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In Warsaw NATO hopes to show unity after Brexit


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In Warsaw NATO hopes to show unity after Brexit


Warsaw is a symbolic host city, it will see NATO’s first summit to be held in Poland, and it is being described as the most important alliance meeting since the end of the Cold War. The gathering has taken on even more significance in the aftermath of Brexit, with the alliance hoping to make a show of Western unity.

On the streets of the Polish city, people are aware of the summit’s seriousness. Taking the temperature ahead of the summit our reporter spoke to locals. One resident said,“It’s an important meeting. The leaders have to decide how to improve the defence of Poland and Eastern borders of Europe.”

Another man spoke of his concern about the Russian President in light of his actions in neighbouring Ukraine. “There is a great threat coming from Putin. What happened to Ukraine may happen to Poland also. It’s the same threat.”

After Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, Moscow has been conducting military exercises on Europe’s eastern fringes. The transatlantic alliance is expected to sign off on a new force in the Baltic, aimed promoting peace by deterring Moscow.

Michal Baranowsky from the German Marshall Fund told our reporter that “NATO will decide to increase presence of forces on it’s Eastern flank. And the clear expectation is about four thousand troops rotating through the Baltic states and Poland but on constant basis.”

The Kremlin says that NATO is the aggressor by moving forces onto former Soviet territory which it considers within its sphere of influence.

Euronews reporter Andrei Beketov sums up:

“NATO countries are feeling a threat from Russia. On the agenda of the summit are measures not only of deterrence, but also of collective defence. A Moscow envoy has already described them as threat to peace in Europe.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-09

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With Brexit, USA lost their first pawn in the EU to maintain a hostile policy toward Russia.

To compensate, they invent us new dangers to the east and use their second pawn, Poland, pretending again to rescue Europe.

But it will not work. President Hollande in line with other EU members has also loudly proclaimed:

"Russia shoulds not be seen as a threat, aim a partner."

The reconciliation will start soon ...


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How to explain what seems childishly simple:

EU is the economic ally of the US against Russia. It will be much less tomorrow after Brexit.

NATO is the military arm of the USA against Russia. They reinforce in imaginary dangers pretext to compensate.

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How to explain what seems childishly simple:
EU is the economic ally of the US against Russia. It will be much less tomorrow after Brexit.
NATO is the military arm of the USA against Russia. They reinforce in imaginary dangers pretext to compensate.

NATO is not the military arm of the USA.

It is a joint adventure by different nations but was founded by 12 in 1949. The treaty was signed in Washington, but sorry that doesn't give you ownership.

All it does do is allow the US to have a military presence in Europe and a say at the table on what goes on (more fool us)

Can you explain why it will be much less after Brexit??? Brexit has naff all to do with The NATO Alliance, two totally different subjects

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How to explain what seems childishly simple:
EU is the economic ally of the US against Russia. It will be much less tomorrow after Brexit.
NATO is the military arm of the USA against Russia. They reinforce in imaginary dangers pretext to compensate.

NATO is not the military arm of the USA.

It is a joint adventure by different nations but was founded by 12 in 1949. The treaty was signed in Washington, but sorry that doesn't give you ownership.

All it does do is allow the US to have a military presence in Europe and a say at the table on what goes on (more fool us)

Can you explain why it will be much less after Brexit??? Brexit has naff all to do with The NATO Alliance, two totally different subjects

Out of the equipment and US divisions NATO does not exist.
In peace time the only weapon available is the economic weapon. EU for Europe which established the blockade for which the British have weighed heavily. Quasiments all countries of central and southern Europe was against.
In some time the EU got rid of UK (US pawn) will resume the exchanges of any kind with the big Russian neighbor.
That is why the US attempt to use NATO for provoke tensions with Putin and block as more as possible this rapprochement.
For several time I try to expose this perspective here. Unfortunately it seems that the distinguished members of Thai Visa does not want to admit.
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The USA and the Uk are the Lion's teeth of NATO. If the Europeans alienate the UK to much with Brexit they may lose those teeth. As the situation economically deteriorates in the USA and/or Someone like Trump who is more Isolationist than Clinton becomes President. The Europeans may find themselves alone. Outside of France itself divided. None of the other Europeans have any stomach for confrontation or conflagration with Russia. If it truly wanted Russia could crush Ukraine but there is no profit in that. They can keep Ukraine under control by economic means. The EU squeezes Russia. Russia reciprocates by reducing energy supplies. That is a lose lose situation. Take American posturing in Europe down a level and you may find a Diplomatic solution to all things. Putin may be a Bogie to many of you but he represents a great deal of the Russian people who just want the respect they are due by Europe and to develop their own Country. Just remember for all the rhetoric Russia has been invaded 12 times and only attacked outside its own sphere of influence twice in its history

