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A female PM for the UK: Gove eliminated from Conservative Party leadership race


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A female PM for the UK: Gove eliminated from Conservative Party leadership race


LONDON: -- The UK’s Home Secretary Theresa May has come out on top in the Conservative Party leadership contest, with 199 votes. Her victory was predicted in polls ahead of the second-round ballot.

But for the other two candidates, it was less of a race than a fight for survival. Junior Energy Minister Andrea Leadsom emerged in second place, with 84 votes, meaning the UK’s next prime minister will be female, for only the second time in history.

Justice Minister Michael Gove has been eliminated after gaining just 46 votes from Tory Party MPs.

David Cameron’s decision to resign as PM was provoked by the UK’s vote to leave the European Union.

Although a known Eurosceptic, May backed the ‘Remain’ side in the June 23 referendum. Leadsom was in the ‘Leave’ camp, backing a Brexit from the Union. Whoever is voted in will be tasked with negotiating the UK’s path out of the Union.

The choice over who will run the country until 2020 now lies in the hands of Conservative Party members, who will vote in their leader by September 9.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-08
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I sincerely hope the winner does not give Gove a cabinet position or a role on any parliamentary committees etc.

It can be cold and lonely on the backbenches and he really needs to feel it.

If a general election is called it would be appropriate if the relevant constituency committee declines to nominate him as a candidate.

Politicians have a lousy reputation at the best of times and this apology for a human being has made it worse, if that's possible.

It's sickening, after his behaviour, to think he will be sitting in a body making laws and regulations for others to obey.

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Doesn,t make sense to me! Whatever happened to Boris ? Sounds very counter productive :(

Boris is lying low as he knows it is a poisoned chalice on offer and, though he might be able to bluster some of his comrades into voting for him, would find himself naked before the country should he win and have to deliver since the three challenges facing a new leader are fundementally incompatible - stewardship of economy avoiding recession, delivering on referendum result as mandated be the people and maintaining good relations with EU in order to obtain vital trade deal.

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Doesn,t make sense to me! Whatever happened to Boris ? Sounds very counter productive sad.png

Boris is lying low as he knows it is a poisoned chalice on offer and, though he might be able to bluster some of his comrades into voting for him, would find himself naked before the country should he win and have to deliver since the three challenges facing a new leader are fundementally incompatible - stewardship of economy avoiding recession, delivering on referendum result as mandated be the people and maintaining good relations with EU in order to obtain vital trade deal.

At the next election in a few years time you will see Boris standing. The issues with the exit from the EU will be resolved one way or the other and he will then stand for the PM's post

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Doesn,t make sense to me! Whatever happened to Boris ? Sounds very counter productive sad.png

Boris is lying low as he knows it is a poisoned chalice on offer and, though he might be able to bluster some of his comrades into voting for him, would find himself naked before the country should he win and have to deliver since the three challenges facing a new leader are fundementally incompatible - stewardship of economy avoiding recession, delivering on referendum result as mandated be the people and maintaining good relations with EU in order to obtain vital trade deal.

At the next election in a few years time you will see Boris standing. The issues with the exit from the EU will be resolved one way or the other and he will then stand for the PM's post

Plenty of talk about an election before Christmas. If Corbyn goes there will be even more chance of it happening.

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Doesn,t make sense to me! Whatever happened to Boris ? Sounds very counter productive sad.png

Boris is lying low as he knows it is a poisoned chalice on offer and, though he might be able to bluster some of his comrades into voting for him, would find himself naked before the country should he win and have to deliver since the three challenges facing a new leader are fundementally incompatible - stewardship of economy avoiding recession, delivering on referendum result as mandated be the people and maintaining good relations with EU in order to obtain vital trade deal.

At the next election in a few years time you will see Boris standing. The issues with the exit from the EU will be resolved one way or the other and he will then stand for the PM's post

I have no doubt we have not seen the last of Boris, the only question is how long.

It wouldn't surprise me if we see a general election in the very near future should Teresa May take control rather than the tories waiting it out until 2020 particularly since the labour party is imploding and nobody is sure if the liberals still exist. This would give her a chance to rejig the EU situation by outlining i clearer picture of the UK outside the EU and push towards an EEA type of deal putting the immigration issue back on the table as under the current mandate from the referendum there would be an outcry should any form of free movement of people be accepted.

I would expect to political landscape of the UK to look very different in a few years though there will always be opportunities for populists like Boris and Farage to find a platform.

