."

Full stop.

She would have been lauded as a heroine by the REMAIN supporters - and when, only when, she ( likely ) lost that dirty war, she could then say. "The SNP tried it's best to enact the IN UK, IN EU vote of 2014. Now that we no longer have that option, we are going back to the Scottish electorate to ask their opinion now on independence."

That's the difference between a Statesperson and an opportunist politician. Timing, always timing.

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I do not believe at all that Scotland were deceived in any way, the definition of deception is to intentionally mislead. I guess your statement says it all when you say Scotland is angry with the UK, Scotland is "part" of the UK! Is it angry with itself? Or is this just another example of how Scottish politicians refuse to actually behave like a member of the UK and continue with this ridiculous anti English nonsense.

It seems Scottish politicians spend more time slagging off the UK, (or more specifically England) then actually behaving like a member of the United Kingdom. The Scottish people voted to stay in the UK so Scotland should now be supporting the democratic decision to leave the EU (even if some disagree, thats democracy) and start putting energy into playing its part in shaping the deals that need to happen for the benefit of the UK (of which it belongs). I also believe that 38% of the Scottish people did vote to leave the EU, ok not a majority but still a sizeable amount of people. I wonder what Nicola Sturgeon would have said and done had 51% of Scots voted to leave? Would she still be running to Brussels or would she actually play her part in influencing the trade deals that now need to be done. i suspect she would still be in Brussels claiming that the Scottish were deceived,,, pathetic.

This move by Nicola Sturgeon does nothing for Scotalnd, the UK or the EU, she has achieved absolutely nothing, zero, zilch. All she may have done is potentially alienate Scotland from the UK (of which the Scottish people voted to be a member). To me she looks like a woman with her own agenda and screw what is best for the Scottish people and indeed the UK as a whole.

So, time to stop bickering, stop playing "we hate the English" and grow up. It's time for the UK to work as a whole in creating the best EU trading deal for the UK people that's, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Please point to any example at all which would back up your claim that "Scottish politicians spend more time slagging off the UK, (or more specifically England) then actually behaving like a member of the United Kingdom."

Please demonstrate how the SNP play "we hate the English".

I will contest that both those statements are total and utter nonsense. If you look through various Scottish Independence threads on TV at the moment, there are several people who, like you, band these types of statements around as if they are verifiable fact, but not one has, when asked to back them up with evidence, been able to do so. All you have written above is fanatasy, paranoia and lies.

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I'm a lifetime independence supporter, I am not an SNP member and I never will be.

Nicola Sturgeon made an ass of it last week. She couldn't wait to get in front of the cameras and blurt out her "Independence referendum likely," line. She overplayed her hand, mistimed it, and now she's embarrassing herself.

She's looking like the Spitting Image puppet, David Owen/David Steel, for those of you that remember. Juncker may as well run his hand through her hair and say "there, there, dearie - we know it was a big Tory boy that did it and ran away - you just go to bed now."

What she should have done was waited till at least Saturday and allowed the internal warfare of both the Tory party and Labour Party free reign to start. Then said -

"Scotland voted in the UK - in the EU. Part of the argument of the LEAVE campaign was to return sovereignty to Parliament. The SNP will never support any Brexit legislation, and we call upon MP's of other parties to stand with us and block this non-binding vote."

Full stop.

She would have been lauded as a heroine by the REMAIN supporters - and when, only when, she ( likely ) lost that dirty war, she could then say. "The SNP tried it's best to enact the IN UK, IN EU vote of 2014. Now that we no longer have that option, we are going back to the Scottish electorate to ask their opinion now on independence."

That's the difference between a Statesperson and an opportunist politician. Timing, always timing.

I was an SNP member in the 90s but have not contributed to them in many years.

I disagree that she looked opportunistic; quite the opposite, in fact. While the UK government and the opposition have gone into melt down, she has shown leadership and determination; our supposed leaders are fighting like weasels in a sack or sitting dumbfounded, not sure which way to turn, and she is taking positive, concrete steps aimed at securing our country's long term future in the face of it being forced to go in a direction it clearly doesn't want to go. She could have sat on her hands and waited for Westminster to recover, but she chose to take control.

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I actually think coming out the day after the referendum and reassuring Scottish voters that you will do everything in your power to protect their rights was correct.

She should have indicated that as of this moment, nothing has changed but upon invoking article 50 and in the event that the UK government is not protecting the will of the Scottish voters -- that at that point everything changes.

All the rest - contacting EU having unofficial talks, gaging reactions - that should really have been done rather privately. But we are getting down to the weeds in the grass at that level of nitpicking......

One mans statesman is the others grandstander....

