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Thieving Ladyboys Back on the Streets and Continue to Damage the Reputation of Thailand.

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CaitlynBrucei Jenner should open an out reach prorgam...based on Walking St. then take 10 semi finalists stateside. to live witg the K Clan....my bet. the K girls would all be dead after the first episode and Blac Chyna would be a tom.


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And still they never learn not to wear their pretentious gold jewellery around the streets of Pattaya at night.

Dear God man you're defending the filth who stole it. Substitute expensive Camera and would you say the same. ?? Course not. Just because the individuals or me choose to wear a gold chain of whatever value doesn't make it our fault in the first place !

Sorry, but I think you are the one with the problem. I don't think Brer Fox was defending the culprits at all. As I see it he was just stating a fact that when you 'flash' your wealth you are inviting these 'Thai Ladyboys' to go into action............. They will get somebody on a daily basis and if you invite them by showing your easy targets, Then you have invited your own problem (and so many People just don't understand that - That COULD include YOU) LOL............


And still they never learn not to wear their pretentious gold jewellery around the streets of Pattaya at night.

Dear God man you're defending the filth who stole it. Substitute expensive Camera and would you say the same. ?? Course not. Just because the individuals or me choose to wear a gold chain of whatever value doesn't make it our fault in the first place !

Sorry, but I think you are the one with the problem. I don't think Brer Fox was defending the culprits at all. As I see it he was just stating a fact that when you 'flash' your wealth you are inviting these 'Thai Ladyboys' to go into action............. They will get somebody on a daily basis and if you invite them by showing your easy targets, Then you have invited your own problem (and so many People just don't understand that - That COULD include YOU) LOL............

Going out? Dressed like that? Asking for it!!


And still they never learn not to wear their pretentious gold jewellery around the streets of Pattaya at night.

Dear God man you're defending the filth who stole it. Substitute expensive Camera and would you say the same. ?? Course not. Just because the individuals or me choose to wear a gold chain of whatever value doesn't make it our fault in the first place !

Sorry, but I think you are the one with the problem. I don't think Brer Fox was defending the culprits at all. As I see it he was just stating a fact that when you 'flash' your wealth you are inviting these 'Thai Ladyboys' to go into action............. They will get somebody on a daily basis and if you invite them by showing your easy targets, Then you have invited your own problem (and so many People just don't understand that - That COULD include YOU) LOL............

You're obviously trolling. I dont invite someone to steal mine or the OP's property for that matter. I certainly dont have a problem either. Flashing wealth with 10,000 Baht chain (in my case) lol


And still they never learn not to wear their pretentious gold jewellery around the streets of Pattaya at night.

I agree with you Brer Fox , if you park a convertible car outside a 7-11 and leave the keys in it for all to see it will be stolen in 5 mins , anyone who goes out at night and has to loop gold round their necks is likely to get it lifted , you dont hear much about LBs robbing folk of a 1000B. As another one posted , take out what you need for the night not ' Hey look at all my bling folks '


And still they never learn not to wear their pretentious gold jewellery around the streets of Pattaya at night.

I agree with you Brer Fox , if you park a convertible car outside a 7-11 and leave the keys in it for all to see it will be stolen in 5 mins , anyone who goes out at night and has to loop gold round their necks is likely to get it lifted , you dont hear much about LBs robbing folk of a 1000B. As another one posted , take out what you need for the night not ' Hey look at all my bling folks '

Next you gonna say that we should also wear beggar type clothing, because going well dressed indicates that we are not beggars and may have some money in our pockets, and thereby again inviting to be robbed.

The problem is that Pattaya is full of criminal scum and that the powers that be fail to do something about that, not that tourist walk around dressed same as in other parts of the world


All the perpetrators of theses crimes are well known to police and nothing is done. They

know that tourists leave Thailand so just laying low, paying off police, or just waiting

in jail for the tourists to leave and they are of the hook to repeat crimes again and again.

A slap on the wrist at the most. whistling.gif


Finally, acknowledgement that Thai's continue to damage Thailand's imagine, not only Westerners and Middle Eastern guests.

But, wearing a gold chain and fancy watches is stupid on the part of tourist and the 1 guy lives and works here should of known better, I've been to India and Russia and I would not do that inviting trouble.


"The value of the gold is estimated to be 35,000 baht".

