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Ubon Hash House Harriers - July 'Run' - Saturday 9th July - 4:00pm

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The next Ubon Hash ‘run’ will be on Saturday 9th July around Baan Tung Nong, which is about 3km west of Ubon City Hall on the Yasothon Road (Chaengsanit Road). The run starts at 4:00pm. Typical Ubon rural countryside with quite a bit of tree cover, useful if the sun ever returns! Usual format – beer stop on the run and hash circle after the run.

Meet at the run site, Wat Tung Nong Chang, which is marked on the map in the photo below or there will be a pick-up at N-Joy bar in Ubon town (see attachment). For pick-up be at N-Joy, be there at 3:30pm sharp.

Directions if driving to the run site. From the junction of Chaengsanit (Yasothon) Road [HW 23] and Ubon Ring Road North [HW 231], head 3.6km northwestwards towards Yasothon. At that point you will pass under a ceremonial gateway (City Hall to your right). The road then trends right and after 1 km from the gateway you will pass a large frontage watsadu-like builder's merchant building with a long aluminium-coloured high metal roof. There is a small side road turning left at the end of this building, do not turn there but proceed for another 200 metres and turn left into a more substantial side road.

Proceed straight south westwards along that road for 1.9 km until you come to a T-junction. Wat Tung Nong Chang is opposite that junction – park up alongside it.

Any questions, or to make sure you do not get left behind at N-Joy or the run site respond to this posting by ThaiVisa Personal Message.


"Flash Git" (GM and hare for this run)

Hashing is social running and there have been hash clubs all over the world since its 1930s origins in Kuala Lumpur. The running bit is not taken seriously and beer is drunk to oil the social side. Ubon Hash, in line with the Ubon environment is laid back and only a few experienced hashers and wanabee enthusiasts put in a few spurts of running (sometimes!). The rest walk.

A trail is laid, typically in white powder like flower/chalk and the pack has to find the trail, which keeps the front runners busy while the walkers catch up. After the run the beer ice-boxes are opened and the socialising begins. We usually go back for some more beer and maybe some food around town in the early evening, and some more beer later in the evening, but that is entirely optional on your part!

Don't be a 'stay-at-home' - get out there with us and discover the sides of Ubon you would not normally uncover. It's dead cheap (100B) for your first run and inexpensive (250B) thereafter; even cheaper for Thais and under-17's - and that includes free beer after, and often during, the run

Details of runs are occasionally posted on Thai Visa Isaan forum. More comprehensive coverage and advance warning of all events can be found on www.facebook.com/ubonhash (for those with a facebook registration). Otherwise PM me on ThaiVisa to be placed on the e-mail circulation list.


Location of N-Joy Bar_Cafe Ubon.doc


I hope to be there too.............

If I bring a couple of Lao dark beers along will that help ?

Definately, but Aussie Mike is coming and staying with me, so just want to check his schedule first.........burp.gif


Was a member of my local Hash House Harriers back in the states. Will definitely try and make it to this.

Must have been an RA with a ThaiV handle like that!


I hope to be there too.............

If I bring a couple of Lao dark beers along will that help ?

Definately, but Aussie Mike is coming and staying with me, so just want to check his schedule first.........burp.gif

Can't resist the dark Beer Lao, so I'll be there!


I hope to be there too.............

If I bring a couple of Lao dark beers along will that help ?

Definately, but Aussie Mike is coming and staying with me, so just want to check his schedule first.........burp.gif

Can't resist the dark Beer Lao, so I'll be there!

Good !...... Will Mike be coming also ?


He said yes on our facebook page a couple of weeks ago.


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