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How to explain what seems childishly simple:
EU is the economic ally of the US against Russia. It will be much less tomorrow after Brexit.
NATO is the military arm of the USA against Russia. They reinforce in imaginary dangers pretext to compensate.

NATO is not the military arm of the USA.

It is a joint adventure by different nations but was founded by 12 in 1949. The treaty was signed in Washington, but sorry that doesn't give you ownership.

All it does do is allow the US to have a military presence in Europe and a say at the table on what goes on (more fool us)

Can you explain why it will be much less after Brexit??? Brexit has naff all to do with The NATO Alliance, two totally different subjects

Out of the equipment and US divisions NATO does not exist.
In peace time the only weapon available is the economic weapon. EU for Europe which established the blockade for which the British have weighed heavily. Quasiments all countries of central and southern Europe was against.
In some time the EU got rid of UK (US pawn) will resume the exchanges of any kind with the big Russian neighbor.
That is why the US attempt to use NATO for provoke tensions with Putin and block as more as possible this rapprochement.
For several time I try to expose this perspective here. Unfortunately it seems that the distinguished members of Thai Visa does not want to admit.

I don't see anything wrong with trying to resume exchanges and talks with Russia, I would prefer that than being a US pawn as you put it.

If the US want to take their divisions I am sure that NATO will cope,,,,but some how I find that hard to believe that they ever will but thats got nowt to do with NATO its all about the Yanks wanting a foot hold in Europe...because if they ever left NATO then they would probably be out of Europe...I for one would not loose any sleep over it

Besides..the US wasn't interested when Russia went in to the Ukraine..Putin was laughing himself to sleep at night ....and before you come back and give it Ukraine is not in NATO do your research and you will find the obligations

I still don't understand why it will be much less after Brexit??? When as I have already said they are two totally different issues

Edited by Caps
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What will happen after the EU Army is formed ?

What you say ? Look it up.

This I think sums it up rather well.
An EU army marching out to war under Brussels’ command is a fantasy shared by Eurosceptics and a small number of federalists. Europe will continue down the road of defence cooperation in a halting way, but an EU army is only for armchair generals.
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What will happen after the EU Army is formed ?

What you say ? Look it up.

The World will look in Wonder at this magnificent Peacock Army. The Dream of French officers, German Sergeants and UK Soldiers in the Army "Europa Grande Armee" then when we pick ourselves up off the floor after laughing so much the World will carry on as before

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How to explain what seems childishly simple:
EU is the economic ally of the US against Russia. It will be much less tomorrow after Brexit.
NATO is the military arm of the USA against Russia. They reinforce in imaginary dangers pretext to compensate.

NATO is not the military arm of the USA.

It is a joint adventure by different nations but was founded by 12 in 1949. The treaty was signed in Washington, but sorry that doesn't give you ownership.

All it does do is allow the US to have a military presence in Europe and a say at the table on what goes on (more fool us)

Can you explain why it will be much less after Brexit??? Brexit has naff all to do with The NATO Alliance, two totally different subjects

It's true that NATO is portrayed that way, however the reality is that without the US it would be a toothless tiger. As such NATO is just an extension of the US military, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and disbanding of the Warsaw Pact there actually was no actual need for NATO, so why wasn't it also disbanded?

