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GOP to examine FBI decision on Clinton emails


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I question the common sense of the Reps.

Under their regime there was a fabricated war in Iraq with more than 4.000 US soldiers and up to half a million Iraqis killed not to mention the incredible huge number of badly injured people and their demolished homes and future during and after this war. This alone deserved a second Nuremberg. But nothing happened, nobody of the real responsible in jail, a shame.

And now .... Mrs. Clinton had the official e-mails on her private PC. An incredible crime, if you follow the Reps bah.gif . That's the reason why a normal brain questions the Reps memory, common sense, IQ and moral.

The Reps have lost any judgment about what is a real crime. They think only for themselves and not for their nation.

You might be too young to remember, but Hillary Clinton was just as hawkish as any Republican in pushing the war with Iraq.

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Comey said Hillary was not sophisticated enough to understand that "C" meant Classified.

So after spending 9 years as First Lady of Arkansas, 8 years as the First Lady of the USA, 8 years in the Senate and 4 years as Secretary of State she had an unprotected private server in her basement handling state secrets and didn't realize that the letter C meant classified or Confidential . Maybe she thought C meant Clinton, or something else even

C'mon you rabid Hillary supporters, there is only so much you willfully refuse to see and hear because you're already too sold out and committed to do a U turn because you would have to review your entrenched beliefs but you have to take your choice that you want her to be the next POTUS now because either:

Hillary is not sophisticated (as judged)

Hillary is incompetent (same thing)

Hillary is economical with the truth ( to put it mildly)

There is no 4th alternative. Which is it to be?

Edited by Linzz
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Comey said Hillary was not sophisticated enough to understand that "C" meant Classified.

So after spending 9 years as First Lady of Arkansas, 8 years as the First Lady of the USA, 8 years in the Senate and 4 years as Secretary of State she had an unprotected private server in her basement handling state secrets and didn't realize that the letter C meant classified or Confidential . Maybe she thought C meant Clinton, or something else even

C'mon you rabid Hillary supporters, there is only so much you willfully refuse to see and hear because you're already too sold out and committed to do a U turn because you would have to review your entrenched beliefs but you have to take your choice that you want her to be the next POTUS now because either:

Hillary is not sophisticated (as judged)

Hillary is incompetent (same thing)

Hillary is economical with the truth ( to put it mildly)

There is no 4th alternative. Which is it to be?

I word have loved to have her inducted and Bernie get a go. Won't happen though, because despite years if enquiries and investigations and millions if dollars spent, there is nothing in it.

From what I see there are not many Hillary supporters here, just many people thinking 'stop this ridiculous witch hunt'.

Edited by stevenl
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The fourth alternative is that you did not see Comey's testimony.

"Asked whether there was a header that contained the “c” in the text, Comey said the “c” denoting classified material “was in the body in the text but there was no header on the email or in the text.”

“So if Secretary Clinton really were an expert at what's classified and what’s not classified and we're following the manual, the absence of a header would tell her immediately that those three documents were not classified,” Cartwright remarked. “Am I correct in that?”

Comey called it a "reasonable inference".

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The fourth alternative is that you did not see Comey's testimony.

"Asked whether there was a header that contained the “c” in the text, Comey said the “c” denoting classified material “was in the body in the text but there was no header on the email or in the text.”

“So if Secretary Clinton really were an expert at what's classified and what’s not classified and we're following the manual, the absence of a header would tell her immediately that those three documents were not classified,” Cartwright remarked. “Am I correct in that?”

Comey called it a "reasonable inference".

I'll go with Comey's own judgement that Hillary is not sophisticated enough to understand classified markings. ( i.e.by definition, inexperienced, naive, ignorant, immature) and by extension incompetent. We all know that Hillary is a smart woman and to me "not sophisticated enough" doesn't wash. Devious and dishonest is more likely. But either/or preclude her from the top job IMHO

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Then there's this which lends to her knowledge of classification.:

New batch includes a 2011 email in which Clinton instructed an aide to strip a classified document of its identifying markings and send it via non-secure email

'They say they've had issues sending secure fax. They're working on it,' aide Jacob Sullivan wrote Clinton after it was discovered the document hadn't been sent to Clinton the previous evening as expected.

'If they can't, turn into nonpaper with no identifying heading and send nonsecure,' Clinton replied.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3391031/Game-set-match-classified-emails-Bombshell-email-shows-Hillary-Clinton-telling-aide-secure-information-send-nonsecure.html#ixzz4DmJgrIQc
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BOOM! Rep Gowdy DESTROYS FBI Director Comey in House Hearing on Email Scandal (VIDEO)

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) DESTROYED FBI Director James Comey during House hearing on her email scandal.

Rep Gowdy had the FBI Director answer direct questions on Hillary’s many misleading statements on her private and unauthorized email server.

This was devastating.

Gowdy SLAMMED Comey on the double-tracked justice system.

