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The UK needs a Brexit prime minister – Gove


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The UK needs a Brexit prime minister – Gove

By Catherine Hardy


The UK’s Justice Minister has set out his plan for the country if he becomes the next prime minister.

Michael Gove says he will end free movement of people and take back control of the agriculture and fishing industries from Brussels.

Speaking in London, Gove said the country’s next leader must be someone who supported the Leave campaign, which he co-led to victory last week.

“This referendum was about democratic accountability, the principle that politicians must answer, as directly as possible to the people who elected them.”

“Because of that, I believe that the next prime minister has to be on the winning side of that argument. Put simply, the best person to lead Britain out of the European Union is someone who argued to get Britain out of the European Union.”

The candidates

Interior Minister Theresa May is currently the bookies favourite to become the next prime minister.

There are five candidates in total.

Criticism for Gove

Michael Gove has faced criticism in the UK fpr his decision to stand.

Some say it fatally undermined the campaign of his fellow Brexit campaigner Boris Johnson, who had been hotly-tipped to be the next leader but withdrew from the race after Gove’s announcement yesterday.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-02

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Why,? Unless the EU pushes it The UK are now doing a back step (crawfishing ) and showing fears about going it own there own.Ten to one they are staying. Any bets ?

You might have a point but Mr. Gove is the worse candidate as PM. he even says it himself. As others mentioned here, he is a back stabbing spineless man and them qualities are not suited for a PM.

Here is a good reason in my opinion why Brexit might continue. The world finances blaming everything on Brexit. It is already happening.


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Could Theresa May become the new Mrs Thatcher?

The same Theresa May who supports Sharia law in the UK, the same Theresa May who proposed convicted pedo,s be allowed to adopt children, the same Theresa May who was backing mass data collection on UK citizens in a proposal that came out of "1984"

As much of a back stabbing bastard "Mr Bean" is he maybe a better choice

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The Brexiters won the battle, but they are not going to be allowed to win the war to control immigration.

Boris did not expect the Leave lobby to win and certain had no intention of doing Cameron's dirty work by negotiating an EU exit. The ensuing Gove "treachery" was clearly a put-up job to eliminate both Brexit leaders fromTory leadership race and smooth the path for Europhile and Remain campaigner Teresa May.

She has admitted she feels there is little prospect of doing an exit deal which would enable Britain to limit the number of EU migrants coming to these shores.

Game over.

Edited by Krataiboy
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The choices are depressing.

Seems like more and more Western democracies feature candidates which can be described as buffoons, non-entities, corrupt, petty or loons.

Not into idolizing leaders or politicians, but been a while since someone stood out from the crowd (in a positive sense, that is).

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Angela Leadsom has a great chance of being the next PM. The Members of Parliament only vote for the top 2 candidates. The party members then choose between the 2 candidates. The members are overwhelmingly Eurosceptic so that will count against Theresa May who was a Remainer.

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Why,? Unless the EU pushes it The UK are now doing a back step (crawfishing ) and showing fears about going it own there own.Ten to one they are staying. Any bets ?

What on earth does crawfishing mean? ( I know Google is your friend , but could not be bothered)

No , all the parties have made it clear that they will respect the outcome of the referendum .

It's only been a few days- we are looking at years into the future. The markets have recovered, £ down a bit .

It's going to be tricky, the Eurozone is in meltdown, hard Right parties emerging . Even the Germans are getting fed up with bailing out the South.

Total basket case countries/ economies have been admitted .

Then we have grandiose prospects of the European army- the UK has some of the finest military in the world. One of a very very few that fully supports NATO.

An excellent intelligence service that includes M & James Bond!

Still the 5th largest economy in the world

Probably the most influential country when it come to soft cultural influences such as art, music and fashion.

In a few years we will be fine - it's a question of fasten your seat belts it's going to be a bumpy ride.

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Having just won back independence it would seem unwise to choose another corporate poodle as PM. May would just worm us back into the EU in everything but name. Gove or Ledsom would be the correct choice. Boris was never going to make it, too many nasty skeletons in his cupboard.

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Please God, not let it be Mr. Bean. bah.gif

Now just why did I see the same resemblance as you? Mr Bean has usurped Oliver Hardy!! Not because of their likeness, but because they are both buffoons of the highest order.

I cannot believe that the UK and US front runners and people's choices can be such a motley crew of miscreants, it is nothing short of embarrassing.

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This weedy, creepy looking guy will never be PM, there is something very sinister looking about him

Didn't people use to say something equally unintelligent about Adolph Hitler; except he was supposed to look too much like Charlie Chaplin? So, "sez you" and "don't judge a book by it's cover". Gove was a splendid education minister until the teaching unions twisted Cameron's arm to get him moved.

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This weedy, creepy looking guy will never be PM, there is something very sinister looking about him

Didn't people use to say something equally unintelligent about Adolph Hitler; except he was supposed to look too much like Charlie Chaplin? So, "sez you" and "don't judge a book by it's cover". Gove was a splendid education minister until the teaching unions twisted Cameron's arm to get him moved.

I think that there are very few teachers who would agree with you that he was a 'splendid education minister':

"Before the coalition government came in, in 2010, a YouGov poll of teachers' voting intentions found that 33% were Tory and 32% were Labour; four years later, a poll found that only 16% were Tory and 57% were Labour.[18]"

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Theresa May will be the new PM. She won't be another Thatcher, Britain is a very different place now. Who would want to be led by Brutus Gove?

Question is will whoever is in government be able to bring the country back together? Not a chance with the amount of bitterness out there. Before it was fairly straightforward, Conservative supporters versus Labour supporters, richer versus poorer and north versus south. Now you have to add racist versus non racist to the mix.

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He tries so hard to sound like a leader, to show statement like qualities, but the harder he tries, the worse he looks.

He's a child.

He warbles, blabs, spues words, but says little of substance, and less that you can trust.

He's a backstabbing liar.

He's guilty of misleading the public during Brexit.

He's Michael Give.

Question: What happens if he is PM and then Scotland leaves the UK? That makes Scotland 100% separate from England, Wales,...in whatever level/way. So how can a foreign national (foreign to the UK) be its PM?

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Question: What happens if he is PM and then Scotland leaves the UK? That makes Scotland 100% separate from England, Wales,...in whatever level/way. So how can a foreign national (foreign to the UK) be its PM?

As a Scot, I like to think he would treat him like we were playing pass the parcel - whoever is left with him when the music stops has to keep him.

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Question: What happens if he is PM and then Scotland leaves the UK? That makes Scotland 100% separate from England, Wales,...in whatever level/way. So how can a foreign national (foreign to the UK) be its PM?

As a Scot, I like to think he would treat him like we were playing pass the parcel - whoever is left with him when the music stops has to keep him.

Wars have been fought over less. Let's agree to unite in ending his political career so no nation suffers.

I hug my Scottish cousins, and the Irish, the Welsh, and the EU...all others are welcome too...I hug humans.

Due to migration and stuff, my offspring are composed of 8 different nationalities if you go back approx 400 years, and conceivably many more if you go back 1-2 thousand years...so who are they? Irish? Spanish? Roman? Chinese? Makes no sense to me.

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ITwo egomaniacs cheat Great Britain, followed by some senile groups of England. Result is a more and more poor little England. Oxford and Cambridge and other Universities will lose their EU support. 25% of their research staff are EU citizens. Think about, peanuts splitting is waste time.

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