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Trump: Charges of anti-Semitism over tweet are 'ridiculous'


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Trump: Charges of anti-Semitism over tweet are 'ridiculous'
JILL COLVIN, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton's campaign is "ridiculous" to portray an anti-Clinton tweet that appeared to depict the Star of David atop a pile of cash as anti-Semitic.

In a statement issued by his Republican presidential campaign Monday evening, Trump suggested Clinton and her allies were using the matter to distract from her own recent campaign troubles.

Trump said the tweet portrayed "a basic star, often used by sheriffs who deal with criminals and criminal behavior," as part of an effort to convey that "Crooked Hillary is the most corrupt candidate ever."

It was the presumptive GOP nominee's most extensive comment since his official account tweeted— then deleted — the image Saturday, sparking uproar over its potentially anti-Semitic connotations. Trump's account later posted a new version with a circle in place of the six-point star.

Addressing the origins of the tweet for the first time, Trump campaign social media director Dan Scavino said in a statement posted on Trump's Facebook page Monday evening that he had lifted it from an anti-Clinton Twitter feed and had never intended to offend anyone.

"The social media graphic used this weekend was not created by the campaign nor was it sourced from an anti-Semitic site. It was lifted from an anti-Hillary Twitter user where countless images appear," he wrote.

He said that the star, which he described as a sheriff's badge "fit with the theme of corrupt Hillary and that is why I selected it."

"As the social media director for the campaign, I would never offend anyone and therefore chose to remove the image," he added.

The now-deleted @FishBoneHead1 account that appears to have first posted the image featured a series of anti-Clinton memes as well as other provocative and offensive images. The image had also appeared on a white supremacist message board filled with anti-Semitic messages.

Scavino did not respond to a follow-up question about whether @FishBoneHead1 was the "anti-Hillary" Twitter account he was referring to.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, said Trump's attempt to dismiss the concerns of people who have taken issue with the post "falls somewhere between absurd and offensive."

"It's not a left-wing issue or a right-wing issue," he said. "It's not a Democratic issue or a Republican issue. It's a matter of common sense." Greenblatt said: "It would be appropriate and timely for the presumptive GOP nominee for the White House to say unequivocally, I want nothing to do with these ideas," and to say "hate has no place in making America great again."

Earlier Monday, Sarah Bard, director of Jewish outreach for Clinton's Democratic presidential campaign, said in a statement that "Trump's use of a blatantly anti-Semitic image from racist websites to promote his campaign" was part of a pattern by him. "Now, not only won't he apologize for it, he's peddling lies and blaming others," she added. "Trump should be condemning hate, not offering more campaign behavior and rhetoric that engages extremists."

In his statement, Trump accused Clinton's campaign of using the tweet to try to "divert attention from the dishonest behavior of herself and her husband." He cited her "missing emails" and Bill Clinton's impromptu meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch as her agency oversees the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state.

Trump has long professed his support for Israel and his daughter converted to Judaism before her marriage. But he has come under scrutiny for repeatedly re-tweeting posts from white supremacists' accounts and for not immediately renouncing the support of former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-05

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Not only ridiculous but blatant projection considering HRC lapping up every word from antisemitic loon Sydney Blumenthal. Trump incidentally has a daughter who converted to Judaism.

Edited by Steely Dan
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So no picture of the offending tweet?


So using the star of David is now Anti-semitic ?....wow professional victims out in force again ?....i would doubt the star used in this tweet is even intended as being the star of David, the intent is very clear to me and it references law and order

Some has been drinking tainted cool aid again

Edited by Bunnychow
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So no picture of the offending tweet?


So using the star of David is now Anti-semitic ?....wow professional victims out in force again ?....i would doubt the star used in this tweet is even intended as being the star of David, the intent is very clear to me and it references law and order

Some has been drinking tainted cool aid again

that's a star.. and a very evenly spaced one at that! I don't think it references anything. It's just a star to highlight the text.. Edited by casualbiker
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So no picture of the offending tweet?