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Doesn,t make sense to me! Whatever happened to Boris ? Sounds very counter productive sad.png

Boris is lying low as he knows it is a poisoned chalice on offer and, though he might be able to bluster some of his comrades into voting for him, would find himself naked before the country should he win and have to deliver since the three challenges facing a new leader are fundementally incompatible - stewardship of economy avoiding recession, delivering on referendum result as mandated be the people and maintaining good relations with EU in order to obtain vital trade deal.

At the next election in a few years time you will see Boris standing. The issues with the exit from the EU will be resolved one way or the other and he will then stand for the PM's post

He might be ready then.

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Does it really matter who gets the job?

“I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, … The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply.” Nathan Rothschild (23 February 1744 – 19 September 1812)

Today the Rothschild Family has amassed an empire which is worth in excess of $500 trillion. Hard to believe the family gave up on the philosophy of their forefathers…

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Much as I supported her comments on Question Time, I'm not at all impressed with Leadsom saying that she'd call for another parliamentary vote on fox hunting sad.png .

Edit - not that it matters what any of us think, if we're not Conservative party members. The end result for the new PM is down to them.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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Does it really matter who gets the job?

“I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, … The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply.” Nathan Rothschild (23 February 1744 – 19 September 1812)

Today the Rothschild Family has amassed an empire which is worth in excess of $500 trillion. Hard to believe the family gave up on the philosophy of their forefathers…

I'm inclined to agree, but a determined PM can make it a lot more difficult for them.

I'm not implying that there are any determined candidates out there.....

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Does it really matter who gets the job?

“I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, … The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply.” Nathan Rothschild (23 February 1744 – 19 September 1812)

Today the Rothschild Family has amassed an empire which is worth in excess of $500 trillion. Hard to believe the family gave up on the philosophy of their forefathers…

Hello! Its our old friends the conspiracy theory team. And they certainly wouldn't be supporting any of the candidates in the current Tory Party leadership stakes. Something more in line to the right of UKIP like the BNP to cater for their festering historical obsessions.

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Does it really matter who gets the job?

“I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, … The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply.” Nathan Rothschild (23 February 1744 – 19 September 1812)

Today the Rothschild Family has amassed an empire which is worth in excess of $500 trillion. Hard to believe the family gave up on the philosophy of their forefathers…

Hello! Its our old friends the conspiracy theory team. And they certainly wouldn't be supporting any of the candidates in the current Tory Party leadership stakes. Something more in line to the right of UKIP like the BNP to cater for their festering historical obsessions.

Alternatively, its Hello! Its our old friends the naive team. And they certainly wouldn't believe that big business and money play any part in politics.

Of course its always easy to say that those thinking that big business and money play a huge part in politics are just conspiracy theorists.

Its also easy to say that 99% of politicians are pretty much only looking after their own financial interest.

Everyone has to make up their own mind as to how much truth there is in either statement.

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A female leader, well what ever she does, she cannot do any worse than the recent shower of s...e the UK has had recently.

Ignoring sexism. Yes, either of these two candidates could be a lot lot worse. Read their profiles and some of their past comments and decisions.

e.g. May argued for a higher threshold than the 18,600k GBP for spousal visa earnings minimum. She doesn't want poor people to be allowed to marry who they want. Only the wealthy can have choices in her society.

The other lady is against gay marriage as she believes it offends a lot of Christians.

Both will appeal to the right of the party, the Brexit supporters, the racist xenophobes and those who ark back to a class based society.

Cameron may have been a public school twit who gambled the country's future for his own ends, and lost. But compared to these two he's miles in front.

Having said that, they are both better than Gove, who caused mayhem as Education Minister and is a pompous arrogant backstabber. Fox and Crabbe didn't somehow have the presence.

So the Tories will have a non elected more right wing leader, determined to push the button on article 50 using the PM's prerogative, despite the fact that the vast majority of constitutional law experts advise a parliamentary vote must be held before to make it legal; a leader who will not go to the people in a general election for 4 years; and one who will negotiate Brexit terms from an absolute no freedom of movement standpoint.

Will be interesting to see how they deal with wee Nicola whose like a bitch on heat craving for independence at the moment; the shrewder Martin McGuiness and Irish PM; and the somewhat sad Plaid Cymru leader.

Oh, yes, they could really be a lot worse. And in opposition - a disintegrating feuding labor party in the grip of some old throwbacks who'd love to nationalize everything, control everything and introduce those wonderful socialist policies that served East Europe and Venezuela so well; a near non existent and certainly insignificant Liberal party and the SNP, drunk with recent electoral success and creaming themselves at the almost seized prospect of their cherished independence at any cost dream.

Appalled to see my country marching backwards like lemmings to the cliff edge.

Edited by Baerboxer
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bit of a Hobson's choice really, isn't it?

