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‘Do you think we’ll pay for bad things we’ve done?’ Revelations of Aussie sex tourists in Thailand


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The simplest and most effective way to reduce the sex trade would be to improve pay and conditions in the garment and construction industries.

That sounds as well thought-out as those who claim the best solution for poverty is to raise the minimum wage.

Don't you see, sleeping all day and staying up all night to party is preferred by many to getting up early and working all day; besides they have the added potential of meeting their house, car, and baht-chain sugar-daddies. And, that is if the pay and conditions in those factories matched that of the bars—some girls do rather well, most do better than low-skilled factory workers. As an old bargirl in the PI put it, "we are factory workers, we just work in a teetee (slang for penis) factory."

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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

What about doing a meditations retreat or taking your grand kids to the park?

Sex tourists are social misfits, don't try to justify they are normal.

Thats just your opinion.

lf a "sex tourist"(yes l am one!) doesn't hurt anyone, doesn't have sex with minors,doesn't get obnoxiously drunk & behaves himself, who cares or has the right to judge him.?

l love the young women & treat them like Ladies. Which they appreciate.l'm happy & they are happy, or they are extremely good actors(actresses?). But that pleases me too.


Social Misfit & proud of it!

Next judgement or accusation. lol

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Now lets have volume 2.

Stories from Nana Plaza, Cowboy on the rescues.

Please start by telling us the stories of the "rescuees" Very few I bet.

Some of these girls are making 6 or 7 times what the average factory worker makes & are there because they want to be there

Even if a few of them wanted to work at McDonalds they cannot as not enough formal education (This is hypocrisy in Thailand)

Get over your old Anglo Saxon beliefs.

If you really want to do something useful spend time educating them on safe sex & why it is so important for them

to protect themselves at ALL TIMES.

And I speak from personal experience in helping in this regard.

Thailand"s sexually transmitted disease levels have shown a remarkable decrease due to this education

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I guess for thousands of girls who where removed from poverty and got homes built, farms, open businesses, put her children through college, And for the short time girls they buy new motorbikes, etc.. Do you believe they are all innocent? You seriously believe in today's new generation in the West most women marry for life or is it a meal ticket or don't butterfly on their husband with a younger man or today another woman?

Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

What about doing a meditations retreat or taking your grand kids to the park?
Sex tourists are social misfits, don't try to justify they are normal.

You have obviously never been a lonely man.

That is if you are a man at all.

Come on - just because you are lonely doesn't give you the right to buy sex from hungry, desperate girls.

Think of the damage you are doing them and not your own selfish lust.

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The simplest and most effective way to reduce the sex trade would be to improve pay and conditions in the garment and construction industries.

The Burmese and Cambodians doing that for 50b per day in some Hi-So's basement factory have that.... pardon the pun, all sewn up.

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They were doing drugs and alcohol way before earning a income in the sex trade to support their habits and family. I never gave them YABA and in fact most girls outside of the requirement to drink with bar customers don't drink once spending time with you. There are hard core ones who drink, smoke, gamble but I never played with them. Most are very nice woman, I date woman 30 and up, not underage which I AGREE is creepy.

These sex addicts are, like all addicts, totally selfish and most are in denial.
They don't care about ruining the young woman's life. I've seen first hand the problems these girls get into with drugs and alcohol as I worked voluntarily in a drug rehab centre.
The best thing would be to start an SAA or sex anonymous meeting in Pattaya to try to help these old men.

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These sex addicts are, like all addicts, totally selfish and most are in denial.

They don't care about ruining the young woman's life. I've seen first hand the problems these girls get into with drugs and alcohol as I worked voluntarily in a drug rehab centre.

The best thing would be to start an SAA or sex anonymous meeting in Pattaya to try to help these old men.

Yes, SLAA, Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. Can't understand why there isn't one here. I'm moving but, go online get the material, register whith

whoever, find a church hall room near an AA or on a different night and run it yourself and within two years you should have the world's largest group, which will run on its own.

LOS home for SLAA. SLAA meetings are nothing but "interesting", at least, especially when the girls get up and talk.

You never know, a lot of people don't even know they've got a problem that's wrecking their lives and or what to do about it.

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I must be going to the wrong places. They usually make me pay before we do bad things. Everything comes with a price tag. Free crap never was worth a damn. If there is a judgement day I hope the alimghty has a sense of humor. Closes the book of life, hands me a cold beer, winks at me and says "I'm in a good mood today. Let's just say you never existed."