So using the star of David is now Anti-semitic ?....wow professional victims out in force again ?....i would doubt the star used in this tweet is even intended as being the star of David, the intent is very clear to me and it references law and order

Some has been drinking tainted cool aid again

that's a star.. and a very evenly spaced one at that! I don't think it references anything. It's just a star to highlight the text..

You guys are funny. Pretty much everyone agrees there were anti-semitic undertones...well, everyone except the rabid Trump supporters. You guys do know that the image was lifted from a neo-nazi site, don't you? Nevermind, I know Trump supporters see-no-evil, hear-no-evil...etc.


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Well <deleted> me: I try to shield my daughter from the influence of religion and now I find out I've been sticking the Star of David all over her little books blink.pngrolleyes.gif

Edited by metisdead
Profanity edited out of post.
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So no picture of the offending tweet?


So using the star of David is now Anti-semitic ?....wow professional victims out in force again ?....i would doubt the star used in this tweet is even intended as being the star of David, the intent is very clear to me and it references law and order

Some has been drinking tainted cool aid again

that's a star.. and a very evenly spaced one at that! I don't think it references anything. It's just a star to highlight the text..

You guys are funny. Pretty much everyone agrees there were anti-semitic undertones...well, everyone except the rabid Trump supporters. You guys do know that the image was lifted from a neo-nazi site, don't you? Nevermind, I know Trump supporters see-no-evil, hear-no-evil...etc.


personally I think. In purely the context of the picture then the only anti Semitic content is in people that see anti Semitism in every day life such as at kindergarten those nasty teachers!
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As already mentioned, the anti-Semitism canard is a bit of a stretch as applied to The Donald, considering his favorite daughter, Ivanka (the one he would have hit-on when she was 15 if they weren't related ?), is Jewish, as is a son-in-law and grandchild. However, it's no suprise to see rabid Hillaristas making this charge.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Dudes, get real.

The DANGEROUS donald trump movement has attracted extremist far right, "alt-right", white supremacist, Neo-Nazi American hate groups.

They are part of his CORE base of support.

Happily, these sick extremist HATERS do not comprise a large portion of the population.

But the horrible racist DEMAGOGUE trump has done very little to properly distance himself from them.

This is a long pattern now. Who wants this horrible fascist clown as their president? Nobody sensible.

Don't forget his B.S. interview where he claimed ignorance of DAVID DUKE and failed to dissaciate from him, when there is video evidence of him talking about DAVID DUKE before.

He is implicitly inviting this white supremacist, racist, Jew hating, black hating, Muslim hating, Mexican hating support.

It doesn't make any sense politically, but he does it anyway.

Sure he'll keep the extremist far right wing base, but he'll turn off the MAJORITY of Americans.

In a normal world, a nod this blatant sent to white nationalists would have been followed by a clear and unequivocal apology from the respectable, non-racist candidate. Despite the fact that many in the media, both conservative and liberal, in this paper and beyond, have been asking for Trump to simply and loudly repudiate the alt-right faction in his camp for months, he has yet to do so.

Despite Trump’s repeated assertion that he hires “the best people” as one of his main qualifications for the Oval Office these very same people are following alt-right Twitter accounts and providing anti-Semitic memes for their boss to tweet to his almost 9.5 million followers. We are left with three possible explanations: Many in Trump’s campaign have an affinity for the alt-right; or the campaign team is too stupid to understand the company they keep; or the team is too calculating to disregard any group that will support his candidacy — even from neo-Nazis.

Read more: http://forward.com/opinion/politics/344211/donald-trump-hires-the-best-people-for-following-the-anti-semitic-twitterve/#ixzz4DWEi1tsX

Edited by Jingthing
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Trump can use antisemitic imagery without personally holding antisemitic views. Dog whistle politics is a thing, and Trump's vocal support base contains, and I must choose my words carefully so as not to offend anyone, some of the stupidest and most hateful people in America.

