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"We still love Thailand" says US tourist after bag snatch and stabbing


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She must be high. I cant think of anyone who would extol the virtues of a country when they have been stabbed. Or maybe it is because in the USA the police would have shot her

I think she might be into sm

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As an American- I probably criticise as much of the American system as anyone. However, I do not criticise a person because they are American, British or Thai. That indeed is offensive and labels people.Too many people appear to be prejudiced because of national origin; religion; race; and sexual orientation. Not only that- most of it is unfair and just wrong. This story is about a person mugged and hurt during the mugging. Her opinion is that she still loves Thailand. Kudos to the police for finding the responsible parties. I am sure she wasn't happy to be mugged- but there are people in this World of all nationalities who go on with their lives after a bad incident, put it behind them and look for the positives in their existence and surroundings. It might be better of some of the posters on TV adopted this attitude.

Spot on.

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Do you think T.A.T. had anything to do with that.

regards Worgeordie

Where else would you be quoted with such a stupid statement?

It's like: "I lost both legs after my parachute did not open, but I still love the sport."

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She must be high. I cant think of anyone who would extol the virtues of a country when they have been stabbed. Or maybe it is because in the USA the police would have shot her

I think she's much more understanding than high. She seems to realize the actions of a couple of dense people don't represent the whole country.

A different way of thinking from what is usually seen somewhat often.

She's brave if she comes back in the future, though - and probably won't be walking alone anymore.

She's brave if she comes back in the future, though

...and this time the vacation will be fully sponsored by whom?

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I would love her to articulate three things she loves a about Thailand other than food and beaches.

No idea but whatever they are certain to be AMAZING, INCREDIBLE and AWESOME. Nothing these days is just great, lovely or even spectacular

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"Too many people appear to be prejudiced because of national origin; religion; race; and sexual orientation."

if you strip out the veneer of political correctness, and allow for the indoctrination of laws passed in the belief that they represent a more advanced humanity, I suspect you'll find that most people are prejudiced because of national origin, religion, race, or sexual orientation. These prejudices are very old components of the human psyche, and were extremely useful at one point. Their usefulness appears to have waned but they're still a fundamental aspect of our psychology, like it or not.

I suspect you will not agree with this post, but it doesn't make it any less valid. It's another aspect of human psychology to try and be right as often as possible, and to resist admitting it when you're wrong. This is a failing of the best of us, including me, unless I pay very careful attention.


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I would love her to articulate three things she loves a about Thailand other than food and beaches.

its natural for people in this situation to profess undying love for Thailand or Thai people, especially when speaking to the police. What they said seeks to create the impression that they are non-vindictive, non-discriminatory, and eminently good people. Thus the crime against them is made the more heinous and less understandable.

I would expect that when they get home and relive the experience through their private conversations, their real feelings about it will be somewhat more candid.This is when the immortal words "that's it, we're never coming to this sh|t-hole again" Are likely to put in an appearance.


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And why not?

I'd say evey sountry, city, town has at least two thieves that come from there. You would have to hate them all to follow the logis implied by many posters on here.

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And why not?

I'd say evey sountry, city, town has at least two thieves that come from there. You would have to hate them all to follow the logis implied by many posters on here.

No, logic implied by posters suggests the more equally tourist and have to be assaulted in the more equally. Which is unlikely. It's human nature to view places badly where you are assaulted, many would never go back, I'm one of them. This is no more than common sense. Who in their right mind would go for another holiday in a place where they been held up, robbed, and stabbed.

My opinion of people is not conspicuously high, but you'd have to be a very special kind of stupid to do that.


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Yeah yeah yeah!!! We still love Thailand. Lucky you ?. You're still alive.

I got attacked one night in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada by a couple of guys in their early 20's who tried to rob me. They were carrying drugs and had those old fashioned barber's razors for weapons... I was able to keep kicking and punching until thankfully a cop car with a couple of officers happened to drive by and see what was happening.

Damn lucky..... Those guys would have eventually over-powered me and I would have ended up sliced up really bad worse than I was.. or even killed. There was no way I could keep fighting two of them off for another couple minutes...

Thank Buddha for the cops...

Should I hate my birth country of Canada for that ? ? Shit can happen in any country.. There's bastards all over the place..

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Yeah yeah yeah!!! We still love Thailand. Lucky you ?. You're still alive.

I got attacked one night in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada by a couple of guys in their early 20's who tried to rob me. They were carrying drugs and had those old fashioned barber's razors for weapons... I was able to keep kicking and punching until thankfully a cop car with a couple of officers happened to drive by and see what was happening.

Damn lucky..... Those guys would have eventually over-powered me and I would have ended up sliced up really bad worse than I was.. or even killed. There was no way I could keep fighting two of them off for another couple minutes...

Thank Buddha for the cops...