My earlier hope that Leadsom has compassion, has been annihilated by her comment that she would allow another parliamentary vote on fox hunting.

Its not only that this is repulsive, but also that she should be talking about how she will handle important things - like brexit.... Why on earth is she talking about fox hunting??

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bit of a Hobson's choice really, isn't it?

My earlier hope that Leadsom has compassion, has been annihilated by her comment that she would allow another parliamentary vote on fox hunting.

Its not only that this is repulsive, but also that she should be talking about how she will handle important things - like brexit.... Why on earth is she talking about fox hunting??

You clearly haven't read up on her - she is racist, homophobic, xenophobic and demo-phobic - she is of course a lackey of the right-wing super-rich who have planned a post EU "liberalisation" of the stock market and other finance institutions - the real reason behind Brexit.

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bit of a Hobson's choice really, isn't it?

My earlier hope that Leadsom has compassion, has been annihilated by her comment that she would allow another parliamentary vote on fox hunting.

Its not only that this is repulsive, but also that she should be talking about how she will handle important things - like brexit.... Why on earth is she talking about fox hunting??

You clearly haven't read up on her - she is racist, homophobic, xenophobic and demo-phobic - she is of course a lackey of the right-wing super-rich who have planned a post EU "liberalisation" of the stock market and other finance institutions - the real reason behind Brexit.

You're right, I haven't. But if she was this way, why would she comment the way she did on Question Time - pointing out that the M&S executive had admitted that brexit would result in higher wages for Brits.? He obviously thought this was a bad thing, but was called out on it by Leadsom.

Edit - and I don't believe for one second that " she is of course a lackey of the right-wing super-rich who have planned a post EU "liberalisation" of the stock market and other finance institutions - the real reason behind Brexit.".

Edited by dick dasterdly
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A female leader, well what ever she does, she cannot do any worse than the recent shower of s...e the UK has had recently.

Oh I dunno, the clusterf*ck that was the British Passport renewal/application was entirely under her purview, during which her resignation was called for. God forbid she gets her incompetent mits on the British economy during negotiations for it's disentangling itself from the EU. Or any other bloody tory come to that.

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What Britain needs now is stability after all the blood on the carpet of recent weeks. Johnson couldn't hack it, weighed down by all the lies, Gove played Brutus and lost all credibility, which left us with Theresa May and an unknown backed by the main ex UKip donor.

Leadsom has said that there would be no free movement of people and therefore no free trade deal. That would certainly lead to the pound freefalling and the NHS suffering greatly by the withdrawal of many of the professional hospital staff. It is estimated that there would be parity between the pound and the US dollar so for the ex-pats you will be looking at the dollar rate of exchange. My guess would be that if Leadsom becomes PM then the markets would panic more and the pound would immediately fall.

May on the other hand has committed herself to Brexit and is not the best person to carry that out, even though she has been an outspoken Eurosceptic in the past. She would probably agree to a free trade deal which would commit the country to free movement of people. If that is the case then with Brexit in place Cameron's concessions are no longer applicable and we would have to try again to negotiate any special deals from a weakened position. As the main reason for Brexit winning was the concerns over immigration this would result in all this chaos and devastation of the markets for nothing.

So on balance if you want immigration reduced and are prepared for a weak pound, resulting in higher prices and a beleaguered NHS then cheer for Leadsom! Or, if you want to return to a weakened but more stable Britain that is back to open borders as it was before Brexit then cheer for May!

We have screwed things up so badly by Cameron agreeing to a public referendum that whatever we end up with it will be much less than we had before.

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bit of a Hobson's choice really, isn't it?

My earlier hope that Leadsom has compassion, has been annihilated by her comment that she would allow another parliamentary vote on fox hunting.

Its not only that this is repulsive, but also that she should be talking about how she will handle important things - like brexit.... Why on earth is she talking about fox hunting??

You clearly haven't read up on her - she is racist, homophobic, xenophobic and demo-phobic - she is of course a lackey of the right-wing super-rich who have planned a post EU "liberalisation" of the stock market and other finance institutions - the real reason behind Brexit.

Oh another Thatcher. Good call UK.

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All that is going on in UK politics and all these guys can comment on is the fact that they are women! Unbelievable!

A Woman and a Tory.

"Well may we say God save the Queen, because, nothing will save the United Kingdom"

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Another Thatcher? How does that work then? Oh because she is a woman.....of course. How about another Angela Merkel, she a woman or Helle Thoming Shmidt, she is a woman too.

I thought that judging peoples ability to do a job by their gender was left back in the seventies. Obviously not.

Anyway given the selection of MP's that are there at the moment maybe we should have suggestions on who would turn the country around and have us flying high again and importantly why?

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