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Man arrested for killing a schoolteacher in rape attempt


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Knives and guns everywhere but it doesn't seem to worry the govt as this is one crackdown the hub of crackdowns isn't bothered with.

would you ever give it a rest, trying to make this into some sort of cheap political blame game on the current administration, shame on you, elected governments that have been in office the last 30 years and done nothing except enrich themselves and this is somehow the current PM's fault.....seriously

very sad story indeed, I wonder if this was a one off advance this man made or an ongoing issue that may have already been reported to police, I suspect the latter and the victim was unaware how dangerous this animal was and the threat he posed to he safety, the police likely could have done something to prevent this if I am am correct, a dangerous preditor and and previously convicted sex offender.

RIP young and innocent girl

I hope this scumbag gets what he deserves

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Police said that the suspect had served a two-year jail term for rape and was released last year."

So now a murderer while raping his victim. How can we punish him this time? Suggestions please.

B500 fine &1 week good behaviour bond.


1) cut out his testicles, no anesthetic.

2) 50 lashes, yearly on the anniversary of his crime, with a Cat-o-9tails.

3) Brand the soles of his feet with a red-hot branding iron.

4) 20 years in the monkey house.

5) Hard labour, & l mean smashing up stone, in the heat of the day.

6) When he has completed his sentence, a heavy caliber slug through the back of his head.

He has forfeited his right to live in any civilization.

Better yet DRAWN AND QUARTERED !! plain and simple they lost their rights to even live !!

There is no RR class (rapist reform) these vermin will never change !! 50 years in jail and when they come out (if they do) they will rape again. Many years ago 60 min did a show on rapists who were in jail and asked them if they would rape again if they had a chance and they all said YES !! one guy they interviewed even said you will never change us that's all we think about 24/7 !! So why give them another chance ? these vermin need to be exterminated !! Here you get 15 years for picking mushrooms but only 2 years for rape !!

Tell me who's more of a scumbag ? the rapist or the person who only gave him the 2 year sentence in the first place ?

Poor girl RIP

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Until The locals are shown /taught that punishment hurts they will continue with the excuses for their actions and blame objects or bad luck.

The first who need to be exposed to tough measures are those in the judicial positions who hand down wrist slaps, where a 2 by 4 between the eyes is more fitting.

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Come on don't be so harsh on the guy, after all he's a Thai male and was only behaving like a Thai male. His whole life he's been pumped full of BS about how great he is, he's a wonderful fantastic Thai male who doesn't need to do anything or prove anything. Women are inferior to him and primarily exist to sexually satisfy him and other Thai males. So he sees this lovely looking little school teacher and thinks he'd like a piece of her. But horror or all horrors, she refuses him. He's lost his great Thai male face and his fragile delicate ego is bruised, so he shows her who's boss and slashes her throat.

RIP Ms Chularat Towanna.

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My Thai gf showed me the photos of this on her Facebook yesterday. Very gruesome indeed, this poor girls head looks like it was almost cut right off.

This rapist animal should never be allowed to be free again.

I am not an advocate of the death penalty because it is too easy to convict and execute an innocent man but in this case I would say go ahead and put this animal down.

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Knives and guns everywhere but it doesn't seem to worry the govt as this is one crackdown the hub of crackdowns isn't bothered with.

would you ever give it a rest, trying to make this into some sort of cheap political blame game on the current administration, shame on you, elected governments that have been in office the last 30 years and done nothing except enrich themselves and this is somehow the current PM's fault.....seriously

very sad story indeed, I wonder if this was a one off advance this man made or an ongoing issue that may have already been reported to police, I suspect the latter and the victim was unaware how dangerous this animal was and the threat he posed to he safety, the police likely could have done something to prevent this if I am am correct, a dangerous preditor and and previously convicted sex offender.

RIP young and innocent girl

I hope this scumbag gets what he deserves

Stretcingh a point aren't you much as you usually do and where did I mention the PM and where does corruption come into this as it's about weapons ?

The govt was meant as an all embracing term as I'm only too well aware of past deficiencies

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My Thai gf showed me the photos of this on her Facebook yesterday. Very gruesome indeed, this poor girls head looks like it was almost cut right off.

This rapist animal should never be allowed to be free again.

I am not an advocate of the death penalty because it is too easy to convict and execute an innocent man but in this case I would say go ahead and put this animal down.

Agreed, indisputable evidence confirmed by a freely given admission not based on dodgy trumped up BS arranged to cover for someone else's arse - - removal from the gene pool is the best solution.

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What happens in Thailand? Police will be bought. He may well not have to pay them much, and he will be allowed to live his life as normal, happy in the fact that he has got away with murder and rape.

Thai police and officials couldn't care less as long as they have lined their own pockets.

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Very sorry for the young lady, and my condolences to the family.