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Back in the day she and the other lot of usurpers would be hung, drawn and quartered for Treason, they are part of the UK and the public have voted to leave, end of.

I loved Farage's speech in the EEC; you all laughed at me, well your not laughing now are you! clap2.gif

And the Scots, two years ago the Scottish Nationalist were touting that they would live of the oil revenue and cure all evils... Good job they lost that vote also then isn't it, they would have been in dire straights right now. The SNP are a pack of jokers and have less of a clue than some of the idiots down in Westminster.

Truth is people on the streets were fed up of Europe but the media seem slanted still towards the remain side of things... Ah well

For me Farage is a d*ck and UKIP is peppered with racist idiots, so it didn't matter what he said. He was just the noise on the right spouting his hatred.

The real issue is all about the EU failing and the gradual erosion of democracy and the UK losing effectiveness at managing its own affairs.

Simple as that.

Now the UK has to unite, the idiot Scottish politicians looking for any opportunity to attack the English (not the UK as a whole mind) need to shut up and actually become part of the leave process.

I disagree with your last paragraph. The Scots get it and voted 65% to remain. They're social democrats basically and hate Westminster. Why would they support the English seething masses in their bid to leave the civilised continent?

Because they voted to remain part of the UK (This is not just the "seething English masses) and the democratic process is that the majority for the UK wins. Why don't you understand that?

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Back in the day she and the other lot of usurpers would be hung, drawn and quartered for Treason, they are part of the UK and the public have voted to leave, end of.

I loved Farage's speech in the EEC; you all laughed at me, well your not laughing now are you! clap2.gif

And the Scots, two years ago the Scottish Nationalist were touting that they would live of the oil revenue and cure all evils... Good job they lost that vote also then isn't it, they would have been in dire straights right now. The SNP are a pack of jokers and have less of a clue than some of the idiots down in Westminster.

Truth is people on the streets were fed up of Europe but the media seem slanted still towards the remain side of things... Ah well

For me Farage is a d*ck and UKIP is peppered with racist idiots, so it didn't matter what he said. He was just the noise on the right spouting his hatred.

The real issue is all about the EU failing and the gradual erosion of democracy and the UK losing effectiveness at managing its own affairs.

Simple as that.

Now the UK has to unite, the idiot Scottish politicians looking for any opportunity to attack the English (not the UK as a whole mind) need to shut up and actually become part of the leave process.

I disagree with your last paragraph. The Scots get it and voted 65% to remain. They're social democrats basically and hate Westminster. Why would they support the English seething masses in their bid to leave the civilised continent?

Because they voted to remain part of the UK (This is not just the "seething English masses) and the democratic process is that the majority for the UK wins. Why don't you understand that?

Its up to the Scots whether they decide to change their mind.

Meanwhile its been made clear that Sturgeon has no intention of calling another vote unless she's sure that vote will win.

So far she doesn't think she will win, and has refrained.

Perhaps the Brit. govt. invoking article 50 will change things. We can only wait and see.

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Back in the day she and the other lot of usurpers would be hung, drawn and quartered for Treason, they are part of the UK and the public have voted to leave, end of.

I loved Farage's speech in the EEC; you all laughed at me, well your not laughing now are you! clap2.gif

And the Scots, two years ago the Scottish Nationalist were touting that they would live of the oil revenue and cure all evils... Good job they lost that vote also then isn't it, they would have been in dire straights right now. The SNP are a pack of jokers and have less of a clue than some of the idiots down in Westminster.

Truth is people on the streets were fed up of Europe but the media seem slanted still towards the remain side of things... Ah well

For me Farage is a d*ck and UKIP is peppered with racist idiots, so it didn't matter what he said. He was just the noise on the right spouting his hatred.

The real issue is all about the EU failing and the gradual erosion of democracy and the UK losing effectiveness at managing its own affairs.

Simple as that.

Now the UK has to unite, the idiot Scottish politicians looking for any opportunity to attack the English (not the UK as a whole mind) need to shut up and actually become part of the leave process.

I disagree with your last paragraph. The Scots get it and voted 65% to remain. They're social democrats basically and hate Westminster. Why would they support the English seething masses in their bid to leave the civilised continent?

Because they voted to remain part of the UK (This is not just the "seething English masses) and the democratic process is that the majority for the UK wins. Why don't you understand that?

It is an easy thing for me to explain but I accept that it is possibly a difficult thing for others to conceive - we are same, same but different. For many Scots like myself, the UK is a political arrangement and not much more (of course, that is not a universally held notion); Scotland is our country and we seek what is best for it first and foremost. If England wants to head in a direction that we don't care for, then let them go but we see no reason why we should be dragged along too.

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