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For non-Americans, it isn't within the jurisdiction of any law enforcement agency including the FBI to decide whether to prosecute. They engage in police work, gathering evidence. They give it to a prosecutor who decides whether there is sufficient evidence and whether to prosecute. In some circumstances the evidence has to go to a grand jury of ordinary citizens who vote on whether to prosecute.

This whole thing is most unusual and entirely perplexing. Law enforcement - the police called the FBI decided not to prosecute when that decision actually rests with the Attorney General - Lynch.

Some very unusual things happened in the past week, much of which would be at the least a violation of ethics.

1. Attorney General Lynch who has the say about prosecuting met with her former boss and worse, a potential witness in the case on a private airplane all of which was supposed to be private. That of course was Bill Clinton.

2. Almost the next day the FBI said it was meeting with Hillary about the case.

3. The FBI then held a press conference and did what it has no authority to do - said Clinton wouldn't be prosecuted.

4. At the same time that the head of the FBI was making this press conference statement, his boss, Obama, was boarding Air Force One to go campaign with Hillary. Why would Obama do that unless he knew what the head of the FBI would say on that very day?

The US has 3 branches of government. Congress, the courts (the Judicial Branch) and The Executive branch which answers to the president. That includes the Department of Justice of which the FBI is part. The FBI works directly for Obama. So does the Attorney General - Lynch.

Now the Legislative Branch - Congress has called for immediate hearings about this which is their job. It's about checks and balances if people are honorable.

I haven't talked to a single person today from any party who isn't flabbergasted that the head of the FBI stepped outside his job description and said Clinton wouldn't be prosecuted when that isn't his call to make. That call belongs to Lynch who had just met privately with Bill Clinton at an airport.

Each can draw his own conclusions for reasons behind all of this but to say the least it's far outside of normal protocol. That's putting it nicely.

The FBI did not choose to not prosecute her.

The FBI did not " recommend prosecuting " her. This allows Lynch to see their report and follow their recommendation. Or not. But usually the FBI's recommendations are followed. A big difference.

Yet also Comey, a republican Bush appointee tried to tar and feather her, knowing his republican brethren would be gargling their lips in rage over yet another out-come that doesn't derail her. He knew this poop-storm was coming and went far beyond his brief to besmirch her and the state department staff, because he would know the GOP house would be almost instantly calling him on the carpet for not toeing the party line, regardless of findings of fact.

No doubt courtesy calls were made about the outcome prior to announcement. That doesn't affect the outcome.

If anything Bill meeting Lynch forced the FBI to stop intentionally daudling about getting the interview done, which was affecting the national election process in a negative way. He doesn't care what the GOP thinks about that, they hate anything and everything he does.

If she is not indicted the election can continue. The GOP should now concentrate on cleaning their own house, since poop is over their roof and growing fast.

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I watched a couple hours of the testimony. Here is the entire 4+ hours if anyone is interested...


Comey did not do Clinton all good, despite the clear and obvious shady aspects of the past 10 days.

When called before Congress he came the next day.

Comey was asked why he gave a press conference and listed her crimes then gave his recommendation.

He mentioned why in his statement on July 5th, but he also said he did because usually these decisions are held behind closed doors.

So now the whole world has heard the FBI list Hillary's lies. Some lies not only to the press, but under oath to Congress as well....

Comey said the bureau had not examined those statements and explained that there had been no "referral" from Congress on that matter.
"Do you need a referral from Congress to investigate her statements under oath?" Chaffetz asked.
"Sure do," Comey replied.
"You'll have one, " Chaffetz said, with a laugh. "You'll have one in the next few hours."
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BOOM! Rep Gowdy DESTROYS FBI Director Comey in House Hearing on Email Scandal (VIDEO)

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) DESTROYED FBI Director James Comey during House hearing on her email scandal.

Rep Gowdy had the FBI Director answer direct questions on Hillary’s many misleading statements on her private and unauthorized email server.

This was devastating.

Gowdy SLAMMED Comey on the double-tracked justice system.

See the little WJ in the corner of the video? Click on that and you'll see this is a wingnut video site, where they repackage Fox News talking points. They distill down the lies to make them easier for the low-info crowd to absorb.

Trey Gowdy and his Benghazi vigilantes found absolutely nothing in the 7th committee to investigate HRC, wasting millions. Trey Gowdy lost. He's got nothing.

When you have absolutely nothing and you're losing as bad as the Republicans are at this point, you have no choice but to try gin up something new. Good luck.

Boom Boom Boom Boom.

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For non-Americans, it isn't within the jurisdiction of any law enforcement agency including the FBI to decide whether to prosecute. They engage in police work, gathering evidence. They give it to a prosecutor who decides whether there is sufficient evidence and whether to prosecute. In some circumstances the evidence has to go to a grand jury of ordinary citizens who vote on whether to prosecute.

This whole thing is most unusual and entirely perplexing. Law enforcement - the police called the FBI decided not to prosecute when that decision actually rests with the Attorney General - Lynch.