Will some folk never learn? Walking about in Pattaya at 11pm with gold where everyone can see it?

It seems the guy who was robbed is a bit of a show off. Besides, what normal guy wants to go about

wearing so much jewels?


And still they never learn not to wear their pretentious gold jewellery around the streets of Pattaya at night.

Dear God man you're defending the filth who stole it. Substitute expensive Camera and would you say the same. ?? Course not. Just because the individuals or me choose to wear a gold chain of whatever value doesn't make it our fault in the first place !

However, it's bit like waving a hypodermic full of heroin in the face of a junkie!


And still they never learn not to wear their pretentious gold jewellery around the streets of Pattaya at night.

I agree with you Brer Fox , if you park a convertible car outside a 7-11 and leave the keys in it for all to see it will be stolen in 5 mins , anyone who goes out at night and has to loop gold round their necks is likely to get it lifted , you dont hear much about LBs robbing folk of a 1000B. As another one posted , take out what you need for the night not ' Hey look at all my bling folks '

Next you gonna say that we should also wear beggar type clothing, because going well dressed indicates that we are not beggars and may have some money in our pockets, and thereby again inviting to be robbed.

The problem is that Pattaya is full of criminal scum and that the powers that be fail to do something about that, not that tourist walk around dressed same as in other parts of the world

There are certain areas in the larger cities all over the world where you are ill advised to walk at night showing off your obvious "affluence" - not just Pattaya.

I was in New Orleans for the Mardi Gras a few years ago, and was advised many times not to go to a certain area at night - by day it looked quite innocuous, but at night time became a haven for junkies and gangs etc. An English tourist decided to go there one night and film the "goings on" with an expensive video camera, and needless to say he ended up being mugged and killed, and it was headline news in the English papers the next day. Today it would hardly rate a mention on the front page. My point is that whatever city you are in, heed the locals' advice it could save you a lot of grief, and possibly your life.


I don't know why everyone is making such a big deal out of the gold chain. I mean, I don't wear them but I couldn't care less if others do.

Just the same to me as if he were holding a brand new iPhone, or a nice camera, etc.....

You shouldn't have to worry about getting robbed.


"The value of the gold is estimated to be 35,000 baht".

Will some folk never learn? Walking about in Pattaya at 11pm with gold where everyone can see it?

It seems the guy who was robbed is a bit of a show off. Besides, what normal guy wants to go about

wearing so much jewels?

It is not jewels, it is a gold chain. So people must dress so they do not encourage the local thieves. What about removing the said thieves and allow people to wear what they like. Any normal person does not look at some one thinking what can they steal from them. Get these disgusting, twisted creatures off the street. Make a show of removing them so others can learn their thieving ways are unacceptable. What is next that you folks will say some cannot wear? "do not wear a gold wedding ring" because this invites some one to steal from you? Take a good look at yourselves and lay the blame where it belongs. That is at the demented ladyboys, not the victims. All on here got on their high horse when Prayut said that women should not dress to encourage rapists. But here you are saying people should not wear a gold chain to encourage thieves. What's the difference you hypocrites?


Yes, I suppose there are a few effefimate (excuse the spelling) men around.

You are right about the thieving ladyboys, but it is pure idiocy to walk around

in Pattaya late at night wearing gold necklaces which are easily seen knowing

the dangers.


This trash....again!!

Always solid gold chains, never

Gold plated....Hum.??

some people can afford solid gold chains. if you can't that's your problem.


Where do these people buy their chains? Baht 35,000 is 1.5 Baht and I have never seen that size of chain. These figures are made up I am sure, probably because they have no idea of the weight or possibly for insurance.

in how many goldshops in India did you enquire what sizes and weights are sold? and that applies to goldshops in Thailand too.



You missed the point totally;

Probably a fake, insurance scam!!

"probably" is an irrelevant assumption. the point/fact is that criminals are stealing and robbing and the local police force is obviously tolerating it. lso a fact is that this goes on since the mid 1980s.


Yes, I suppose there are a few effefimate (excuse the spelling) men around.

You are right about the thieving ladyboys, but it is pure idiocy to walk around

in Pattaya late at night wearing gold necklaces which are easily seen knowing

the dangers.

