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Applying for baby's British passport / citizenship

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I'm hoping I can get some help from any one please.

My baby will be born in about 4 weeks to a Thai girl I'm from the UK, I just want some info on applying for British citizen ship and British passport for him, what documents we require etc etc, also the procedure for registering his birth at the amphur.

I've seen some posts on here saying that you need to bring your blue house book with you when doing this, but we only rent at the moment so don't have a blue book and can this be done at the local amphur where we are staying now and not in her home town or province?

Can anyone shed any light on this and any of the above please.

And how long should we expect to wait from applying for the passport / citizenship?

And can this can all be done online?

Also how long should we wait for until applying, is there a age limit?

Any help would be great.

Thanks in advance


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You should ask the questions about the birth registration in this forum: Family and children You may also find some answers there without doing a topic.

You will have to apply for your child's UK passport in person at the Trendy building in Bangkok. Go through the steps here to get the info you need. https://www.gov.uk/overseas-passports

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When our son was born, the hospital did everything for us in order to get his Thai birth certificate issued. All I had to do was go to the Town Hall to pick it up.

There is no need to register the birth in the UK or apply for British citizenship. You can just apply for a passport, as per the link provided by Ubonjoe.

It took about 3 weeks for my son's UK passport to be issued.

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When our son was born, the hospital did everything for us in order to get his Thai birth certificate issued. All I had to do was go to the Town Hall to pick it up.

There is no need to register the birth in the UK or apply for British citizenship. You can just apply for a passport, as per the link provided by Ubonjoe.

It took about 3 weeks for my son's UK passport to be issued.

Thanks for your reply brewsterbudgen, just a couple of questions if you dont mind.

After looking through the gov.uk website and reading through the forms i need to fill in, do i need to send this back to the UK or just apply at the BKK office for an appointment and bring all the required documents with me?

Is it correct i need to photocopy every page of my passport and bring with us originals and copies of girlfriends ID card and copy and both our birth certificates orignial and copies?

Also do you know if we can apply for a thia passport for the baby too?

thanks again

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Q: Do i need to send this back to the UK or just apply at the BKK office for an appointment and bring all the required documents with me?

A: You make an appointment at Trendy on Sukhumvit 13 and submit application there.

Q: Is it correct i need to photocopy every page of my passport and bring with us

A: Yes. In colour.

Q: And originals and copies of girlfriends ID card and copy and both our birth certificates orignial and copies?

A: Yes. You will also need other documents and translations. Use the family forum for more help with this.

Q: Also do you know if we can apply for a thai passport for the baby too?

A: Yes you can. If you are going to travel then you should. Getting a Thai passport is much easier. More help can be found in the family forum.

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Q: Do i need to send this back to the UK or just apply at the BKK office for an appointment and bring all the required documents with me?

A: You make an appointment at Trendy on Sukhumvit 13 and submit application there.

Q: Is it correct i need to photocopy every page of my passport and bring with us

A: Yes. In colour.

Q: And originals and copies of girlfriends ID card and copy and both our birth certificates orignial and copies?

A: Yes. You will also need other documents and translations. Use the family forum for more help with this.

Q: Also do you know if we can apply for a thai passport for the baby too?

A: Yes you can. If you are going to travel then you should. Getting a Thai passport is much easier. More help can be found in the family forum.

thanks for your reply black cab.

i dont suppose you know anything about the counter signature section section when applying for the baby's passport?

How do we go about that process?

it states it should be preferably a british national and a professional person, this might be a bit difficult.

any ideas on this?


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Q: Do i need to send this back to the UK or just apply at the BKK office for an appointment and bring all the required documents with me?

A: You make an appointment at Trendy on Sukhumvit 13 and submit application there.

Q: Is it correct i need to photocopy every page of my passport and bring with us

A: Yes. In colour.

Q: And originals and copies of girlfriends ID card and copy and both our birth certificates orignial and copies?

A: Yes. You will also need other documents and translations. Use the family forum for more help with this.

Q: Also do you know if we can apply for a thai passport for the baby too?

A: Yes you can. If you are going to travel then you should. Getting a Thai passport is much easier. More help can be found in the family forum.

thanks for your reply black cab.

i dont suppose you know anything about the counter signature section section when applying for the baby's passport?

How do we go about that process?

it states it should be preferably a british national and a professional person, this might be a bit difficult.

any ideas on this?


Counter signatory can be almost any nationality, they prefer UK as it is easier to check (If they ever do) Australian, Canadian will be a good second choice, but you can have a Thai. Regarding the profession, basically as long as they seem to be employed and not a criminal and you can get them to supply a copy of their passport I think you will have no problem. I have applied for 3 UK passports since I have been here for myself and my son and they have accepted Australian retired teacher, and a Thai manager without any problems (They never even contacted them).

