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‘Do you think we’ll pay for bad things we’ve done?’ Revelations of Aussie sex tourists in Thailand


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Yes back on topic, it seems "Dan" went looking for underage, trafficed, enslaved girls in the tourist oriented bar scene. Not finding any he had to change his focus. Poor lad, if he went to where the real trafficers opperate he would not survive.

Why not look for faults with Dan?

It will save you looking at your own insecurities, deviances, and shortcomings.

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Yes back on topic, it seems "Dan" went looking for underage, trafficed, enslaved girls in the tourist oriented bar scene. Not finding any he had to change his focus. Poor lad, if he went to where the real trafficers opperate he would not survive.

Why not look for faults with Dan?

It will save you looking at your own insecurities, deviances, and shortcomings.

The article is about "Dan", not me. I am quite aware and comfortable with my insecurities, deviancestongue.png and insecurities, and you?

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Yes back on topic, it seems "Dan" went looking for underage, trafficed, enslaved girls in the tourist oriented bar scene. Not finding any he had to change his focus. Poor lad, if he went to where the real trafficers opperate he would not survive.

Why not look for faults with Dan?

It will save you looking at your own insecurities, deviances, and shortcomings.

The article is about "Dan", not me. I am quite aware and comfortable with my insecurities, deviancestongue.png and insecurities, and you?
It blaringly obvious that you're not.

I look at my character defects daily and they are slowly being reduced.

I have no deviances to speak of.It was people like Dan that helped me eradicate them.

The article is not about Dan, it's about sad old sexpats causing damage to themselves. Dan is actually trying to help you as well as the girls being abused.

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Shame that letter from a prostitute was deleted.

It said it all.

They hate their work and EVERY client they have.

That includes YOU MrX in Pattaya.

Why was it deleted? Who deleted it? Anyone know?


The link was from a source not allowed on this forum.

However you can find it here, I assume this link is allowed.


Just read it. Do you think all those men on this forum will re think about their claims that the women are happy and enjoy their profession after reading this? Many on here truly believe what the prostitutes tell them, and that they chose to do it and enjoy earning the money,,, I think most sensible people are not so naive.

I wonder if it will even be given consideration by the advocates, whether they will at least start to question their own beliefs, I hope so but I am doubtful.

I was at Uni in Thailand... and many hi-so girls (well maybe not the majority) were sideline girls too. Daddy paid for the car and the apartment or whatever, but excessive consumerism drove these girls to do anything to get higher status. Usually they needed more expensive bags and shoes than the other girls to show their 'class'. I agree that these girls have serious psychological problems and that prostitution will add to it... but they certainly do not do it out of necessity.
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Shame that letter from a prostitute was deleted.

It said it all.

They hate their work and EVERY client they have.

That includes YOU MrX in Pattaya.

Why was it deleted? Who deleted it? Anyone know?


The link was from a source not allowed on this forum.

However you can find it here, I assume this link is allowed.


Just read it. Do you think all those men on this forum will re think about their claims that the women are happy and enjoy their profession after reading this? Many on here truly believe what the prostitutes tell them, and that they chose to do it and enjoy earning the money,,, I think most sensible people are not so naive.

I wonder if it will even be given consideration by the advocates, whether they will at least start to question their own beliefs, I hope so but I am doubtful.

I was at Uni in Thailand... and many hi-so girls (well maybe not the majority) were sideline girls too. Daddy paid for the car and the apartment or whatever, but excessive consumerism drove these girls to do anything to get higher status. Usually they needed more expensive bags and shoes than the other girls to show their 'class'. I agree that these girls have serious psychological problems and that prostitution will add to it... but they certainly do not do it out of necessity.

I agree but this scene is far removed from places like Nana, Pat Pong, or Pattaya.

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Yes back on topic, it seems "Dan" went looking for underage, trafficed, enslaved girls in the tourist oriented bar scene. Not finding any he had to change his focus. Poor lad, if he went to where the real trafficers opperate he would not survive.