Some very unusual things happened in the past week, much of which would be at the least a violation of ethics.

1. Attorney General Lynch who has the say about prosecuting met with her former boss and worse, a potential witness in the case on a private airplane all of which was supposed to be private. That of course was Bill Clinton.

2. Almost the next day the FBI said it was meeting with Hillary about the case.

3. The FBI then held a press conference and did what it has no authority to do - said Clinton wouldn't be prosecuted.

4. At the same time that the head of the FBI was making this press conference statement, his boss, Obama, was boarding Air Force One to go campaign with Hillary. Why would Obama do that unless he knew what the head of the FBI would say on that very day?

The US has 3 branches of government. Congress, the courts (the Judicial Branch) and The Executive branch which answers to the president. That includes the Department of Justice of which the FBI is part. The FBI works directly for Obama. So does the Attorney General - Lynch.

Now the Legislative Branch - Congress has called for immediate hearings about this which is their job. It's about checks and balances if people are honorable.

I haven't talked to a single person today from any party who isn't flabbergasted that the head of the FBI stepped outside his job description and said Clinton wouldn't be prosecuted when that isn't his call to make. That call belongs to Lynch who had just met privately with Bill Clinton at an airport.

Each can draw his own conclusions for reasons behind all of this but to say the least it's far outside of normal protocol. That's putting it nicely.

The FBI did not choose to not prosecute her.

The FBI did not " recommend prosecuting " her. This allows Lynch to see their report and follow their recommendation. Or not. But usually the FBI's recommendations are followed.

A big difference.

Yet also Comey, a republican Bush appointee tried to tar and feather her, knowing his republican brethren would be gargling their lips in rage over yet another out-come that doesn't derail her. He knew this poop-storm was coming and went far beyond his brief to besmirch her and the state department staff, because he would know the GOP house would be almost instantly calling him on the carpet for not toeing the party line, regardless of findings of fact.

No doubt courtesy calls were made about the outcome prior to announcement. That doesn't affect the outcome.

If anything Bill meeting Lynch forced the FBI to stop intentionally daudling about getting the interview done, which was affecting the national election process in a negative way.

He doesn't care what the GOP thinks about that, they hate anything and everything he does.

If she is not indicted the election can continue. The GOP should now concentrate on cleaning their own house, since poop is over their roof and growing fast.

Wrong. He was Deputy Attorney General under GWBush but Comey was appointed as FBI Director by Obama in 2013 so your nice story is fantasy. Now you might see how the bits fit together. Comey. chose to take any hits to protect Lynch. The people are denied their democratic right to a grand jury trial. Too much risk when you can't control where the witnesses might spring from and too much at stake with HRC as the Dem's POTUS candidate. The protected elite are granted immunity from prosecution in a double standard law. The founding fathers would turn in their graves.

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BOOM! Rep Gowdy DESTROYS FBI Director Comey in House Hearing on Email Scandal (VIDEO)

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) DESTROYED FBI Director James Comey during House hearing on her email scandal.

Rep Gowdy had the FBI Director answer direct questions on Hillary’s many misleading statements on her private and unauthorized email server.

This was devastating.

Gowdy SLAMMED Comey on the double-tracked justice system.

See the little WJ in the corner of the video? Click on that and you'll see this is a wingnut video site, where they repackage Fox News talking points. They distill down the lies to make them easier for the low-info crowd to absorb.

Trey Gowdy and his Benghazi vigilantes found absolutely nothing in the 7th committee to investigate HRC, wasting millions. Trey Gowdy lost. He's got nothing.

When you have absolutely nothing and you're losing as bad as the Republicans are at this point, you have no choice but to try gin up something new. Good luck.

Boom Boom Boom Boom.

Nice theory. Of course the videos feature paid actors? I watched it on CNN it was the same videos, same court room, same speakers, same story on every channel. You're in denial that's all. Never mind have another Pinot.

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BOOM! Rep Gowdy DESTROYS FBI Director Comey in House Hearing on Email Scandal (VIDEO)

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) DESTROYED FBI Director James Comey during House hearing on her email scandal.

Rep Gowdy had the FBI Director answer direct questions on Hillarys many misleading statements on her private and unauthorized email server.

This was devastating.

Gowdy SLAMMED Comey on the double-tracked justice system.

See the little WJ in the corner of the video? Click on that and you'll see this is a wingnut video site, where they repackage Fox News talking points. They distill down the lies to make them easier for the low-info crowd to absorb.

Trey Gowdy and his Benghazi vigilantes found absolutely nothing in the 7th committee to investigate HRC, wasting millions. Trey Gowdy lost. He's got nothing.

When you have absolutely nothing and you're losing as bad as the Republicans are at this point, you have no choice but to try gin up something new. Good luck.

Boom Boom Boom Boom.

Wrong answer..bucko.

The video is untouched. Appeared the same on every source.

You are groping up the wrong skirt again.

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