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BKK to London

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So I'm leaving to London for a week and would like to know what's the best way to bring money there? Should I withdraw money from here (I'm using Australia Banking, ANZ to be precised) being charged 200baht amd convert it here to £ or withdrawing in London and being charged whatever amount there? Never been there. My first euro trip. #brexit

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if you are near any of the very few BANK OF CHINA ATM's in the country (google for it, in Bangkok there is one at MegaBangna, Ratchada and Sathorn), you can withdraw without any fee, but you need to use a MasterCard for that (no Visa or debit card), and it seems they do not accept all Banks. Out of three MasterCards me and a friend are using, two were accepted and one (repeatedly) not.

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Most UK machines don't charge anything. There are some non-bank owned machines that do but they are far fewer than bank owned machines. So the only charges you should face are from your own bank.

There did seem to be a few more of the charging variety around on my last visit, but it is well marked and they have to inform you before any withdrawal.
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No bank ATM charges for cash withdrawals. Only standalone privately owned ATMs. You'll likely not encounter them. Watch out for DCC. Never accept a currency conversion.

Edited by Jiu-Jitsu
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No bank ATM charges for cash withdrawals. Only standalone privately owned ATMs. You'll likely not encounter them. Watch out for DCC. Never accept a currency conversion.

Read my earlier post, they are becoming more common especially in public areas, hotel lobbies, motorway service stations, railway stations...........
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