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Yes I hear you all going on and on about sex as a transaction between adults but no one seems to want to face the issue of underaged girls being forced into the sex trade and their pimps pocketing the income. That is the issue which should be faced and stopped....it is an enormous violation of child/human rights

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It only tells a very small part of the story. Do a survey at Pattaya, or Phuket or Nana or anywhere. "Would you like to go back to the rice farm and spend 12 hours in a field or paddy for 300 baht a day? Or keep doing this?" Or, as my wife was doing before she got smart and moved to Pattaya, working 10 hours a day in a factory in Bangkok.

Plenty of people in the villages are doing drugs or gambling their lives away. You don't necessarily have to take drugs if you are on the game, it is just another life decision.

The answer is to make everyone rich, but that is impossible of course. The sex industry exists at some level in every society. Of course the workers need protection and the only way that can happen is if the government accepts it exists and regulates it.

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For some perspective here is a little clip taken from a bbc news article about de criminalising prostitution in the UK

This will most likely be welcome news to London's estimated 32,000 sex workers who,charities say, are less safe as a result of thecriminalisation of their trade.

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These sex addicts are, like all addicts, totally selfish and most are in denial.

They don't care about ruining the young woman's life. I've seen first hand the problems these girls get into with drugs and alcohol as I worked voluntarily in a drug rehab centre.

The best thing would be to start an SAA or sex anonymous meeting in Pattaya to try to help these old men.

Yes, SLAA, Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. Can't understand why there isn't one here. I'm moving but, go online get the material, register whith

whoever, find a church hall room near an AA or on a different night and run it yourself and within two years you should have the world's largest group, which will run on its own.

LOS home for SLAA. SLAA meetings are nothing but "interesting", at least, especially when the girls get up and talk.

You never know, a lot of people don't even know they've got a problem that's wrecking their lives and or what to do about it.

Interesting. While I care more about the effects the sex trade has on the poor girls, I wonder how many of the "elderly customers" are actually addicted to sex. Maybe much higher that many think. I'm sure sex addiction ruins lives the same as heroin or alcohol addiction.

To be honest, one reason I've remained faithful to my wife here in Thailand for 31 years is that I probably would become addicted to these prostitutes and rationalize that I was not really cheating on her and Thai men do it and all the other stuff I hear many of my friends say.

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These sex addicts are, like all addicts, totally selfish and most are in denial.

They don't care about ruining the young woman's life. I've seen first hand the problems these girls get into with drugs and alcohol as I worked voluntarily in a drug rehab centre.

The best thing would be to start an SAA or sex anonymous meeting in Pattaya to try to help these old men.

Yes, SLAA, Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. Can't understand why there isn't one here. I'm moving but, go online get the material, register whith

whoever, find a church hall room near an AA or on a different night and run it yourself and within two years you should have the world's largest group, which will run on its own.

LOS home for SLAA. SLAA meetings are nothing but "interesting", at least, especially when the girls get up and talk.

You never know, a lot of people don't even know they've got a problem that's wrecking their lives and or what to do about it.

Interesting. While I care more about the effects the sex trade has on the poor girls, I wonder how many of the "elderly customers" are actually addicted to sex. Maybe much higher that many think. I'm sure sex addiction ruins lives the same as heroin or alcohol addiction.

To be honest, one reason I've remained faithful to my wife here in Thailand for 31 years is that I probably would become addicted to these prostitutes and rationalize that I was not really cheating on her and Thai men do it and all the other stuff I hear many of my friends say.

Thanks Johniey, however in case this is not clear, SLAA is run for any sex or gender. So the girls that need it can also get support. Its a mixed group.

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Most of the hookers i've encountered don't appear to distraught about their profession....Thainess i suppose!...

Ok, you admit you are a monger. But to say the above is pathetic.

Pathetic!!!!........sex given freely isn't associated with thainess/buddism?.........remember who runs and puts on the show...illegal they saywink.png

Most of these girls are bored out of their brains when they leave pattaya for the village life.And contrary to popular belief,being a bargirl is a

choice....many are so lazy they couldn't contemplate working at a hotel changing bed sheets and mopping floors.

But in saying all that...many could skip the hotel work if a good education was provided from the beginning......smile.png

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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

What about doing a meditations retreat or taking your grand kids to the park?

Sex tourists are social misfits, don't try to justify they are normal.

You have obviously never been a lonely man.

That is if you are a man at all.

Come on - just because you are lonely doesn't give you the right to buy sex from hungry, desperate girls.

Think of the damage you are doing them and not your own selfish lust.

And you first became interested in thailand for temple architecture,long humid days under the palm tree,cheap food and beer and the buddist way of lifebiggrin.png

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Feminists and purveyors of man-made religious 'rules' flip the script and cast these women as doe-eyed, hapless victims. Not to say that's never the case. Sure it is, and in the most egregious examples, you would be hard pressed to find a white face.