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Thanks again for your input blackcab.

Did you or your wife / girlfriend sign the passport application form when applying for the passports?

The reason i ask is i read somewhere possibly on here that it makes it easier if the thai wife / girlfriend signs the application?

What is your thouights on this?

And what other documets and paper work do we require to submit when applying? is my girlfriends parents marriage cerificate needed?



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Q: Do i need to send this back to the UK or just apply at the BKK office for an appointment and bring all the required documents with me?

A: You make an appointment at Trendy on Sukhumvit 13 and submit application there.

Q: Is it correct i need to photocopy every page of my passport and bring with us

A: Yes. In colour.

Q: And originals and copies of girlfriends ID card and copy and both our birth certificates orignial and copies?

A: Yes. You will also need other documents and translations. Use the family forum for more help with this.

Q: Also do you know if we can apply for a thai passport for the baby too?

A: Yes you can. If you are going to travel then you should. Getting a Thai passport is much easier. More help can be found in the family forum.

thanks for your reply black cab.

i dont suppose you know anything about the counter signature section section when applying for the baby's passport?

How do we go about that process?

it states it should be preferably a british national and a professional person, this might be a bit difficult.

any ideas on this?


Counter signatory can be almost any nationality, they prefer UK as it is easier to check (If they ever do) Australian, Canadian will be a good second choice, but you can have a Thai. Regarding the profession, basically as long as they seem to be employed and not a criminal and you can get them to supply a copy of their passport I think you will have no problem. I have applied for 3 UK passports since I have been here for myself and my son and they have accepted Australian retired teacher, and a Thai manager without any problems (They never even contacted them).

A Thai cannot countersign a UK passport application. The countersignatory must have known you for 2 years and have a current British, Irish or other EU, US or Commonwealth passport.

The countersignatory must also be from a recognised profession.

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Thanks again for your input blackcab.

Did you or your wife / girlfriend sign the passport application form when applying for the passports?

The reason i ask is i read somewhere possibly on here that it makes it easier if the thai wife / girlfriend signs the application?

What is your thouights on this?

And what other documets and paper work do we require to submit when applying? is my girlfriends parents marriage cerificate needed?



I applied for my son's passport. No problems at all.

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Couple of Pointers:

1) Make sure your name is on the Thai Birth Certificate as the father; get a good Thai translation of any English Names you want on the Thai Birth Certificate, otherwise you child will be 'blessed' for all eternity with a bad or incorrect spelling of their English names on any Thai Legal documents, as they all use the Birth Certificate spellings.

2) Don't waste time and money getting an overseas UK Registration of Birth, it's not required to get the UK Passport for your child, or to confer UK Citizenship..

3) Citizenship (albeit slightly qualified as 'By Decent) is automatic for a child born here of an 'Otherwise than Decent' UK Citizen (i.e. born in the UK/UK Territories); the UK passport is the only legal document your child will require to prove UK Citizenship.

4) As regards the Thai Passport, just put your child into the same 'Tabien Baan' (Blue Book) as the one where your partner is registered and it doesn't need to be where you are living.

5) Your name on the Thai Birth Certificate does not legally make you the Father of the child under Thai law, only marriage or a Court/Amphoe procedure will give you those rights.

Good luck with everything.

Thanks a lot for the info digitalchromakey.

What other documents do we require to submit apart from birth certs, passports , Thai ID?


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Q: Do i need to send this back to the UK or just apply at the BKK office for an appointment and bring all the required documents with me?

A: You make an appointment at Trendy on Sukhumvit 13 and submit application there.

Q: Is it correct i need to photocopy every page of my passport and bring with us

A: Yes. In colour.

Q: And originals and copies of girlfriends ID card and copy and both our birth certificates orignial and copies?

A: Yes. You will also need other documents and translations. Use the family forum for more help with this.

Q: Also do you know if we can apply for a thai passport for the baby too?

A: Yes you can. If you are going to travel then you should. Getting a Thai passport is much easier. More help can be found in the family forum.

thanks for your reply black cab.

i dont suppose you know anything about the counter signature section section when applying for the baby's passport?

How do we go about that process?

it states it should be preferably a british national and a professional person, this might be a bit difficult.

any ideas on this?


Counter signatory can be almost any nationality, they prefer UK as it is easier to check (If they ever do) Australian, Canadian will be a good second choice, but you can have a Thai. Regarding the profession, basically as long as they seem to be employed and not a criminal and you can get them to supply a copy of their passport I think you will have no problem. I have applied for 3 UK passports since I have been here for myself and my son and they have accepted Australian retired teacher, and a Thai manager without any problems (They never even contacted them).
A Thai cannot countersign a UK passport application. The countersignatory must have known you for 2 years and have a current British, Irish or other EU, US or Commonwealth passport.