Wearing a gold chain is effeminate? What about a wedding ring? A gold watch? The same? Can you afford a gold chain or is your jealousy showing? I understand your point of not have it showing to tempt fate, and your correct, but it is the thieves that are wrong not people wearing something. Is not the right way to approach the problem is to remove the thieves rather than 500 baht fine and released. What about 3 strikes and your out? Or in this case your in (jail). They are a blight on the society so remove the twisted ---kers. Build a walled area they can ply their trade and let all the sickos who use them go there. Keep them away from decent folks and families.


Yes, I suppose there are a few effefimate (excuse the spelling) men around.

You are right about the thieving ladyboys, but it is pure idiocy to walk around

in Pattaya late at night wearing gold necklaces which are easily seen knowing

the dangers.

Wearing a gold chain is effeminate? What about a wedding ring? A gold watch? The same? Can you afford a gold chain or is your jealousy showing? I understand your point of not have it showing to tempt fate, and your correct, but it is the thieves that are wrong not people wearing something. Is not the right way to approach the problem is to remove the thieves rather than 500 baht fine and released. What about 3 strikes and your out? Or in this case your in (jail). They are a blight on the society so remove the twisted ---kers. Build a walled area they can ply their trade and let all the sickos who use them go there. Keep them away from decent folks and families.

Yes. Put them in a walled in area, like a colosseum and sell tickets. Freak show.


Yes, I suppose there are a few effefimate (excuse the spelling) men around.

You are right about the thieving ladyboys, but it is pure idiocy to walk around

in Pattaya late at night wearing gold necklaces which are easily seen knowing

the dangers.

Wearing a gold chain is effeminate? What about a wedding ring? A gold watch? The same? Can you afford a gold chain or is your jealousy showing? I understand your point of not have it showing to tempt fate, and your correct, but it is the thieves that are wrong not people wearing something. Is not the right way to approach the problem is to remove the thieves rather than 500 baht fine and released. What about 3 strikes and your out? Or in this case your in (jail). They are a blight on the society so remove the twisted ---kers. Build a walled area they can ply their trade and let all the sickos who use them go there. Keep them away from decent folks and families.

Jealous of what?? You honestly think I wish I could afford a gold chain, I'm beginning to wonder about you, how can you compare a wedding ring and gold watch

to a gold chain? I have my opinion, you have yours, a guy wearing jewellery is effeminate, I agree with you about the thieving ladyboys, but not on men wearing

jewellery like gold chains, it serves no purpose apart from drawing attention to yourself.

I wish to finish this debate now, the subject is now boring me.


Yes, I suppose there are a few effefimate (excuse the spelling) men around.

You are right about the thieving ladyboys, but it is pure idiocy to walk around

in Pattaya late at night wearing gold necklaces which are easily seen knowing

the dangers.

Wearing a gold chain is effeminate? What about a wedding ring? A gold watch? The same? Can you afford a gold chain or is your jealousy showing? I understand your point of not have it showing to tempt fate, and your correct, but it is the thieves that are wrong not people wearing something. Is not the right way to approach the problem is to remove the thieves rather than 500 baht fine and released. What about 3 strikes and your out? Or in this case your in (jail). They are a blight on the society so remove the twisted ---kers. Build a walled area they can ply their trade and let all the sickos who use them go there. Keep them away from decent folks and families.

Jealous of what?? You honestly think I wish I could afford a gold chain, I'm beginning to wonder about you, how can you compare a wedding ring and gold watch

to a gold chain? I have my opinion, you have yours, a guy wearing jewellery is effeminate, I agree with you about the thieving ladyboys, but not on men wearing

jewellery like gold chains, it serves no purpose apart from drawing attention to yourself.

I wish to finish this debate now, the subject is now boring me.

There are hungry people out there that would take a pen out of your pocket. I would if I was starving, hopeless & brought up to hate foreigners.

That nice gold chain represents an all expense paid, 3 month holiday.



Yes, I suppose there are a few effefimate (excuse the spelling) men around.

You are right about the thieving ladyboys, but it is pure idiocy to walk around

in Pattaya late at night wearing gold necklaces which are easily seen knowing

the dangers.

Wearing a gold chain is effeminate? What about a wedding ring? A gold watch? The same? Can you afford a gold chain or is your jealousy showing? I understand your point of not have it showing to tempt fate, and your correct, but it is the thieves that are wrong not people wearing something. Is not the right way to approach the problem is to remove the thieves rather than 500 baht fine and released. What about 3 strikes and your out? Or in this case your in (jail). They are a blight on the society so remove the twisted ---kers. Build a walled area they can ply their trade and let all the sickos who use them go there. Keep them away from decent folks and families.