Should I hate my birth country of Canada for that ? ? Shit can happen in any country.. There's bastards all over the place..

"Should I hate my birth country of Canada for that"

No. but I'll wager you won't/didn't walk past that spot again anytime soon.

This is no more than human nature, and I doubt the police arriving had anything to do with the Buddha - he's been dead for some time as I understand it...


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They have a 5 month old baby to care for too,

That poor child.

Wonder why grandfather threw them out...if he did that is.
His iPhone went missing!

Sent from my HTC Desire 700 dual sim using Tapatalk

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Okay the jabbing with and iron rod is not so good, but bag snatching itself is not such a serious crime. Not like armed robbery is. That is not to say it isn't a crime but one many people using there heads can help prevent.

Elderly Women in my country, and I am sure yours, have to be very careful about that. Especially in tourist areas. No need to have your big bag with you all the time when all you need is some cash, or a credit card, or a cell phone. Especially when walking alone. Young women and the elderly carrying a big purse just don't get that they are easy targets. As much so as a man wrapped in Gold and drinking like a fish in an open bar is. Take steps to be more careful and protect yourself.

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She must be high. I cant think of anyone who would extol the virtues of a country when they have been stabbed. Or maybe it is because in the USA the police would have shot her

If people in Thailand were going for thai cops guns i bet thai cops would shoot too.........................................lol.

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She must be high. I cant think of anyone who would extol the virtues of a country when they have been stabbed. Or maybe it is because in the USA the police would have shot her

Pssst here is a free round trip air line ticket first class and some shopping vouchers. OK call the press in.

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It's amazing how you guys always focus on the negative.

This thread is just another boring example of good police work by the Royal Thai Police being blithely ignored by TVF's armchair criminal justice experts, who prefer instead to endlessly repeat the same old hackneyed stereotypes which have been in circulation here since time immemorial.

Hear hear!

70% of the posters on TV are here to post negative views on any news story .

Good job by RTP.

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It's amazing how you guys always focus on the negative.

This thread is just another boring example of good police work by the Royal Thai Police being blithely ignored by TVF's armchair criminal justice experts, who prefer instead to endlessly repeat the same old hackneyed stereotypes which have been in circulation here since time immemorial.

Its not really. Nothing will happen to these two muggers, potential murderers. A small fine and they will be out and about doing the same thing to someone else.

That is what gets peoples goat up.

Oh that and the need to parade the victims telling the world Thailand is great.

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The pursuit of money (greed and selfishness) has produced a lot of inventions that may not have made it off the drawing board if there wasn't a big financial incentive. Americans are very intelligent when it comes to their job because of the financial reward on Friday. They are morons when it comes to things outside their job. Most couldn't tell you who Washington, D.C. is named after, what is the meaning of July 4th, who is buried in Grants Tomb, who were the allied and axis powers of WW2, who is the current U.S. Vice President, and couldn't find Iraq or Afghanistan on a world map. Do I need to keep going?

"We still love Thailand" says US tourist after bag snatch and stabbing"

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. HL Mencken (an American).

i.e. Americans, as a group, are not especially intelligent and can be readily entertained or fooled to produce financial benefit for someone.

Light blue touch-paper and retire...


So, you disagree with this victim of crime who allegedly has professed her love of Thailand and have looked for and found a quote which in your mind gives you the right to insult 300 million people with some authority. I suppose I have to remind you that those 300 million people reside in the richest and most powerful country in the world. I wonder how America got that way and stays that way if they're all so stupid?

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You know I was going to come to Thailand to live but I see so much violence against foreigners there, that and the ridiculous visa system is putting me off. It really does look to me as an outsider Thai's don't like fireifnera very much. Every week I see reports of attacks there last week it was the drunk guy and then I think a swiss guy now this in just over a week its not good and it will make people think twice certainly has me thinking

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You know I was going to come to Thailand to live but I see so much violence against foreigners there, that and the ridiculous visa system is putting me off. It really does look to me as an outsider Thai's don't like fireifnera very much. Every week I see reports of attacks there last week it was the drunk guy and then I think a swiss guy now this in just over a week its not good and it will make people think twice certainly has me thinking

It must be nice to live in a town or city where there is zero violence ?

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When you read the reported crime, it looks like the blame is on tourist. Why did she resisted? The tiefs have small child to care for.

How police can even hear those ridicules excuses? It seem Thai people feel that they need needs to be served first and all means are right to realise those even if crime has to be committed. You could read this concept in all Thai crimes done. These excuses are the way Thai people think. Because of it, the blame also has to be on Thai education. It must be seriously defected the way Thai society feels, understand, process and prioritize the information.

Anyway, the husband-wife team was ready for the crime they committed by taking a weapon with them to hunt for a victims. Premeditated crime! Physical assault - endangering life of a passerby - attack/assault with a weapon - theft - harming/injuring the body - conceiving and executing plan to commit crime.

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