NATO keeps Europe as vassal states to the US, it is currently restarting the Cold War, perhaps to justify its existence or to boost arms sales or due to Russiaphobia, who knows? Why Europeans want to remain a potential nuclear wasteland by trying to provoke a war with Russia is completely insane. Europe benefits with trade with Russia and yet has put sanction on them, Europe would benefit from the Chinese Silk Road project but are uninterested. Or could it be that the one country that would be a loser from the Silk Road is the US and Europe are just doing as instructed?

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Sometimes I wonder if the autocratic little sh!t Putin pays people to write such cr@p (Russia peace loving, NATO/US bad) or if the few nutters that actually believe this all come running to threads like this.

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Sometimes I wonder if the autocratic little sh!t Putin pays people to write such cr@p (Russia peace loving, NATO/US bad) or if the few nutters that actually believe this all come running to threads like this.

Aha little Orangutan it is you that is the brainwashed One. Yes there are the US haters on here. And there are you Russia phobics. Still looking for reds under the bed are we. I am glad as a non European to be able to look at the World as a whole and not as Blue or red. Russia and the US both the same cup, China too . Big Boys think can Bully when they want something. Have the We are right (W.A.R) attitudes. We the US, Russia, China, France or for that matter any other country that imposes its views on others purely to profit. Interfering in other Countries without any regard for the impact on the peoples of those Countries to me is Despicable.

Me I want a world at peace. All the big boys just seem to want a bigger piece for themselves. The middle East and Africa are good examples in meddling and not compassion.

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What will happen after the EU Army is formed ?

What you say ? Look it up.

The World will look in Wonder at this magnificent Peacock Army. The Dream of French officers, German Sergeants and UK Soldiers in the Army "Europa Grande Armee" then when we pick ourselves up off the floor after laughing so much the World will carry on as before

I hope that the opposite will occur. Europe and Russia with friendly interdependent relationships that will transform our dear valiant armies in folklore for nostalgic older.
The time where most armed enslave others are over. If you doubt this, simply observe the results of the great US Army in Vietnam, and Afganistan, and North Africa. All battles won but in the end all wars lost.
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What will happen after the EU Army is formed ?

What you say ? Look it up.

The World will look in Wonder at this magnificent Peacock Army. The Dream of French officers, German Sergeants and UK Soldiers in the Army "Europa Grande Armee" then when we pick ourselves up off the floor after laughing so much the World will carry on as before

I hope that the opposite will occur. Europe and Russia with friendly interdependent relationships that will transform our dear valiant armies in folklore for nostalgic older.

The time where most armed enslave others are over. If you doubt this, simply observe the results of the great US Army in Vietnam, and Afganistan, and North Africa. All battles won but in the end all wars lost.

What a wonderful dream! Naive in the extreme, but wonderful.

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All of the so called big powers know how to win the battles but all have forgotten how to win wars. Anyone can destroy an enemies Military capability, infrastructure and economy. But not since the second World war has anyone sat down and considered in their strategy where to after. Germany and Japan were Countries rebuilt with a vision for the future. Since then it has just been pulverise them to dust. And let them pick themselves up.Exploit them in weakness instead of creating something better. Fanatics cannot win where there is hope for the masses. And well fed and educated children do not grow up with hate in their hearts. Jealousy and Greed cause wars. Peace cannot grow in Europe, the Middle East, Africa or anywhere else until the We are Right Camp are put back in its box. As long as people trust People like Putin, Blair, Bush or De Gaulle there can be no peace

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How to explain what seems childishly simple:
EU is the economic ally of the US against Russia. It will be much less tomorrow after Brexit.
NATO is the military arm of the USA against Russia. They reinforce in imaginary dangers pretext to compensate.

NATO is not the military arm of the USA.

It is a joint adventure by different nations but was founded by 12 in 1949. The treaty was signed in Washington, but sorry that doesn't give you ownership.

All it does do is allow the US to have a military presence in Europe and a say at the table on what goes on (more fool us)

Can you explain why it will be much less after Brexit??? Brexit has naff all to do with The NATO Alliance, two totally different subjects

It's true that NATO is portrayed that way, however the reality is that without the US it would be a toothless tiger. As such NATO is just an extension of the US military, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and disbanding of the Warsaw Pact there actually was no actual need for NATO, so why wasn't it also disbanded?