No - it is yourself that you need to look at....why spend so much time trying to justify what is demonstrably a gaping personality flaw in a vast number of expats living in Thailand?

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Yes back on topic, it seems "Dan" went looking for underage, trafficed, enslaved girls in the tourist oriented bar scene. Not finding any he had to change his focus. Poor lad, if he went to where the real trafficers opperate he would not survive.

No - it is yourself that you need to look at....why spend so much time trying to justify what is demonstrably a gaping personality flaw in a vast number of expats living in Thailand?

Because I enjoy winding up you idiots. I learned not to be judgmental of others lifestyles unless they write stupid article like "Dan"or do real damage. . i don't even go to those kind of bars or Pattaya yet my character has been repeatedly insulted. I enjoy seeing how the religious brainwashed "moralists" dig themselves into their dogmatic little holes, they are easily triggered. It is all for entertaiment really, you guys a great, thanks.

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""The other glaring audacity here is men believing they even have a judgemental right over the sex worker or user.""

""It's borderline dogmatic to see these transactions as always harmful""

Often these groups trying to protect woman ignore their rights.

Ironically, in CATWs efforts to protect women from subjugation by sex trafficking, protective legislations are established which arguably inhibit womens agency further

For by seeking protection from the very structures that restrict agency, the injured identity and patriarchal structures of dominance are reaffirmed a similar claim by saying, the argument that women require protection from and by men has been widely dismissed.

By identifying any woman as prostitute, we remove her identity as mother or daughter or friend.

It may also be noted that identity based on injury cannot let go of that injury without ceasing to exist

That is, without injury, the carefully constructed prostitute identity that activist groups rely on does not exist.

We see terminally ill posters here speaking of them as friends , whilst he is in need and this is refuted.

Prostitutes to these people can only exist as damaged victims.

The reality is many accumulate high incomes , some wouldn't wish to leave, others marry up, and some do retire with few regrets.

These are not opinions but facts.

No amount of arrogance or make believe or holier than thou can alter this simple truth that a proportion of sex workers are successful in achieving what they set out to do.

Damage in vice industry exists on both sides .

However , it's shallow to portray all woman in the sex trade as victims.

Even degrading to them and their choices.

"The reality is many accumulate high incomes ," - this is typical of the crap you have been posting - ...how do "accumulate" an income???

You make these statements as if they are fact, just about everything you have posted is total rubbish -every other phrase is a "soundbite" of misinformation , inaccurate based on a false premise or just simply made up.......it sounds like a sad old man trying to justify his lifestyle and mitigate a nasty dose of misogyny. Quite pitiful.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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""The other glaring audacity here is men believing they even have a judgemental right over the sex worker or user.""

""It's borderline dogmatic to see these transactions as always harmful""

Often these groups trying to protect woman ignore their rights.

Ironically, in CATWs efforts to protect women from subjugation by sex trafficking, protective legislations are established which arguably inhibit womens agency further

For by seeking protection from the very structures that restrict agency, the injured identity and patriarchal structures of dominance are reaffirmed a similar claim by saying, the argument that women require protection from and by men has been widely dismissed.

By identifying any woman as prostitute, we remove her identity as mother or daughter or friend.

It may also be noted that identity based on injury cannot let go of that injury without ceasing to exist

That is, without injury, the carefully constructed prostitute identity that activist groups rely on does not exist.

We see terminally ill posters here speaking of them as friends , whilst he is in need and this is refuted.

Prostitutes to these people can only exist as damaged victims.

The reality is many accumulate high incomes , some wouldn't wish to leave, others marry up, and some do retire with few regrets.

These are not opinions but facts.

No amount of arrogance or make believe or holier than thou can alter this simple truth that a proportion of sex workers are successful in achieving what they set out to do.

Damage in vice industry exists on both sides .

However , it's shallow to portray all woman in the sex trade as victims.

Even degrading to them and their choices.