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Trump can use antisemitic imagery without personally holding antisemitic views. Dog whistle politics is a thing, and Trump's vocal support base contains, and I must choose my words carefully so as not to offend anyone, some of the stupidest and most hateful people in America.

You say that, but actually there is evidence that trump does actually harbor anti-semitic stereotypes. In an earlier speech to a Jewish group (before his polished B.S. scripted speech to AIPAC) he said some extremely cringe worthy things. Of course he will get very little of the American Jewish vote largely because he's a republican, and the vast majority of American Jews are democrats. But his association with American Nazi types certainly isn't doing him any favors. Bottom line ... trump really is a racist BIGOT and his bigotry is directed at pretty much everyone that isn't him. We're all "losers" in his demented world view. Americans -- don't fall for his con job.

Edited by Jingthing
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And the rabid Neo-Nazis at Daily Stormer loved the message from their "Glorious Leader":

( Check out Andrew Anglin and learn about the lunatic fascists the Bloviator attracts )

Daily Stormer

June 16, 2015

"We are constantly being told that the answer to the failures of democracy is more democracy."

"As we add extra democracy to our superabundance of democracy, everything continues to get worse."

"What we need is Fascist authoritarianism."




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So no picture of the offending tweet?


So using the star of David is now Anti-semitic ?....wow professional victims out in force again ?....i would doubt the star used in this tweet is even intended as being the star of David, the intent is very clear to me and it references law and order

Some has been drinking tainted cool aid again

that's a star.. and a very evenly spaced one at that! I don't think it references anything. It's just a star to highlight the text..

You guys are funny. Pretty much everyone agrees there were anti-semitic undertones...well, everyone except the rabid Trump supporters. You guys do know that the image was lifted from a neo-nazi site, don't you? Nevermind, I know Trump supporters see-no-evil, hear-no-evil...etc.


So basically everyone against Trump says it's anti-semetic?

Because of a red star?

Talk about clutching at straws...

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Dudes, get real.

The DANGEROUS donald trump movement has attracted extremist far right, "alt-right", white supremacist, Neo-Nazi American hate groups.

They are part of his CORE base of support.

Happily, these sick extremist HATERS do not comprise a large portion of the population.

But the horrible racist DEMAGOGUE trump has done very little to properly distance himself from them.

This is a long pattern now. Who wants this horrible fascist clown as their president? Nobody sensible.

Don't forget his B.S. interview where he claimed ignorance of DAVID DUKE and failed to dissaciate from him, when there is video evidence of him talking about DAVID DUKE before.

He is implicitly inviting this white supremacist, racist, Jew hating, black hating, Muslim hating, Mexican hating support.

It doesn't make any sense politically, but he does it anyway.

Sure he'll keep the extremist far right wing base, but he'll turn off the MAJORITY of Americans.

In a normal world, a nod this blatant sent to white nationalists would have been followed by a clear and unequivocal apology from the respectable, non-racist candidate. Despite the fact that many in the media, both conservative and liberal, in this paper and beyond, have been asking for Trump to simply and loudly repudiate the alt-right faction in his camp for months, he has yet to do so.

Despite Trump’s repeated assertion that he hires “the best people” as one of his main qualifications for the Oval Office these very same people are following alt-right Twitter accounts and providing anti-Semitic memes for their boss to tweet to his almost 9.5 million followers. We are left with three possible explanations: Many in Trump’s campaign have an affinity for the alt-right; or the campaign team is too stupid to understand the company they keep; or the team is too calculating to disregard any group that will support his candidacy — even from neo-Nazis.

Read more: http://forward.com/opinion/politics/344211/donald-trump-hires-the-best-people-for-following-the-anti-semitic-twitterve/#ixzz4DWEi1tsX

Get a grip man, HRC has the Nation of Islam vote tied up too. This is nothing more than hysterical theatrics from a desperate Clinton team trying to score a knockout before their deity is led away in chains by the FBI.
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It is no surprise supporters and GOP "leaders" don't have a problem with Trump's anti-semitic Clinton tweet. Remember, they created him. They support him because he represents everything they believe in. They have already told us party comes before country and that to them as long as it is not Hillary, any act of bigotry, racism, anti-semitism, xenophobia, fear mongering etc is not too much for them to put up with. They champion what they created regardless of the stench it carries!

