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NRSA considers reforming political parties into institutions


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NRSA considers reforming political parties into institutions

BANGKOK, 5 July 2016 (NNT) - The National Reform Steering Assembly (NRSA) has considered a suggestion to have political parties become political institutions to allow for more public participation and to ensure their integrity.

At the NRSA’s latest meeting, its committee for political reforms submitted a report proposing changes to the nation’s political party system. The report called for political parties to be developed into public institutions where citizens with similar political ideologies can join together without influence from political or business interests.

The report also called for reforms to the morality of politicians, the management of political parties for greater democracy, for vote campaigns to be based on policies, for party owners to have to fund their own parties and for greater state oversight on political parties.

While members of the NRSA agreed with the recommendations, they called for more study into matters pertaining to political party funding. A vote on the report resulted in 140 in favor, 1 opposed and 12 abstentions.

-- NNT 2016-07-05 footer_n.gif

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Well there you go. Pick a shirt any colour except red or yellow as they are all ready taken.

Green in fashion. Orange in fighting mood. Pink exclusive to the tha LGBT community. Funeral White is no no for Thai Chinese.

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"...public institutions where citizens with similar political ideologies can join together without influence from political or business interests."

What are these people smoking? Hmmm similar political ideologies meet without political influence? Do they understand just how ludicrous this suggestion is? Like suggesting bridge clubs getting together to discuss chess moves..... what's the point? (other than make totally impotent.. seems I answered my question)

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I do believe they are trying to instigate some sort of Westminster system or whatever , where you have your branches , elect boundries , the people can join in the fun become members, become powerful party figures and the like and still drive a bus for a living , and you can all nominate to be a member , go through a selection process , and is run something along the lines like our systems you have in your country of origin , nice thought , however because this works somewhere else , countries have different standards moral or otherwise , education levels, there is a whole heap of pluses and minus, will it work in Thai, not on your nelly, to much to loose and nothing to gain , besides some of the institutions we know have taken 100 years to establish. Thai Westminster like Thai Democracy , just as simple to pull another Coup in 2022.........................................coffee1.gif .

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Shouldn't these proposals that change the fundamental dynamics of political parties in Thailand be included in the 2016 draft charter?

Albeit I expect that every current political party in Thailand would object as it would destroy any unique political ideology that each party represents.

The proposals in whole essentially create idiological faceless political parties who in the aggregate might as well be part and parcel of a single party. Better perhaps that the NLA pass a law mandating these changes without public participation such as in a charter referendum. Given the Constitutional Court's past rulings on NCPO/NLA directives and laws, I expect it will uphold whatever laws the NLA passes as constitutional.

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"...public institutions where citizens with similar political ideologies can join together without influence from political or business interests."

What are these people smoking? Hmmm similar political ideologies meet without political influence? Do they understand just how ludicrous this suggestion is? Like suggesting bridge clubs getting together to discuss chess moves..... what's the point? (other than make totally impotent.. seems I answered my question)

Oh dear, not bridge clubs, last time someone started a bridge club it tied up the bulk of the Pattaya Police Force for days...

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Perhaps the concept they are trying to express is that a political party shouldn't be owned by a wealthy individual who pays people to be members. Of course that would change the fundamental dynamics of of at least one political party in Thailand, some would say for the better.

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Perhaps the concept they are trying to express is that a political party shouldn't be owned by a wealthy individual who pays people to be members. Of course that would change the fundamental dynamics of of at least one political party in Thailand, some would say for the better.

Yes, the Democrats would no longer be answerable to the Big House

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Perhaps the concept they are trying to express is that a political party shouldn't be owned by a wealthy individual who pays people to be members. Of course that would change the fundamental dynamics of of at least one political party in Thailand, some would say for the better.

Yes, the Democrats would no longer be answerable to the Big House

Did you forget the move to disband the Democrats party because their members were paying their dues by EFT?

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Perhaps the concept they are trying to express is that a political party shouldn't be owned by a wealthy individual who pays people to be members. Of course that would change the fundamental dynamics of of at least one political party in Thailand, some would say for the better.

I agree a lot of Thais should stop worshiping people like Thaksin and others for the reasons they are. Oh, and the Buddha shouldn't be worshiped either; the Buddha wanted people to follow his ideas not worship him. Once Thais escape their obsessive irrational love of celebrity types of all sorts, the whole country will change. They just need to wake up to see the hype and propaganda pushed at them all the time. Think and be free. Be critical and ask why that person they see in the media all the time is worth their respect.

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