"The reality is many accumulate high incomes ," - this is typical of the crap you have been posting - ...how do "accumulate" an income???

You make these statements as if they are fact, just about everything you have posted is total rubbish -every other phrase is a "soundbite" of misinformation , inaccurate based on a false premise or just simply made up.......it sounds like a sad old man trying to justify his lifestyle and mitigate a nasty dose of misogyny. Quite pitiful.

Please compare the 2 posts quoted above, which one offers thoughtful nuancedl arguments and which is just repeats insults without a any real reply?

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If all parties are legal age and consenting there is no problem. If the sex industry was legalised it would only be a positive thing, for the people in this kind of work.

I personally I don't like prostitution, and I have low opinions of the kind of people who frequent these places, but that is my personal view, for my personal lifestyle. I have no right to tell consenting adults what they can and can't do with their lives.

I don't like it even more when Christian freaks start interfering with things they have no understand about.. and they have their own twisted agenda for 'helping' their 'poor innocent delicate abused women'. Same reason they have to helping the hill tribe 'orphans' and trying to get Thais to attend the local Church and give up they religion.

I am not ashamed to say I have several good friends who work in the sex industry. I can assure you they were never being exploited, in fact they do at great job of exploiting their unsuspecting customers. And there are many well qualified sex workers too, but they choose to do their current job, rather than a lower paying or more boring or time consuming 'normal' job. Its not only women that do these jobs, there are many men, straight and gay, but these are not 'helped and rescued' by the kind Christian folk... as they are not as pretty I suspect.

This is a difficult and dangerous kind of job for anyone to do. It can be the ruin of many peoples lives. But at the end of the day we all have the right to choose to live how we want. If they would rather work in the sex industry rather than in the supermarket, office, or on the farm, than that's the choice they make, and many make a very good living from it.

We have no right to tell people what they do is wrong or force them to do other jobs.

Each to his / her own.

Each to their own eh! Unless it comes to something you disagree with then they are "freaks",,, such as, well lets say religion as a wild guess to where your hypocrisy lies. Despite most of the world having one faith or another.

So you believe because most people believe in something or are doing something then that is right? Most people on this thread agree with prostitution, so should you should stop posting that it is wrong?

You know as well as I do I am talking about consenting adults here, people who are both into what they are doing, and don't harm the other.

Religious nutters always harm people, they twist and warp vulnerable peoples minds. They force their religious morals and views on the rest of society, and help grow hatred and persecution for minority groups, and any one in society who does not believe in what they dictate. Here in Thailand they take pride in destroying ethnic groups cultures and families.

What are you talking about? Have you been persecuted by a religious group lately? Do you know of any vulnerable people who have their lives and families destroyed by a religious group?. And where exactly are religious groups destroying ethnic groups, cultures and families. south Korea is now over 30% Christian, do you see their country destroyed or has it actually thrived over theist 30 years?

This is your own misguided and misinformed prejudice based upon nothing but your hatred for something you truly do not and are probably do not have the inclination to understand.

I don't believe that most people endorse prostitution, I believe there are a disproportionate amount on this forum simply because of where we are, the home of the sex industry which inevitably attracts people who indulge.

And as you are so fond of talking about majorities 85% of the worlds population follow a religion or some sort or other, in Thailand for example over 90% are Buddhist and they also do not endorse prostitution, they see it as an "unwholesome" act.

So, I am begging you please think about what you are saying, check that you are speaking the truth and ask around before you spout your hatred, it can be more damaging to society then you know.

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""The other glaring audacity here is men believing they even have a judgemental right over the sex worker or user.""

""It's borderline dogmatic to see these transactions as always harmful""

Often these groups trying to protect woman ignore their rights.

Ironically, in CATWs efforts to protect women from subjugation by sex trafficking, protective legislations are established which arguably inhibit womens agency further

For by seeking protection from the very structures that restrict agency, the injured identity and patriarchal structures of dominance are reaffirmed a similar claim by saying, the argument that women require protection from and by men has been widely dismissed.