The countersignatory must also be from a recognised profession.

Thanks again blackcab.

Would an English teacher I know be able to countersign the application form?

He's a legit teacher with work permit, proper visa etc and I've known him a good 5 years.



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Thanks again blackcab.

Would an English teacher I know be able to countersign the application form?

He's a legit teacher with work permit, proper visa etc and I've known him a good 5 years.



"English teacher". Do you mean a UK national that is employed to teach?

If so, then yes, they can countersign.

(I didn't know if you meant someone who teaches English and comes from Africa, The Philippines, etc - in which case the answer would be no).

Edited by blackcab
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Thanks again blackcab.

Would an English teacher I know be able to countersign the application form?

He's a legit teacher with work permit, proper visa etc and I've known him a good 5 years.



"English teacher". Do you mean a UK national that is employed to teach?

If so, then yes, they can countersign.

(I didn't know if you meant someone who teaches English and comes from Africa, The Philippines, etc - in which case the answer would be no).

Sorry I should have made that a little more clear, yes he is a UK citizen.

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The next two things to make sure are that your name is on the birth certificate and the child is entered in your partner's house book.

There is a time limit to get entered on the house book, which from memory is 15 days from birth. Your wife does not have to do this in person though.

When you go to the hospital, make sure you take mother's ID card and house book, and father's passport.

As has been mentioned, get your name properly translated into Thai as well. If you have problems with this then PM me your name as it appears in your passport and I'll get it done for you.

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The next two things to make sure are that your name is on the birth certificate and the child is entered in your partner's house book.

There is a time limit to get entered on the house book, which from memory is 15 days from birth. Your wife does not have to do this in person though.

When you go to the hospital, make sure you take mother's ID card and house book, and father's passport.

As has been mentioned, get your name properly translated into Thai as well. If you have problems with this then PM me your name as it appears in your passport and I'll get it done for you.

Thanks again for the info.

My partner doesn't have a blue book, she's still registered at her mums house, she mentioned before that we will put the baby on her mums blue book.

Is this ok do you think?

And cheers if I do have any problems with translation I'll definitely PM you.

In fact If it's ok with you I'll PM you my name some point today as I'm offshore right now working so if your happy to translate it I'll pm you soon.

Cheers for your help

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Thanks again blackcab.

Would an English teacher I know be able to countersign the application form?

He's a legit teacher with work permit, proper visa etc and I've known him a good 5 years.



My son's photo was counter-signed by a teacher (UK citizen) I work with. It's not required as such, but not a bad idea to include a copy of their passport ID page too.

The mother of my son is from Laos and all I supplied for her, was a colour copy of each of her passport pages and a copy of her Lao ID card.

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  • 10 months later...
1 hour ago, scottyp1980 said:

I'm just wondering in regards to my previous posts as I have not got around to getting my sons UK passport yet, but do I need to translate the blue book in to English too? 


Tuavks in advance

For a British passport application, then there should be no need to provide a Tabien Baan for your wife, just her Birth Certificate and ID card.

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Can any one answer 1 more question if possible?

The photos required for my sons passport is it ok for the person who is counter singing my passport application form to sign the photo also?

i have my appointment on Wednesday so just don't want to get anything wrong.


thanks again 


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3 hours ago, scottyp1980 said:

Can any one answer 1 more question if possible?

The photos required for my sons passport is it ok for the person who is counter singing my passport application form to sign the photo also?

i have my appointment on Wednesday so just don't want to get anything wrong.


thanks again 


If you mean is it the same person that is counter signing the application form for your son's passport application, then it absolutely has to be the same person.

If it is for your own passport application in addition, then I see no reason why not.

If I remember correctly, for a Child passport, the counter signatory has to have known you for the period of time, not necessarily the child.

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1 hour ago, Mattd said:

If you mean is it the same person that is counter signing the application form for your son's passport application, then it absolutely has to be the same person.

If it is for your own passport application in addition, then I see no reason why not.

If I remember correctly, for a Child passport, the counter signatory has to have known you for the period of time, not necessarily the child.

Thanks again for the info. 

On the back of the photo, the person confirming its a pic of my son just writes ' I confirm this is a true likeness of (name)'

and obviously the person signing it signature?

is this correct?

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how does a baby sign things ?

The legal parent signs.
Thanks again for the info. 
On the back of the photo, the person confirming its a pic of my son just writes ' I confirm this is a true likeness of (name)'
and obviously the person signing it signature?
is this correct?

Yes. I enclosed a copy of the passport ID page of the counter-signer.
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Thanks for everyone's comments and info on this post. We had the interview yesterday at trendy house and all was good. 

All the documents that were required we had them.

the girl at VFS expects me to have pick up the passport in 4-6 weeks.


thanks again



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