Jealous of what?? You honestly think I wish I could afford a gold chain, I'm beginning to wonder about you, how can you compare a wedding ring and gold watch

to a gold chain? I have my opinion, you have yours, a guy wearing jewellery is effeminate, I agree with you about the thieving ladyboys, but not on men wearing

jewellery like gold chains, it serves no purpose apart from drawing attention to yourself.

I wish to finish this debate now, the subject is now boring me.

There are hungry people out there that would take a pen out of your pocket. I would if I was starving, hopeless & brought up to hate foreigners.

That nice gold chain represents an all expense paid, 3 month holiday.


It was the guys own fault for being so stupid walking about Pattaya at 11pm wearing a gold chain.

I have never been starving so it is hard to comment on it, to put it another way, if I had to steal a gold chain

to save me or any of my families lifes, then yes, I would steal a gold chain from someone, and anyone in that

situation would.

I do not believe anywhere near the majority of thieving ladyboys are starving, besides, there is plenty of work in Thailand

they could do dressed as either a man or woman.



It was the guys own fault for being so stupid walking about Pattaya at 11pm wearing a gold chain.

I have never been starving so it is hard to comment on it, to put it another way, if I had to steal a gold chain

to save me or any of my families lifes, then yes, I would steal a gold chain from someone, and anyone in that

situation would.

I do not believe anywhere near the majority of thieving ladyboys are starving, besides, there is plenty of work in Thailand

they could do dressed as either a man or woman.

I contend allot of the criminal ladyboys would be better categorized as, 'men disguised as women', aiming to get close to their victims.

Should be extra criminal charges for impersonating another gender while committing a crime.


Yes, I suppose there are a few effefimate (excuse the spelling) men around.

You are right about the thieving ladyboys, but it is pure idiocy to walk around

in Pattaya late at night wearing gold necklaces which are easily seen knowing

the dangers.

Wearing a gold chain is effeminate? What about a wedding ring? A gold watch? The same? Can you afford a gold chain or is your jealousy showing? I understand your point of not have it showing to tempt fate, and your correct, but it is the thieves that are wrong not people wearing something. Is not the right way to approach the problem is to remove the thieves rather than 500 baht fine and released. What about 3 strikes and your out? Or in this case your in (jail). They are a blight on the society so remove the twisted ---kers. Build a walled area they can ply their trade and let all the sickos who use them go there. Keep them away from decent folks and families.

Jealous of what?? You honestly think I wish I could afford a gold chain, I'm beginning to wonder about you, how can you compare a wedding ring and gold watch

to a gold chain? I have my opinion, you have yours, a guy wearing jewellery is effeminate,

What a crock of shight you write !! Effeminate indeed !! Say that to my face over the small one I wear given to me by my late mother


Yes, I suppose there are a few effefimate (excuse the spelling) men around.

You are right about the thieving ladyboys, but it is pure idiocy to walk around

in Pattaya late at night wearing gold necklaces which are easily seen knowing

the dangers.

Wearing a gold chain is effeminate? What about a wedding ring? A gold watch? The same? Can you afford a gold chain or is your jealousy showing? I understand your point of not have it showing to tempt fate, and your correct, but it is the thieves that are wrong not people wearing something. Is not the right way to approach the problem is to remove the thieves rather than 500 baht fine and released. What about 3 strikes and your out? Or in this case your in (jail). They are a blight on the society so remove the twisted ---kers. Build a walled area they can ply their trade and let all the sickos who use them go there. Keep them away from decent folks and families.

Jealous of what?? You honestly think I wish I could afford a gold chain, I'm beginning to wonder about you, how can you compare a wedding ring and gold watch

to a gold chain? I have my opinion, you have yours, a guy wearing jewellery is effeminate,

What a crock of shight you write !! Effeminate indeed !! Say that to my face over the small one I wear given to me by my late mother

Big gold chain everyone can see, effeminate yes. It must have been to get easily noticed in the dark. Small one hardly noticeable, I wore a small gold Buddah round my neck when I first came to Thailand, and I'm the last person anyone could say was effeminate.

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