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Three union officials, who were arrested on Tuesday for allegedly “inciting” workers at a factory in Kampot province’s Kampong Trach district, were released yesterday after the company in charge of the factory withdrew its complaint. Deputy secretary-general of the Cambodian Federation of Labor Union (CFLU) Yon Sambo, Khmer Workers Union Federation official Sok Syden and Free Union Federation of Khmer Labor official Meas Tom were released yesterday afternoon.

Din Sam Ath, president of CFLU, said yesterday that one of his union’s officials and two other unionists were released after spending two nights in police custody. “Police released them after the company agreed to drop the complaint against them and the workers stopped protesting and went back to work today,” he said.

Mr. Sam Ath said the 21 workers, whose firing kicked off the protests at the factory, agreed to accept payment from the company in lieu of reinstatement. Despite the union member’s release, Mr. Sam Ath was dismayed by the actions of the company and the government, which he says arrested the three for helping workers seeking their assistance in a labor dispute

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/27008/detained-union-members-released/

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