And David Duke loved it! Mana from heaven for the neo-nazis. This is so Trump.

It's just so typical to be blind to the blatant anti-semitism. Pathetic, really.

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Dudes, get real.

The DANGEROUS donald trump movement has attracted extremist far right, "alt-right", white supremacist, Neo-Nazi American hate groups.

They are part of his CORE base of support.

Happily, these sick extremist HATERS do not comprise a large portion of the population.

But the horrible racist DEMAGOGUE trump has done very little to properly distance himself from them.

This is a long pattern now. Who wants this horrible fascist clown as their president? Nobody sensible.

Don't forget his B.S. interview where he claimed ignorance of DAVID DUKE and failed to dissaciate from him, when there is video evidence of him talking about DAVID DUKE before.

He is implicitly inviting this white supremacist, racist, Jew hating, black hating, Muslim hating, Mexican hating support.

It doesn't make any sense politically, but he does it anyway.

Sure he'll keep the extremist far right wing base, but he'll turn off the MAJORITY of Americans.

In a normal world, a nod this blatant sent to white nationalists would have been followed by a clear and unequivocal apology from the respectable, non-racist candidate. Despite the fact that many in the media, both conservative and liberal, in this paper and beyond, have been asking for Trump to simply and loudly repudiate the alt-right faction in his camp for months, he has yet to do so.

Despite Trump’s repeated assertion that he hires “the best people” as one of his main qualifications for the Oval Office these very same people are following alt-right Twitter accounts and providing anti-Semitic memes for their boss to tweet to his almost 9.5 million followers. We are left with three possible explanations: Many in Trump’s campaign have an affinity for the alt-right; or the campaign team is too stupid to understand the company they keep; or the team is too calculating to disregard any group that will support his candidacy — even from neo-Nazis.

Read more: http://forward.com/opinion/politics/344211/donald-trump-hires-the-best-people-for-following-the-anti-semitic-twitterve/#ixzz4DWEi1tsX

Get a grip man, HRC has the Nation of Islam vote tied up too. This is nothing more than hysterical theatrics from a desperate Clinton team trying to score a knockout before their deity is led away in chains by the FBI.

Theatrics from a desperate Clinton team? What the...

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Get a grip man, HRC has the Nation of Islam vote tied up too. This is nothing more than hysterical theatrics from a desperate Clinton team trying to score a knockout before their deity is led away in chains by the FBI.

Point one -- perhaps post your assertion about Nation of Islam support for HRC on a topic about HRC.

Point two -- it's highly improbable that any charges will be filed against HRC by the FBI so cross that right wing fantasy bridge if it comes.

trump already realizes that there will be no charges, so it is now spreading conspiracy theory propaganda that it's all a fix. That may or may not benefit it's campaign, but in my view it's not that big a deal. trump basically spouts all kinds of wild conspiracy theories that it heard about on the internet so it's credibility on such matters is very thin.

Edited by Jingthing
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It is no surprise supporters and GOP "leaders" don't have a problem with Trump's anti-semitic Clinton tweet. Remember, they created him. They support him because he represents everything they believe in. They have already told us party comes before country and that to them as long as it is not Hillary, any act of bigotry, racism, anti-semitism, xenophobia, fear mongering etc is not too much for them to put up with. They champion what they created regardless of the stench it carries!

And David Duke loved it! Mana from heaven for the neo-nazis. This is so Trump.

It's just so typical to be blind to the blatant anti-semitism. Pathetic, really.

A large portion of leading republicans find trump too abhorrent to support, so I wouldn't condemn all republicans in that way.