NATO keeps Europe as vassal states to the US, it is currently restarting the Cold War, perhaps to justify its existence or to boost arms sales or due to Russiaphobia, who knows? Why Europeans want to remain a potential nuclear wasteland by trying to provoke a war with Russia is completely insane. Europe benefits with trade with Russia and yet has put sanction on them, Europe would benefit from the Chinese Silk Road project but are uninterested. Or could it be that the one country that would be a loser from the Silk Road is the US and Europe are just doing as instructed?

Ok but I still disagree...The US can leave for me and probably a lot of other people because all they bring to the table is problems like you have just stated, money and technology.

Yes I think getting closer to Russia would be a good thing. Better to have a self interested country on your door step than have one thousands of miles away who drags you into on conflict after another.

Glad you liked it Happy joe but you are still dodging the question I have put to you twice...maybe third time lucky....Can you explain why it will be much less after Brexit??? Brexit has naff all to do with The NATO Alliance, two totally different subjects

Edited by Caps
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What will happen after the EU Army is formed ?

What you say ? Look it up.

The World will look in Wonder at this magnificent Peacock Army. The Dream of French officers, German Sergeants and UK Soldiers in the Army "Europa Grande Armee" then when we pick ourselves up off the floor after laughing so much the World will carry on as before

Cant see how that will happen with the UK soldiers....due to a little thing called Brexit and yes I can agree it will be the laughing stock

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Putin is funding every European rightwing political organisation or group that he can pump money in to. LePen in France especially but not only.

Putin and the European right want a dissolved EU and a defunct and extinct Nato.

The Czarist-Chekist Putin and the far right in Europe want to return the continent to circa 1900. The vast majority of Europeans are aware and definitely oppose this. Same for the the vast majority of Americans who have had to fight two giant wars over there.

Nato has precluded a third big one which is why Nato is viable, broadly and deeply accepted throughout Europe and in the USA. It is a common and mutual alliance that remains strong, growing, viable, which is why Putin never directly challenges Nato. Putin's mother Soviet Russia never directly challenged Nato either.

Putin does not mess with Nato countries nor will Putin ever mess with any of 'em.

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This map is NATO expansionism. I don't see Russia invading anywhere ? it is the US/NATO expansion that is the problem.

Really? Tell me, have you ever heard of Ukraine?

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This map is NATO expansionism. I don't see Russia invading anywhere ? it is the US/NATO expansion that is the problem.

Really? Tell me, have you ever heard of Ukraine?

Ukraine is a Mafia state and you want to defend that?

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Putin is funding every European rightwing political organisation or group that he can pump money in to. LePen in France especially but not only.

Putin and the European right want a dissolved EU and a defunct and extinct Nato.

The Czarist-Chekist Putin and the far right in Europe want to return the continent to circa 1900. The vast majority of Europeans are aware and definitely oppose this. Same for the the vast majority of Americans who have had to fight two giant wars over there.

Nato has precluded a third big one which is why Nato is viable, broadly and deeply accepted throughout Europe and in the USA. It is a common and mutual alliance that remains strong, growing, viable, which is why Putin never directly challenges Nato. Putin's mother Soviet Russia never directly challenged Nato either.

Putin does not mess with Nato countries nor will Putin ever mess with any of 'em.

For the USA fighting two giant wars . The USA turned up 3 years late for the first one and only came into the second One because the Japanese caught the USA with its pants down at Pearl Harbour. Had Hitler not made the mistake of declaring war on the USA they probably would have only fought in the Pacific and Europe would be a Soviet Europe with little Great Britain the sole survivor albeit very battered and Allied only with its Empire.

