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Me first! Chinese tourists fight at 7-Eleven in battle for Thai souvenirs


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Most Chinese tourists I see, in many different countries, are very well-behaved. Some uppity hiso decided to post the clip without any context. Clearly he/she doesn't work in hospitality because without the Chinese market ( notwithstanding the comments in another post above about the return) there would be mass unemployment in the sector. They might not be high margin visitors but they keep a lot of businesses afloat.

come on up to chiang mai and check out your quality chinese tourist, blocking the road as they walk, honk the horn and they lookat you like you are an idiot, jay walk, the ruin of many meals with loud talk and rude behavior. Having said that two very nice chinese girls are stay at a friend guest house. But compared to the family who stayed where my girlfriend works (knocked the sink off the wall doing laundry) the threat of calling police was needed to force payment of damage. Two nice ladies out of the hundreds of bad tourist you can have them

At least the Land Transport Department made the wise decision to stop Chinese driving here since Jun 27th. Thank god. They were even worse behind the wheel and coming in ever increasing numbers, especially during holiday periods like Chinese new year, the traffic was just insane. However, despite these new measures, more Chinese will come, just instead of by car it will be by plane. Or maybe bus. Or perhaps one day, by high-speed train (if it ever gets built).

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TAT must be soooo proud.

Wow yes....if it had been a drunken Farang he just would just be quietly urinating in the corner.............coffee1.gif

Edited by oxo1947
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...I used to have a benevolent view of Chinese while living in USA. Last season and enjoying a vacation in Thailand. I'm at Big C Extra, second floor at DTAC, getting my phone tweaked. There's about 5 falangs and kon Tai all in line--chit chatting in Tinglish.

Suddenly, out of nowhere are 6 garrulous Chinese males---ALL SMOKING, cursing and pushing!

They get to the head and place about 10 iPhones on the glass counter and THROW about 10,000b at the startled Tai Dtac clerks.

They demand their phones get worked on NOW---screw anyone else in queque. Then their spitting on the floor commenced. I split. I knew this was not my fight.

When I returned an hour later, the DTAC staff were more composed. They related to one another that this crap occurs regularly.

Falangs tourists will avoid and then stay in their homelands in future years.

Chinese are uncouth and revel in their pig-like behviour.

They spit, you split?

Smoking etc. in a shopping mall? No Thai would do this, so they wouldn't [shouldn't] accept a foreigner does it either - I'm surprised no security guard told them to f*** off. I would have picked a fight with them, just to tell them to stop with the smoking. I would never pick a fight with a Thai (but Thais never behave this way either) not to mention the non-confrontational manner of Thais but rude, inconsiderate behaviour like pushing, smoking etc.? I've lived in China but even there don't recall smoking in shopping malls, except by shopkeepers in some computer malls but only on the upper floors that no one visits.

In Thailand, never seen such behaviour before. My god.

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