By identifying any woman as prostitute, we remove her identity as mother or daughter or friend.

It may also be noted that identity based on injury cannot let go of that injury without ceasing to exist

That is, without injury, the carefully constructed prostitute identity that activist groups rely on does not exist.

We see terminally ill posters here speaking of them as friends , whilst he is in need and this is refuted.

Prostitutes to these people can only exist as damaged victims.

The reality is many accumulate high incomes , some wouldn't wish to leave, others marry up, and some do retire with few regrets.

These are not opinions but facts.

No amount of arrogance or make believe or holier than thou can alter this simple truth that a proportion of sex workers are successful in achieving what they set out to do.

Damage in vice industry exists on both sides .

However , it's shallow to portray all woman in the sex trade as victims.

Even degrading to them and their choices.

"The reality is many accumulate high incomes ," - this is typical of the crap you have been posting - ...how do "accumulate" an income???

You make these statements as if they are fact, just about everything you have posted is total rubbish -every other phrase is a "soundbite" of misinformation , inaccurate based on a false premise or just simply made up.......it sounds like a sad old man trying to justify his lifestyle and mitigate a nasty dose of misogyny. Quite pitiful.

Please compare the 2 posts quoted above, which one offers thoughtful nuancedl arguments and which is just repeats insults without a any real reply?

There are countless "nuanced arguments" on this thread stating facts about the downside of prostitution, most of which followed by insults or spouts of accusations of being a religious nutball or do-gooder.

I didn't see you comparing those arguments with so much thought.. giggle.gif

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Yes back on topic, it seems "Dan" went looking for underage, trafficed, enslaved girls in the tourist oriented bar scene. Not finding any he had to change his focus. Poor lad, if he went to where the real trafficers opperate he would not survive.

No - it is yourself that you need to look at....why spend so much time trying to justify what is demonstrably a gaping personality flaw in a vast number of expats living in Thailand?

Because I enjoy winding up you idiots. I learned not to be judgmental of others lifestyles unless they write stupid article like "Dan"or do real damage. . i don't even go to those kind of bars or Pattaya yet my character has been repeatedly insulted. I enjoy seeing how the religious brainwashed "moralists" dig themselves into their dogmatic little holes, they are easily triggered. It is all for entertaiment really, you guys a great, thanks.

I think it is you who is easily wound up. I can almost hear your temples throbbing when you type your insulting remarks,, and again with the religious crap.

Really? Just get a life.

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Alot of the narrative here is demonisation of the trade , and accusing other men unfairly.

I have personal reservations about the obvious moral questions.

Whilst I concede and highlight the dangerous , the agency of woman acting independent should be recognised as factual.

"Conceding choice is the first step in this argument .

The reality is a quarter of woman have jobs already when they switch or add this profession "

"" Give woman some free will in this debate instead of taking away their agency of choice and casting them as victims"

""How is society to respond to prostitution?

Is it a legitimate profession of choice?

Is there anything wrong with a woman using her sexual freedom in this way?

These questions are both for law makers and people to decide

People who are ok with it should not be demonised or accused of being users.

Elderly feminists now in some circles recognise the woman's choice.

What is so difficult to accept about the man who explicitly solicits sex? Is he less of a man? Is the prostitute dehumanized, i.e. less of a woman? What limits her agency within the structures she is a part of? Is it possible to be a sex worker and not a damaged, suffering woman in need of rescue?

Is it possible to be a man that travels to Thailand to buy sex and not be all that we think he is? Why dont men identify themselves as sex tourists? Why do we empathize with Good Girl of Bangkok, and project injury onto her?

Most literature on the prostitute is written through the lens of feminist theory, however the highly gendered nature of the work unfortunately serves to reinforce the very categories feminism hopes to deconstruct ""

The reality is these people selling their bodies exist in some instances happily.

They have modern day devices to screen and even choose who to go with.

The old worn out stereotype of 60 year old and 22 year old isn't always a fair observation.

