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Sukhumvit Smooth Talking Scammer Still On Loose

The Dude

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When these scofflaws are brazenly working the streets its sends a clear message... the law is loose. It is an open invitation for other deadbeats and scum to test the waters.

How can anyone be defending this depraved grifter, he is a natural born loser. A roaming predator engorging himself on life's excesses without regard for tomorrow. He hustles and cons his fellow man to support the most worthless and perverted of pleasures. Shame on you.

Lordy, Lordy.

How dramatic can you get?

This alleged grifter is being dealt with in ways that are unseen, and in a manner that most people will never understand.

In your indignation you steal his misery and are infected by the thing you loath.

What can you do about it? Give more power to government to protect the rubes? Like that won't come back to bite you in the end?

Maybe find him and go rambo on his hindquarters? This is real life, not the movies. Some people's rock bottom is so low, it's unfathomable, and it's unlikely a beating will interrupt his descent. However, a black eye & a broken arm might prove beneficial to him in gaining sympathy, therefore increasing his take.

Perhaps some expiates have invested their very all (financially, politically, spiritually) into this strange land, and are so very desperate to fit in, that they perceive the blight of a miscreant farang is a blemish on them.

Or... maybe some have just too much time on their hands, and have become very cynical.

May i suggest turning off the computer and going outside to work the garden or something?

Just trying to help :o

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The "law is loose" you claim, but you'd have a hard time having the guy arrested on any charge I'm sure, even if it happened in your home country.

It's already been alleged the scammer is using the money to support his opiate addiction. If this is the case, his country should step in and do something before he gets into serious trouble with the law. If you don't find his scamming behaviour offensive, and if the drug allegation is true, consider the road he is walking on and where it is leading, ie. a Thai jail. IMO It is preferable he goes home asap.

Heroin addiction has been partly decriminalised here. The only positive development that came out of the drugwar. Addicts, even foreign addicts, if they are willing and able to stop are given methadone in clinics where they get registered and a card that protects them from urin tests.

As pointed out before, it often is in those cases not preferrable for them to be sent home. Many of those people have no relatives back home, or lost contact with them years ago.

In reality many of them are straight to the streets there as they fall below the net there as well.

People like him do need help, but often it takes time until they are willing to accept help. You cannot help people if they are not open. Until that moment comes, the only help you can give them is not letting them starve.

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Addicts, even foreign addicts, if they are willing and able to stop are given methadone in clinics where they get registered and a card that protects them from urin tests.

People like him do need help, but often it takes time until they are willing to accept help. You cannot help people if they are not open. Until that moment comes, the only help you can give them is not letting them starve.

I'm sure they got methadone clinics in Canada. Ok, I agree, it's best if the guy is open and willing to accept help. But it seems, due to his scamming talent, he is managing his habit quite well, thus he probably feels he does not need help.

the only help you can give them is not letting them starve.

Or not letting them OD.

Edited by Grover
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Are you a little bi-polar or what? One miniute you are calling bargirls sammers (Sounds like you have been scammed once to many) then you are saying that bit about the rabid dogs :o

Of course bargirls are scammers - creating and perfecting an illusion, and profiting from this, is the essence of success in their profession.

And i do not have any problem with what they are doing in that aspect, at all. If a client is stupid enough to confuse pretense of love with real love, which these girls, being humans, of course have a capacity for as well, and fall for this illusion, it is entirely his problem.

I do not view those sort of "scams", be it a bargirl getting as much out of her client, or a farang begging on the streets, as something to judge harshly. I am not in their position, i am not forced by circumstances to survive by those means, so i have no right to judge these people.

The role of dice has given me better luck, i am grateful for that, and am aware that things might change easily and could throw me into their position. Stranger things have happened to others.

I hope that clears your confusion. No, i am not bipolar, i simply don't view things as black and white as the moral majority does.

Well I suppose you might think they were scammers if you just fell out of the cabbage truck on the way to market and landed in Nana plaza, I think most people are aware that they are working girls and semi-girls and they have to be pleasant and sweet to ply their trade. Do you think Sly Stalone is a scammer too for creating the Illusion of Rambo? OK, OK yours was a fairly civil post and you say your not being judgemental, but whats with all the broad sweeping generalizations? Anyway back to the topic. I think Rambo should have his way with the junkie for a weekend just for making us Canadians look bad. I got sucked into a similar scam at the airport some guy had a sign saying he needed money to by his ticket home. I gave him 200 bt and he gave me a look that read "SUCKER". 3 months later I saw him in the exact same spot with the exact same sign. Never again!!

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Is this thread still going? :o

I would have expected one of his enablers or apologists would have adopted him by now and provided for him so we could move on. If they don't feel he's worth it, that's fine; then someone needs to provide for him the care and nurturing he is deserving. That obvious "someone" is his home country.

By allowing him to continue his lifestyle by apologizing for it or encouraging it in an enabling manner, he harms both himself and those he commits fraud against.

For his sake and for the sake of others, he should be reported and deported.

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bargirls are scammers

And i do not have any problem with what they are doing

How noble of you.

I'm sure the thousands upon thousands of old grey men, from all over the world, who are preparing to travel to Thailand to exploit the situation, will applaud you. :o

Edited by Maigo6
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bargirls are scammers

And i do not have any problem with what they are doing

How noble of you.

I'm sure the thousands upon thousands of old grey men, from all over the world, who are preparing to travel to Thailand to exploit the situation, will applaud you. :D

I see plenty of young fellers in those bars.

Maybe the girls back home are "exploiting" their situation! :o

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How exactly do you people know he's a heroin addict?

There was a reply on this thread about it:


If it is true, what happens when one day the guy is found in Sukumvit with white dribbling drool from his mouth, violently shaking and convulsing from an OD? He should go home ASAP where it is more likely he can get the proper medical help he needs, before he seriously harms himself or another; as is often how things end up in these cases.

Edited by Grover
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My interest in this thread vanished days ago and I urge the moderators to close it.

I don't care much about the scammer either way - if people want to give him money, up to them. If not, no problem

I do have a couple of concluding comments though.

1) Many on here are saying this guy makes other farang in Thailand look bad. I suggest that this thread does a pretty good job of that too. It's a disgrace.

2) It's ironic that several of the guys who are attacking the guy as a deadbeat, illegal and scum of the earth, were the same guys shouting it was outrageous that visa regulation changes are finally forcing them to get off their <deleted> to get legitimate visas, and not exist here on a permanent vacation.

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"I see plenty of young fellers in those bars.

Maybe the girls back home are "exploiting" their situation! :o"

Very well said UG. Pretty spot on.

I own a small bar and most of my punters are 25-50 decent looking successfull men. I think you've hit the nail on the head.

Back to the topic tho, I haven't read the previous million pages and whilst I think this begger/scammer is a scumbag that I wouldn't give the time of day to we have to be careful about "introducing new laws" and "getting tuff on the streets" and "clamping down".

This is exactly what's happened in Farangland and look at it. Cameras everywhere, do-gooder groups introducing laws and legislation to suite the own little personal agendas like it's going out of fashion, a very regulated, sterile, adventureless, riskless, boring society.

I'd hate to see Thailand move this way. I'll have to move again.

Edited by dgoz
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I haven't read the previous million pages and whilst I think this begger/scammer is a scumbag that I wouldn't give the time of day to we have to be careful about "introducing new laws" and "getting tuff on the streets" and "clamping down".

This is exactly what's happened in Farangland and look at it. Cameras everywhere, do-gooder groups introducing laws and legislation to suite the own little personal agendas like it's going out of fashion, a very regulated, sterile, adventureless, riskless, boring society.


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