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Trump can use antisemitic imagery without personally holding antisemitic views. Dog whistle politics is a thing, and Trump's vocal support base contains, and I must choose my words carefully so as not to offend anyone, some of the stupidest and most hateful people in America.

You say that, but actually there is evidence that trump does actually harbor anti-semitic stereotypes. In an earlier speech to a Jewish group (before his polished B.S. scripted speech to AIPAC) he said some extremely cringe worthy things. Of course he will get very little of the American Jewish vote largely because he's a republican, and the vast majority of American Jews are democrats. But his association with American Nazi types certainly isn't doing him any favors. Bottom line ... trump really is a racist BIGOT and his bigotry is directed at pretty much everyone that isn't him. We're all "losers" in his demented world view. Americans -- don't fall for his con job.

Well he must really hate his daughter who is a jewish convert and his son in law who is orthodox jew called Jared Kushner and by extension he must hate his grand kids given his anti-semetic opinions

I am surpised he gave his permission for them to marry

Seems to me you sound like one of those "remainers" in the Brexit debate who have no problem lying to forward your own agenda

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Dudes, get real.

The DANGEROUS donald trump movement has attracted extremist far right, "alt-right", white supremacist, Neo-Nazi American hate groups.

They are part of his CORE base of support.

Happily, these sick extremist HATERS do not comprise a large portion of the population.

But the horrible racist DEMAGOGUE trump has done very little to properly distance himself from them.

This is a long pattern now. Who wants this horrible fascist clown as their president? Nobody sensible.

Don't forget his B.S. interview where he claimed ignorance of DAVID DUKE and failed to dissaciate from him, when there is video evidence of him talking about DAVID DUKE before.

He is implicitly inviting this white supremacist, racist, Jew hating, black hating, Muslim hating, Mexican hating support.

It doesn't make any sense politically, but he does it anyway.

Sure he'll keep the extremist far right wing base, but he'll turn off the MAJORITY of Americans.

In a normal world, a nod this blatant sent to white nationalists would have been followed by a clear and unequivocal apology from the respectable, non-racist candidate. Despite the fact that many in the media, both conservative and liberal, in this paper and beyond, have been asking for Trump to simply and loudly repudiate the alt-right faction in his camp for months, he has yet to do so.

Despite Trump’s repeated assertion that he hires “the best people” as one of his main qualifications for the Oval Office these very same people are following alt-right Twitter accounts and providing anti-Semitic memes for their boss to tweet to his almost 9.5 million followers. We are left with three possible explanations: Many in Trump’s campaign have an affinity for the alt-right; or the campaign team is too stupid to understand the company they keep; or the team is too calculating to disregard any group that will support his candidacy — even from neo-Nazis.

Read more: http://forward.com/opinion/politics/344211/donald-trump-hires-the-best-people-for-following-the-anti-semitic-twitterve/#ixzz4DWEi1tsX

Get a grip man, HRC has the Nation of Islam vote tied up too. This is nothing more than hysterical theatrics from a desperate Clinton team trying to score a knockout before their deity is led away in chains by the FBI.

Of course it's Muslims. lol

What's the hate list now Steely Muslims, Mexicans, Women, Jews, Blacks, Gays, the poor. Republican's mantra 'Got a problem find someone to hate and problem solved'.

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Trump can use antisemitic imagery without personally holding antisemitic views. Dog whistle politics is a thing, and Trump's vocal support base contains, and I must choose my words carefully so as not to offend anyone, some of the stupidest and most hateful people in America.

You say that, but actually there is evidence that trump does actually harbor anti-semitic stereotypes. In an earlier speech to a Jewish group (before his polished B.S. scripted speech to AIPAC) he said some extremely cringe worthy things. Of course he will get very little of the American Jewish vote largely because he's a republican, and the vast majority of American Jews are democrats. But his association with American Nazi types certainly isn't doing him any favors. Bottom line ... trump really is a racist BIGOT and his bigotry is directed at pretty much everyone that isn't him. We're all "losers" in his demented world view. Americans -- don't fall for his con job.