Many girls freelance in discos and refuse men.

Choosing someone younger.

Making $250 USD for a night.

They turn up at their regular job next morning.

Some have websites.

Are these woman in need of rescue also?

Is there an opinion in there somewhere or are you just trying to be appear to be just and fair by sitting on the fence?

No need to list the questions, however articulate. I think both sides of the fence know the questions, we are actually in the debate,

So, what do you actually think?

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Yes back on topic, it seems "Dan" went looking for underage, trafficed, enslaved girls in the tourist oriented bar scene. Not finding any he had to change his focus. Poor lad, if he went to where the real trafficers opperate he would not survive.

And you know where they are for certain do you?

You believe no trafficked women in Bangkok?

Do you think what he is doing is a decent thing to do? If it was your daughter who was kidnapped and trafficked and "Dan" got her safely home would you feel the same way? Of course you would not. Well, he is doing exactly that, getting someones daughter home...

What is wrong with you?

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dan is an obvious bible thumper, his language use makes it obvious - 'save the girls' 'his calling'

the version of the article i read had a link to the facebook page of the female author, she had liked a page called 'pornography harms', signed an online petition to stop a strip club being built accompanied by a comment explaining how terrible strip clubs are

just a couple sad, repressed puritans

i can imagine poor old dan getting back to his room furiously masturbating with tears streaming down his cheeks disgusted at his own immoral thoughts

so GAZZPA are you an atheist? tell us are you religious?

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Monaco is the richest state of the world.
Prostitution there is legal.
In Monaco, russian prostitutes earn 500 to 1000€ for a small shag.
Some women even earn up top 10.000€ for a night.


Anyone think that those prostitutes are "suffering" too? Or get mentally traumatized? Or need to be rescued?

Or is prostitution suddenly not traumatizing anymore, when the money paid is high enough?

Edited by freestyle
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Why not stop it at source,in the Isaan villages where a lot of these girls are raped by their Fathers,then pimped out by their brothers to his mates for 20 Baht a time,no wonder when the recruiters turn up it's easy pickings for them?
Then they blame the white man for turning up like a fool and getting rinsed down on Soi Cowboy at 200 Baht a beer just to look at these girls,or down Nana Plaza which isn't much cheaper!
As mentioned before old Danny boy won't go after the real criminals,the traffickers and pimps as he'd very quickly,probably within days,end up dead in a ditch somewhere.
Blaming the doddery old farts wobbling around Pattaya and Patpong is like blaming junkies for the global Heroin problem,it's been shown very clearly and time and time again that it just doesn't work,the 'War on Mongers' was lost about 2,000 years ago in biblical times!

Edited by MyFrenU
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Why not stop it at source,in the Isaan villages where a lot of these girls are raped by their Fathers,then pimped out by their brothers to his mates for 20 Baht a time,no wonder when the recruiters turn up it's easy pickings for them?

Then they blame the white man for turning up like a fool and getting rinsed down on Soi Cowboy at 200 Baht a beer just to look at these girls,or down Nana Plaza which isn't much cheaper!

As mentioned before old Danny boy won't go after the real criminals,the traffickers and pimps as he'd very quickly,probably within days,end up dead in a ditch somewhere.

Blaming the doddery old farts wobbling around Pattaya and Patpong is like blaming junkies for the global Heroin problem,it's been shown very clearly and time and time again that it just doesn't work,the 'War on Mongers' was lost about 2,000 years ago in biblical times!

Observations above are good....

Simple answer is its a mixture of scam and self deluded man haters( using Christian goons to do the dirty work.)

Even on the thread ...name calling by pro narrow minded Christians is a bit pathetic .


Amnesty International announced a month ago a push for decriminalising Prostitution which the author of this thread ( A feminist ) albeit out of touch , ...is fiercely against.

Proof ?

She has the link on her Facebook page and is trying to organise against it.

Lets look at her links to this article where she freely says the below.