When I look at Pattaya & BKK farang zones, I see women exploiting men. Knowingly and skillfully attracting a male foregone conclusion, sussing out his desires and playing to his weaknesses in order to exploit and extract what she can, as efficiently as possible.

She then returns to the Savannah watering hole to stalk another one.


Well said. Some of these NGO's do good work. But, many do not. And many are simply always sticking their necks into places where they are not really wanted, and don't really belong. Many are the long arm of the government, as is the case in the US. The US govt. is absolutely obsessed with sex crimes. Any and all sex crimes. While I consider some sex crimes, like real underage sex (16 and under), child porn, human trafficking, etc, to be heinous, they are going after the sex trade in general, and that is simply not right. It is an offense against man. There is no reason whatsoever, that a man with a bit of extra cash, and consenting women, should not be able to hook up.

It goes against everything the US govt, and to some extent the US, UK, and Australian culture define as being correct. It is a short cut. You are supposed to have to work very, very hard, spend a small fortune (not on direct sex purchases, but rather on dinner, gifts, prizes, cars, apartments, condos, houses, boats, trips around the world, expensive clothing, jewelry, diamonds, gold, and promises of marriage, etc) to be able to get to that prize, which is the most overpriced bit of real estate in the Western world. Here, it is priced accordingly, at about what it is worth. The women back home hate that. They hate that we are not having to jump over ridiculous hurdles to get to the prize. It strips them of their power. Feminism rules, in the West. Women have alot of influence over government policy. And that is exactly what we are seeing, with the work of these NGO's. They are slowly but surely trying to slip into Thailand, and influence the government here. With promises of support, financial aid, and who knows what else.

In many countries, consensual sex for hire is completely legal. Those are mature countries, with correct priorities. They are fighting real crime, and locking up real criminals. In some other countries, the priorities are so twisted, that they attempt to turn hard working, honest, moral and ethical men into sex offenders, because they engage in casual sex, with strangers, who have made a conscious decision to sell their bodies. And who has the right to judge that decision? Who is truly pure enough to pass judgment on the sex trade? I highly doubt if Dan is.

Edited by spidermike007
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Does "Undercover Dan" also visit the secret brothels and backstreet shacks where fat Mama Sans cater exclusively to Chinese/Thai customers? There, in the shadow, where the true child abuse and trafficking is going on? No? Thought so, because "Undercover Dan" would either be found dead in a ditch some day, but most likely not even find those places, letting alone his "cover" been blown within minutes...

This said, and knowing that a fair percentage of Thai hookers are in it for the money, being too lazy to do some real work and because they are addicted to the red light and disco scene, where recognition and cash rewards come easy, I'd say, "Sod off Danny Boy, and tackle the social problems in your home country!"

exactly.........he would then be called 'underground Dan'....thumbsup.gif

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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

You have problems mate. Do you ever stop to think about that "bird you are halfway up"? Do you think she is happy with some baldy old Bruce "up her"?

Like another poster said - DENIAL. I met a guy once from the Gold Coast who told me he moved to Pattaya for the nice beach.

I try to have some compassion for them, but when they come onto a public internet forum and talk about these girls as less than human I must admit it's hard.

Jeezuz mate! you sound as camp as a row of tents. God made many apples, good ones, bad ones and green ones. so enjoy.

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This said, and knowing that a fair percentage of Thai hookers are in it for the money, being too lazy to do some real work and because they are addicted to the red light and disco scene, where recognition and cash rewards come easy, I'd say, "Sod off Danny Boy, and tackle the social problems in your home country!"

They are ALL in it for the money.

Another one in denial?

Ok then........they're in it for the sexcheesy.gif .....or money to pay for sex with thai mencheesy.gif

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They may be called 'sex tourists' or 'dirty old men' looking for another bite of the young apple. Ask why they come? because they can. It's there on a plate, and on tap 24/7. Demand is driving this industry, and there's plenty of failed marriages to support the oldest profession in the book. This will never change, unless Thailand decides to close all the bars down, which won't happen in the foreseeable future.

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The only difference we love getting laid we just don't want the Bitch you get when you marry them. Same only you other old farts holier than thou marry them then hang out in bars bitching about the old lady. We just bypass the bitching part. The lady provides a service we pay for the service. Sort of like being married but we don't hand over all our assets for a piece of arse. And who really wants a woman with tits hanging around there knees? And don't forget the honey do's. not to mention two airfares instead of one.

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Feminists and purveyors of man-made religious 'rules' flip the script and cast these women as doe-eyed, hapless victims. Not to say that's never the case. Sure it is, and in the most egregious examples, you would be hard pressed to find a white face.