It seems indeed that the judiciary system has missed the danger this rapist poses to society.

any information on the circumstances of the previous conviction?
any information about treatment by a licensed psychiatrist and his reports?

Any information or research about how many unreported cases out there,?

How many women are to scared to come out since society may say they are themselves to blame because they are female, and family may send them away when they know what happened, and moreover continuously afraid of being attacked by the same person since he does not get locked up for an adequate time ?

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Sentence these and other hard core criminals for life. Put them in chains and send to labor camps all around the country to build roads, canals, mines all all similar developments. Publish their photos and show how pretty they look in new prisoner's uniforms in labor camps. Reeducation? Yes, a good deterrent for all others. Human rights? They forfeited it with their crime. Money earned send to victims/families/communities of their crimes. Taxpayers shouldn't be burden with criminals expenses.

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i read this story early today, but could not make a comment, i was filled with pure hate for this scrote, i never met, i could not use the word vermin, as he is an insult to vermin.

a few who post on here, have dealt with peds,rapists,baby killers, that is why i never use the word hate often or lightly.

people who live their lives in the main peacefully, working, raising their familys should know when the most evil reside in their neighbourhood.

RIP to this lady, tears for her family, tears for her colleagues, tears for the children she dealt with every day.

she looked a good person, a life with promise and hope taken by pure egotistical evil.

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Btw he is not Thai. He is a illegal immigrant from Cambodia.

Is this a fact in your mind or merely an attempt at being facetious?

don't play ratty, you have seen them come and go.

a story about a young teacher robbed of her future is what most care about.

glib comments have a place, but not about this act of evil.

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the residence where she lived (on the picture) i always felt uncertain about the keylock door structure ..seem very very easy to break in ..they should change them...... and too bad this place didnt have a security guard ....they often in most similar residence have a security guard ....... this is so very much sad ...........

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Whoever sentenced him to two years in the past should serve some time with him for criminally negligent homicide. The problem with law enforcement in most countries is that members of the legal profession are not held accountable for their mistakes.

Maybe the judge and the prosecutor should be investigated

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What a tragic occurance. Such a lovely competent and amenable girl having spent years at University to get her degree, a friend to everyone it appears

then meets this <deleted> who ends her valuable life. A useless moron. So so sad. Her parents must be beside themselves with grief.

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Some interesting info learned from the Thai language press about this case:

The victim was from Roi Et. She was the youngest of three children. Her oldest brother is also a teacher, and her older sister was a government worker. Her degree was in science, and she taught 5th grade math and science.

The accused lived across the way from the victim with his ladyboy lover. (The news reports describe his lover as a Type 2 woman, which refers to a man who presents himself as a woman.) According to his statement, the accused claimed that after drinking a beer he became sexually aroused, but was rebuffed by his lover, which is when he decided to go across the way and attempt to rape his neighbor.

Another interesting report in the Thai media is that the prior sexual assault conviction is reported to have been for ATTEMPTED rape of his friend's wife, not for rape, as previously reported. If this is true, this may help explain the relatively light sentence of 2 years he received for this offense.

Thai social and news media have absolutely exploded over this case. There is an almost universal calling for the death penalty. The parents are calling for the death penalty as well, saying that they want to be sure he never has a chance to do this again, and pointing out that his prior imprisonment did not change his behavior. At the re-enactment there were at least a dozen police officers in full riot gear, including riot shields. Given the accused's prior conviction, the savagery of the attack, the publicity and notoriety of the crime, the social injury that the crime inflicted on the family, community, and the school community, in my opinion, there is a good chance that he will get the death penalty.

The funeral is going to be held in the victim's home town of Roi Et. A poignant photo of the victim's mother:


Edited by Gecko123
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RiP you poor girl..so much to live for, yet all taken away by a rapist..(who despite being in prison for a previous sexual attack STILL got a job

as a teacher..??)

Condolences to the family also.

(will we be shocked when he escapes any conviction or jail-time by choosing to be a monk, & 'hiding' in a Thai temple along with many other offenders)

The article did no mention of the suspect's profession. It says: 'the suspect attempted to rape and subsequently killed the female school-teacher'.

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Whoever sentenced him to two years in the past should serve some time with him for criminally negligent homicide. The problem with law enforcement in most countries is that members of the legal profession are not held accountable for their mistakes.

Maybe the judge and the prosecutor should be investigated

Doubt this paltry sentence would not be much different from the West. Particularly if it were a 'sexual emergency' ..

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Whoever sentenced him to two years in the past should serve some time with him for criminally negligent homicide. The problem with law enforcement in most countries is that members of the legal profession are not held accountable for their mistakes.

Maybe the judge and the prosecutor should be investigated

Doubt this paltry sentence would not be much different from the West. Particularly if it were a 'sexual emergency' ..

There are reports in the Thai media that the earlier conviction was for attempted rape rather than rape, which might help explain the lenient sentence handed out.

See above post #55.

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