Here is the author of this thread commenting on a Facebook link provided at end( of article)

""The real reason I was so excited to see this article published, was because I knew it would have the opportunity to reach thousands of people who may desperately need to see this; not only those who are passionate about ending sex slavery, but also the men who purchase women.

Writing this article was never going to be easy. Dan and I knew that there would be strong opinions on both sides those who believe that sex tourists and pedophiles deserve no empathy, and those who believe that sex workers are all happy and consenting adults.""


I have been accused of fabrication when I make simple observations.

So I will let the reader decide ""what we are dealing with""

Does the reader not versed in Thai prostitution know the average Thai hooker is 27?

Has one child and sends collectively 300 million USD to poor villages per year annually.?

And is responsible for 10% of GDP ?

Thus it ain't gonna stop.

This Christian scam is about trying to raise funds ...whilst men haters get cheap goals generalising.

Real feminists these days try and educate Thai hookers and offer training courses.

There are too many to list.

Few blame men.

Certainly not better paying tourists.

And the myth and link to underage sex is disgusting ...it accounts for less than 0.2% of all males in that sector procuring sex.

Personally , I am no fan of the vice industry .

But letting fanatics sprout lies and generalisations and have affiliates here accuse falsely is not going to go unmentioned.

The notion all hookers are victims are from premise to conclusion poor intellectual structure.

We have social media now .

We see their lives online.

It's a pitiful lie .

Many achieve high income.

Are adjusted and smirk at this stuff.

Some have two houses by 30.

It's the ""all woman are victims "" I have issue with.

And as for demonising men ......go look at the Christian faith and pedophiles who are well represented in particular quarters .

Historically it's also curious that the mother of Christ fell pregnant at 16 and the husband didn't touch her.

This is the 21 st century.

Sure I feel for some hookers ...by all means try help them.

But this crap about all men Blah Blah blah blah and the hatred here for differing opinions

""Like some woman choose and are very much not the victim"" gets howled down .

We all know the links we could place up.

But somehow these people are only interested in deception and a narrow agenda .

Edited by Plutojames88
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Monaco is the richest state of the world.

Prostitution there is legal.

In Monaco, russian prostitutes earn 500 to 1000 for a small shag.

Some women even earn up top 10.000 for a night.


Anyone think that those prostitutes are "suffering" too? Or get mentally traumatized? Or need to be rescued?

Or is prostitution suddenly not traumatizing anymore, when the money paid is high enough?

""They construct the injury of sex in prostitution in a circular manner. Prostitution is considered always injurious because the sex in it is also hurting the woman..

However, the sex takes on this dehumanizing character because it takes place within prostitution. In this neat, sealed construction, there is no place for the experiences of sex workers who claim their work is not harmful ....they say they are lying etc .......because the fanatics are exposed as scammers.

For These narrow minded people and CATW, the notion of a prostitute who is unharmed by her experience is an ontological impossibility: that which cannot be.

Why? .....their whole money raising schemes are based on victimisation.

And here on TV ...the name calling and total distortion continues.

Again I say most people here agree on one simple truth.

Many woman are not in need of rescue or victims and most already have a child.

Some own houses and earn twice the wages of a nurse monthly.

Some are both.

The idea this is a sex traffic situation in general and young woman are more than a small percentage is sheer con jobbing the gullible community to unnecessarily donating to a cause which is misleading in this case.

The facts are choice is involved and most know clearly what they are doing.

Some financially far sounder for it all.

The harm is dramatically exaggerated as are the men demonised .

The average and majority of transactions occurs between consenting adults over 25

Not predators and teens.

This Christian agenda deserves utter contempt for falsehoods and accusations

Edited by Plutojames88
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Why not stop it at source,in the Isaan villages where a lot of these girls are raped by their Fathers,then pimped out by their brothers to his mates for 20 Baht a time,no wonder when the recruiters turn up it's easy pickings for them?

Then they blame the white man for turning up like a fool and getting rinsed down on Soi Cowboy at 200 Baht a beer just to look at these girls,or down Nana Plaza which isn't much cheaper!