When I look at Pattaya & BKK farang zones, I see women exploiting men. Knowingly and skillfully attracting a male foregone conclusion, sussing out his desires and playing to his weaknesses in order to exploit and extract what she can, as efficiently as possible.

She then returns to the Savannah watering hole to stalk another one.


Well said. Some of these NGO's do good work. But, many do not. And many are simply always sticking their necks into places where they are not really wanted, and don't really belong. Many are the long arm of the government, as is the case in the US. The US govt. is absolutely obsessed with sex crimes. Any and all sex crimes. While I consider some sex crimes, like real underage sex (16 and under), child porn, human trafficking, etc, to be heinous, they are going after the sex trade in general, and that is simply not right. It is an offense against man. There is no reason whatsoever, that a man with a bit of extra cash, and consenting women, should not be able to hook up.

It goes against everything the US govt, and to some extent the US, UK, and Australian culture define as being correct. It is a short cut. You are supposed to have to work very, very hard, spend a small fortune (not on direct sex purchases, but rather on dinner, gifts, prizes, cars, apartments, condos, houses, boats, trips around the world, expensive clothing, jewelry, diamonds, gold, and promises of marriage, etc) to be able to get to that prize, which is the most overpriced bit of real estate in the Western world. Here, it is priced accordingly, at about what it is worth. The women back home hate that. They hate that we are not having to jump over ridiculous hurdles to get to the prize. It strips them of their power. Feminism rules, in the West. Women have alot of influence over government policy. And that is exactly what we are seeing, with the work of these NGO's. They are slowly but surely trying to slip into Thailand, and influence the government here. With promises of support, financial aid, and who knows what else.

In many countries, consensual sex for hire is completely legal. Those are mature countries, with correct priorities. They are fighting real crime, and locking up real criminals. In some other countries, the priorities are so twisted, that they attempt to turn hard working, honest, moral and ethical men into sex offenders, because they engage in casual sex, with strangers, who have made a conscious decision to sell their bodies. And who has the right to judge that decision? Who is truly pure enough to pass judgment on the sex trade? I highly doubt if Dan is.

Spot on!

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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

What about doing a meditations retreat or taking your grand kids to the park?

Sex tourists are social misfits, don't try to justify they are normal.

You have obviously never been a lonely man.

That is if you are a man at all.

Come on - just because you are lonely doesn't give you the right to buy sex from hungry, desperate girls.

Think of the damage you are doing them and not your own selfish lust.

And who claims ALL are hungry, desperate ?

Think we've all met girls that actually enjoy the life of being sent thousands of Baht every month by various sponsors. Sure there are some that are caught up in underage, human-trafficking which is terrible but a huge percentage of working-girls make the choice to leave their 'old lives' and go work in bar because they want to.

Claiming all are desperate is just your opinion.

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They may be called 'sex tourists' or 'dirty old men' looking for another bite of the young apple. Ask why they come? because they can. It's there on a plate, and on tap 24/7. Demand is driving this industry, and there's plenty of failed marriages to support the oldest profession in the book. This will never change, unless Thailand decides to close all the bars down, which won't happen in the foreseeable future.

There is a law about under age sex and quite rightly so no argument from me on that one break it and get punished.

However I don't ever recal anywhere a law saying old men or old lady's can't have sex with a willing partner who is of the legal age paid for or not. Why is it "these dirty old men" sayings keep popping up. Some no mist of the girls who sell sex here can teach us old dogs a hell of a lot of new tricks. Don't be getting bogged down on "oh poor girls" <deleted> they have a far better life than they did before becoming sex workers. So live and let live. If you really belive in the fact it's wrong don't go there simple really

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I came here a month after the tsunami expecting to buy a few jet skis and live under a coconut tree on the beach.(dreamer) instead I've been financially raped and live on coconuts now.also do I count as a sex tourist as I used to pick the older wrinkly ones until the one I've got now got her claws into me and my life savings.also I'm being forced into marrying her and need to be rescued before it's too late.i tried phoning a hot line number for help but they were all out shagging around.

I would love to hear the details on this story. Claws into your life savings? You're not married, but forced into marrying her?

Do tell...

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These sex addicts are, like all addicts, totally selfish and most are in denial.

They don't care about ruining the young woman's life. I've seen first hand the problems these girls get into with drugs and alcohol as I worked voluntarily in a drug rehab centre.

The best thing would be to start an SAA or sex anonymous meeting in Pattaya to try to help these old men.

Or the women could have chosen to get a "real" job instead of lying on their backs, its not as if getting a job in Thailands hard now is it

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