Well he must really hate his daughter who is a jewish convert and his son in law who is orthodox jew called Jared Kushner and by extension he must hate his grand kids given his anti-semetic opinions

I am surpised he gave his permission for them to marry

Seems to me you sound like one of those "remainers" in the Brexit debate who have no problem lying to forward your own agenda

You're being silly. His daughter converted. It's not a contradiction at all that he could love his daughter and ALSO harbor stupid anti-semitic stereotypes. Nobody made him say those things. But he did. So they revealed what he really thinks. He obviously isn't as bad as his fascist Nazi "alt right" supporters who are actually real hard core Jew haters. I never said he was. But he should kick those Nazis to the curb. Yet, he doesn't. Not cool.


Personally, I find the item about him attacking Jon Stewart referring to this original very Jewish name as the most despicable. As if Jon Stewart had eve tried to hide his Jewish identity in his public entertainment persona.

Edited by Jingthing
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3 White Supremacists On Twitter That Inspire Donald Trump

"Donald Trump courted controversy on Saturday when he tweeted an anti-Semitic attack against Hillary Clinton.

Mic later revealed that the attack originated from an white supremacist on Twitter."

"This shouldn’t be a surprise. Trump has repeatedly taken cues from white supremicists on Twitter, tweeting their memes, racist arguments and praise for his candidacy."

What are they doing searching these sites anyway? blink.png
"A study by the Twitter analytics firm Little Bird in January found that 62% of the accounts that Donald Trump retweeted had ties to white supremacists."
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Funny…jews think they own the trademark to the most common shape there is for a star.

No, Jews don't think that.

But I guess it serves the purpose of people who want to diss Jews to spread lies like that.

Anyway, there is a context to the trump tweet. It came from Nazi types and that is a fact.

He has a long record now of retweeting such memes. Be honest and deal with that reality.

Edited by Jingthing
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that's a star.. and a very evenly spaced one at that! I don't think it references anything. It's just a star to highlight the text..

You guys are funny. Pretty much everyone agrees there were anti-semitic undertones...well, everyone except the rabid Trump supporters. You guys do know that the image was lifted from a neo-nazi site, don't you? Nevermind, I know Trump supporters see-no-evil, hear-no-evil...etc.


So basically everyone against Trump says it's anti-semetic?

Because of a red star?

Talk about clutching at straws...

Any reasonable person would take this in its totality, which means considering more than just the image itself, but that the image came from a neo-Nazi source, as well as Trump's penchant for regurgitating white supremacist views. If this image had been released by, say, Paul Ryan, we might view it as an oversight. But from Trump, a renown racist and bigot, well.....

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Trump made three pro-Israel speech s recently, which naturally received scant attention in the mainstream press as it didn't fit their narrative. Here is one snippet.


Edit, and another


And another.


Yet you clowns are fretting about a red sheriffs badge at an angle, stars of David are never at an angle. As for dodgy supporters that's just smearing by association, HRC never has to bother with that as the press covers for her.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Trump made three pro-Israel speech s recently, which naturally received scant attention in the mainstream press as it didn't fit their narrative. Here is one snippet.


Edit, and another


Of course he did.

Proves nothing.

It's interesting that Israelis who in recent years have overwhelmingly preferred republican presidents (and of course hate Obama) are much less enthusiastic about trump. Last I heard it's about 50-50 there.

I think that's significant as Clinton is so closely associated with Obama who they hate so much ... a significant percentage do perceive how HORRIBLE the donald trump movement really is.

Imagine if the republicans had nominated Jeb Bush. Israelis would be 90 percent for Bush, while American Jews would be about 90 percent for Clinton.

I hope that reality is instructive to Jew haters who think most American Jews vote only based on Israel policy. If that were true, American Jewish opinion would line up very closely with Israeli public opinion -- yet it most certainly does not.

Edited by Jingthing
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