As mentioned before old Danny boy won't go after the real criminals,the traffickers and pimps as he'd very quickly,probably within days,end up dead in a ditch somewhere.

Blaming the doddery old farts wobbling around Pattaya and Patpong is like blaming junkies for the global Heroin problem,it's been shown very clearly and time and time again that it just doesn't work,the 'War on Mongers' was lost about 2,000 years ago in biblical times!

You hold Issan in such high esteem. While I am sure some of this happens the whole pimped out by her brother for 20 baht a pop is a bit melodramatic.

I know alot of exceptional Issan people. They put the hi-so of Bangkok to shame with their family values, integrity and willingness to work hard for an honest living.

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These sex addicts are, like all addicts, totally selfish and most are in denial.

They don't care about ruining the young woman's life. I've seen first hand the problems these girls get into with drugs and alcohol as I worked voluntarily in a drug rehab centre.

The best thing would be to start an SAA or sex anonymous meeting in Pattaya to try to help these old men.

I'd be more than happy to go to Sex Anonymous meetings but only if they're combined with the Nymphomaniac Anonymous meetings.

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These sex addicts are, like all addicts, totally selfish and most are in denial.

They don't care about ruining the young woman's life. I've seen first hand the problems these girls get into with drugs and alcohol as I worked voluntarily in a drug rehab centre.

The best thing would be to start an SAA or sex anonymous meeting in Pattaya to try to help these old men.

I'd be more than happy to go to Sex Anonymous meetings but only if they're combined with the Nymphomaniac Anonymous meetings.

Do you know you stupid this makes you look?

Kinda like saying you want to go to an AA meeting I'd there is free beer.

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These sex addicts are, like all addicts, totally selfish and most are in denial.

They don't care about ruining the young woman's life. I've seen first hand the problems these girls get into with drugs and alcohol as I worked voluntarily in a drug rehab centre.

The best thing would be to start an SAA or sex anonymous meeting in Pattaya to try to help these old men.

I'd be more than happy to go to Sex Anonymous meetings but only if they're combined with the Nymphomaniac Anonymous meetings.

Do you know you stupid this makes you look?

Kinda like saying you want to go to an AA meeting I'd there is free beer.

I wouldn't want to rush my recovery.

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Monaco is the richest state of the world.

Prostitution there is legal.

In Monaco, russian prostitutes earn 500 to 1000 for a small shag.

Some women even earn up top 10.000 for a night.


Anyone think that those prostitutes are "suffering" too? Or get mentally traumatized? Or need to be rescued?

Or is prostitution suddenly not traumatizing anymore, when the money paid is high enough?

""They construct the injury of sex in prostitution in a circular manner. Prostitution is considered always injurious because the sex in it is also hurting the woman..

However, the sex takes on this dehumanizing character because it takes place within prostitution. In this neat, sealed construction, there is no place for the experiences of sex workers who claim their work is not harmful ....they say they are lying etc .......because the fanatics are exposed as scammers.

For These narrow minded people and CATW, the notion of a prostitute who is unharmed by her experience is an ontological impossibility: that which cannot be.

Why? .....their whole money raising schemes are based on victimisation.

And here on TV ...the name calling and total distortion continues.

Again I say most people here agree on one simple truth.

Many woman are not in need of rescue or victims and most already have a child.

Some own houses and earn twice the wages of a nurse monthly.

Some are both.

The idea this is a sex traffic situation in general and young woman are more than a small percentage is sheer con jobbing the gullible community to unnecessarily donating to a cause which is misleading in this case.

The facts are choice is involved and most know clearly what they are doing.

Some financially far sounder for it all.

The harm is dramatically exaggerated as are the men demonised .

The average and majority of transactions occurs between consenting adults over 25

Not predators and teens.

This Christian agenda deserves utter contempt for falsehoods and accusations

Firstly, there is no proof that these people against prostitution are Christians.