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Glad you liked it Happy joe but you are still dodging the question I have put to you twice...maybe third time lucky....Can you explain why it will be much less after Brexit??? Brexit has naff all to do with The NATO Alliance, two totally different subjects

I thought I had already answered at length. In my naive eyes, the EU is a great power against the US supremacy and its association with Russia quickly would the first world power
This is exactly that the US trying to prevent.
United kingdom was the first US ally in the EU, blocking any attempt at reconciliation. With Brexit, Europeans become more free to develop new reltions in beginning with lift economic sanctions for example. (Measure already openly claimed by Austria the day after your vote)
So the USA invent new threats and use NATO as a bulwark to maintain a pseudo conflict for their only own benefit.
But we Europeans have strictly nothing to gain in this project.
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Glad you liked it Happy joe but you are still dodging the question I have put to you twice...maybe third time lucky....Can you explain why it will be much less after Brexit??? Brexit has naff all to do with The NATO Alliance, two totally different subjects

I thought I had already answered at length. In my naive eyes, the EU is a great power against the US supremacy and its association with Russia quickly would the first world power
This is exactly that the US trying to prevent.
United kingdom was the first US ally in the EU, blocking any attempt at reconciliation. With Brexit, Europeans become more free to develop new reltions in beginning with lift economic sanctions for example. (Measure already openly claimed by Austria the day after your vote)
So the USA invent new threats and use NATO as a bulwark to maintain a pseudo conflict for their only own benefit.
But we Europeans have strictly nothing to gain in this project.

Feel free to leave NATO. If I recall, the net movement of people has been from Russia, not too Russia, at least in the last century or so, except for those countries that were annexed by the Russian empire. Did you want a return to the Cold War and did you want more refugees.

Somehow I don't think that under Putin, we will see peace breaking out all over the world.

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In 1918, Germany collapsed, the treaty of Versailles was signed and all was good in Europe.

Over the next 21 years, Germany re-armed, got their economic house in order, put a strong man into power, and it seems the Great War wasn't really over.

How long since the Soviets threw up their arms and the Cold War ended and all was good in Europe??

Personally, I'd like to see the USA quit funding NATO with our treasure and youth and let the Euro geniuses pay for their own defense. Maybe we can use the money for free health care like the Euro's get, and they can buy planes and tanks instead of providing health care for their people.

Edited by impulse
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Feel free to leave NATO. If I recall, the net movement of people has been from Russia, not too Russia, at least in the last century or so, except for those countries that were annexed by the Russian empire. Did you want a return to the Cold War and did you want more refugees.

Somehow I don't think that under Putin, we will see peace breaking out all over the world.

NATO has lost its justification since the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and I regret that my native country is yet a member.
The Russians have never threatened one EU country.
Conflicts of Crimea and north-eastern Ukraine are resurgences of the former USSR with overwhelmingly pro-Russian populations. They do not concern us and we had no reason to intervene in this dispute.
Finally, if new real threats were to emerge, it would be time to deal with it. England and France have enough nuclear deterrent weapons to prevent any attempt of surprise attack.
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Putin is funding every European rightwing political organisation or group that he can pump money in to. LePen in France especially but not only.

Putin and the European right want a dissolved EU and a defunct and extinct Nato.

The Czarist-Chekist Putin and the far right in Europe want to return the continent to circa 1900. The vast majority of Europeans are aware and definitely oppose this. Same for the the vast majority of Americans who have had to fight two giant wars over there.

Nato has precluded a third big one which is why Nato is viable, broadly and deeply accepted throughout Europe and in the USA. It is a common and mutual alliance that remains strong, growing, viable, which is why Putin never directly challenges Nato. Putin's mother Soviet Russia never directly challenged Nato either.

Putin does not mess with Nato countries nor will Putin ever mess with any of 'em.

For the USA fighting two giant wars . The USA turned up 3 years late for the first one and only came into the second One because the Japanese caught the USA with its pants down at Pearl Harbour. Had Hitler not made the mistake of declaring war on the USA they probably would have only fought in the Pacific and Europe would be a Soviet Europe with little Great Britain the sole survivor albeit very battered and Allied only with its Empire.

Had Hitler not made the mistake of declaring war on the USA

I guess it's bad luck for him he didn't have wise or sage thinkers at his disposal or to respect and accept. The eager wisdom presented in the post would have changed history for sure had it been able to impose on ze Fuhrer. Born too late it could seem.

Might want to try Vladimir the Putin instead in the present time and its circumstances. While some people simply have a life, others have a calling so you should be sure not to miss yours.

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