Relating wealth with psychological damage is really dim. Like rich people can't get hooked on drugs?

Dan exposes the old sexpat as what he is, and understandably you don't like it.

The young girl getting hurt is not the issue here but obvious. Giving BJs to fat old Bruce's every day affects one's feeling of men and themselves, regardless of view much money they receive.

It is actually sadder the damage these old codgers are doing to themselves and the embarrassment they are to their children and family.

Now I am older and wiser, I am moving to Pattaya to take advantage of the cheap young poverished farmers daughters, and screw the consequences of their mental well-being, as they think I'm handsome.

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dan is an obvious bible thumper, his language use makes it obvious - 'save the girls' 'his calling'

the version of the article i read had a link to the facebook page of the female author, she had liked a page called 'pornography harms', signed an online petition to stop a strip club being built accompanied by a comment explaining how terrible strip clubs are

just a couple sad, repressed puritans

i can imagine poor old dan getting back to his room furiously masturbating with tears streaming down his cheeks disgusted at his own immoral thoughts

so GAZZPA are you an atheist? tell us are you religious?

Quote one thing he says that makes it obvious he's a Christian.

I'm certainly not religious but say he's talking sense and doing an admirable job.

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These sex addicts are, like all addicts, totally selfish and most are in denial.

They don't care about ruining the young woman's life. I've seen first hand the problems these girls get into with drugs and alcohol as I worked voluntarily in a drug rehab centre.

The best thing would be to start an SAA or sex anonymous meeting in Pattaya to try to help these old men.

I'd be more than happy to go to Sex Anonymous meetings but only if they're combined with the Nymphomaniac Anonymous meetings.

Do you know you stupid this makes you look?

Kinda like saying you want to go to an AA meeting I'd there is free beer.

I wouldn't want to rush my recovery.

At least you admit you suffer from something that it is possible to recover from.

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Why not stop it at source,in the Isaan villages where a lot of these girls are raped by their Fathers,then pimped out by their brothers to his mates for 20 Baht a time,no wonder when the recruiters turn up it's easy pickings for them?

Then they blame the white man for turning up like a fool and getting rinsed down on Soi Cowboy at 200 Baht a beer just to look at these girls,or down Nana Plaza which isn't much cheaper!

As mentioned before old Danny boy won't go after the real criminals,the traffickers and pimps as he'd very quickly,probably within days,end up dead in a ditch somewhere.

Blaming the doddery old farts wobbling around Pattaya and Patpong is like blaming junkies for the global Heroin problem,it's been shown very clearly and time and time again that it just doesn't work,the 'War on Mongers' was lost about 2,000 years ago in biblical times!

You hold Issan in such high esteem. While I am sure some of this happens the whole pimped out by her brother for 20 baht a pop is a bit melodramatic.

I know alot of exceptional Issan people. They put the hi-so of Bangkok to shame with their family values, integrity and willingness to work hard for an honest living.

You obviously don't know any of Bangkoks Hi-Sos. I know a couple of exceptional individuals from this segment of Thai society. What makes you put them down like this?

I agree, there are some great people in Isarn..

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A study of 200 street prostitutes documented a high prevalence of alcohol and drug abuse in their family of origin, during the drift into prostitution and as part of prostitution. Additionally, the study documented a high prevalence of substance abuse among the child molesters and rapists of the subjects. The existence of a relationship between substance abuse and prostitution in and of itself does not imply causality. It is not clear whether substance abuse is one of the factors that pushed these women into prostitution (as noted earlier, 55% of the subjects reported being addicted prior to their prostitution involvement) or whether it was prostitution that caused their drug involvement (30% became addicted following and 15% concurrently with their prostitution involvement). Most likely, both prostitution and substance abuse are the behavioral translations of these women's endless cycles of victimization and severely disturbed backgrounds, as well as an expression of the self-destructive pull, the sense of hopelessness, helplessness, negative self-concept and psychological paralysis reported by almost every subject in the study.


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